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Hague orders 'body in a bag' spy evidence to be heard in secret so MI6 agent's work in U.S cannot be reported

By ROBERT VERKAIKPUBLISHED: 22:38 GMT, 7 April 2012 | UPDATED: 22:38 GMT, 7 April 2012
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[Image: article-0-126AAE97000005DC-406_306x423.jpg]Spy Gareth Williams was found dead in his flat

William Hague has ruled that key evidence in the body-in-the-bag' inquest into the death of an MI6 officer be heard in secret.The Foreign Secretary signed an order prohibiting disclosure about details of the agent's work with the British and US secret services.The case has reignited the debate over secret justice and Government attempts to hold some inquests behind closed doors.Gareth Williams, 31, who worked for the Secret Intelligence Service, MI6, was found dead in a sports bag in the bath of his flat 18 months ago amid claims he had been murdered by another country's spies.But Mr Hague, who has departmental responsibility for MI6, has signed a public interest immunity certificate authorising the withholding of details about his secret work, including joint operations with the American secret services.A source close to the case said that the coroner, Dr Fiona Wilcox, has backed Mr Hague's decision and the Government's bid to keep the evidence secret. The coroner was favourable to the arguments raised by the Government lawyers,' the source said.At a secret hearing nine days ago, lawyers for MI6 which is headed by Sir John Sawers told Dr Wilcox that the disclosure of details about Mr Williams's work could harm Britain's national interest.Mr Williams, who is believed to have worked closely with the American security services, had flown to the National Security Agency (NSA) the Pentagon's listening post on several occasions and returned from his last trip to the US only weeks before his death in Pimlico, Central London.At the secret hearing, MI6 lawyers cited the case of Binyam Mohamed, the former Guantanamo Bay detainee paid £1million compensation by the last Labour Government. It settled that case rather than publish secret material the US government had given in confidence to the Security Service, MI5.[Image: article-0-1277EA01000005DC-619_634x422.jpg]There were no fingerprints other than Gareth's found anywhere, including the living room, and it is thought the flat was 'dry-cleaned'

[Image: article-0-1277E9F5000005DC-698_634x422.jpg]Williams was found dead locked inside a North Face holdall in the bath of his flat, pictured

But the case raised questions about whether Britain was using its intelligence relationship with the US to keep secret details about UK involvement in the American torture programme.[Image: article-0-0B5585CC000005DC-450_306x423.jpg]The chief: MI6's Sir John Sawers

Last night, Geoffrey Robertson QC, who acted for the New York Times and Washington Post in the Binyam Mohamed case, compared the legal situation in the Williams inquest with Mohamed's. He called for the Williams case to be opened up to greater public scrutiny, adding: These documents [about Williams's work] may be necessary to show how and why this man died.The open justice principle in British law is based on [legal reformer] Jeremy Bentham's insight that publicity is very good for justice as it "keeps the judges, while trying, under trial".Coroners are not judges and sometimes their decisions can be dreadful. It is essential that this coroner's ruling be made public so that we can decide whether she is applying the proper principles and so the public can be confident she is taking the correct approach to this case and is not being overawed by the over-suppressive Government arguments.'Mr Williams, one of GCHQ's codebreakers, is reported to have been sent to the NSA to work on encryption programmes that filter millions of communications every day. In 2010, the FBI was called in to investigate Mr Williams's death as a possible NSA security compromise.A source in the Williams case said the coroner's ruling has been communicated to the Government, but suggested it might not be made fully public. A spokesman for the coroner declined to say whether the judgment would be made fully public but said: The coroner is yet to make a full ruling on any anonymity and public interest immunity.'The Foreign Office said: It was absolutely right and appropriate to seek a public interest immunity certificate. We would always seek to protect the identities of intelligence personnel and details of their operational work.'Police have confirmed that the investigation is continuing and have not ruled out murder.

