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Full Version: The Fall of the House of Bush
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It's Maureen Dowd, so take it for what it's worth -

As much as Poppy Bush scoffs at "the D-word," as he calls any reference to dynasty, the Bushes do consider themselves an American royal family. They have always pretty much divided the world into Bushes and the help. The patriarch once sent me a funny satire referring to himself and Barbara as the Old King and Queen, W. as King George of Crawford and Jeb as the Earl of Tallahassee.
At 91, 41 is living to see Jebbie become president. He is mystified by a world in which Trump, whom he considers a clown, could dethrone the crown prince.
Chris Matthews was gushing about Poppy's autobiography tonight, and engaging in his usual myth-making about how he is one of the "greatest generation," a real "gentleman," such a great statesman, etc. I'm so sick of Matthews and the corporate media who give us propaganda instead of real history.
Tracy Riddle Wrote: He is mystified by a world in which Trump, whom he considers a clown, could dethrone the crown prince.

Oh the irony. It hurts.