17-05-2017, 06:58 PM
20-05-2017, 03:41 PM
There has been some interesting mentions of Seth Rich lately. Some more interesting than others. Some interesting tweets by Kim DotCom.
The following article dated June 24th 2016:
The following article dated June 24th 2016:
Quote: Did Kim Dotcom warn the world about the Democratic Party hacking?
Kim Dotcom appears in an Auckland court in 2015.
Did Kim Dotcom warn the world the Democratic Party hacking was coming?
Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom said in 2015 that he knew of information that was going to create an obstacle for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential election bid.
Kim had tweeted that he would be Hillary's "worst nightmare in 2016". When pressed on the matter in a 2015 interview, he said WikiLeaks' Julian Assange would in fact prove a bigger thorn in the side of Hillary: "I'm aware of some of the things that are going to be roadblocks for her."
Kim Dotcom said he knew of information that would affect Hillary Clinton's presidential bid.
Assange "has access to information", Kim said, without elaborating.
John Stillwell/Reuters
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange gestures during a news conference at the Ecuadorian embassy in central London, Britain, in this August 18, 2014 file photo. Swedish prosecutors said on Thursday they had dropped investigations into allegations of sexual assault made in 2010 against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange because they had run out of time to bring charges. Prosecutors said they would continue with investigations over a further allegation of rape against Assange, also made in 2010. REUTERS/John Stillwell/pool
"If I can provide some transparency with these people," he said referring to Assange, "then I will be happy to do that."
Last week a hacker going by the name Guccifer 2.0 released what appears to be the Democratic Party's opposition research on presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump as well as financial reports and donors' personal data. It has since produced more reports purporting to be about Hillary Clinton's donors.
While hacks of US presidential campaigns have happened before, the prospect of hackers - especially ones backed by a foreign nation - dumping US election-related data during the campaign for the global public's consumption is new.
Kim's warning suggested evidence of such an attack was available months before the event was revealed.
​Guccifer 2.0 said his hacking effort was underway for almost a year. Based on the nature of the attack, independent researchers in the US concluded the hack was conducted by or for the Russian government.
And Assange, who now reportedly holds the rest of the DNCHack information, says more information will soon be released.
When contacted about future data releases, WikiLeaks replied only: "We have a very big publishing year ahead."
Asked this week via social media if the damning information Assange claims to have on Hillary's campaign comes from "Russian hacks", Kim replied: "No comment."
A Twitter account belonging to Guccifer 2.0 has been contacted for comment.
WikiLeaks is gearing up for more data drops. Earlier this month, Assange said his site would be leaking documents that would provide "enough evidence" to indict Hillary Clinton.
On June 18, WikiLeaks released a file for followers to download and retain as insurance to back up the organisation's future leaks. Calling it "WikiLeaks Insurance", the file is not viewable without a second encryption key which can be released if "anything happens to WikiLeaks".
Although Hillary Clinton is the subject of investigations over her handling of emails, even Assange admitted it was unlikely the US Justice Department would indict her based on whatever information he had.
Assange, who has lived at the Ecuadorian embassay in London since 2012 to avoid a series of extraditions that could see him tried in the US for his role in the Cablegate leak, is seen as being friendly to Russian interests.
In 2013 his father travelled to Syria to meet with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, a Russian ally.
Not only does Assange's call for transparency appear to be focused overwhelmingly on Western countries, the hacker-turned-dissident tweets statements that tend to support Russian positions on a variety of issues. Assange also claims ot have helped ex-NSA contractor Edward Snowden travel to Russia.
New Zealand-based Kim, meanwhile, is in a protracted legal battle with the United States Department of Justice, which accuses him of criminal copyright infringement through his now from his defuncted Megalupload file hosting service. In 2012, New Zealand police raided his home. The US, meanwhile, has tried to extradite him to stand trial in a US court.
Fergus Hanson of Lowy Institute, and author of Internet Wars: The Struggle for Power in the 21st Century, says that although the Guccifer 2.0 attack is "just a short cut way for [Russian-backed hackers] to gather internal knowledge about Trump (hoovering up the pack that Clinton's team has already gathered)" the theft of the data is "not that surprising."
"If they use it to somehow help Trump against Clinton say, then that is totally different."
Nonetheless, Hanson doesn't see it as damaging as other major leaks including the Chinese government hack on the US Office of Personnel Management, which will "will have repercussions for decades."
The threat of further data dumps on the Clinton campaign comes as Russia has moved away from traditional diplomacy towards a variety of strategies for advancing its international political goals.
