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How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Allison Hunt - 29-04-2012

It's laughable that anyone would reference the Jew-or-Not-a-Jew website (which simply polls visitors of its pages) and totally ignore LBJ's documented Jewish geneology. DPF sure has some high fluting researchers here! Is this what has all the Jews crawling out of the woodwork... because I accurately stated LBJ was half Jew? Really? Well, if you judge LBJ by his actions, he's 100% Jew! So says Rabbi Steiberg here: Opps! Does all this make me a Jew hater on DPF? Anyone who mentions anything a Jew doesn't like is racist and anti-whatever. I already know this. I just didn't expect to find it on this forum. Sad.

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Magda Hassan - 29-04-2012

You obviously have not read the article on the link you provide. It proves nothing. Just inuendo, implication. Not a fact there. Keep trying.

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Seamus Coogan - 29-04-2012

Allison Hunt Wrote:It's laughable that anyone would reference the Jew-or-Not-a-Jew website (which simply polls visitors of its pages) and totally ignore LBJ's documented Jewish geneology. DPF sure has some high fluting researchers here! Is this what has all the Jews crawling out of the woodwork... because I accurately stated LBJ was half Jew? Really? Well, if you judge LBJ by his actions, he's 100% Jew! So says Rabbi Steiberg here: Opps! Does all this make me a Jew hater on DPF? Anyone who mentions anything a Jew doesn't like is racist and anti-whatever. I already know this. I just didn't expect to find it on this forum. Sad.

This is one of the first times I've ever seen Mags the mods 'mod' ever get so pissed off. :flypig: She even made me look articulate in that last post. But can I blame her. Fuck no! There are asshole Jews just as much as their are asshole anybodies on this planet. I suggest you stop talking out of yours.

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Vasilios Vazakas - 29-04-2012

Seamus and Magda, you could understand why Ms. Hunt (how ironic that she bears the same surname as the master of disinfo, E.H.Hunt-and i do not imply that they are related) insists on the Jewish thing. If he could make you agree with her, then you and this site by association will be branded as anti-semite and all the good work that has been achieved by all will be discredited by those who would mock and say"oh no the Jews did this as well...what about about the little green men"

PS. the FPCC was discredited by his association with Oswald and the Russians...

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Allison Hunt - 29-04-2012

Lyndon Johnson's maternal ancestors, the Huffmans, apparently migrated to Frederick, Maryland from Germany sometime in the mid-eighteenth century. Later they moved to Bourbon, Kentucky and eventually settled in Texas in the mid-to-late nineteenth century.

According to Jewish law, if a person's mother is Jewish, then that person is automatically Jewish, regardless of the father's ethnicity or religion. The facts indicate that both of Lyndon Johnson's great-grandparents, on the maternal side, were Jewish. These were the grandparents of Lyndon's mother, Rebecca Baines.11 Their names were John S. Huffman and Mary Elizabeth Perrin.12 John Huffman's mother was Suzanne Ament, a common Jewish name. Perrin is also a common Jewish name.

Huffman and Perrin had a daughter, Ruth Ament Huffman,13 who married Joseph Baines14 and together they had a daughter, Rebekah Baines,15 Lyndon Johnson's mother. The line of Jewish mothers can be traced back three generations in Lyndon Johnson's family tree. There is little doubt that he was Jewish.

So, does pointing this out make me persona non grata on DPF? What kind of forum are you running here? I'll say what I said before. It's an absurd notion to create a forum discussing deep political power while chastising those who bring up Jews. If you're going to do that, how about shooting a porno minus the sex scenes? Good idea?

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Seamus Coogan - 29-04-2012

Vasilios Vazakas Wrote:Seamus and Magda, you could understand why Ms. Hunt (how ironic that she bears the same surname as the master of disinfo, E.H.Hunt-and i do not imply that they are related) insists on the Jewish thing. If he could make you agree with her, then you and this site by association will be branded as anti-semite and all the good work that has been achieved by all will be discredited by those who would mock and say"oh no the Jews did this as well...what about about the little green men"

PS. the FPCC was discredited by his association with Oswald and the Russians...

Yeah very good point Vas. It's one I adhere too as well. By tolerating this shite, it makes us look as if we condone this moronic crud.

