Blackpacket Exclusive: Anomalies in the Giffords shooting
January 11, 2011
By Don White
With all the talk about the left and right and who influenced Loughner to shoot countless people and attempt to kill Gifford, why is nobody talking about this plain anomaly?
It was first brought to my attention my none other than youtube user Montagraph who pointed out that he noticed Giffords official youtube account had only 2 channels it subscribed to. One being that of former congressman Ike Skelton and the other being that of Loughner.
While at first this can be discounted as simply being a fake youtube account, or maybe a mistake, or someone she or the staff knew. Or maybe it was added after the shooting to keep tabs on his account etc. However the rabbit hole goes deeper as you look into the details of this bizarre link.
1) First, is this really her account? Well the answer can easily be found by visiting You can see plainly that the only video player which contains all of her political speeches and television appearances is linked to the Giffords2 account. This youtube account is definitely official and trusted' as the main source of Gifford's videos. Likely it is run by her staff at all times, and it's quite possible she does not even check it, however it is official and for her current position in congress.
2) Is the gunman's account, Classitup10, really that of Loughner? This is published in the media and also you can see clearly that he posted his full name conveniently in each video he uploaded prior to the shooting. This is definitely his account, was created previously and contains the only messages we have seen from him.
3) When did this link occur? was it after the incident to keep tabs on him; to let everyone see who he was? or was this a previous link she or her staff made? This can easily be figured out using's cache (since google updated theirs) and we can see that as of the 26th of December, the congresswoman's account was NOT subscribed to the gunman. However we can see through several individuals' screenshots that as of January 8th, it had been two days since someone logged into her account, and as of January 8th she was already subscribed to him. This brings us to the conclusion that her account was subscribed to him sometime between December 26th and January 6th. Before the incident… This is VERY strange….
Taken January 8, 2011
![[Image: jan8th.jpg]](
Taken from cache December 26, 2010
![[Image: dec26.jpg]](
This brings us to the 20,000$ question…
3) The only videos uploaded by the gunman are very poor quality, very self absorbed, have no video or audio quality of any kind.
Here is his channel:
These videos are pretty bad for even the usual low budget windows media conspiracy videos we often see. It is merely text explaining general disgust with various things, mainly the government and politics, in very hard to follow sentences. He mentions mind control as well.
Why would the congresswoman or anyone in her staff associate her account with his? Even if he was a family member or best friend, why would anyone associate a congresswoman's official account with some extremist? This is political suicide… His account has only favorited a single video, a video of someone burning an american flag. It is rumored this is him in the video and that is his second account, however I cannot verify this.
All this makes no sense.. No reason she or anyone in her staff should have ever subscribed to him?
4) More question into the videos that Lougher uploaded… The tags for his video "hello" which shows the text "Hello, my name is Jared Lougher" are only his name and address. It seems to find this video in a search engine you would be looking specifically for him by name only. This video should have been VERY unpopular until after the incident. So when we look at the statistics on the video through youtube, we see the OBVIOUS spike in traffic the last couple days. However there was another huge spike on December 28th? Why is that? We see he got over 45,000 views in a single day… Why is it with over 500 subscribers, some of my better videos have less than that many views after several months? The video was uploaded on December 15th, and on December 28th it suddenly has a spike in views that show it basically went viral for one day… Then back to normal until the shooting?
![[Image: statsyd.jpg]](
I can't explain this sudden spike in traffic, and maybe it's irrelevant, but it's there, and it makes no sense… How did he get these hits? It claims the majority were mobile users.. Odd.
I have no idea what to think honestly. Why this link? And now as of writing this, the link has just been removed by whoever administers the Giffords2 page. This is already sinking down the memory hole as nobody is covering this or asking the important questions… Why? and Who? made the subscription? This insider obviously did something VERY strange by linking to the shooter, and somehow had previous knowledge as this was before the incident.. and even more, this person wanted the world to see for the days following the incident until today when it was removed.
Some believe a hacker? Why would a hacker do this before the shooting? this "hacker" too would need inside info.. about who to link to prior to the incident. There is someone very important and very involved in this case who we are not hearing about. The fact that this link was made before the shooting, by someone on the inside, I believe, shows some sort of inside involvement with participants other than Loughner. What do you think?