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The Joint Chiefs of Staff Pushed Kennedy to Nuclear First Strike - Adele Edisen - 29-03-2012

"The entire Joint Chiefs of Staff of The United States convened,
and voted to go to "nuclear first strike." Because, they said:
You can't be faked out. You can't blink when you go toe-to-toe
with these guys. We've got to go to "nuclear first strike"!

And when they INSTRUCTED Kennedy to that effect,

President Kennedy was so traumatized, according to Kenny O'Brien,
who was there. Kenny O'Brien said that he sat there in his rocking
chair, and tears actually appeared in his eyes, and he said,

"I will NOT be the man who does this!"

And he ordered the entire United States nuclear forces to stand down
from their alert, because he did not want to have any accidents."

Adele Edisen

The Joint Chiefs of Staff Pushed Kennedy to Nuclear First Strike - Albert Doyle - 30-03-2012

That liberal traitor refused to incinerate mankind for the WMD pigs.


The Joint Chiefs of Staff Pushed Kennedy to Nuclear First Strike - Adele Edisen - 30-03-2012


Here's the rest of the article.

Calling John Kennedy a traitor was not the worst of it.



Interesting narrative about the time when the Earth almost went Nuclear.


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 1:55 PM
Subject: Daniel Sheehan: They Pushed Kennedy to Nuclear First Strike

"The entire Joint Chiefs of Staff of The United States convened,
and voted to go to "nuclear first strike." Because, they said:
You can't be faked out. You can't blink when you go toe-to-toe
with these guys. We've got to go to "nuclear first strike"!

And when they INSTRUCTED Kennedy to that effect,
President Kennedy was so traumatized, according to Kenny O'Brien,
who was there. Kenny O'Brien said that he sat there in his rocking
chair, and tears actually appeared in his eyes, and he said,

"I will NOT be the man who does this!"

And he ordered the entire United States nuclear forces to stand down
from their alert, because he did not want to have any accidents."
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News They Never Told You .... News They'll Never Tell You

DATE: _________ __, ____ PRICE: __ CENTS


* * * * * MORNING EDITION * * * * *

EDITOR: John DiNardo

From the Pacifica Radio Network station,
WBAI-FM (99.5)
505 Eighth Ave., 19th Fl.
New York, NY 10018

Part 4, NIXON: Stone Told Too Little of Truth Concealed by CIA-Infested

But the fact is that that messed up. This group did not make it ashore. They
tried to get ashore, and they encountered what they thought were real Castro
troops, and they never made it ashore.
So this fake attack against the Guantanamo base never took place.
Therefore, a geniuine mayday [distress call] never came in [from] the
Guantanamo Marine base. The Marines were never sent in, and so, the twelve
hundred men or so of the actual Cubans [exiles] went ashore and were

Now, there is also a lot of talk about the failure of Kennedy to order in
the air support, but the fact is that the men just screwed up. They had air
support down in Nicaragua, and they had some in Guatemala, but they got
confused on the difference in the time zones. And so, only one sortie of
aircraft went over to give them support, and the second one that was
supposed to show up was an hour late. By that time, they were already pinned
down on the beach, and the Cuban Air Force had already gotten into the air.
And the objective of that whole air cover [plan] was to hit the Cuban Air
Force while it was on the ground, so that it could never get airborne.

Now, when the fiasco came down, as we all recall, Kennedy was blamed for it
by the men in the Central Intelligence Agency. They fabricated stories
saying that:

he didn't send in the air support, as he had promised; and
he promised to send in the Marines, and he withheld them.

NONE of that was true! But there was a major effort on the part of the
Central Intelligence Agency people -- Richard Bissell and J.C.
King and Sheffield Edwards and the others -- to lay all the blame on

Kennedy, as we recall, stepped forward and accepted responsibility for that,
much to their surprise, and then he went down to Miami and he held a big
meeting at the Orange Bowl, and met with Cuban refugees, and said that he
took full responsibility, and he apologized to them, and said that he was
going to allow them to continue [their paramilitary operations against the
Castro regime].