After the initial DNC hack was revealed, a spokesman for the Clinton campaign said: "What appears evident is that the Russian groups responsible for the DNC hack are intent on attempting to influence the outcome of this election."
- Sydney Morning Herald
- Kim Dotcomâ€Verified account @KimDotcom 11h11 hours ago
Kim Dotcom Retweeted Sean Hannity
I'm the evidence!!
Kim Dotcom added,
Sean HannityVerified account @[B]seanhannity [/B]
You have that evidence?? https://twitter.com/kimdotcom/status/865699156278484992 …
310 replies 1,262 retweets 2,147 likes
[B]Kim Dotcomâ€Verified account @KimDotcom 14h14 hours ago
Read about corruption in my case. You'll understand why I'm fighting this political case with political measures. http://Kim.com/whitepaper.pdf
21 replies 351 retweets 673 likes
Kim Dotcomâ€Verified account @KimDotcom 15h15 hours ago
Democrats destroyed my business, attacked my family, stole my assets in a pay4play strike for the @MPAA Counterstrike: Trump Presidency
107 replies 1,099 retweets 2,230 likes
Kim Dotcomâ€Verified account @KimDotcom 16h16 hours ago
How do you think I knew? http://i.stuff.co.nz/world/americas/81408213/Did-Kim-Dotcom-warn-the-world-about-the-Democratic-Party-hacking …
48 replies 458 retweets 726 likes [/B]
[B]Kim Dotcomâ€Verified account @KimDotcom 16h16 hours ago
If Congress includes #SethRich case into their Russia probe I'll give written testimony with evidence that Seth Rich was @Wikileaks source.- Kim Dotcomâ€Verified account @KimDotcom 19h19 hours ago
To all @Google admins, Submit #SethRich acc contents to @Wikileaks: Seth.c.rich@gmail.com Panda4Progress@gmail.com Pandas4Bernie@gmail.com
42 replies 998 retweets 1,314 likes
Kim Dotcomâ€Verified account @KimDotcom 20h20 hours ago
#SethRich is an American Hero. We'll not stop until we find the political hitmen who murdered him for doing the right thing. @HillaryClinton
98 replies 1,945 retweets 2,655 likes
Kim Dotcomâ€Verified account @KimDotcom 20h20 hours ago
The Internet is now investigating the #SethRich political murder case and the results look promising. Thank you all!
84 replies 1,268 retweets 1,895 likes
- [URL="https://twitter.com/KimDotcom"]The last link in the above tweet was blocked by Reddit but some one already archived it here:
- Kim Dotcomâ€Verified account @KimDotcom 19h19 hours ago
22-05-2017, 06:03 PM
There are a ton of stories breaking daily on the murder of Seth Rich. I share on fb.
But don't know how to post them here. Why aren't members all over this story?
But don't know how to post them here. Why aren't members all over this story?
22-05-2017, 07:39 PM
Dawn Meredith Wrote:There are a ton of stories breaking daily on the murder of Seth Rich. I share on fb.
But don't know how to post them here. Why aren't members all over this story?
I tried it here. Not much luck.
23-05-2017, 08:06 AM
Fmr Speaker of the House Says Seth Rich Was Assassinated as WikiLeaks Source
Jack Burns -
May 22, 2017
image: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/wp-cont...96x366.jpg
![[Image: newt-696x366.jpg]](http://thefreethoughtproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/newt-696x366.jpg)
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich showed on Sunday he is not going to go along with the narrative put out by the mainstream media that murdered Democratic National Committee's Director of Voter Expansion Data, Seth Rich, was killed by thugs. He told FoxNews' Fox and Friends Sunday, Rich was assassinated.
Gingrich was asked about the appointment of former FBI Director Robert Mueller as a Special Prosecutor to investigate the allegations Russia colluded with the Trump campaign to influence the 2016 presidential election. After briefly stating any investigation into Russian connections to American politicians should also investigate Bill Clinton's receipt for $500K, and Hillary's Russian deal with Uranium One, Gingrich dropped what some are calling a bombshell.
Immediately after Gingrich made his remarks, The Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF) wrote a story titled, "Newt Gingrich Spreads Debunked Story About Murdered DNC Staffer," written by Chuck Ross. Ross regurgitated the debunking talking points the establishment seems to be clinging to, that Rod Wheeler recanted his story, and that Rich's family says all the talk surrounding their son's assassination is fodder for conspiracy theory.
