31-12-2013, 01:08 AM
David - could you please source the "plates in Africa" comment.... I can't find info on it anywhere...
To resurrect the passion of Mr Drago here for a moment...
I have always asked the question - WHO gave LeMay, Burkley, Galloway, the CIA, the ONI their orders at the SPONSOR level - or did they even have to? and what about Bundy and the other civilians?
who generated the initial smoke screen... SPONSOR or order taker?
The motivation of those who enjoy SPONSOR status is to raise the lever on those who will accomplish the desired end following their own motivations... while knowing in their heart of hearts that failure has its price.
The desire of the SPONOSR is to control absolutely... no competition, no losses - simply control all of it as thoroughly as possible for all of eternity...
"Ever since I read Pepper's book, I've felt that it made sense that the Pentagon were the sponsors of the MLK hit." -David G.
Help me out here David... how does the Pentagon benefit from the killing of MLK... as opposed to the actual SPONSOR level in which civil unrest leads to an entire population at each other's throats, too busy to watch the real villians rob us blind... The PENTAGON has no horse in that game from what I can tell.
Is it possible that MLK happened WITHOUT Sponsor sanction? Just the FBI getting fed up along with other Military neo-cons... as we both understand, killing MLK did nothing but martyr him and help the civil rights movement.. which in turn keeps the nation divided.. If the SPONSORS were ultra-national (and my belief is that most are European in backing and support) wouldn't a divided and war internal US be a help to their "plan" of complete and total control?
The PENTAGON spends money which enriches the SPONSORS...
The PENTAGON protects the interests of the SPONSORS around the world
The PENTAGON is an employment office for those aspiring to be useful to the SPONSOR level... or a reward for those who already have...
It is short-sighted to assume or suppose that HUMANS with all the power and money and control the SPONSOR level enjoys would not follow 1000's of years of social evolution...
Garrett Hardin quotes Situation Ethics by J Fletcher: the morality of an act is a function of the STATE OF THE SYSTEM at the time it is performed
The SPONSOR level has succeeded in creating a "State of the System" where their excesses cannot break thru that afternoon's realilty TV show or 53rd year of "One life to Live" (gee - talk about not getting THAT message)
And where internally - the ends always justify the means...
While we can see and feel and punish the Facilitators - it is tautological to find the SPONSORS beyond reproach and justice...
What I fail to understand BEYOND the model is what the system looks like WITHOUT the SPONSORS....
If you can offer any insight into that I'd appreciate it... From Plato to Hardin and beyond, I see no example of how it would work on a global scale
but am very interested in anyone's ideas
Facilitators come and go... SPONSORS are eternal, at least until the human condition and consciousness changes... to what is my current interest.
Like that scene from Goodfellas where Henry tells his wife not to worry... only wheelmen who fall asleep go to jail, not those who have it all worked out ahead of time....
or this one when he is first arrested "Keep your mouth shut, and NEVER rat on your friends"
To resurrect the passion of Mr Drago here for a moment...
I have always asked the question - WHO gave LeMay, Burkley, Galloway, the CIA, the ONI their orders at the SPONSOR level - or did they even have to? and what about Bundy and the other civilians?
who generated the initial smoke screen... SPONSOR or order taker?
The motivation of those who enjoy SPONSOR status is to raise the lever on those who will accomplish the desired end following their own motivations... while knowing in their heart of hearts that failure has its price.
The desire of the SPONOSR is to control absolutely... no competition, no losses - simply control all of it as thoroughly as possible for all of eternity...
"Ever since I read Pepper's book, I've felt that it made sense that the Pentagon were the sponsors of the MLK hit." -David G.
Help me out here David... how does the Pentagon benefit from the killing of MLK... as opposed to the actual SPONSOR level in which civil unrest leads to an entire population at each other's throats, too busy to watch the real villians rob us blind... The PENTAGON has no horse in that game from what I can tell.
Is it possible that MLK happened WITHOUT Sponsor sanction? Just the FBI getting fed up along with other Military neo-cons... as we both understand, killing MLK did nothing but martyr him and help the civil rights movement.. which in turn keeps the nation divided.. If the SPONSORS were ultra-national (and my belief is that most are European in backing and support) wouldn't a divided and war internal US be a help to their "plan" of complete and total control?
The PENTAGON spends money which enriches the SPONSORS...
The PENTAGON protects the interests of the SPONSORS around the world
The PENTAGON is an employment office for those aspiring to be useful to the SPONSOR level... or a reward for those who already have...
It is short-sighted to assume or suppose that HUMANS with all the power and money and control the SPONSOR level enjoys would not follow 1000's of years of social evolution...
Garrett Hardin quotes Situation Ethics by J Fletcher: the morality of an act is a function of the STATE OF THE SYSTEM at the time it is performed
The SPONSOR level has succeeded in creating a "State of the System" where their excesses cannot break thru that afternoon's realilty TV show or 53rd year of "One life to Live" (gee - talk about not getting THAT message)
And where internally - the ends always justify the means...
While we can see and feel and punish the Facilitators - it is tautological to find the SPONSORS beyond reproach and justice...
What I fail to understand BEYOND the model is what the system looks like WITHOUT the SPONSORS....
If you can offer any insight into that I'd appreciate it... From Plato to Hardin and beyond, I see no example of how it would work on a global scale
but am very interested in anyone's ideas
Facilitators come and go... SPONSORS are eternal, at least until the human condition and consciousness changes... to what is my current interest.
Like that scene from Goodfellas where Henry tells his wife not to worry... only wheelmen who fall asleep go to jail, not those who have it all worked out ahead of time....
or this one when he is first arrested "Keep your mouth shut, and NEVER rat on your friends"