Now, at the same time, Kennedy was promising Premier Kruschev of the Soviet
Union that he was not going to allow this to go on anymore.
He flat-out lied to Premier Kruschev. And when they reassembled the group to
continue the operations, so as to maintain Kennedy's popularity with the
Cuban community in Miami,they renamed "Operation Forty" "Operation
Mongoose." And they set up a huge base code-named JMWAVE on the southern
campus of the University of Miami. They set up a huge facility there under
the cover of an electronics firm.
And they ran JMWAVE, which was the Operation Mongoose continuation of the
whole Operation Forty.

Now, in the meantime, this political assassination group, unknown to the
Kennedy brothers, was continuing its efforts to assassinate Fidel Castro.
Now a brand-new Miami [C.I.A.] station chief was brought in under this
operation which became the second biggest C.I.A. base in the world, second
only to Langley, outside of Washington here, in Virginia, as the main base.
And a young, 34-year-old Central Intelligence Agency operative from Berlin,
a fellow by the name of Theodore G. Shackley, was brought in to run the
entire operation. He came to know about the political assassination
operation that was being run.

And liaisons from the C.I.A. were then put in touch with the actual
political assassination group. Frank Fiorini, or [alias] Frank Sturgis and
E. Howard Hunt were direct liaisons who were assigned to coordinate with
this political assassination group. There was another fellow by the name of
David Morales. They call him "the Indian". But David Morales was assigned,
out of Shackley's office in Miami, to coordinate with these particular men.
That operation continued apace from November of 1961 all the way up to
November of
1962 when this horrible "Cuban Missile Crisis" came down.

Because Kruschev had come to the realization that he was being lied to by
the new young president, and that the military operations were continuing
against Cuba after President Kennedy had promised, personally, to Kruschev
that he would stop them, Kruschev then went ahead and ordered nuclear
missiles into Cuba. Kruschev had become convinced that Kennedy was actually
planning a second invasion attempt, so he sent in the missiles to provide
protection, with some bombers.

And when this was discovered, of course the now-famous confrontaion
occurred, between Kennedy and Kruschev, of the October Missile Crisis of

Now, when this happened, it was astonishing to everyone. What had happened
was that the president, at the direction of his Joint Chiefs of Staff, had
issued an ultimatum to Kruschev, saying that:

We're going to establish a particular line of longitude in the
Atlantic Ocean. We know that you're sending more ships with more
missiles on board because we've picked them up on our satellites.
We can see them. And if those ships cross a particular line of
longitude, a technical state of war will exist between the
Soviet Union and the United States.

Now, they monitored those ships, and those ships came up to the line, and
actually CROSSED THE LINE! The entire Joint Chiefs of Staff of The United
States convened, and voted to go to "nuclear first strike." Because, they

You can't be faked out. You can't blink when you go toe-to-toe
with these guys. We've got to go to "nuclear first strike"!

And when they INSTRUCTED Kennedy to that effect, Kennedy ABSOLUTELY REFUSED!

[JD: An acquaintance once told me that he knows a businessman
who has some contacts within the political establishment, and he
related what this businessman had told him -- that, in a closed
meeting, the Joint Chiefs of Staff had actually pulled out guns and
pointed them at President Kennedy.]

President Kennedy was so traumatized, according to Kenny O'Brien, who was
there. Kenny O'Brien said that he sat there in his rocking chair, and tears
actually appeared in his eyes, and he said,

"I will NOT be the man who does this!"

And he ordered the entire United States nuclear forces to stand down from
their alert, because he did not want to have any accidents.
And he was SO TRAUMATIZED by that experience of coming right to the very
SECOND when he was being directed to launch a thermonuclear strike that
would bring to an end, perhaps, the entire human family, that he went
through a kind of "netanoia process" (that's how we refer to it in
theological circles). It was kind of a religious experience.
It was an encounter with ultimate reality.

And he was DRAMATICALLY changed by that. He started taking steps, not only
to stand down our nuclear forces, but to establish communications with
Soviet Premier Kruschev -- to set up the red phone hot line system [between
Washington and Moscow]; he started talking about setting aside and stopping
nuclear testing; he established a back channel to Fidel Castro to start
discussing how they could stand down from their confrontation; this whole
process he began to do. And, as you know, he began to take steps to stand
down United States military intervention in Southeast Asia.

