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Sorry for the lack of details but while riding to the market today I listened to American National Public Radio (NPR) and heard a man who has written a book entitled something like "The Modern Warrior". He was an American Special Forces Army soldier who was being given softball questions to promote his book and obvious agenda.

While driving I heard several more than obvious planted phony callers asking questions that were responded to with apologies for American international aid and humanitarian programs the benefited local 3rd world populations. Having read much material off this site the program instantly disgusted me because I knew exactly what it was - CIA humanitarian aid organization propaganda. Public radio has been struggling for funding lately. I have no doubt they are receiving favoritism by allowing this flagrant CIA self-promotion propaganda through unfiltered.

Nowhere in the program was there any mention of CIA authors or how they promote CIA propaganda by means of books or radio shows. Nowhere was there mention of how CIA uses religious and aid organization fronts to gain vast propaganda reward in order to install rapacious corporate mineral and resource extraction in 3rd world countries as well as assassinating their leaders. And this is public radio for God's sakes. Here come the neo-age good guys to sell their goods straight-faced as normal sincere guys offering their product on free access media.

After offering a thinly-veiled CIA propaganda piece with obvious CIA plant "callers" the woman host said "thank you for your service to this country."
A couple yrs. ago I attended a public lecture at the private William Mitchell law school in St.Paul,Mn. The topic was "spies in film". One actually had to call for a reservation & then sign in at the entry. Mention was made that questions would be allowed at the end of the panel discussion. That never happened. 2 of the panelists were CIA lawyers including John Rizzo who wrote the memos for the Bush Admin. torture clearances. They actually engaged in a discussion about how to more effectively integrate the CIA into films like the FBI does. The crowd of 500 was likely liberal left but like I said no questions were allowed at the end. i approached Rizzo & the other CIA lawyer with a question about some aspect of the JFK assassination involving Angleton, I believe, and they played dumb but did suggest I read William Buckley's book that related to Angleton and became the film The GOOD SHEPARD with Matt Damon. Correct me if I'm wrong about GOOD SHEPARD coming from W. Buckley's work.
There's a DPF effort to unpick The Good Shepherd here...
Sorry "Spytime: The Fall of James Jesus Angleton", not The Good Shepard, was the book John Rizzo told me to read.
NPR was bought-out/sold-out long, long ago...if it wasn't a Mockingbird Op from the get-go~! One only has to look at their coverage, specials, biases, presenters, who they get rid of. what they won't address.....etc. It has been well covered other places. I'll try to find a good reference and post. They are the radio dial left Sheeple hearders - nothing else. If you want something good in the way of 'radio', listen to the Pacifica Network stations via internet if not in your city [only in 5]. They have been twice bombed! and are continuously fighting for their survival and to not have their bands/licenses sold to the Ultra Reich - a true testimonial to the fact they must be speaking Truth that Power doesn't want anyone to hear. NPR is just literate [and hidden without the 'anger'] Fox News - same forces behind both, IMHO.
I remember the mid 80s when it was noted by some that the Reagan admin. had directed NPR to sanitize itself or else and they did.
Thank you Peter. When this Bush centurion was speaking you could practically cut the plastic hanging in the air with a knife. America is bascially occupied just like Iraq and Afghanistan. It's filthy. American defense is designed to protect the 'freedom' of the status quo. Unfortunately that status quo is total CIA infiltration like you see with NPR.