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Full Version: U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders Explains His 'No' Vote on Filibuster Reform
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Mon, January 28, 2013 12:48:46 PM
News Update: Sanders Votes No on Filibuster Reform
From: "Ben Eisenberg, Friends of Bernie Sanders" <>

Last week Senator Bernie Sanders, an independent member of the Democratic caucus, was the only member of that caucus to vote NO on the so-called filibuster reform package passed in the U.S. Senate.

Below is Bernie's statement on why he voted NO.

January 24, 2013
U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

This country faces major crises in terms of the economy and unemployment, the deficit, global warming, health care, campaign finance reform, education and a crumbling infrastructure to name a few. In my view, none of these problems will be effectively addressed so long as one senator can demand 60 votes to pass legislation. The rule changes adopted today are a step forward in making the operations of the Senate more efficient and expeditious. They are not enough. (Emphasis mine - AE)

Most Americans grew up believing that in America the majority rules. That is not the case in the Senate. For many years now, especially since President Obama has been in office, it has taken 60 votes to pass any significant piece of legislation. When Lyndon Johnson was majority leader in the 1950s, he filed cloture to end a filibuster only once. Majority Leader Reid has filed cloture 390 times.

The Senate is not the House and the minority party must be treated with respect and given the opportunity to offer amendments and make their case in opposition. A minority must not, however, be allowed to permanently obstruct the wishes of the majority. That is not democracy. That is a perversion of democracy.

In my view, if a senator or a group of senators are strenuously opposed to legislation they have the right and duty to come to the floor and, for as long as they want, engage in a talking filibuster by explaining to the American people the reasons for their objection. They should not, however, continue to have the right to abuse arcane Senate rules to block a majority of senators from acting on behalf of the American people.

(What Senator Bernie Sanders seems to be saying is, as others before him have said, "Suppression of the minority is tryranny." He runs as an Independent and is one of the most democratic Senators we have.)