[URL="http://thefreethoughtproject.com/clinton-considered-drone-strike-assange/"]READ MORE: Breaking: Hillary Clinton Considered Using Drone Strike to Kill WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange
It's understandable they'd feel that way. However, depending on how the story is spun, their son can either come across as a traitor (for leaking DNC documents to foreigners) or a hero (for blowing the whistle the DNC actively worked to promote Clinton over their handpicked patsy in Sanders).
Hang on folks, here's where it gets good. Not only had The Daily Caller published two prior stories supporting Gingrich's contention, but Ross may have inadvertently blown the Rich assassination story wide open.
image: http://pixel.watch/qut7
Ross tweeted a link to his story, and now more information has surfaced from sources who claim to have insider information about what happened to Rich after he was shot.
Responding to Ross' contention the Rich assassination is a myth, Darlene Totty uploaded a copy of the D.C. Metropolitan Police Report from the night Rich was shot which stated he was still alive when police arrived, and was transported to a local hospital at 4:20 am. The report also says he was pronounced dead by the attending physician at 5:57 am.
But here's where the story takes an interesting twist. Totty also uploaded testimony from an anonymous person claiming to be a medical doctor in his fourth year of surgical residency training at MedStar Washington Hospital Center where Rich was taken.
The anonymous email was submitted on 5/17/17 and provides a stark contrast to the police report, the mainstream media's narrative, and those who are still saying he was killed in a robbery gone bad.
"I feel I shouldn't stay silent," the doctor said, breaking all HIPPA laws in the process. He said Seth was very much alive when he was brought into the hospital, and was immediately taken to the operating room where an "exlap," exploratory laparotomy was performed. In other words, the surgeons opened up his abdomen to see what damage was done when he was shot twice in the back.
[URL="http://thefreethoughtproject.com/seth-rich-advertising-campaign-conspiracy-theory/"]READ MORE: Ad Campaign Offers $130K to 'Debunk or Validate Conspiracy Theories' on Murdered DNC Staffer
The doctor stated they found damage to Rich's liver and repaired it. They found a portion of his bowel to be damaged, and they "resect(ed)" it by cutting out the damaged portion and reconnected the bowel.
"I've seen dozens of worse cases than this which survived and nothing about his injuries suggested to me that he'd sustained a fatal wound," the surgeon wrote.
"He was transferred to ICU, and transfused 2 units of blood," he wrote before saying his blood pressure was stable and he was not on any "pressers" (blood pressure medicine). "It seemed pretty routine," the doctor stated, but what happened next was anything but normal.
"About 8 hours after he (Rich) arrived, we were swarmed with LEO's (law enforcement officers)," wrote the physician. Mind you, the official police report said he died at 5:57, less than 2 hours after being transported to the hospital.
"Pretty much everyone except the attending and a few ICU nurses was kicked out of the ICU," he wrote, adding, "It was weird as hell."
"At turnover (change of shift) that morning, we were instructed not to round (visit) on the VIP (Rich) that came in last night," he wrote. "That's exactly what the attending (physician) said and no one except for me and another resident had any idea who he was talking about," the surgeon wrote.
He explained what happened next, at the moment of Rich's death. "No one was allowed to see Seth except for my attending when he died," he wrote. The surgeon then stated at the time of his death no attempt was made to resuscitate him. "No code was called," which means to call for emergency resuscitation procedures.
The fourth-year surgical resident, which simply means he was almost finished with his advanced training, then stated he was disallowed from seeing the very patient he'd operated on. "I rounded on patients literally next door, but I was physically blocked from checking in on him," presumably by the police officers standing at his door.
[URL="http://thefreethoughtproject.com/police-sources-murdered-dnc-staffer-contact-wikileaks/"]READ MORE: Seth Rich Named as WikiLeaks' Source, Not Russia 'Clinton Team Blocking Murder Investigation'
The surgeon admits he was shocked. "I've never seen anything like it before, and while I can't say 100%, that he was allowed to die, I don't understand why he was treated like that. Take it how you may. I'm just one low-level doc. Something's fishy though, that's for sure."
It must be noted, however, we have not been able to confirm the identity of the surgeon who gave the anonymous testimony. We did consult with an Emergency Room physician who stated the dialogue in the testimony is consistent with Operating Room terminology and descriptions of surgical procedures. In other words, whoever wrote the testimony is most likely an OR surgeon.
