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If or when Trump becomes U.S. president it will mean the death of the Coup d'tat
that has existed since 22 November 1963 under a ' combination ' of Republican and
Democrat administrations, or will ' cinch ' further anti-U.S. Constitutional intentions!
Well, it certainly looks like it wont be business as usual under Trump. Which would make them very nervous indeed.
Google the photo of Trump golfing with Clinton, Giuliani and Bloomberg. It's all a show.
I just heard a news story on NPR that the city and county of Cleveland are relocating inmates to make more jail cells available and preparing 24/7 overtime for courthouse personnel in anticipation of the Republicans arrival there.

PS: Harry, that sounds suspiciously like an endorsement...
Harry Dean Wrote:If or when Trump becomes U.S. president it will mean the death of the Coup d'tat
that has existed since 22 November 1963 under a ' combination ' of Republican and
Democrat administrations, or will ' cinch ' further anti-U.S. Constitutional intentions!

Yeah, the complete take-over of the American gov't by right wing Jesus-shouters who will declare every Trump opponent a "terrorist."

Start the camps a'fill'n! Jesus coming back and we can't piss him off with homosexuals and uppity women and Mooslims and Mexicans!::headbang::

Down with Donald Trump and every un-American twitt who supports him.

You want your kids acting like him?

Never wrong, always right, lie through his teeth and call everyone a liar.

Clinton is a corporate we have to have a fascist Christianist?

In 1992 I wrote the text for a set of collector's trading cards called The World's Most Hated People.

I put Donald Trump in the set.

I regard his election as an existential threat to my well being.
can a moderator delete that last post?
Drew Phipps Wrote:can a moderator delete that last post?

Ah, tender sensitivities.

I cleaned it up.
Harry Dean Wrote:If or when Trump becomes U.S. president it will mean the death of the Coup d'tat
that has existed since 22 November 1963 under a ' combination ' of Republican and
Democrat administrations, or will ' cinch ' further anti-U.S. Constitutional intentions!
Just thinking, Trump may be the representative of the ongoing 1963 Coup, or it's destroyer?
Harry Dean Wrote:
Harry Dean Wrote:If or when Trump becomes U.S. president it will mean the death of the Coup d'tat
that has existed since 22 November 1963 under a ' combination ' of Republican and
Democrat administrations, or will ' cinch ' further anti-U.S. Constitutional intentions!
Just thinking, Trump may be the representative of the ongoing 1963 Coup, or it's destroyer?

While I do NOT think Roy Cohen had any role in the 1963 Coup, he had friend who would have 'enlightened' him as to what the truth of the Dallas matter was all about.....and Cohen was Trump's teacher [of ethics] and pal of long standing.
The cable news shows are losing their shit over wannabe-thug Melania Trump plagiarizing Michelle Obama's '08 DNC speech.

Just another lyin', crooked Trump.

Although to be fair -- Hillary has been cribbing from Bernie Sanders' speeches for a couple of months now...::hungry::
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