This whole process [of rapprochement], that was going on as a result of
Kennedy's experience, generated ABSOLUTE OUTRAGE within the Cuban community.
They believed that they had been lied to. They were obviously displeased,
all the way from the Bay of Pigs Invasion, when they had been told [the lie]
by Central Intelligence Agency officials that Kennedy had personally held
back the air cover.
Even though they had sort of forgiven him for that -- in light of his
willingness to proceed with Operation Mongoose -- once he turned on them (he
said that he was absolutely going to order them to stand down from all their
[paramilitary] operations [against Castro]), they became FURIOUS!

Now, here's where we come, in my judgment -- based on everything that I was
told -- to the pivotal point.

What happened was that President Kennedy ordered those military bases that
had been set up, by the Central Intelligence Agency, in the Florida
Everglades, on No-Name Key, on the Florida Keys, and also on Lake
Ponchetrain in the Louisiana bayous ... he ordered these bases to stand down
and to stop all further military or paramilitary operations against Cuba.

Well, they flat-out refused.

And it was at these bases that some of the recruits had been taken for this
special "shooter force" [S Force], this political assassination group.
Historically, they were gathered up from No-Name Key and this one base in
the Everglades and one of the two operations in Ponchetrain, north of the
lake there. They would gather up these twelve guys, and they would bring
them, secretly, to Fort Huachuca, Arizona. And there, they would be logged
in and they would sort of disappear from the world. And then they were
secretly transported down to Mexico, to a ranch down there near Huajaca[sp],
Mexico, where they were trained in political assassination
techniques: triangulating rifle fire, poisoning, bombings of all sorts;
that's where they were trained. Then they would be flown back up to Fort
Huachuca where they would resurface into the world. Then they would be flown
back to their various bases, on No-Name Key and in the Everalades and north
of Lake Ponchetrain. And then, they would continue to simply participate.
Unless they were going to be called upon to undertake a particular political
assassination attempt against Fidel Castro, they would just participate in
general Operation 40 and, later, in Operation Mongoose activities.

Well, these men absolutely refused to stop their activities!
They just continued to go straight forward. In fact, we know that, from
June 11th, 12th and 13th of 1963 .... this is now some six full months after
.... [interruption] .... This becomes a critical point:
actually, June 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th of 1963. We know that an attempt
was being made, right at that time, by the "shooter force"
or the S Force, to carry out a political assassination attempt against Fidel
Castro. Even though they had been ordered to stand down from all Operation
40 or Operation Mongoose activities, this semi-private, ultra-black
operation undertook an additional attempt to assassinate Fidel Castro. We
know that this thing was carried out.

William Pauley, a private, very very high-level guy in the Eisenhower
Administration, took his private yacht, called the "Flying Tiger II", and he
brought this group of S Force people under the supervison of William "Rip"
Robertson, Rudy Enders (a C.I.A.
official) and John Molina. They brought this group down to Cuba and launched
them ashore to carry out the political assassination -- sort of a
last-ditch, desperate effort to kill Castro before Kennedy could get their
operations shut down.

We know that, on the night of June 12th, when they were ashore, William
Pauley specifically stated (we know because we talked to one of the people
who was on-board the ship that night) ... William Pauley specifically
stated, on June 12th of 1963:

"We're going to kill that f*cking Kennedy!"

That's what he said when they were all sitting around, bitching and griping
about Kennedy, and how he was trying to shut them all down.
[To Be Continued]

The Joint Chiefs of Staff Pushed Kennedy to Nuclear First Strike - Adele Edisen - 31-03-2012

There is a question about "Kenny O'Brien" in the article above. There were two people who could have been intended by Daniel Sheehan. One was Kenny O'Donnell and the other was Larry O'Brien. Kenny O'Donnell and Dave Powers were quite close to John Kennedy, and they both wrote a memoir titled JOHNNY, WE HARDLY KNEW YE. My guess would be that Kenny O'Donnell was perhaps the person who was with John Kennedy after that awful episode with the Joint Chiefs of Staff. I can find no reference to a "Kenny O'Brien" during the presidency of John Kennedy.


The Joint Chiefs of Staff Pushed Kennedy to Nuclear First Strike - Greg Burnham - 03-04-2012

As a whole, this is a relatively interesting and accurate piece. However, the Bay of Pigs section is not accurate. The author very likely did not know the facts. The cause of the failure was NOT due to the mis-timing of the landing party's arrival. It was due to McGeorge Bundy's having deliberately cancelled the pre-dawn airstrikes just prior to the B-26's departure from the CIA's Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua base. These cancellations have been alternately referred to as non-existent, an innocuous failure to coordinate their proverbial "time-pieces", or an even more prevalent "fairytale" that has been hatched since the declassification of key documents is the so-called "postponement" of the SCHEDULED PRE-DAWN airstrikes. Truth be told the "postponement" was tantamount to a CANCELLATION because after the "window of opportunity" had closed a late arrival was equal to NO arrival at all.

