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Vieil État-Major and de Gaulle assassination attempt - Printable Version

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Vieil État-Major and de Gaulle assassination attempt - Jan Klimkowski - 15-05-2011

The Organisation de l'armée secrète (OAS) is generally identified as the group responsible for the attempted assassination of Charles de Gaulle in August 1962 (which is represented, reasonably faithfully, in the opening scenes of The Day of the Jackal).

The OAS was a Gladio-infiltrated organisation, perhaps involving elements of the 11th Choc regiment.

However, Jean-Marie Bastien-Thiry, the lead assassin, who was executed by firing squad for the assassination attempt, is alleged not to have been a member of the OAS, but rather of the "Vieil État-Major".

See comments below:

Quote:Jean-Marie Bastien-Thiry (19 October 1927 11 March 1963) was a French military air weaponry engineer (creator of the Nord SS.10/SS.11 missiles) who attempted to assassinate French President Charles de Gaulle on 22 August 1962, following Algerian independence. Sentenced to death, he remains the last person to be executed by firing squad in France.

Bastien-Thiry, who was involved with the still-mysterious organization, "Vieil État-Major" (which was probably supported by high-ranking officials, politicians and the heads of large companies[citation needed]), soon made contact with the Organisation de l'armée secrète (OAS), which was already carrying out assassinations and bombings to try to prevent Algerian independence. Bastien-Thiry was not, however, actually a member of the OAS organization.

It is currently unclear whether "Vieil État-Major" was:

- a small and influential high level cell, perhaps a Sponsorship group (in the Evica-Drago sense);
- an individual (such as Giscard D'Estaing);
- a metaphor (for some other process/guidance).

I include metaphor as a possibility because one path of investigation of the OAS and Gladio in France leads to Priory of Sion metaphysical territory: AMORC, Synarcism, La Rose des Vents and Arc-en-ciel mysticism, even the Order of the Solar Temple.

Vieil État-Major and de Gaulle assassination attempt - Charles Drago - 16-05-2011


Jan, when you write, "I include metaphor as a possibility because one path of investigation of the OAS and Gladio in France leads to Priory of Sion metaphysical territory: AMORC, Synarcism, La Rose des Vents and Arc-en-ciel mysticism, even the Order of the Solar Temple," you drive toward the spiritual core of the phenomena we study -- phenomena which continue to defy, over centuries, our expectations of discovery of solely material methods and motives.

I give you Pont D'Alma and its most recent ritual significance.

Vieil État-Major ... Another layer of the onion, albeit one much closer, perhaps, to that stinking core.

Vieil État-Major and de Gaulle assassination attempt - Lauren Johnson - 16-05-2011

Charles Drago Wrote:Fascinating.

Jan, when you write, "I include metaphor as a possibility because one path of investigation of the OAS and Gladio in France leads to Priory of Sion metaphysical territory: AMORC, Synarcism, La Rose des Vents and Arc-en-ciel mysticism, even the Order of the Solar Temple," you drive toward the spiritual core of the phenomena we study -- phenomena which continue to defy, over centuries, our expectations of discovery of solely material methods and motives.

I give you Pont D'Alma and its most recent ritual significance.

Vieil État-Major ... Another layer of the onion, albeit one much closer, perhaps, to that stinking core.

CD, Would you mind summarizing what are getting at in a few sentences for the uninitiated among us? Like me for example. Maybe say a little bit about this spiritual core which still continues to defy?

Vieil État-Major and de Gaulle assassination attempt - Charles Drago - 16-05-2011

Hi Lauren,

When I attempt to understand the motives of the true Sponsors, I come face to face not only with the materialist motives that we commonly cite, but also with the certainty that at night, when the demons come as they do to all of us, the powerful must confront their mortality and the certainty that a king may go a progress through the guts of a beggar.

And so materialists join the faithful so as to make their inevitable progress more consistent with the First Class accomodations to which they are accustomed.

Vieil État-Major and de Gaulle assassination attempt - Lauren Johnson - 16-05-2011

Charles Drago Wrote:Hi Lauren,

When I attempt to understand the motives of the true Sponsors, I come face to face not only with the materialist motives that we commonly cite, but also with the certainty that at night, when the demons come as they do to all of us, the powerful must confront their mortality and the certainty that a king may go a progress through the guts of a beggar.

And so materialists join the faithful so as to make their inevitable progress more consistent with the First Class accomodations to which they are accustomed.

I used to wonder, why our society would never the obvious. Why would we let the CIA engage in their antics? Why wouldn't we have an energy policy based on conservation and innovation? Why would we keep supporting dictators? An so on? I used to think in terms dumb and dumber. When will these people get it?

After a few more iterations of this version, it has finally occurred to me that their way of solving even bigger issues like climate change and peak oil is not by living in as children of the Enlightenment, which they despise. All people created equal? Give me a break; what a joke. They intend to do the obvious: population reduction i.e. just another version of the Unspeakable.

And when physical immortality is achieved, then the Final Solution to the Problem of the Untermensch will be invented and activated. Then our planet will be ruled by immortal parasites who see themselves as gods. Now that's an entitlement program for you. Talk about social security.

Vieil État-Major and de Gaulle assassination attempt - Jan Klimkowski - 16-05-2011

Gone with the wind...

Vieil État-Major and de Gaulle assassination attempt - Charles Drago - 16-05-2011

And so, in a thread screaming for comic relief, I give you the following true tale:

When Gone With the Wind was released in its dubbed Italian version, the title became Il Vento Passato.

The Wind Passes.

Vieil État-Major and de Gaulle assassination attempt - Charles Drago - 19-12-2011


Or as Inspector Clouseau would have it:


Vieil État-Major and de Gaulle assassination attempt - Bernice Moore - 19-12-2011

You mean something like this ?????

Vieil État-Major and de Gaulle assassination attempt - Charles Drago - 20-12-2011

Bernice Moore Wrote:You mean something like this ?????

I've heard of a fisher cat.

But a flasher cat???