Videos and Photographs
- Wonderful Documentary Produced by the JFK Library - "Clouds Over Cuba" (0 Replies)
- SUPPRESSED: Conspiracy of Silence (17 Replies)
- Ice calving the size of Manhatten calving off Greenland (1 Reply)
- Nazis, UFOs, and Antarctica... A Strange Video (8 Replies)
- Great old video on Propaganda [Public Relations] - Corporatism - Politics - Control! (5 Replies)
- ICH: "Greed Has Poisoned Men Souls!" - Charlie Chaplin's speech in "The Great Dictator" film (4 Replies)
- Jesse Ventura on CNN - interview by Piers Morgan (7 Replies)
- DARPA unveils robotic mule - watch it walk and trot (3 Replies)
- Massacre in Uzbekistan (0 Replies)
- Conspiratus Ubiquitus - Behind the curtain where killers are made (0 Replies)
- Propaganda | full english version (2012) (2 Replies)
- Opening Scene from "The Newsroom," HBO Television Series (0 Replies)
- Capitalism (1 Reply)
- Norway spiral. The anatomy of an event. Very interesting. (16 Replies)
- Stopped By Apartheid on the Way to Madonna's "Peace Concert" (1 Reply)
- Cunts are still running the world (5 Replies)
- Mixing race is communism (0 Replies)
- Catastroika (1 Reply)
- Shock Doctrine - Naomi Klein (0 Replies)
- Capitalism (0 Replies)