Read more:
COVER-UP written LARGE! Spy :popworm:
Wonder what happened to the live demonstration of locking yourself inside a body bag with a padlock
Danny Jarman Wrote:Wonder what happened to the live demonstration of locking yourself inside a body bag with a padlock

Houdini is long dead.
Wonder what happened to the live demonstration of locking yourself inside a body bag with a padlock
The dead man they used in the demonstration was unable to lock himself in the bag.:popworm:
Quote:At a secret hearing nine days ago, lawyers for MI6 which is headed by Sir John Sawers told Dr Wilcox that the disclosure of details about Mr Williams's work could harm Britain's national interest.Mr Williams, who is believed to have worked closely with the American security services, had flown to the National Security Agency (NSA) the Pentagon's listening post on several occasions and returned from his last trip to the US only weeks before his death in Pimlico, Central London.

Uh - so at face value, the British government's argument is that disclosure of the work undertaken by a British spy with the NSA could harm Britain's national security.


Of course the real reasons are, for starters:

i) to prevent disclosure of the extent of illegal covert surveillance of British and American citizens by British and American intelligence;

ii) to prevent the murder of Gareth Williams, quite possibly by British or American assets, from being detailed in public.
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Quote:At a secret hearing nine days ago, lawyers for MI6 which is headed by Sir John Sawers told Dr Wilcox that the disclosure of details about Mr Williams's work could harm Britain's national interest.Mr Williams, who is believed to have worked closely with the American security services, had flown to the National Security Agency (NSA) the Pentagon's listening post on several occasions and returned from his last trip to the US only weeks before his death in Pimlico, Central London.

Uh - so at face value, the British government's argument is that disclosure of the work undertaken by a British spy with the NSA could harm Britain's national security.


Of course the real reasons are, for starters:

i) to prevent disclosure of the extent of illegal covert surveillance of British and American citizens by British and American intelligence;

ii) to prevent the murder of Gareth Williams, quite possibly by British or American assets, from being detailed in public.

Right. So, We WILL learn [only] such interesting and irrelevant things such as the color and cost of the North Face Bag; the make of his racing bicycle; etc., etc, etc,.......A Kelly 'Inquiry' all over again.....SANITIZED to keep the truth OUT.
Ah, so Scotland Yard's finest effectively rules out S&M Suicide, as the forensic evidence points towards third party involvement.

However, this begs further questions for those of us who've never bought the S&M Suicide faux narrative.

Such as, if this was a professional wet squad, why did they leave tiny traces of 3rd party DNA on the bag?

Was this 3rd party DNA a mistake?

There's no sign of haste in the crime scene. Everything is calm and ordered, and we know it took days for the cops to be called to the safehouse apartment.

So, was the 3rd party DNA planted?

A clue, a false trail perhaps, that Scotland Yard have not pursued?

Or been persuaded not to pursue?

The mist still swirls.

Quote:Tuesday 24 April 2012.

The inquest into the death of MI6 officer Gareth Williams is shown police footage for the first time of his flat and of the red holdhall where his body was found.

Channel 4 News

Detective Chief Inspector Jackie Sebire told the inquest "two minor components of another contributor's DNA" were found on the zip toggle and padlock.

The evidence came to light as she appeared to rule out that Mr Williams had got into the bag himself.

The naked and decomposing body of the MI6 agent was found in a padlocked bag in the bath of his home in Pimlico, central London, in August 2010.

Ms Sebire told Westminster coroner's court: "My thought or my opinion since I went into the scene is that a third party had been involved in the death or by putting the body in the bag. So my primary focus was looking at the bathroom."

Found in the foetal position

Video of the immaculately kept flat where Gareth Williams' body was found showed a cutting from the Observer newspaper headlined: "Top five regrets of the dying".

The video took the inquest on a walking tour of his Pimlico home, showing a woman's red wig, lipstick and make-up, in the condition that it was found.

Footage then showed close-up images of the white bathroom suite where Mr Williams' body was found.

Mr Williams was found in the foetal position in the bag. There were no signs of struggle and his body position appeared "calm", Ms Sebire said.

She said: "In my opinion he was very calm. His face was very calm. His hands were resting on his chest."

'High-value items'

Ms Sebire also described the "high-value" items found in the flat's smaller bedroom, which included 26 shoes and boots, mainly bearing designer labels such as Christian Louboutin, Stella McCartney, Christian Dior and Chloe.

In addition, there were wigs wrapped in net packaging, which "appear to be unused", including one Mr Williams had bought on his recent trip to the US; small and medium-sized female clothing worth an estimated £20,000, all "immaculate" and "in pristine condition" and often in tissue paper; and make-up items, including nail varnish and eye shadow that were apparently unused.

The only used items appeared to be four pairs of the size 6 and 6.5 shoes, which was Mr Williams' size, Ms Sebire said.

No sign of a break-in

Asked by coroner Fiona Wilcox whether she thought the clothes would have fitted Mr Williams, the detective replied: "Possibly."

Mr Williams had not damaged the bag or sustained injuries to his hands, the detective said.

"He was very muscular, he trained regularly. It is only my opinion but I would at least expect some tearing to the netting."

There was no sign of a break-in at the flat, with footage showing Mr Williams had left cash in a cupboard and a mobile phone on the living room table. There was little clutter and mess in the flat except for a dressing gown and quilt discarded on the bedroom floor.

Ms Sebire said: "I also found it difficult to explain because of his general tidiness. In my opinion, it was not something that was easily explainable."

The inquest continues.
It seems to me from what we have been told or led to be told was reality, that he was long dead from some poison or exphixiation long before he was placed in the bag. The way the flat was 'left' was carefully planned and one can not assume that the female items were his for use as a cross-dresser; were his for espionage disguise; or were planted there along with other things to create a false 'scenario'. The use of the term 'third-party' is perhaps interesting....who is the SECOND party? A Freudian slip by Scotland Yard - or just a slight miswording by accident. Even IF he was interested in women's clothes [which all of his friends and family deny] it doesn't go one centimeter to explaining his death or the manner in which it all happened; nor the speed [sic] at which his death has been 'investigated'....... I have the sense the murderers were pros who didn't know him and created a false scenario in his flat. He may not even have been murdered there. He was put on display there, along with the stage settings. Typical of an intel wet job.

Gareth Williams

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[Image: 200px-Gareth-Williams.jpg]
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Gareth Willimas
Photo-credit The News Chronicle

Gareth Williams was 31 years old when his body was discovered in a padlocked sports holdall submerged in 'a fluid' in the bath of his top (3rd) floor flat at 36, Alderney Street, Pimlico, London Map on the afternoon of 23 August 2010. He had last been see alive in London on 15 August 2010. Police reported that the body "was in an advanced state of decay" when found and this made establishing the cause of death problematical.
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Williams was an employee of GCHQ Cheltenham. It is reported that, at the time of his death, he was nearing the end of a six month secondment to MI6 whose HQ is about a mile away from his London flat on the opposite side of the river Thames. Williams is reported to have been a 'mathematical genius' and key (though relatively junior) member of GCHQ staff working in the field of cryptography as it applies to the Signals and communications intelligence functions of GCHQ. He is reported to have been a regular visitor to US NSA establishments at Fort Meade, Maryland and to have been a recent visitor to military intelligence establishments in Kabul, Afghanistan.

The Alderney Street Flat

[Image: 200px-36alderneyst.jpg]
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36 Alderney St Pimlico - 23 August 2010

[Image: 36aTop.jpg]
[Image: magnify-clip.png]
36 Aldernet St, Top (3rd) floor

The letting agents for the Alderney Street flat, Messrs WA Ellis of Knightsbridge, are quoted as follows in the Daily Mail:
36 Alderney Street is owned by a private company, New Rodina. There has been speculation that it is linked to MI6 or that it is a front for MI6. Our clients do not have any links to MI6 whatsoever and are distressed by the death of Mr Williams.' [SUP][1][/SUP]
In the immortal words of Mandy Rice-Davis "Well he would say that wouldn't he".
New Rodina is an off-shore company based in the British Virgin Islands. It is therefore next to impossible to discover who its directors or controllers are. What IS known however, is that properties owned by New Rodina have been used in the past as "Safe Houses" provided by agencies of the British Government for people deemed in need of anonymity. Salman Rushdie is perhaps the best known example. It is also interesting to note that "Rodina" is both a Russian and Bulgarian word meaning "Motherland" and that "The Rodina Society" was used as a cover operation for KGB activity in the West during the Cold War. At the very least therefore, the name "New Rodina" will resonate with MI6 - and the possibility that "resonate" is a serious understatement should not be ruled out.
Since Wikispooks' approach to life dictates that 'conspiracy' ALWAYS has a higher probability than 'coincidence' in explaining intriguing events - and especially so where "intrigue" is involved by definition, research into associations between past events involving the SIS's and use of the word "Rodina" is clearly needed.

MSM speculation

The British MSM has indulged itself in predictable speculations (some no doubt planted) surrounding the unexplained death of a so-called 'spy'. They have variously alleged that:
  • His mobile phone simcards were arranged in a "bizarre ritualistc manner" [SUP][2][/SUP]
  • There were Escort Agency telephone numbers on one phone SIM card and pornographic material on another. [SUP][2][/SUP]
  • He was gay and may have attracted the unwelcome attentions of a jealous aspiring partner [SUP][3][/SUP]
  • "Bondage equipment was found at his flat. [SUP][4][/SUP]
The police - to their credit - have matter-of-factly stamped on most of this stuff. Although they seem happy to allow, and even encourage continuing speculation [SUP][5][/SUP]
On 7 September 2010 the police appealed for information about a couple "of Mediterranean appearance" - with all the strange connotations the expression carries - who were allegedly captured on CCTV "one or two months before Mr Williams died" [SUP][6][/SUP].

Wikispooks Speculation

[Image: 350px-Holdall.jpg]
[Image: magnify-clip.png]
Red Extra-large "North Face" holdall in which the body was found

The following speculations rest on one over-riding assumption. It is that the real reason for Gareth William's murder are known to MI6 and must NOT become public knowledge. That assumption in turn rests on substantial evidence of a so-called 'turf-war' between the Metropolitan Police charged by statute with the investigation of a capital crime, and the 'Security Services' who are reported as being 'less than helpful' to the investigation. That together with lurid speculation in the MSM and variously attributed to 'sources close the inquiry', 'senior intelligence sources' and other such journalistic euphemisms. The waters are being well-and-truly muddied by people well placed to undertake the muddying.

Speculation 1 - The Manhattan 11 connection?

The murder is connected with the recent "Manhattan 11" Russian Espionage fiasco in which 11 alleged Russian "Deep-Cover" sleeper spies were arrested, charged [SUP][7][/SUP] and subsequently exchanged for 4 alleged US spies held in Russia [SUP][8][/SUP]
MURDERED spook Gareth Williams could have helped to nail Russian spy beauty Anna Chapman. Detectives are looking into claims the MI6 code breaker was in the US when *Chapman was uncovered in June.... However, investigators are meeting "resistance" from US and UK intelligence agencies..... a high-level source told the Daily Star *Sunday: "Mr Williams' work in America is forming part of the inquiry."We need to know what he was working on during his *visits there. MI6 and CIA code crackers played a vital part in outing Chapman and the *Russian spy ring." [SUP][9][/SUP]
Further indications of a possible Russian connection are provided by the name of the company that owns Williams' flat - seeThe Alderney Street Flat above

Update - 5 October 2010

Two linked articles by Trowbridge Ford provide in-depth analysis of the NSA and its relationship with its UK equivalentGCHQ, MI6 and related US Agencies. [SUP][10][/SUP] [SUP][11][/SUP] They lead to a plausible explanation for Gareth Williams' demise together with its manner and timing. The history of the NSA is fairly well known, especially through the writings of James Bamford. But, as is always the case where the workings of Spook agencies are concerned, the nuggets of genuinely embarrassing information that such persistent and well-connected individuals provide, tend to be more than balanced by the disinformation they are fed on a semi-privileged basis. Reporting 'US Officials', Bamford poo-poo's the notion that Williams' death might be connected in any way with his status as a spook [SUP][12][/SUP] which is another good reason to suspect the opposite
The biggest issue facing NSA operations over the past 10 years has undoubtedly been the extent of its allowable (ie legal) internal surveillance operations. US Law and the US Constitution place irritating and (to the NSA top brass) 'mission-inhibiting' obstacles in its path - and so, as is the way with SIS's the world over, they tend to be simply ignored. But ignoring them also carries big risks.
It seems that the outing of the so-called Manhattan 11 'spy-ring' involved prolonged and extensive unauthorised surveillance by the NSA which, because of its need for the cryptanalysis skills on which the NSA and GCHQ were/are collaborating, Gareth Williams was aware of - at least at the technical level. The timings involved together with publicly available evidence to date, point to the following possible scenario:
  • The 'Mediterranean couple' who visited his flat were connected to Anna Chapman - possibly her ex-husband and former roommate Lena Savitskaya who knew about the MI6 flat from earlier recruitment overtures to Anna Chapman that apparently took place there. Their purpose was to sound out its presumed MI6 connected occupant, about exposing the illegal NSA surveillance activity that led to Anna Chapman's loss of UK citizenship and her being deported to Russia.
  • Williams was intrigued. He should have reported the encounter to superiors but didn't - although the premises being what it is, they probably monitored it anyway.
  • Williams returned to the US in July and asked questions which marked him as particularly dangerous since, as a UK citizen, he was not subject to the onerous secrecy laws covering US agents in possession of similar information. He could not be silenced in the manner, for example, that Thomas Drake was in process of being silenced during Williams' Fort Meade visits.
  • Williams also spoke of his concerns to a GCHQ colleague and her husband who were at Fort Meade as part of the same NSA/GCHQ cooperation. This led to MI6/NSA moving them to Denver on a different mission so as to remove them from knowledge of further developments - an action that reinforces the probability that MI6 already knew of the unreported encounter at the London flat.
  • For whatever additional reasons - or none - Williams' attitude, demeanour , questioning, knowledge, insider status and non-US citizen status were cumulatively judged a risk to the NSA that could not be tolerated.
  • A poison of the variety 'amanita phalloides' (or a more potent high-tec equivalent from the US Weaponisation of Mico-toxins program) was somehow administered on or about 10th August, just prior to his final return to the UK.
  • Williams realised he had been poisoned a few days later as the effects began to accumulate. He spent some £90 at Harrods - most of it on medication at the pharmacy and NOT on women's toiletries as leaked to the press. His pallor in the Holland Park video stills from 15 August are of a man in a very jaundiced and sickly condition [SUP][13][/SUP]
  • On the evening of 15 August MI6 operatives visited the flat and found Williams either dead or nearly so. He was padlocked into the holdall, the flat cleaned up, all the medicines removed (though the Harrods receipt was somehow missed) and things arranged for the police to find when asked to check on Williams 'non-contact'. They let themselves out, locking the door after them.
For the two weeks to 5 October 2010 the silence has been deafening

Speculation 2 - A Mossad / Israeli False flag connection?

The rationale here goes like this:
There is one over riding, non-negotiable requirement for the success of Israel's foreign policy goals. It is that the growing regional power and alleged nuclear weapons ambitions of Iran be neutralised. Israeli cannot accomplish this on its own and judges sanctions to be a waste of time. Israel SIS's judge that the best way to provoke the US into a military attack would be for it to suffer a major terrorist attack by Iran. This speculation holds that Israel was/is at an advanced planning and logistical stage of ensuring that just such an attack occurs and is blamed on Iran. And that Gareth Williams, because of his deep involvement and knowledge of UKUSA / Israeli SIGINT / NSA operations handled, or otherwise came across, evidence of the planned operation and voiced his concerns to the wrong people.
Evidence for this speculation is that the way in which the body was left would greatly inhibit the spread of the smell of decay or of body fluids leaking through the floor and thus delay discovery sufficient for the perpetrators to be well clear of the country with little or no CCTV evidence still extant. It is also consistent with police appeals for information about a couple "of Mediterranean appearance" caught on what CCTV there is (or rather has been revealed) of the weeks before the body was discovered. [SUP][6][/SUP] Williams is also reported to have been a regular visitor to the NSA HQ at Fort Meade Maryland and these reports are now subject to obfuscation and water muddying. He was also on secondment to MI6. He was thus at the hub of the technical and operational agencies charged with finding out and dealing with such possibilities - the purposes to which such 'finding-out' is put, remaining moot.

Speculation 3 - A Hamid Karzai 'Special Operation' connection?

Pure speculation this one - lateral thinking you might say.
Hamid Karzai (President of Afghanistan) was something of an embarrassment and a liability to US objectives in Afghanistan. Great hopes were vested in his being ousted in the Autumn 2009 'elections', the last chance to do so before foreign forces withdrew. But despite the elections being reported by independent observers as little better than a sham, Karzai easily held on to power. Gareth Williams visited 'Intelligence facilities' in Kabul in the weeks before his death[SUP][4][/SUP] and it is speculated that he became privy to a Special Forces operation to eliminate Karzai. (As it is speculated that Pat Tillman was murdered in Afghanistan for knowing too much, in his case perhaps about drugs). For whatever reason, the operation failed or had to be aborted - or maybe it is still on the stocks. Williams knowledge was dangerous and he voiced the wrong kind of concerns - or worse - to the wrong people.

Speculation 4 - International Banking security connection

This is based entirely on a Telegraph report attributed to "Sources" and "a British Intelligence Officer". So, all the caveats concerning spook routine use and manipulation of the MSM apply in spades. According to the Telegraph:
Sources have told this newspaper that Britain's intelligence services MI6, MI5 and GCHQ are liaising closely to establish whether Gareth Williams was targeted by a foreign power. The 31-year-old was seconded from GCHQ to work on top-secret systems to defend British banks and transport infrastructure from cyber attack and to eavesdrop on terrorist communications. As a result he may have come to the attention of foreign intelligence agencies. .... It is feared that by the time of his death last month Mr Williams's presence in London had become known to foreign spies, despite the fact he was living in a MI6 safe house with an alarm system linking him to nearby MI6 headquarters. "It would have been part of their brief", said a British intelligence officer. ....It is understood Mr Williams's job at the time of his death was creating computer defences in the City of London. Williams would have had access to information which other countries would want to obtain. The intelligence source said: "His job was to defend the banking system on which Britain's banking, commerce and all our public services depend. It was the kind of work that would have made him prime target for recruitment..... "He was also in a position to know about huge money transfers out of the Middle East which were linked to terror groups. It would be priceless data." [SUP][14][/SUP]
Williams' involvement in Afghanistan SIGINT work are also repeated in this article, as are his frequent visits to The USA.

Speculation 5 - from Aangirfan [SUP][15][/SUP]

A must read compendium of links and theories about the case.

Speculation 6 - Gudrun Loftus connection?

That there is a connection between the death of Gareth William and the apparently accidental death of Gudrun Loftus, the Oxford University Lecturer found fatally injured in a university stairwell on 5th October 2010. [SUP][16][/SUP] The reasoning behind this is complex but plausible and is explored in detail in two articles by Trowbridge Ford:

Speculation 7 - A private sector commercial connection

  • A Mirror News article reports a Miss Elizabeth Guthrie, daughter of a US Stock Broker alleging that Williams was about to resign his GCHQ/MI6 post to pursue a 'business venture' with her and another 'Agent' and that he had expressed concern about being followed immediately before his death.
  • GCHQ worries about losing talented spies to the private sector

Wikispooks entirely discounts the possibility of the murder being sexual or lifestyle related but expects the outcome of the investigation to conclude - for public consumption - that it was.

Inquest into the death

Dr Fiona Wilcox, the Westminster coroner, has scheduled a pre-inquest review for 29 March 2012. The full inquest will begin three weeks later. [SUP][17][/SUP]

MSM coverage and Information Archive

There is a useful archive of information Compiled by "Winter Patriot":

Representative MSM Coverage

Cover-up story as at 2nd Dec 2010 from the BBC

  • Dead MI6 spy Gareth Williams 'visited bondage websites' BBC, 2 Dec 2010 "Gareth Williams, 31 ... also visited a drag show and owned £15,000 worth of women's designer clothing ... "someone else was in the flat" ... "If he was alive, he got into it voluntarily or, if not, he was unconscious and placed in the bag" ... an expert, brought in to examine the red holdall in which Mr Williams was found, concluded he could not have locked it ... The keys were found inside the bag ... She said experts had said the temperature inside the bag would have risen to 30C (80F) within three minutes and he would have suffocated inside half-an-hour.


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