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David Atlee Phillips Near LHO at DPD HQ? - Charles Drago - 12-06-2011

Someone named Bob Fox is satisfied that the man seen crouching behind the man holding a microphone up to LHO is David Atlee Phillips.

The head of this figure seems disproportionately large. Does this view of this face seem familiar to anyone? Does it appear on another photo of DAP?

Is that Adolph Eichmann in half-face and wearing headphones on the right border?

The "Familiar Face" gambit redux?

David Atlee Phillips Near LHO at DPD HQ? - Peter Lemkin - 12-06-2011

There are a few similarities, at first look.....especially the brow line. Interesting. Nah, Its Edward R. Morrow. The head seems too far in front of the suit.... Haven't we played this game before?

David Atlee Phillips Near LHO at DPD HQ? - Phil Dragoo - 12-06-2011

I think Bob sincerely believes the crouching man furrowed brow to be David Atlee Phillips, but I do not.

I see the unidentified man's hairline too curved, Phillips' straighter. UM's chin too square; Phillip's not so much. Angle of head makes it difficult, and the Phillips photo below shows another decade or two of drinking.


David Atlee Phillips Near LHO at DPD HQ? - Charles Drago - 12-06-2011

I have no opinion regarding Mr. Fox's motives. So it's innocent until proven otherwise.

I am curious, however, about the provenance of the photo -- especially the date of its first publication.

David Atlee Phillips Near LHO at DPD HQ? - Phil Dragoo - 12-06-2011

Corbis lists photographer as unknown.

PBS credits Dallas Times Herald through Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza.

Perhaps the photographer was Robert H. Jackson:

David Atlee Phillips Near LHO at DPD HQ? - Charles Drago - 13-06-2011

Thank you, Phil.

I'll keep looking. Pictures of the Pain is my next stop.

Perhaps when Jack White is sufficiently chipper to rejoin us he can shed more light on this photo's history.

David Atlee Phillips Near LHO at DPD HQ? - Magda Hassan - 13-06-2011

Is there a newsreel of the interview? I twould be good to see it in motion and from other angles. According to his brother DAP was in Dallas that day. It is an interesting possibility.

David Atlee Phillips Near LHO at DPD HQ? - Seamus Coogan - 13-06-2011

Charles Drago Wrote:Someone named Bob Fox is satisfied that the man seen crouching behind the man holding a microphone up to LHO is David Atlee Phillips.

The head of this figure seems disproportionately large. Does this view of this face seem familiar to anyone? Does it appear on another photo of DAP?

Is that Adolph Eichmann in half-face and wearing headphones on the right border?

The "Familiar Face" gambit redux?

Yeah Bob's a good guy. But his imagination gets the better of him and he's gotten way carried with away with this one.

David Atlee Phillips Near LHO at DPD HQ? - Bernice Moore - 13-06-2011

hi they went looking for this fella once before, somewhere on some forum, and what i have is below, and that the photo is from the friday night press conference, fwiwit is ..john.rutledge of the dallas morning news.....b

David Atlee Phillips Near LHO at DPD HQ? - Magda Hassan - 13-06-2011

Is there another photo J.Rutledge? Just to compare?