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the latest from vince...b

Part Nine: Acting as part summary (thus, some repetition from prior parts) and part loose ends collection (new stuff), Vince Palamara catalogues some more very interesting "official" and unofficial Secret Service items of interest:

Part Eight: Vince Palamara explores "official" history as portrayed in pre and post assassination (kids/ adults) books, as well as other interesting loose ends (including photographs and correspondence):

Part Seven: JFK, Marilyn Monroe...and FLOYD BORING?!?!? Also, Thomas Shipman, the agent who passed a way a few short weeks before Dallas [10/14/63, to be exact: "heart attack" at Camp David...](and who could have been JFK's driver instead of the inept Greer) is discussed (twice), among many other items of interest (including Secret Service Agent Wade Rodham, HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON'S UNCLE!):

Part Six: Vince Palamara discusses Secret Service agent Emory Roberts and the whole "official history" issue of JFK allegedly being difficult to protect and even allegedly ordering the agents off the back of his limousine, among other things:

Part Five: What President Lyndon Johnson thought of the inept ASAIC (number three man; on the Texas trip; riding in the limousine) Roy H. Kellerman: ouch!!!!:

Part Four: Vince Palamara notes quite a few of the more interesting and valuable Secret Service (JFK) related books, dvds, and videos:

Part Three: Vince Palamara explores the role of ASAIC (number two man of the Secret Service White House Detail) Floyd M. Boring in the planning of JFK's fatal trip to Texas, among other things:

Part Two: Vince Palamara explores many interesting and rare JFK/ Secret Service related photographs:

Part One: the strange presence of PRS Secret Service employees Glen A. Bennett and the heretofore virtually unknown Howard K. Norton on President Kennedy's fatal trip to the Lone Star State, as well as in Florida (and, in Bennett's case at least, New York) in November 1963:

Vince Palamara