Good points, Paul. I forgot how long Chomsky's been doing this.
There's another level of unreality I forgot: Palestinian capital-creep. Fatah has retreated from East Jerusalem except as a negotiating position and Ramallah is being built up as the capital of the West Bank Palestinian Indian Reservation, complete with massive tomb for Yassir Arafat.
Paul Rigby Wrote:Helen Reyes Wrote:I think his function is to soothe the activist left by saying they're doing all they can to protest the wars, while keeping them away from the 9/11 truth people who point out both wars are based on the US shooting itself in the foot as a pretext.
We should start from a position of honesty - and acknowledge the success of Chomsky and the other left-gatekeepers in keeping several generations of anti-war activists from conspiracy contamination.
Quote:“So far, I’m the only one I know of from the Anti-war Movement who’s into this. I’ve gotten some criticism, in fact, from some of my friends from the SDS. They wonder why I want to get involved. I tell them i want to get involved because I believe there was a coup d’etat in 1963 which has influenced our politics ever since. Since then, we’ve had a history of clandestine politics in the U.S. – and we’re fighting that, too,”
Carl Oglesby, as quoted by Robert Blair Kaiser, in “The JFK Assassination: Why Congress Should Reopen the Investigation,” Rolling Stone, 24 April 1975, p.18
What timing to see someone quoting my dear, dear friend Carl. Funny story, well maybe not so funny, in about 1975 My a-political sister, Carolyn, came with me to a lecture Carl was giving at MIT, and Chomsky was on the same bill. I don't remember what HE talked about as I did not know his anti -conspiracy views at the time, and was a great admirer of his work as a peace activist and books about US imperialism. As we -Carolyn and I- were on the elevator to the rest room, some spook attacked Carolyn calling HER a spook. Needless to say Carolyn never attended lecture.
Dawn Meredith Wrote:Funny story, well maybe not so funny, in about 1975 My a-political sister, Carolyn, came with me to a lecture Carl was giving at MIT, and Chomsky was on the same bill. I don't remember what HE talked about as I did not know his anti -conspiracy views at the time, and was a great admirer of his work as a peace activist and books about US imperialism. As we -Carolyn and I- were on the elevator to the rest room, some spook attacked Carolyn calling HER a spook. Needless to say Carolyn never attended lecture.
The Gnome's controllers took good care to run him close to JFK dissidents in the late 1960s and early 1970s, most notably in the pages of Ramparts. A triumphantly successful piece of "legend" building it was, too: Like you, I liked and admired much of what Chomsky wrote, and bought the act hook, line and sinker. What a fool I was.
We live and learn!