I wrote a brief commentary on this subject below the article found here: [URL=""]

T[/URL]he original article also makes inaccurate observations regarding the Bay of Pigs, which prompted me to write the correction.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff Pushed Kennedy to Nuclear First Strike - LR Trotter - 04-04-2012

I recall seeing at least a portion, on video in later years, of a press conference discussing the BOP invasion and failure where JFK as Chief Executive accepted the blame as it was directed at the U S. He commented something along the line that as President he was responsible for the BOP failure. My take, is that since he placed McGB in the position to make the decision, then he took responsibility for the McGB decision. But, I too wonder why McGB stayed in the position, all things considered. I believe JFK accepted much more blame than he should have. But, after all, he was JFK.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff Pushed Kennedy to Nuclear First Strike - Greg Burnham - 04-04-2012

LR Trotter Wrote:I recall seeing at least a portion, on video in later years, of a press conference discussing the BOP invasion and failure where JFK as Chief Executive accepted the blame as it was directed at the U S. He commented something along the line that as President he was responsible for the BOP failure. My take, is that since he placed McGB in the position to make the decision, then he took responsibility for the McGB decision. But, I too wonder why McGB stayed in the position, all things considered. I believe JFK accepted much more blame than he should have. But, after all, he was JFK.

[emphasis added]

JFK knew the office of the POTUS was fairly accurately described in Harry Truman's declaration that: "The buck stops here." -- in the final analysis. So, he took the Bay of Pigs on the chin, but not in the nuts. He fired the bastards. But, Bundy (along with Dean Rusk) was his link to Averell Harriman.

Therein may lie the answer to McGeorge's success.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff Pushed Kennedy to Nuclear First Strike - Phil Dragoo - 04-04-2012

Greg, I think you've demonstrated McGeorge Bundy bookended the Kennedy administration: it was Bundy who cancelled the critical B-26 raid which would have destroyed the three T-33s on the ground, allowing the Brigade to request assistance from the beach.

Again, it was Bundy who authored the draft NSAM 273 with the telling fourth clause regarding recriminations and unityguilty knowledge.

What did Kennedy do after the sabotage of the Bay of Pigsa double double-cross: Bundy sabotaged the raid, but the raid was designed to mark Kennedy out as "that damned traitor who ought to be shot"the passion ignited by the perceived betrayal was the lit fusehe fired Dulles, but allowed him to resign.

Which he did in November when Mongoose coalesced the anti-Castro efforts creating the mob contract on Castro (Helms-Harvey-Roselli), when Dulles summoned Hunt to aid in memoirs, and the odd plot.

Of course Kennedy was at odds with the chiefs. He'd pushed the "missile gap" to get elected, though it was lopsided in America's favor. Yet he was not for the hot war, never wanted to continue what the French had failed in doing.

McGeorge's brother William married Acheson's daughter Mary. And Gibson says it was Acheson who conjured the Commission. Did he do it with Dulles at his elbow.

It was business as well as personal. The Dulles brothers, Lansdale, Lodge, and more were Regime Change R Us.

And surprise, surprise for the chiefs when in November of 1965 they ventured to the White House to ask LBJ's permission to mine Haiphong and bomb Hanoi.

Yet March 1968 would demonstrate LBJ bowing to the real power.

No, not Nixon, only a temporary figure, who in turn would be undone by Helm's adding Hunt to the Watergate mission.

The next year he would write Give Us This Day.

In three decades he would exit the stage, accusing LBJ with his dying breath.

Which, with all the others, was expressing a limited hangout, a plausible denial.

The buck never stops at Langley.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff Pushed Kennedy to Nuclear First Strike - Jan Klimkowski - 04-04-2012

Phil - you are a deep political poet of the highest order.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff Pushed Kennedy to Nuclear First Strike - Greg Burnham - 04-04-2012

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Phil - you are a deep political poet of the highest order.

Indeed. Phil is an "EYES ONLY" poet.