Historical Events
- The Czech 'Schindler' Sir Nicholas Winton Given Czech Rep. Highest Honor (3 Replies)
- British Parliament recognizes Palestine (3 Replies)
- Good Historic Timeline [with detailed information] of Cuba (0 Replies)
- Jean-Claude 'Baby Doc' Duvalier is dead. Will not be missed. (5 Replies)
- Ah, H. Kissinger - Fascist Adviser to Presidents - His Plans to Bomb Havana in 1976 (1 Reply)
- Wiesenthal Centre identifies dozens of Nazi death squad members still living in Germany (3 Replies)
- Nazis and how did dinosaurs get miles under the earth. (7 Replies)
- Ancient Rome as a gangster state (2 Replies)
- El Libro Amarillo - The Yelow Book - El Salvador (0 Replies)
- The Assassination of Pablo Neruda (14 Replies)
- The Other Side of Suez (0 Replies)
- Robert McNamara, "Fog of War" questions (3 Replies)
- New Film on TWA-800 Crash weeks away from release. Truthful Investigation or MLH? (45 Replies)
- The true Gaza back story... (9 Replies)
- Neo-Nazi to serve on key European Parliament committee! (2 Replies)
- Rocket attacks on Israel's Dimona facility lead to "nuclear leak" warning (2 Replies)
- FREDERICK DOUGLASS' Independence Day Speech (0 Replies)
- The death of the Old Right (1 Reply)
- Ike helped build the military-industrial complex (3 Replies)
- 1776 Revolution - Another Lie Exposed - It Was Much About Slavery! (5 Replies)