04-11-2010, 04:30 AM
"... if you use Google or its applications such as Gmail – and of course you use Google, given its monopoly control over the search engine market and much else on the Web – you’re feeding the beast with data that in turn is likely being fed to the US intelligence services, or, at the very minimum, is being catalogued and archived by a corporation whose wealth and power depends on the privatization of the informational commons created by user data. Read about it here in my piece, co-authored with writer Travis Kelly, called “The Google Panopticon.” So much for Google not being evil."
Posted in Latest Journalism
“The Google Panopticon” in online article format at The Nation Institute: http://www.theinvestigativefund.org/inve...panopticon
“The Google Panopticon” in pdf format as it appeared in Counterpunch: http://www.christopherketcham.com/wp-con...202010.pdf
Posted in Latest Journalism
“The Google Panopticon” in online article format at The Nation Institute: http://www.theinvestigativefund.org/inve...panopticon
“The Google Panopticon” in pdf format as it appeared in Counterpunch: http://www.christopherketcham.com/wp-con...202010.pdf