Historical Events
- Hiroshima & Nagasaki - Genocidal 'display' killing of up to 300000 civilians (2 Replies)
- Barcelona Gets a Mayor All Should Be Jealous To Have As Their Own Mayor! (0 Replies)
- Zionist deals with Nazi Germany (2 Replies)
- Berlin surrendered to Russians 70 years ago (2 Replies)
- LBJ and the Dominican Intervention (0 Replies)
- Obama Shakes Raul Castro's Hand (22 Replies)
- That Letter... (0 Replies)
- Del Berg - Last Survivor of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. (2 Replies)
- BRICS Nations Grow Closer? (0 Replies)
- Official Washington's Delusions on Delusions (3 Replies)
- Clique Schemed for US Defeat at Pearl Harbor (8 Replies)
- Saudi man who got 1000 lashes to get death sentence? (1 Reply)
- Net Neutrality Passed (2 Replies)
- 1941 article from Click magazine on US funding of Nazis (7 Replies)
- Dominique Strauss-Kahn to be acquitted in witch hunt pimping case (0 Replies)
- Is the US finished as the major world power? (2 Replies)
- Orwell and Samsung - Smart TV's now listen to your every word, and share them (21 Replies)
- NATO: an idea whose time has gone (15 Replies)
- India and the new BRICS world order? (1 Reply)
- Abu Ghraib - video of American soldeirs raping young boys in front of their mothers (3 Replies)