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Magda Hassan - 29-04-2012

PERRIN - Name Meaning & Origin [TABLE]
[TD="bgcolor: #cc0000, colspan: 2"][Image:][/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"] Last Name Meaning & Related Resources for the Surname PERRIN [/TD]

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Definition: A diminutive of Pierre, the French form of Peter (derived from the Greek "petros" meaning rock, stone).
Surname Origin: English


HOFFMANN - Name Meaning & Origin

[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD="bgcolor: #cc0000, colspan: 2"][Image:][/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2"] Last Name Meaning & Related Resources for the Surname HOFFMANN [/TD]

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Definition: A nickname for a farmer who owned his land rather than rented, from Middle High German "hofman," meaning person working on a farm.
Surname Origin: German
Alternate Surname Spellings: HOFMAN, HOFMANN, HOFFMAN

Ament Family History

Ament Name Meaning

English: from an Old French personal name Amand, Amant (from Latin Amandus meaning loveable').German: variant spelling of Amend.
Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-508137-4
41,268 Historical Documents & Family Trees with Ament


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Baines is a surname of English, Scottish or Welsh origin. It shares many of the same roots with the British surname Bains.[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP] It shares some roots with the British surname Bain.[SUP][1][/SUP]

Derivation and Variants

Baines has a number of different sources, several of them nicknames and another based on an occupation. In Scotland and the north of England the Old English word bān ('bone') became Middle English bān and bain. It may have become a nickname in the plural, meaning 'bones'.[SUP][1][/SUP] The Middle English bayn, beyn and the Old Norse beinn meant 'straight' or 'direct', which may have become a nickname.[SUP][1][/SUP] The Middle English bayne (and French bain) meant 'bath'. This may have become an occupational surname for an attendant at a public bath.[SUP][1][/SUP]
Baines may also have Welsh roots, from the patronymic ab Einws ('son of Einws'). Einws is a shortened version of the Welsh name Ennion, meaning 'Anvil'.[SUP][2][/SUP]
Variants of the surname Baines include Bains, Banes, Baynes and Bayns.[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP]

Frequency of Occurrence

At the time of the British Census of 1881, its relative frequency was highest in Rutland (31.2 times the British average), followed by Westmorland, Lincolnshire, Yorkshire, Leicestershire, Lancashire, Nottinghamshire, Montgomeryshire and Bedfordshire.[SUP][3][/SUP]
Hanks and Hodges suggest in their "A Dictionary of Surnames" that many present day Baines descend from Robert Baines of Ipswich, Suffolk, England (born c. 1587).[SUP][2][/SUP]

LBJ's mother was not Jewish. Nor his grandmother nor her mother. He's not Jewish. Get over it. He can still do things for Israel with out being Jewish. It has nothing to do with blood and purity. Or perhaps you think is reptilian too?

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Jan Klimkowski - 29-04-2012

Allison Hunt Wrote:My bad, LBJ is a full Jew, not just half...

And with that, "Allison Hunt", you are heading for the exit.

I suggest you hang out at Stormfront, where you'll soon acquire the status of intellectual visionary.

Before we turn out the lights, are you sure you were "referred" by PDS and not by Ed Jewett?

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Seamus Coogan - 29-04-2012

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Allison Hunt Wrote:My bad, LBJ is a full Jew, not just half...

And with that, "Allison Hunt", you are heading for the exit.

I suggest you hang out at Stormfront, where you'll soon acquire the status of intellectual visionary.

Before we turn out the lights, are you sure you were "referred" by PDS and not by Ed Jewett?

Magda fantastic post on those last names!

Intellectual Visionary lol!

Yes Dear me Lord. Maybe she is the 'white light house' foretold in the real Bible hidden by those evil Jews for centuries.

It's a shame Ed's name had to be bought up. But it's also appropriate.

Before Ed self destructed (and I hope the doors are open to him should he get his stuff back together). I had a chance to go over some of his stuff. Needless to say Ed and I clashed lol. But there was some interesting work and at least he contributed.

This toxic bitch has done nothing. Thus I have a parting gift for Little Miss Facist and her pals at

It's a clever little doco I imagine Jan would have heard of or seen called 100% English. This is where a number of ardent patriotic white English Men and Women have their DNA tested to trace the ethnic and ancestoral roots. Often with very surprising results. It gets two thumbs up from Magda as well!!!!!

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Vasilios Vazakas - 29-04-2012

Seamus, who is Urik and Mike? Do you know who Allison Hunt is and is that her real name?