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Exclusive: Clinton in talks about possible move to World Bank

by Lesley Wroughton 1 hr 29 mins ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been in discussions with the White House about leaving her job next year to become head of the World Bank, sources familiar with the discussions said Thursday.
The former first lady and onetime political rival to President Barack Obama quickly became one of the most influential members of his cabinet after she began her tenure at State in early 2009.
She has said publicly she did not plan to stay on at the State Department for more than four years. Associates say Clinton has expressed interest in having the World Bank job should the Bank's current president, Robert Zoellick, leave at the end of his term, in the middle of 2012.
"Hillary Clinton wants the job," said one source who knows the secretary well.

More at the link:
I know where I would like her to move but it is not the World Bank....
Via: AFP:

Top US administration officials vehemently denied suggestions Thursday that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was in talks to lead the World Bank.

"It's 100 percent untrue," Philippe Reines, a close advisor to Clinton, told AFP.

"To be crystal clear," he added in a second statement, "Secretary Clinton has not had any conversations with the president, the White House or anyone about moving to the World Bank.

"She has expressed absolutely no interest in the job. She would not take it if offered."

White House spokesman Jay Carney also chipped in, saying: "The story is completely untrue."