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Full Version: Arizona Congresswoman Shot dead at point-blank range moments ago~!
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Keith Millea Wrote:
Ed Jewett Wrote:to investigate -- longstanding connections: CIA & Evergreen Air (bases: Marana, AZ & McMinnville, OR)


If I remember correctly,Evergreen was involved in not only helicopter logging here,but at one time was the company used for Oregons marijuana eradication program. :canabis:

Former CIA pilot, Tosh Plumley - who is a forum member - used to fly for Evergreen. In fact, I believe the use of the name "Evergreen" appears in a number of front companies that connect to Langley.
EP Heidner, the likely pseudonymous author who drafted the epic September 11 Commission Report' analysis that I posted a link to some months back, has briefly commented on the Gifford shooting on his blog. (Heidner's articles are infrequent - this is his first blog posting in 17 months). The link to the original source is right below but I've reprinted his entire piece here for reference. Food for thought and I suspect the author's anonymity is not unrelated to his seemingly deep and close-hand knowledge of the world of intel and dirty tricks. - - -

Congresswoman Gifford's Assassination Attempt May Not Be What It Appears

The appearance of FBI Director Robert Mueller at the Arizona assassination site might be a puzzle to some. Mueller's resume is such that whenever the enterprise wants to cover up an ugly situation, they put Bob in charge of the investigation and Bob is the best clean-up guy around. (BCCI CIA banking investigation, the Noriega-CIA connections, Iran-Contra investigation which cleared the Bush Enterprise of any involvement, 9-11 Investigation, which cleared the Enterprise of its involvement).(1)

There is no way to put this gently. Mueller is there to ensure that Enterprise ties to this young shooter are not exposed. They will be found. Researchers need to be vigilant as shortly after these pieces of evidence are uncovered, they will disappear into the "classified information" lock box. The Enterprise requires a major media distraction from any investigation into the discovery of the body of Air Force Secretary John Wheeler the III' in a dumpster last week.(2) John Wheeler's assassination was bungled by someone who allowed the body to be discovered, and the Arizona media drama has been put in play as a distraction, nothing more. The assassinations in Arizona are meaningless other than as a distraction for the bigger cover-up.

"Wheeler was the assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force in the George W. Bush Administration. It was the Secretary of the Air Force who discovered that Richard Cheney had set up an alternative chain of command to the nuclear weapons wing of the AF. In the process, six minutemen missiles armed with nuclear warheads were secretly transported from Minot AFB to Barksdale AFB. The later is the chief staging base for the Middle East war. The alarm system for the weapons was deactivated for the transport, something that not even the base commander could authorize. The orders had to have come from above. Many point to Cheney. Before the warheads could be flown via B-52 to the Iraq/Iran theater, the Secretary of the Air Force ordered the stand-down of all B-52 flights. When he discovered the alternative chain of command to Cheney, he fired all military personnel who were involved. Cheney was said to have been livid. The Secretary ordered an investigation of what the AF press release called an oversight, and 70 enlisted men and 5 officers were removed from the Minot nuclear system. At the same time, people involved began to die mysteriously. Wheeler is only the latest casualty." (3) That said, within weeks and months of the aborted theft being discovered in 2007, at least 4 of the involved crewmembers died, and it is reported now that 6-8 may be dead.

1. His previous roles documented at September 11 Commission Report: Final Report of the Investigation Into the Muders of Nick Berg, Eugene Armstrong and Jack Hensley, July 2006, EP Heidner, po 301
2., Former Reagan, Bush official killed, police say
Body of John Wheeler was found as garbage truck emptied contents at landfill, 1/3/2011
Anthony Thorne Wrote:EP Heidner, the likely pseudonymous author who drafted the epic September 11 Commission Report' analysis that I posted a link to some months back, has briefly commented on the Gifford shooting on his blog. (Heidner's articles are infrequent - this is his first blog posting in 17 months). The link to the original source is right below but I've reprinted his entire piece here for reference. Food for thought and I suspect the author's anonymity is not unrelated to his seemingly deep and close-hand knowledge of the world of intel and dirty tricks. - - -

Congresswoman Gifford's Assassination Attempt May Not Be What It Appears

The appearance of FBI Director Robert Mueller at the Arizona assassination site might be a puzzle to some. Mueller's resume is such that whenever the enterprise wants to cover up an ugly situation, they put Bob in charge of the investigation and Bob is the best clean-up guy around. (BCCI CIA banking investigation, the Noriega-CIA connections, Iran-Contra investigation which cleared the Bush Enterprise of any involvement, 9-11 Investigation, which cleared the Enterprise of its involvement).(1)

There is no way to put this gently. Mueller is there to ensure that Enterprise ties to this young shooter are not exposed. They will be found. Researchers need to be vigilant as shortly after these pieces of evidence are uncovered, they will disappear into the "classified information" lock box. The Enterprise requires a major media distraction from any investigation into the discovery of the body of Air Force Secretary John Wheeler the III' in a dumpster last week.(2) John Wheeler's assassination was bungled by someone who allowed the body to be discovered, and the Arizona media drama has been put in play as a distraction, nothing more. The assassinations in Arizona are meaningless other than as a distraction for the bigger cover-up.

