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The Obama event at the University of Arizona was panned by more than one lone wolf.

Chris Floyd:

Speech Pathology: Rain Puddles in Heaven, Hellfire on Earth

who also linked to Arthur Silber:

You Can't Think, and You're Goddamned Liars

and George Kenney at Electric Politics:

What a Gas!


Expanding our Moral Imaginations Obama's Speech is Just More Bullshit
Posted on January 13, 2011 by willyloman by Scott Creighton
Blackpacket Exclusive: Anomalies in the Giffords shooting

January 11, 2011
By Hx

By Don White
With all the talk about the left and right and who influenced Loughner to shoot countless people and attempt to kill Gifford, why is nobody talking about this plain anomaly?
It was first brought to my attention my none other than youtube user Montagraph who pointed out that he noticed Giffords official youtube account had only 2 channels it subscribed to. One being that of former congressman Ike Skelton and the other being that of Loughner.
While at first this can be discounted as simply being a fake youtube account, or maybe a mistake, or someone she or the staff knew. Or maybe it was added after the shooting to keep tabs on his account etc. However the rabbit hole goes deeper as you look into the details of this bizarre link.
1) First, is this really her account? Well the answer can easily be found by visiting You can see plainly that the only video player which contains all of her political speeches and television appearances is linked to the Giffords2 account. This youtube account is definitely official and trusted' as the main source of Gifford's videos. Likely it is run by her staff at all times, and it's quite possible she does not even check it, however it is official and for her current position in congress.
2) Is the gunman's account, Classitup10, really that of Loughner? This is published in the media and also you can see clearly that he posted his full name conveniently in each video he uploaded prior to the shooting. This is definitely his account, was created previously and contains the only messages we have seen from him.
3) When did this link occur? was it after the incident to keep tabs on him; to let everyone see who he was? or was this a previous link she or her staff made? This can easily be figured out using's cache (since google updated theirs) and we can see that as of the 26th of December, the congresswoman's account was NOT subscribed to the gunman. However we can see through several individuals' screenshots that as of January 8th, it had been two days since someone logged into her account, and as of January 8th she was already subscribed to him. This brings us to the conclusion that her account was subscribed to him sometime between December 26th and January 6th. Before the incident… This is VERY strange….
Taken January 8, 2011
[Image: jan8th.jpg]
Taken from cache December 26, 2010
[Image: dec26.jpg]
This brings us to the 20,000$ question…
3) The only videos uploaded by the gunman are very poor quality, very self absorbed, have no video or audio quality of any kind.
Here is his channel:
These videos are pretty bad for even the usual low budget windows media conspiracy videos we often see. It is merely text explaining general disgust with various things, mainly the government and politics, in very hard to follow sentences. He mentions mind control as well.
Why would the congresswoman or anyone in her staff associate her account with his? Even if he was a family member or best friend, why would anyone associate a congresswoman's official account with some extremist? This is political suicide… His account has only favorited a single video, a video of someone burning an american flag. It is rumored this is him in the video and that is his second account, however I cannot verify this.
All this makes no sense.. No reason she or anyone in her staff should have ever subscribed to him?
4) More question into the videos that Lougher uploaded… The tags for his video "hello" which shows the text "Hello, my name is Jared Lougher" are only his name and address. It seems to find this video in a search engine you would be looking specifically for him by name only. This video should have been VERY unpopular until after the incident. So when we look at the statistics on the video through youtube, we see the OBVIOUS spike in traffic the last couple days. However there was another huge spike on December 28th? Why is that? We see he got over 45,000 views in a single day… Why is it with over 500 subscribers, some of my better videos have less than that many views after several months? The video was uploaded on December 15th, and on December 28th it suddenly has a spike in views that show it basically went viral for one day… Then back to normal until the shooting?
[Image: statsyd.jpg]
I can't explain this sudden spike in traffic, and maybe it's irrelevant, but it's there, and it makes no sense… How did he get these hits? It claims the majority were mobile users.. Odd.
I have no idea what to think honestly. Why this link? And now as of writing this, the link has just been removed by whoever administers the Giffords2 page. This is already sinking down the memory hole as nobody is covering this or asking the important questions… Why? and Who? made the subscription? This insider obviously did something VERY strange by linking to the shooter, and somehow had previous knowledge as this was before the incident.. and even more, this person wanted the world to see for the days following the incident until today when it was removed.
Some believe a hacker? Why would a hacker do this before the shooting? this "hacker" too would need inside info.. about who to link to prior to the incident. There is someone very important and very involved in this case who we are not hearing about. The fact that this link was made before the shooting, by someone on the inside, I believe, shows some sort of inside involvement with participants other than Loughner. What do you think?
Interesting find, Magda. Thank you.
As the man in his 50s who got away after being with [taking ]? Loughner there at the event. He seems to also be forgotten about accidentally on purpose.
I thought he was supposed to have been the taxi driver that delivered him there? I know he was dismissed as a person of interest. Is there some one else?
JUAN GONZALEZ: The youngest victim of the Arizona shooting rampage has been laid to rest. More than 2,000 people packed into a Tucson church, and hundreds more lined the road outside, to remember nine-year-old Christina Taylor Green. The third-grade student was born on September 11th, 2001. She had recently been elected to her school's student council. Her funeral was the first for the six people killed last week when alleged gunman Jared Loughton opened fire at a Tucson grocery store in an apparent assassination attempt of Congressmember Gabrielle Giffords.

The shooting has sparked a national debate across the country about political rhetoric. Many have pointed to a controversial map issued by former Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin that included crosshairs on various Democratic districts, including Giffords'. In a tweet at the time, Palin urged supporters, quote, "Don't Retreat-RELOAD!"