As The Free Thought Project reported last week, more attention is now being given to Seth Rich and his assassination in July of 2016. Julian Assange offered a reward for information leading to his killers, and Kim Dotcom now claims to have written testimony confirming he was, indeed, the DNC whistleblower who gave Wikileaks the treasure trove of DNC emails. Dotcom also claims to be a close friend to Rich. With the former Speaker of the House now uttering Rich's name and calling it an assassination, the attention given to Rich is ratcheting up to the highest levels since his killing.
Now, it seems, even the surgeons are speaking out and calling into question not only Rich's time of death, but providing valuable insight into his good health post-operation, and how the police interfered in the standard quality of care he would have, and should have received.
On Tuesday, Kim Dotcom has promised to issue a statement to the media regarding his relationship with Rich, and the "written testimony" Dotcom has which proves Rich was the Wikileaks source.
Jack Burns -
May 22, 2017
image: http://thefreethoughtproject.com/wp-cont...96x366.jpg
![[Image: newt-696x366.jpg]](http://thefreethoughtproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/newt-696x366.jpg)
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich showed on Sunday he is not going to go along with the narrative put out by the mainstream media that murdered Democratic National Committee's Director of Voter Expansion Data, Seth Rich, was killed by thugs. He told FoxNews' Fox and Friends Sunday, Rich was assassinated.
Gingrich was asked about the appointment of former FBI Director Robert Mueller as a Special Prosecutor to investigate the allegations Russia colluded with the Trump campaign to influence the 2016 presidential election. After briefly stating any investigation into Russian connections to American politicians should also investigate Bill Clinton's receipt for $500K, and Hillary's Russian deal with Uranium One, Gingrich dropped what some are calling a bombshell.
[URL="http://thefreethoughtproject.com/clinton-considered-drone-strike-assange/"]READ MORE: Breaking: Hillary Clinton Considered Using Drone Strike to Kill WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange
It's understandable they'd feel that way. However, depending on how the story is spun, their son can either come across as a traitor (for leaking DNC documents to foreigners) or a hero (for blowing the whistle the DNC actively worked to promote Clinton over their handpicked patsy in Sanders).
Hang on folks, here's where it gets good. Not only had The Daily Caller published two prior stories supporting Gingrich's contention, but Ross may have inadvertently blown the Rich assassination story wide open.
image: http://pixel.watch/qut7
Ross tweeted a link to his story, and now more information has surfaced from sources who claim to have insider information about what happened to Rich after he was shot.
Responding to Ross' contention the Rich assassination is a myth, Darlene Totty uploaded a copy of the D.C. Metropolitan Police Report from the night Rich was shot which stated he was still alive when police arrived, and was transported to a local hospital at 4:20 am. The report also says he was pronounced dead by the attending physician at 5:57 am.
But here's where the story takes an interesting twist. Totty also uploaded testimony from an anonymous person claiming to be a medical doctor in his fourth year of surgical residency training at MedStar Washington Hospital Center where Rich was taken.
"I feel I shouldn't stay silent," the doctor said, breaking all HIPPA laws in the process. He said Seth was very much alive when he was brought into the hospital, and was immediately taken to the operating room where an "exlap," exploratory laparotomy was performed. In other words, the surgeons opened up his abdomen to see what damage was done when he was shot twice in the back.
[URL="http://thefreethoughtproject.com/seth-rich-advertising-campaign-conspiracy-theory/"]READ MORE: Ad Campaign Offers $130K to 'Debunk or Validate Conspiracy Theories' on Murdered DNC Staffer
The doctor stated they found damage to Rich's liver and repaired it. They found a portion of his bowel to be damaged, and they "resect(ed)" it by cutting out the damaged portion and reconnected the bowel.
"I've seen dozens of worse cases than this which survived and nothing about his injuries suggested to me that he'd sustained a fatal wound," the surgeon wrote.
"He was transferred to ICU, and transfused 2 units of blood," he wrote before saying his blood pressure was stable and he was not on any "pressers" (blood pressure medicine). "It seemed pretty routine," the doctor stated, but what happened next was anything but normal.
"About 8 hours after he (Rich) arrived, we were swarmed with LEO's (law enforcement officers)," wrote the physician. Mind you, the official police report said he died at 5:57, less than 2 hours after being transported to the hospital.
"Pretty much everyone except the attending and a few ICU nurses was kicked out of the ICU," he wrote, adding, "It was weird as hell."
"At turnover (change of shift) that morning, we were instructed not to round (visit) on the VIP (Rich) that came in last night," he wrote. "That's exactly what the attending (physician) said and no one except for me and another resident had any idea who he was talking about," the surgeon wrote.
