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JVB vs Scott Kaiser - Scott Kaiser - 06-11-2014

"This is lead by one man who's book was canceled because of my book", no. My book wasn't canceled, just delayed, and the truth shall set me free. Folks, if you want the truth, if you want the evidence, if you want the facts I CAN and WILL provide. If you really want to know why my father was killed, I'll tell you straight up, and I won't ask you to get my book to find out, but if you want to know what my father's life was like to the end, then I'd have to say get my book, because there is just to much information in there.

JVB vs Scott Kaiser - Albert Doyle - 06-11-2014

Anna Lewis speaks about Judyth Baker. Mrs Lewis's body language seems to be saying she's telling the truth. Either that or she's very well rehearsed. She doesn't appear to be the type who is smart enough to lie so cleverly so I don't know.

Is it possible the warts in Judyth Vary Baker's story arise because she was dating one of the Oswald doubles? Mrs Lewis says in this video she met Oswald between February and April 1962. That's at least 2 months before Oswald returned from Russia. The possible implications of this are mind boggling:


JVB vs Scott Kaiser - David Josephs - 06-11-2014

I was reading some notes which suggested that Nagel was correct and that Sept 27th or thereabouts was when the initial attempt on JFK's life would happen - smack dab in the middle of the Mexico situation.

That Ozzie would be implicated and found escaping thru Cuba to Russia and all hell breaks loose. - Didn't happen that way... but an interesting case can and was made by a dear friend.

The Alice TX and related sightings suggests that an Oswald double was traveling with a women looking and sounding like Marina with 2 small children - which in itself was a contradiction for that summer.

If what you are speculating is true then JVB was on the inside and could explain why there is not a single sentence about her being in NOLA or with an Oswald. Sanitized I believe is the word.

If she cannot speak Russian or at least sound like she did then we are talking about someone else with this Oswald and she has to have been in NOLA with Harvey... Once again, if she was an innocent and Ozzie was two-timing Marina - much like the false drinking accusations - this info would make Ozzie look even worse to the US people... so why hide it?

The very few people who knew both Harvey and the Oswald double were either deep inside, silenced or killed. :Ninja:

JVB, like Files continues to be one of the great red herrings of this historic case, imo.


JVB vs Scott Kaiser - Albert Doyle - 06-11-2014

There's something about JVB that sets off my credibility sensor. I can't put my finger on it. Perhaps she's just the type of personality that doesn't register well when trying to convince people. I don't know. I'd be reticent of going full Fetzer on her.

Mrs Lewis's account of Ferrie, Ruby, Baker, and Oswald meeting her at the 500 Club is interesting to say the least. Her recounting it seems to be without hesitation. Clearly if this is true then Baker is mostly across the divide and on the side of credibility. The confirmed identical starting date at Reilly Coffee also lends credibility.

It would seem that Baker dating an Oswald double would explain the problems Pamela Brown has with her story.

Quote:if she was an innocent and Ozzie was two-timing Marina - much like the false drinking accusations - this info would make Ozzie look even worse to the US people... so why hide it?

Because investigation of it would lead back to a nest of CIA operatives engaged in anti-Castro assassination business linked to the JFK conspiracy.

JVB vs Scott Kaiser - Dawn Meredith - 06-11-2014

David Josephs Wrote:I was reading some notes which suggested that Nagel was correct and that Sept 27th or thereabouts was when the initial attempt on JFK's life would happen - smack dab in the middle of the Mexico situation.

That Ozzie would be implicated and found escaping thru Cuba to Russia and all hell breaks loose. - Didn't happen that way... but an interesting case can and was made by a dear friend.

The Alice TX and related sightings suggests that an Oswald double was traveling with a women looking and sounding like Marina with 2 small children - which in itself was a contradiction for that summer.

If what you are speculating is true then JVB was on the inside and could explain why there is not a single sentence about her being in NOLA or with an Oswald. Sanitized I believe is the word.

If she cannot speak Russian or at least sound like she did then we are talking about someone else with this Oswald and she has to have been in NOLA with Harvey... Once again, if she was an innocent and Ozzie was two-timing Marina - much like the false drinking accusations - this info would make Ozzie look even worse to the US people... so why hide it?

The very few people who knew both Harvey and the Oswald double were either deep inside, silenced or killed. :Ninja:

JVB, like Files continues to be one of the great red herrings of this historic case, imo.


That is the conclusion I reached as well. And on this interview she is so damn defensive. I can buy that she worked with Harvey, and that she knew him. But she loses me at the meeting at the post office and both began to speak with each other in Russian. I mean this is just all too pat and no one would assume a stranger would understand Russian. Just does not pass the cred. test. I have had arguments with her about this but gave up. Also all the "safety concerns" she claimed to have and now all these conferences, with zero "safety concerns". It's a rabbit hole. She has convinced herself of her love story I do believe.

JVB vs Scott Kaiser - Scott Kaiser - 06-11-2014

If you ask me anyone who starts to have a conversation with themselves on film is just as coo-coo as JVB. Anna Lewis appears to be loosing it at around 3:33. That's scary.

Permit me to rehash what we've learned thus far, at a forum on (FB). I expressed my pissed off feelings because of my book getting delayed due to Mrs. Barkers book's which needed to get released. I suppose fiction sells more then truth.