Giffords won reelection in a tight race against her Tea Party-backed Republican opponent Jesse Kelly, a former Marine who served in Iraq. In June, Kelly promoted a campaign event on his website that read, quote, "Get on Target for Victory in November. Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office. Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly."

AMY GOODMAN: Critics have also pointed to comments made by the former Republican candidate for Senate from Nevada, Sharron Angle. Angle came under intense scrutiny during the campaign for suggesting people should invoke "Second Amendment remedies" as a check on the government and to, quote, "take out" her opponent, Harry Reid.

We turn now to one of the survivors of the Arizona shooting, Eric Fuller. He's a 63-year-old disabled vet who had campaigned for Gabrielle Giffords. He was at the supermarket in Tucson Saturday to meet with Giffords. He was shot in the leg, wounded in the back. We spoke with him at his home in Tucson, and he described what happened.

ERIC FULLER: Once she walked up to me, she said, "I'll answer your questions, but you have to wait." And there was a line forming up there, so I went over and I sat down and looked over my questions, only two of them, kind of long ones, and was trying to figure out which one and whether I should, you know, ask those questions, when I heard the sound of gunshots. And I looked over only about 10 or 15 feet away, where Gabrielle Giffords had been standing, and in her place was a very excited gunman who was athletically pumping out the rounds and pointing the gun at anybody that he could get a bead on.

People around me were being hit. I just dove for the ground. And while I was diving for the ground, a round hit me in the knee. I was conscious of that. And while I was on the ground, I guess another one, another round, hit me in the back. A fragment did; it hit me in the back. A woman went over and knocked the clip out of his hand. He was reloading. He had a Glock 9mm with a 30-round clip in it. And my thought on the ground was that he's going to come and finish us off. But this woman knocked the other clip out of his hand. Then a couple of guys came along, bystanders, and they tackled him, knocked him to the ground.

I was in shock, and I just wandered out into the parking lot. And a woman was pushing a cart full of groceries out there. And I said to her, "I've been shot." And she just looked at me like I was crazy. I was taken to the hospital. And even though I was sedated and everything, I stayed upI was staying up, stayed most of the night. And I didn't know how to calm myself down, so I wrote down the Declaration of Independence, which I memorized some time ago. And that did help to organize my thoughts. And the first thing that I wrote down and what my reaction was to it was: "How many other people? How many other demented people are out there? It looks like Palin, Beck, Sharron Angle and the rest got their first target. Their wish for Second Amendment activism has been fulfilledsenseless hatred leading to murder, lunatic fringe anarchism, subscribed to by John Boehner, mainstream rebels with vengeance for all, even nine-year-old girls." There was a little girl named Christina Green, nine years old, who is one of the deceased.

Another thing I wrote down was, "Can we have another fundraiser at the target range, Jesse Kelly?" Jesse Kelly ran against her in the election. And I've heard him speak severala couple of times, and I couldn't believe he was a real candidate. I thought he was just like a fake candidate. It didn't seem like anybody would consider him seriously. He came within 4,000 votes of winning the election. One of his slogans was: "Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly." Kind of a very marginal personality and a low mentality.

I worked hard to elect Gabrielle Giffords. I would rather she was busy doing her job today than lying in a hospital with a gunshot wound in the head.
Magda Hassan Wrote:Blackpacket Exclusive: Anomalies in the Giffords shooting

Yes Magda, very interesting indeed.
Russian's Point of View on Arizona Shooting: FBI, Secret Service, Sheriff - not Politicians - Are Responsible for the Tragedy

David Guyatt Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:Blackpacket Exclusive: Anomalies in the Giffords shooting

Yes Magda, very interesting indeed.

Sadly, all too sadly, just another 'normative' day in America...but you don't hear about it...because those shot were poor, non-white and not famous nor part of the establishment.....

Hey, we are number one! Hey! deaths by shots from guns of persons we don't know and for reasons other than robbery. Very often the shooters are the police!

I don't mean to discount the anomalies in the Gillfords attempted assassination. That is something else we are number one at - assassinations by lone gunmen with no 'rational reason' for choosing their prey......(sic)'. She was a woman. She was Jewish. She was somewhat progressive and she was hated by the ultra-right. What more do you need to know?!.......
By Jim Walsh
The Arizona Republic | January 14, 2011

Pima County detectives are investigating if some death threats received by fax this spring by a California state senator might be connected to the Tucson shooting spree that left six dead and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords critically wounded.

A Pima County detective called Sen. Leland Yee's chief of staff on Monday to inquire about some racist faxes Yee received in March or April after he checked into payments made by a California state university to Sarah Palin for a speaking engagement.

Adam Keigwin, Yee's top aide, said he was surprised by the detective's call.

"I'm not certain if there is a definite connection" between the threats received by Yee and the Giffords case, Keigwin said. "He referenced that they are seeing similar faxes in their investigation. I think it has similar terminology. I don't know for sure, but he said they are getting very similar faxes."

Deputy Jason Ogan, a Pima County Sheriff's Department spokesman, could not be reached for comment.

Keigwin said Yee received several anonymous threatening telephone messages at his offices and that he dismissed those as angry outbursts by "Sarah Palin fans."

But he said the faxes were far more ominous. One featured a depiction of a noose and said "kill all the Marxists." Others contained the "n" word and a communist symbol, attempting to draw a connection between Yee and the communist government of China.

Keigwin said he described the faxes to the Pima County detective and told him to call Tony Beard, the California State Senate's Sergeant-at-Arms, to learn more about the investigation.

The San Mateo County Times reported that the California Highway Patrol eventually investigated the death threats received by Yee.

Keigwin said he does not believe Giffords and Yee have ever met and knows of no other connection between them. Yee and Giffords are Democrats.
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