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National Security Archive Update, September 22, 2009

JOE-1:U.S. Intelligence and the Detection of the First Soviet Nuclear Test, September 1949

For more information contact:
William Burr [National Security Archive] - 202/994-7000

Washington D.C., September 22, 2009 – Sixty years ago tomorrow, on 23 September 1949, President Harry Truman made headlines when he announced that the Soviet Union had secretly tested a nuclear weapon several weeks earlier. Truman did not explain how the United States had detected the test, which had occurred on 29 August 1949 at Semipalatinsk, a site in northeastern Kazakhstan. Using declassified material, much of which has never been published, this briefing book documents how the U.S. Air Force, the Atomic Energy Commission, and U.S. scientific intelligence worked together to detect a nuclear test that intelligence analysts, still unaware of the extent to which the Soviets had penetrated the Manhattan Project, did not expect so soon.
National Security Archive Update, September 23, 2009

New Facebook Page Features Archive’s Top Ten Declassified Documents

Washington D.C., September 23, 2009 - The National Security Archive today inaugurated a new Facebook page featuring an album of the "Top Ten" declassified documents obtained through the FOIA over more than two decades. Among the documents is a top-secret strategy paper for fighting al-Qaeda given to the Bush White House on January 25, 2001; a CIA report on using cats with surgically implanted listening devices to spy on Russian embassies; and records from the FBI interrogations of Saddam Hussein.

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