She recently confirmed my suspicions, by saying on this interview, "[B]This is lead by one man who's book was canceled because of my book". Well, my book wasn't canceled, just delayed. In the three months she has known Oswald she has worked with David Ferre, Clay Shaw, Guy Banister and was the lover of Lee Oswald.

Fifty some odd years later she is still so deeply in-love with Oswald that it turns my stomach, hell. I couldn't love my ex wife that much whom I was married to for thirteen years. Now, we're talking about a three month relationship. She says, that Guy Banister or Clay Shaw I forget which one paid for a motel room for both "Me & Lee". I don't know about you, but I'm a guy with morals, and before I just hop in the sack with someone, I want to be sure that's the woman I'm going to marry, and I surely wouldn't hop in the sack after meeting some woman that I have been dating for three months.

I don't know about you, but once you start fooling around and having sex everything changes, everything, and usually relationship don't last because of it, I prefer to wait before I give myself away, because I'd rather a woman falls in love with me, my mind first, so I could also fall in love with her, and that takes time.

However, my father did purpose to my mother after knowing her for only two weeks, but the only exception to the rule here is that my father knew, in his heart that he wanted to marry my mother, and the rest is history.

But, before I side track myself, I want to get back to JVB. This is a romantic love story she says is "well documented" in her book. I ask, can someone, anyone please provide me with one shred of FOIA document, a love letter by Lee or a letter to Lee from JVB?

I can't see why no letter's can't be found, I still have my father's love letters he wrote my mother when they first met.

Now, in this romantic love story, it's a story of her word vs nothing else. Another words, you either believe her, or you don't. And, that is what the book is based on.

In that same forum we were having a discussion about JVB at "FB" I would have to say there may have been well over fifty posts asking questions and making statements about JVB we were all awaiting an answer from her, she finally responded and it was only to correct me on the TV show she was to do an interview on, my mistake. After I spoke to Howard Platzman, I was trying to quote our conversation I had with him some years ago, and I mentioned "Current Affair" which I thought would have been an appropriate TV show for JVB considering the circumstances. But, JVB was kind enough to correct me, she said it was Sixty Minutes.

Do you think she answered any of my other questions or other questions others had? The answer to that is no, she didn't, now. You make take that for what it's worth, I'm sure we'll see a third book from her soon, titled "Clay Shaw".[/B]

JVB vs Scott Kaiser - Albert Doyle - 06-11-2014

The interviewer should have asked Anna Lewis if you were at the 500 Club with Jack Ruby, David Ferrie, Lee Harvey Oswald, and Judyth Baker, did anyone else witness you there? The interviewer should have asked details like what was the occasion etc?

Would it be likely Ruby, Ferrie, and Oswald could be partying openly at the 500 Club without any witnesses?

JVB vs Scott Kaiser - Scott Kaiser - 06-11-2014

Dawn Meredith Wrote:
David Josephs Wrote:I was reading some notes which suggested that Nagel was correct and that Sept 27th or thereabouts was when the initial attempt on JFK's life would happen - smack dab in the middle of the Mexico situation.

That Ozzie would be implicated and found escaping thru Cuba to Russia and all hell breaks loose. - Didn't happen that way... but an interesting case can and was made by a dear friend.

The Alice TX and related sightings suggests that an Oswald double was traveling with a women looking and sounding like Marina with 2 small children - which in itself was a contradiction for that summer.

If what you are speculating is true then JVB was on the inside and could explain why there is not a single sentence about her being in NOLA or with an Oswald. Sanitized I believe is the word.

If she cannot speak Russian or at least sound like she did then we are talking about someone else with this Oswald and she has to have been in NOLA with Harvey... Once again, if she was an innocent and Ozzie was two-timing Marina - much like the false drinking accusations - this info would make Ozzie look even worse to the US people... so why hide it?

The very few people who knew both Harvey and the Oswald double were either deep inside, silenced or killed. :Ninja:

JVB, like Files continues to be one of the great red herrings of this historic case, imo.


That is the conclusion I reached as well. And on this interview she is so damn defensive. I can buy that she worked with Harvey, and that she knew him. But she loses me at the meeting at the post office and both began to speak with each other in Russian. I mean this is just all too pat and no one would assume a stranger would understand Russian. Just does not pass the cred. test. I have had arguments with her about this but gave up. Also all the "safety concerns" she claimed to have and now all these conferences, with zero "safety concerns". It's a rabbit hole. She has convinced herself of her love story I do believe.

Quote:It's a rabbit hole. She has convinced herself of her love story I do believe.

I am going to offer her the red pill or the blue pill, if she takes the red pill she can go back to a normal way of living, and find reality within her confines and surroundings, or she can take the blue pill, and live in never, never land the rest of her life, her choice.

JVB vs Scott Kaiser - Albert Doyle - 07-11-2014

In the Anna Lewis video she gestures that there's something to the sexual relationship and hints that she could say a lot more. If JVB is lying then so is Anna. So you have two liars instead of one, which is interesting in itself and should require explanation. Mrs Lewis doesn't appear to be lying to me because she answers too quickly and she doesn't seem smart enough to lie so effectively while appearing to lack the intelligence to do so.

JVB vs Scott Kaiser - Scott Kaiser - 07-11-2014

Quote:If JVB is lying then so is Anna.

You think? Nah, there couldn't possibly be two liars?