He explained what happened next, at the moment of Rich's death. "No one was allowed to see Seth except for my attending when he died," he wrote. The surgeon then stated at the time of his death no attempt was made to resuscitate him. "No code was called," which means to call for emergency resuscitation procedures.
The fourth-year surgical resident, which simply means he was almost finished with his advanced training, then stated he was disallowed from seeing the very patient he'd operated on. "I rounded on patients literally next door, but I was physically blocked from checking in on him," presumably by the police officers standing at his door.
[URL="http://thefreethoughtproject.com/police-sources-murdered-dnc-staffer-contact-wikileaks/"]READ MORE: Seth Rich Named as WikiLeaks' Source, Not Russia 'Clinton Team Blocking Murder Investigation'
The surgeon admits he was shocked. "I've never seen anything like it before, and while I can't say 100%, that he was allowed to die, I don't understand why he was treated like that. Take it how you may. I'm just one low-level doc. Something's fishy though, that's for sure."
It must be noted, however, we have not been able to confirm the identity of the surgeon who gave the anonymous testimony. We did consult with an Emergency Room physician who stated the dialogue in the testimony is consistent with Operating Room terminology and descriptions of surgical procedures. In other words, whoever wrote the testimony is most likely an OR surgeon.
As The Free Thought Project reported last week, more attention is now being given to Seth Rich and his assassination in July of 2016. Julian Assange offered a reward for information leading to his killers, and Kim Dotcom now claims to have written testimony confirming he was, indeed, the DNC whistleblower who gave Wikileaks the treasure trove of DNC emails. Dotcom also claims to be a close friend to Rich. With the former Speaker of the House now uttering Rich's name and calling it an assassination, the attention given to Rich is ratcheting up to the highest levels since his killing.
Now, it seems, even the surgeons are speaking out and calling into question not only Rich's time of death, but providing valuable insight into his good health post-operation, and how the police interfered in the standard quality of care he would have, and should have received.
23-05-2017, 02:26 PM
Lauren Johnson Wrote:Dawn Meredith Wrote:There are a ton of stories breaking daily on the murder of Seth Rich. I share on fb.
But don't know how to post them here. Why aren't members all over this story?
I tried it here. Not much luck.
Ah, I had missed this thread. This is a huge story that is being ignored by the controlled MSM. There is supposed to be a new bombshell today.
The Er. doc's information is truly terrifying. I wonder if we will ever learn this person's identity. Of course such would be dangerous.
23-05-2017, 10:44 PM
26-05-2017, 02:03 PM
So long time anchor at Fox -Sean Hannity- covers this story and suddenly several advertisers pull out. Rich's parents ask that he please not investigate this "conspiracy theory".
So Hannity backs off. That says a lot.
I don't get it about his parents. You would think they would want to know the truth.
So Hannity backs off. That says a lot.
I don't get it about his parents. You would think they would want to know the truth.
26-05-2017, 03:16 PM
Dawn Meredith Wrote:So long time anchor at Fox -Sean Hannity- covers this story and suddenly several advertisers pull out. Rich's parents ask that he please not investigate this "conspiracy theory".
So Hannity backs off. That says a lot.
I don't get it about his parents. You would think they would want to know the truth.
Advertisers pull out? Maybe. More likely that's the cover story.
George Webb in one of his videos asked a great question. The Republicans have the ultimate dagger to stick into the heart of the Democrats. Why don't they use it? Why do they avoid the Seth Rich murder almost as much as the Democrats?
The Seth Rich story is radioactive. Why? For one thing, the Russia hacking story is convenient for both parties. But second, if the hacking stories fall apart, then you have to pay attention to their content and that leads to Pedogate. Oops.
EDIT: And the parents? Chip Tatum said *somewhere* that families are easy to handle. You tell them to STFU or else.
01-06-2017, 05:10 PM
There is a private fb group devoted to this case now. Lots of good videos. Including a new one that I have not yet listened to which purports to name Rich's killed. George Webb is alleged to know who did it.
Ya the friggen mainstream media has made so many braindead over Russia gate - another real life friend blocked me today over my rich's posting. He called me deranged in a private message. Of course he would not look at any thing I sent him. Typical friggen Democrat. Brain dead. Sheep.
Ya the friggen mainstream media has made so many braindead over Russia gate - another real life friend blocked me today over my rich's posting. He called me deranged in a private message. Of course he would not look at any thing I sent him. Typical friggen Democrat. Brain dead. Sheep.