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If we could kick New York and Texas out of the USA we might still have a pretty good country to live in.....:hitball:

06.10.13 - 2:13 PM
New York Senate Makes It Felony to Annoy or Alarm the Police, Which Won't Be At All Problematic

by Abby Zimet

[Image: groping_zps44021784.jpg]

Arguing "too many people in our society have lost the respect they need to have for a police officer" - and we can't imagine why - the New York State Senate has passed a bill creating the felony crime of aggravated harassment if anyone makes physical contact with a police officer with the intent to "harass, annoy, threaten or alarm" - a term so impossibly nebulous it could apply to virtually anyone, anytime, doing pretty much anything in the vicinity of said officer. And yes, he or she gets to decide just what is annoying, and obviously he or she will be totally honest and accurate about what went down in any given encounter.

"At a time when shocking incidents of disrespect and outright confrontation are at an all-time high, the men and women who patrol the streets of our cities deserve every possible protection we can offer them...We need to make it very clear that when a police officer is performing his duty, every citizen needs to comply and that refusal to comply carries a penalty."[Image: ny_strangle_storyimages_1316992089_picture4.png]
It's unconstitutional. It's all part of the plan to make America a police state.

If this were the rule the black protestors of southern law would all be Homeland felons easy to wrap-up into a legal spiderweb. This, unfortunately, is going to create a need to make the cops and lawmakers respect the people's rights.
Blimey, a law that prohibits "annoying" the police? That's going to be fun.

Man: "Having a bad day officer?"

Cop: "Fuck you! You're under arrest."

Judge: "I sentence you to 99 years in a federal penitentiary".

Yup, Hitler would've been jealous alright...
As if they need even more un-necessary laws to harrass people with. What about a law that arrest cops who annoy us? :moon:
David Guyatt Wrote:Blimey, a law that prohibits "annoying" the police? That's going to be fun.

Man: "Having a bad day officer?"

Cop: "Fuck you! You're under arrest."

Judge: "I sentence you to 99 years in a federal penitentiary".

Yup, Hitler would've been jealous alright...

F***king insane law! Police don't like anyone who doesn't show them the 'respect and deference' they feel they are due. They don't like anyone who demonstrates or crosses their lines or doesn't follow their orders or unspoken rules to the letter. They don't like gays, strange dressers, the poor, the dark skinned, those who seem to the Police to not be 'American' or 'Good' Americans. They don't like being talked to or talked back to. They don't like being asked questions or being told what they are allowed and not allowed to do, by law. They don't like being sneered at, jeered at or made fun of. They don't like people who don't think America is perfect and the Police angels. Now they have a reason to arrest anyone they just don't 'like' - 'cause they 'annoy' them. Welcome to the New American Police State - no need to wait!
"The deceased was behaving in an annoying manner your Honour and they refuse to stop when given a lawful order to desist from this annoying behaviour so I incapacited him to prevent any further annoyance"
[Image: 6a00d834520b4b69e2015436cbeda3970c-500wi]
I love that picture!

But I find it annoying.

Someone Taser them please.
This law is totally Unconstitutional. Overly broad and vague. Way too speculative as to deprive any potential defendant of due process.
But that was when we still HAD a Constitution. These days it seems anything will fly.
I so feel like a stranger in a strange land.

Dawn Meredith Wrote:This law is totally Unconstitutional. Overly broad and vague. Way too speculative as to deprive any potential defendant of due process.
But that was when we still HAD a Constitution. These days it seems anything will fly.
I so feel like a stranger in a strange land.


I grock that!
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