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Full Version: One of the reasons C. Chaplan had his US passport revoked!
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[Great speech at end of the Little Dictator with Chaplin's Own Politics....]
Amazing how the words ring as true today......
Indeed, it is a truly wonderful piece of cinema. Clowns have always been the great truth tellers.
WOW,that was excellent Peter.Thanks for posting........

For that speech in the film and for his later film Mrsr. Verdeaux Chaplin paid a very high price - was watched by the FBI, attacked by the IRS [and more!] and on the advice of his lawyer remained outside of the USA his last years, living in his home in Switzerland until his death. Such ideas are not wanted in the US - despite the lip-service given them [in lesser forms, general terms, mealy-mouthed pseudo-forms] by the propaganda ministry. Notice the stage backdrop has aspects of the Kremlin, Central Europe and the US Capital....Chaplin was NO fool. Read his biography sometime!... All of his films championed the poor and the underdog and vilified the rich and exploiters. :fight: