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Peter Lemkin;27660
#1 on that site, one John Simkin, is British and the website is UK based and hosted. But, yes, America has really reached a modern-day low [in close competition with the last days of Roman Empire! Wrote:
, with the UK Poodle sniffing its butt, just one step behind.....we [the mighty Lords of McDonalds, Walmart, Enron, Exxon, Halliburton, Disney, General Electric, Montsanto, Goldman-Sucks, et al.] having inherited the 'white, rich man's burden'...............

In my internet experiences in discussing the Hendrix murder I've found a safe 80% of the most virulent opponents of the murder evidence to be Brits. If the site is UK-hosted forget about it, they have a different approach to free speech over there and practice government censorship. It dates back to the things over which our country separated from England over. However, they aren't totally bad and I have found certain subjects where Britain is much more free-er and open than America. And you can see some of the more conscientious Brits on this site (no offense intended).

The internet age allows you to access that which is free-er in Britain and that which is free-er in America to get the best perspective. So, really, the internet is sort of a new free cyber-nation where truth can get around the gate-keepers. Which is why cases of outright censorship, like that of which you speak, are so outstanding because they violate the normal sense of free speech the internet provides.

But it stands as true that the worst opponents of the Hendrix murder evidence are Brits. I personally think they don't want to admit that a talent as great as Hendrix was murdered in their country by an MI-5 agent. In America our citizens handle it in a different way - they just stay stupidly quiet.
Albert, except on those occasions when the UK government issue a "D Notice" for state secrets (more usually this is intended to suppress news of Ministerial malfeasance and government corruption/culpability), the censorship operated is elite in nature. This operates on a consensual basis between big business, politicians and other movers and shakers. The governing rule is "don't rock the boat".

I think this is also largely true of the US too, where mainstream media do not touch certain stories with a barge-pole, or else treat them with such appalling prejudice (injecting the damning conspiracy theory label) that the reader/viewer is psychologically "shaped" or "tuned" by these distortions to unconsciously favour the status quo.

And I think we can extend this media model wider still, to many parts of Europe and other parts of the English speaking world.

That this news shaping is internationally coordinated is clear for all to see (if they wish) by the simple virtue of looking more intently at elite groups like the Bilderberg Conferences, the Trilateral Commission etc., who's raison d'ĂȘtre is specifically transnational in its reach and consensual in scope.
David Guyatt Wrote:I think this is also largely true of the US too, where mainstream media do not touch certain stories with a barge-pole, or else treat them with such appalling prejudice (injecting the damning conspiracy theory label) that the reader/viewer is psychologically "shaped" or "tuned" by these distortions to unconsciously favour the status quo.

Which is why I have contempt for the American public. Our nation is formed in such a way that the government is an accurate reflection of the people. So in effect you can't have a rotten government without having a rotten people. The people are very much in collusion with the government to avoid difficult matters in order to maintain a "pursuit of happiness" status quo. What this translates to is any person who brings the check and balance evidence is systemically vilified and punished for doing that which the government encourages. The result is a philistine consensus where the false claim of noble democracy very comfortably produces the opposite - while those who benefit most don't hesitate to pour praise over themselves for what they claim they represent. The real message is democracy is best practiced when you don't really have to practice it but can still gain the maximum advantage from the claim. If one is smart, that is the true definition of present day "freedom" which is why a nation that allegedly stands against torture can torture and why a nation that stands against rogue regimes and war crimes can practice same. And is, especially, why a media that claims to be a check and balance free press can actually be a thinly-veiled state propaganda programming and mind conditioning device. Television is the best Orwellian machine anyone could ever imagine.

If you want to see this perfectly shown just input all the evidence for Jimi Hendrix's intelligence agency political assassination into the system and see what happens...

After arguing with a murder-denier dimwit on another site I was forced to re-read Tony Brown's 'Hendrix - The Final Days'. Upon second reading I realized that Brown was giving clues he was leaving the reader to figure-out. Brown mentioned that Hendrix stage manager Gerry Stickells lived only a block and a half from the Samarkand Hotel where Jimi died. It didn't dawn on me until my second reading that Brown was giving very subtle indirect clues here.

The Samarkand Hotel has always been portrayed as being the secret safe-house Monika rented so Jimi could hide from the media, office, and mob. It has always been said that only Monika and Jimi knew about it. However it just dawned on me that Stickells' flat being only a block or two away is more than suspicious. It would make sense that Monika didn't find a flat near Stickell's flat by coincidence but was made aware of the flat exactly because Stickells knew about it and referred it. It wasn't a coincidence that Monika ended up renting this allegedly unknown safe-house so close to Stickells' flat. It was deliberate.

If you research Michael Jeffery he was an MI-5 member, as discussed further back. He treated Jimi like a Targeted Individual. Jeffery was known to hire friends of Jimi's to relay information to him in classic espionage style. One time an office worker in Jeffery's New York Hendrix office forgot to knock and walked in to find Jeffery listening to a speaker playing the conversation of a fellow office worker. Jeffery had bugged his own office. MI-5 Jeffery was known to keep an eye on Hendrix in such a way. So once you realize Monika most likely rented the flat at the Samarkand because of its proximity to Stickells' flat you have to assume Jeffery arranged it. Stickells was Jeffery's employee and stage manager for Hendrix under Jeffery. Jimi was led into a trap. One that had been set-up and arranged to entrap him.

As far as I know this is the first time I've ever seen this directly described in public. But, it is so elementary that you have to assume others figured it out too and stayed quiet.

Tony Brown died a few years a go of a heart-attack in London.

(I told you the Hendrix Assassination was hot)

Albert Doyle Wrote:Which is why I have contempt for the American public. Our nation is formed in such a way that the government is an accurate reflection of the people. So in effect you can't have a rotten government without having a rotten people. The people are very much in collusion with the government to avoid difficult matters in order to maintain a "pursuit of happiness" status quo. What this translates to is any person who brings the check and balance evidence is systemically vilified and punished for doing that which the government encourages. The result is a philistine consensus where the false claim of noble democracy very comfortably produces the opposite - while those who benefit most don't hesitate to pour praise over themselves for what they claim they represent. The real message is democracy is best practiced when you don't really have to practice it but can still gain the maximum advantage from the claim. If one is smart, that is the true definition of present day "freedom" which is why a nation that allegedly stands against torture can torture and why a nation that stands against rogue regimes and war crimes can practice same. And is, especially, why a media that claims to be a check and balance free press can actually be a thinly-veiled state propaganda programming and mind conditioning device. Television is the best Orwellian machine anyone could ever imagine.

If you want to see this perfectly shown just input all the evidence for Jimi Hendrix's intelligence agency political assassination into the system and see what happens...


I concur 100%.
On page 280 of 'Electric Gypsy' Shapiro quotes Jeffery's secretary Trixie Sullivan as saying Jeffery plied his musicians with drugs in order to be hip and accepted amongst the rock peer group but also to keep them from asking about the money. She mentions Jeffery gave Abbie Hoffman $10,000 dollars. Jeffery was notorious for ripping his musicians off so why was he giving $10,000 away to Hoffman? Sullivan says it was because he identified with Hoffman's covert activities. I myself think it was because Jeffery was operating as an infiltrator and was trying to gain the trust of Hoffman. Typical intelligence tactics. This is a guy who starved Noel and Mitch down to the last penny but just plain gave away $10,000 to Hoffman. You figure it out. Hoffman was a major radical on COINTELPRO's list.

Next Shapiro describes how Jeffery had a manager friend named Jerry Morrison who happened to manage groups like Louis Armstrong and Harry James. Curiously Morrison also was PR man for Haitian dictator Papa Doc Duvalier. On page 280 Shapiro gives Chas Chandler's description of how Morrison wanted Jeffery and Hendrix to fund the overthrow of Duvalier. He says both Hendrix and Jeffery were in an acid haze at that point and Morrison was hoping to get them to fund his plans.

I hope people are smart enough to see what is being shown here. There's a lot of Hendrix fans that refuse the see the obvious in Jeffery. Anyone who had such an influence on Duvalier with Castro's Cuba right next door was obviously on the radar of CIA, if not directly employed. No person could be talking about overthrowing Duvalier without being someone involved with CIA. The fact you have someone clearly detailing the intention of using both Jeffery and Hendrix for funding what can only be called classic counterintelligence activities is practically screaming evidence of Jeffery's intel subterfuge. Morrison was Jeffery's friend and came into contact with Hendrix through Jeffery. These anecdotes are being described casually, but trust me the describers understand their implications. They just don't want to suffer the consequences of saying it directly.

CIA slipped-up when it allowed Jerry Morrison to approach Hendrix and Jeffery, and in doing so exposed the true face of Jeffery's relationship to Hendrix. Hendrix's proceeds were already being tapped by those mafia-CIA Bahamian banks. Morrison got greedy and decided to try to get a chunk for himself in order to fund his Haitian coup. The Caribbean was a CIA wild west and getting out of hand as the 60's went crazy and the VietNam conflagration was in full flame.

Trixie Sullivan was pretty and had a nice figure back in the 1960's. She tells of stuffing stacks of money into her long-legged boots and bra and transporting it to and from the Bahamas. Michael Jeffery is a man who smuggled millions of dollars of cash in suitcases through US Customs. He was never caught. :ciao:

I think we can say now that the idea of benevolent western democracy is pretty much disproven and that the so-called western free press will never carry such stories as the above. I think we are seeing the true face of western democracy and their claims of rule of law and civilized order. The true rule of law in America is CIA murder and how they can force the public to accept them never being held to account.
Quote:On page 280 Shapiro gives Chas Chandler's description of how Morrison wanted Jeffery and Hendrix to fund the overthrow of Duvalier.

So what you think Albert?Looks to me like this Morrison dude might well be Jefferys' Handler. :dontknow:
Keith Millea Wrote:
Quote:On page 280 Shapiro gives Chas Chandler's description of how Morrison wanted Jeffery and Hendrix to fund the overthrow of Duvalier.

So what you think Albert?Looks to me like this Morrison dude might well be Jefferys' Handler. :dontknow:

I haven't gotten that deep into it yet.

I doubt he would be any cut-out or handler because the deep people would never make such a blunder. They didn't need to because they already had full infiltration and control of Hendrix and his money.

Ed Chalpin's contract lawsuit was just a perfect COINTELPRO/CHAOS blessing that happened by pure coincidence. It kept Jimi off-balance and in combination with resentment over Jeffery's handling of his assets Jimi backed away from association and effort for Jeffery. This only furthered the CHAOS-like disruption in Jimi's life that I'm sure tickled his persecutors to no end - especially since they were also receiving millions of his dollars while destroying him.

No, more likely Morrison was just an entertainment industry mafia freelancer who understood what was going on too well and tried to get a cut for himself. They were so successful at getting away with it they probably got drunk with their power and got sloppy.

Chalpin was allowed interminable lawsuits against Hendrix and his estate by the judges involved. He made more money than anyone off Hendrix by constantly suing him. Jimi was to have met Chalpin in order to consult him on a lawsuit the day he died.
If you want to see a perfect Operation Mockingbird journalistic hit read this allegedly sympathetic article by Sheila Weller in Vanity Fair Magazine. First she opens by pretending she is confused by the lack of any outwardly organized celebration of the 40th anniversary of Hendrix's death. She then explains it by emphasizing at the beginning of the piece that Jimi died from a drug overdose and this is why there's no organized event or celebration in Jimi's hometown of Seattle. (Somehow Elvis didn't suffer any similar occurrence or lack of national coverage of the Memphis-based celebrations of his anniversaries)

So after making sure Jimi's "drug overdose" was conspicuously advertised at the top of the piece Weller now offers some real classic CIA defamation sliming material by suggesting Jimi was revolutionary because he offered a newly-accepted form of "androgyny". Weller lists how Jimi wore flamboyant clothes, made up his stage hairdo with curlers, and had "girlish" feminine handwriting. For those well versed in Hendrix happenings, this latest attack, that could easily be called a classic intel character assassination which exposingly visits all the weak points they would consider to be a target's "vulnerabilities," comes after Charles Cross divulged Hendrix's previously unseen army psychological records claiming Hendrix said he was gay. This revelation occurred right in the middle of the Bush years at a time when the full force of US psy-ops was engaged. Cross forgot to mention that Hendrix was trying to get out of the army at that point, and was using the classic claim that would instantly get you out, and that he had obviously been advised to do so by others. No doubt weakening a well-known anti-war 60's icon's image with the claim of homosexuality at the heart of the WMD era was not something that would be out of line with already known psy-ops practices. In any case, Weller has now continued the campaign by subtly referring to Jimi in the same vein. Something I've never seen before in decades of Hendrix articles. Jimi has now been very subtly and delicately painted as being latent in an article that alleges to sympathize with him for being one of the first brave stars to do so. Classic of intel methods, the poison is subtly delivered in gifts of praise and the trojan horse of Weller claiming Jimi being part of the "cult of liberation". Weller then concludes that the American male's Wayne's World hero Jimi had a vulnerable side not know to them. (Or perhaps a "vulnerable side" available for cheap Mockingbird psy-ops distorted character assassination?)

From here Weller describes how she did a Rolling Stone Magazine article on Hendrix from her 1969 visit to Jimi's house at Woodstock. She then describes how frail and underfed Jimi was. Forget the fact Jimi was quoted in the same books she references as having abnormal strength and stamina. She then calls him insecure and mumbling. Next she calls him a fussbudget granny who tidied-up and emptied ashtrays compulsively (more effeminizing), and finally she shows he had strange tastes in music according to the non-rock-'n-roll albums he kept (Weller mentions Marlene Dietrich). Face it, the image we are being drawn here is of a show tune-loving gay stereotype being very subtly delivered. Forget the fact that Jimi is mostly known through history for his superhuman macho hyper psycho sexuality. British newspapers didn't warn mothers to lock-up their daughters when Hendrix was due to arrive because Jimi was some frail drag queen, yet Weller seems to think we need to be shown some unknown history. I wonder why?

Weller then steps back and summarizes in hindsight that she now realizes Jimi was well on the way to his final demise from drug abuse and looked it. The "drug overdose" death is then re-accented again just to reinforce the premise. It is then followed-through with a subtle and indirect suggestion that Jimi was a revolutionary and misunderstood person because he could not come out with his true self and was denied by the times. What Weller is saying here is that we need to re-examine Jimi and his persona as a person who was denied being what he really was and probably abused drugs because of the frustration. The frustrated latent figure is now being openly painted in full flame by Weller, without saying so directly, while concealing it in phony praise and personal reverence.

It's no surprise to me that Weller worked for Rolling Stone. A magazine that has now gone underwater after succumbing to the creeping tide of Mockingbird infiltration. In March 2010 Rolling Stone did an article about Jimi's last days. It concentrated mostly on the formation of Hendrix's Electric Lady Studio and his final European tour. Magazines with Hendrix on the cover usually experience good sales. This issue of Rolling Stone had such a prize Hendrix stage shot on its cover. Just as I expected when the article got to Jimi's death it covered it in one short paragraph that mentioned Jimi used heroin, but not to the point of addiction, and died of a barbiturate overdose. The ground-shaking claim by Jimi's manager Michael Jeffery's road crew member Tappy Wright, that he heard Jeffery confess to murdering Jimi, wasn't even mentioned. And this was 10 months after the internet and media were buzzing with the claim. Why Rolling Stone of all things didn't feel it necessary to even mention this epic scandal while gratuitously positing that Jimi used heroin, even though most credible Hendrix sources agree Hendrix did not really use heroin, is beyond me. Why they would assume the same posture as those who do defamation psy-ops against Hendrix and his memory is something that boggles me. And this is Rolling Stone Magazine of all things, and now it looks like Vanity Fair as well.

And so the American media now offers us a pink-dipped, latent drag queen Hendrix fully neutered and neutralized without ever mentioning his CIA COINTELPRO political assassination or its cover-up by the same outlets. And they don't shy off making a nice little profit while doing so:
There must be some kinda way outta here (trust me)
Said the joker to the thief
There's too much confusion (don't listen to him)
I can't get no relief

Businessmen they-a drink my wine
Plowman dig my earth
None will level on the line (ain't seen any)
Nobody of it is worth

unk 1 <watch Jimi's guitar it's backwards>

(guitar & intrumental)

<coming in>

No reason to get excited (thief he don't know)
The thief he kindly spoke
There are many here among us (we didn't do anything)
Who feel that life is but a joke <but-a>

But you and I we've been through that
<say you need some proof>
And this is not all fate (turn off)
So let us not talk falsely now <don't turn it off>
The hours getting late

(guitar & instrumental)

Hey! <wah-wah>

All along the watchtower
Princes kept the view
While all the women came and went
Barefoot servants, too <m.f'.r bought it>

Outside in the cold distance
A wildcat did growl
Two riders were approaching <let em in>
And the wind begin to howl
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