"Wheeler was the assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force in the George W. Bush Administration. It was the Secretary of the Air Force who discovered that Richard Cheney had set up an alternative chain of command to the nuclear weapons wing of the AF. In the process, six minutemen missiles armed with nuclear warheads were secretly transported from Minot AFB to Barksdale AFB. The later is the chief staging base for the Middle East war. The alarm system for the weapons was deactivated for the transport, something that not even the base commander could authorize. The orders had to have come from above. Many point to Cheney. Before the warheads could be flown via B-52 to the Iraq/Iran theater, the Secretary of the Air Force ordered the stand-down of all B-52 flights. When he discovered the alternative chain of command to Cheney, he fired all military personnel who were involved. Cheney was said to have been livid. The Secretary ordered an investigation of what the AF press release called an oversight, and 70 enlisted men and 5 officers were removed from the Minot nuclear system. At the same time, people involved began to die mysteriously. Wheeler is only the latest casualty." (3) That said, within weeks and months of the aborted theft being discovered in 2007, at least 4 of the involved crewmembers died, and it is reported now that 6-8 may be dead.

1. His previous roles documented at September 11 Commission Report: Final Report of the Investigation Into the Muders of Nick Berg, Eugene Armstrong and Jack Hensley, July 2006, EP Heidner, po 301
2., Former Reagan, Bush official killed, police say
Body of John Wheeler was found as garbage truck emptied contents at landfill, 1/3/2011

That really is food for thought Anthony.

It doesn't detract from the growing hypothesis that Loughner may have mind-controlled, but the "bigger picture" it affords is really intriguing.

The implication of the nuclear weapons being made available to the middle east theatre is that they would be used somewhere, but where? The question then arises who was to be blamed for such an atrocity? Iran?

And is nuclear armageddon a strategy now in play?
Looks to me like whatever they had in mind [sic] would make Dallas, Iran-Contra, Watergate, even 911 look like trivial events in comparison.....glad it was thwarted; but only time before they try it or something like it [or worse] again soon. Humanity seems to be on [unbeknown to most] right on the edge of existence - on several fronts. Have a nice day~:wavey:
9/11 Truth Is No "Parlor Game" 21 Jan 2011 By Jim Fetzer A disturbing article, "The 9/11 'Truth' Parlor Game" (15 January 2011), by Robert Parry, advances the indefensible theory that the shooting of Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) was affected by the shooter's interest in 9/11 truth. While there are good reasons to suspect that the political climate nurtured by the right wing may have influenced him (by targeting a series of representatives using the cross-hairs of a telescopic site, for example), there is no reason to believe than anyone associated with the 9/11 truth movement has targeted any members of Congress--other than attempting to expose them to the evidence that research has unearthed, which has shown that virtually every claim the government has made about 9/11 is provably false.
David Guyatt Wrote:... The implication of the nuclear weapons being made available to the middle east theatre is that they would be used somewhere, but where? The question then arises who was to be blamed for such an atrocity? Iran?

And is nuclear armageddon a strategy now in play?

Nuclear armageddon has been in play for a long time. It's just a question of being able to find justification for firing first, at the right time. The first-strike mentality has been present inside the US for a long time; as a child, I remember the B-58 Hustler's frolicking at 1,000 feet on the western slope of Mt. Greylock along the Taconic ridge. I wrote a "thesis" back in 2007 [ ] that this has been a wet dream of the neo-con movement aided in part by the Israeli war-gaming mentalities. We've seen it historically with JFK and the Unspeakable. It's updated now by missile shields, Star Wars technologies, the launching of the X-37B and its Chinese counterpart, and more.

The issue around the loose nuke is two-fold: a) It is held for a false-flag attack inside the US or perhaps elsewhere? b) Doesn't high-end scientific assay allow some to determine the source of that nuclear weapon after its detonation? And, if so, how will such sampling be prevented?

The big players in this arena are the US, Russia and China; US will hope to find the right moment with a range of technologies such as shields and supremely-fast fighters and bombers, to hit a weak and incapable Russia and/or China. Note the recent UK financial issues in keeping nuclear subs at sea covered temporarily by French assistance. The small players are such states as Pakistan and India, with Pakistani nukes arguably in an insecure state and "local" tempers in an uproar. Add in Israeli tinkering, Iran, Israeli nuclear capabilities, Star Wars directed energy weaponry and shake (don't stir), keeping in mind the old games of "Diplomacy", "Shogun" and treachery in allegiances. Note also the upgraded presence of underground bunkers in both the US and China. Tie this in with the articles on "continuity of government" by Peter Dale Scott. Season with the recently-posted projection of the need for more nuclear subs of both attack and boomer variety.
David Guyatt Wrote:
Keith Millea Wrote:
Ed Jewett Wrote:to investigate -- longstanding connections: CIA & Evergreen Air (bases: Marana, AZ & McMinnville, OR)

If I remember correctly,Evergreen was involved in not only helicopter logging here,but at one time was the company used for Oregons marijuana eradication program. :canabis:

Former CIA pilot, Tosh Plumley - who is a forum member - used to fly for Evergreen. In fact, I believe the use of the name "Evergreen" appears in a number of front companies that connect to Langley.

Is it the same Evergreen mentioned in my recent post about chemtrails?
Magda Hassan Wrote:Yes.Smoking

What are they eradicating now?
Hey, as long as they pay who cares!
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