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Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Phil Dragoo - 07-01-2013

I was speaking to a college student tonight regarding the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the assassination of JFK, coming as it does one hundred years after the establishment of the Federal Reserve.

That the Vietnam War would not have been fought, that the demonization after the Bay of Pigs was part of the final descent, that the alleged lone nut was a patsy, the photos with weapons likely faked.

All that and more tacitly understood, merely awaiting the statement.

The shrieking fairies and carping harpies of Mockingbird Media and Sunstein Productions demand consumers stay focused on how hard the president is working, cutting short his Hawaiian vacation, as democracy comes to the Middle East and the senseless act of a lone gunman is replicated at ever more frequent intervals in theaters, and schools, and SWAT standoffs.

The truth is seen by those with no means, motive or opportunity to go to Dallas at this or any other time.

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Jim Hackett II - 07-01-2013

" The truth is seen by those with no means, motive or opportunity to go to Dallas at this or any other time."

I hope to be able to attend the Nov. gathering of Eagles. (that is 'the independent thinkers' as are gathered here at 'DPF', OK most all of us here). The unofficial attendees of Dealy Plaza 2013.

I have seen enough of street disobedience. I have no desire to be arrested. I doubt the jerks would allow the medications I now require, or the physicians say I need them. Cardiac and BP issues. Peaceful protest has a place in history as Jim Douglass wrote.

Reason two is the monetary cost of dealing with the legal games involved when arrested even for what should be interpreted as an exercise of OUR rights to peacefully assemble and seek redress of grievance.

In the age of the "abridged Bill of Rights", the powerful enforce civil rights by dollar democracy, in effect issuing the golden tickets of attendance only to the selected.

In 1975 my attitude would have been much more confrontational.

Today, I would like to get to Texas for a couple of different reasons besides the Nov. events, I'd like to speak to Mr. Bob Groden. I'd like to enjoy some good music with Mr. Scot Myers too.

I would like to wish the Bill of Rights was in reality part of WeThePeople's Organic Law again. But I know the reality of tyranny.

I would further say this, any person having a passing interest in the events of November 1963 in Dallas, should visit Dealy Plaza once. If for no other reason than to see the ambush for what it is.
Military L-shaped ambush tactic perfectly laid out in field manuals of the DOD.

My only visit to DP was in the off season to avoid the circus and profit makers from Murder, Mr Groden NOT included in that description.

I am saving money to reserve a place at COPA's conference. Time will tell if I can.
I hope I am not saving money for bailment too.
Or I'll buy the Video discs from COPA if nothing else
but know I will support for those that do get to Dallas 2013 - the uninvited guests I mean, like us - even if I don't get there.

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Dawn Meredith - 07-01-2013

Greg Burnham Wrote:Well, I almost said, "You little fucking twerp" -- but thought better of it. Now, I'm glad I did. Pissant says it much better.

I disagree, we are not supposed to be name calling here. A point can be made without resort to calling someone a name.


Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Dawn Meredith - 07-01-2013

Jim, Scott Meyers was here along with Terry Mauro for several days in 2005 and lots of fine music was played. He is a fine jazz keyboard player.

Phill : Spot on as usual.

John Judge will be meeting with the Dallas mayor this month and may be able to convince him to allow dissenters of the official lie to
"tresspass" in Dallas on the 5th anniversary. I too do not wish to be arrested.


Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Albert Doyle - 07-01-2013

Well, some cite Gandhi in their posts. Gandhi was a man who didn't hesitate to take action. While not wanting to fan flames some are trying to induce I have to say I sometimes think the loud protests of some are really caused by their fear of going out there in the street and taking action. They prefer their ivory towers. This is not Symbionese nonsense it is the people and their voice being heard at the right time. While I totally endorse the Deep Political perspective I just think saying "The true Sponsors killed Kennedy" into the bullhorn might not grab that well even if it is, admittedly, more accurate. Let's not make enemies where there are none - but more importantly let's not deny them either.

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Greg Burnham - 07-01-2013

Let's see if I can make an impassioned post without "resorting to name calling" for those who are offended by such things. Although I agree that ad hominem is not a valid form of argument, still it can be a valid form of expression when properly provoked. Indeed, there are those who would appear as saints in their tone and manners as they ever so politely insult those whom they seek to control. But, that must be allowed, as there is no policy prohibiting this behavior? I think not. Should it be officially moderated? I think not. Should it be allowed to stand? Absolutely not! The individual at whom the insult was leveled must dispatch it without delay and with considerable vigor. You see, there was a thinly disguised ad hominem contained within the politely phrased admonishment encouraging us to "stay focused" as though we were not focused. Otherwise, who would spend this amount of time and effort on a subject of such importance? Only the disingenuous. I can assure you that that is not the case with me, and speaking (without permission) for Charles, it is not the case with him either.

I was one of the founders of the first "no flame zone" JFK forum, so I am quite supportive of policies designed to prevent the melt down that unbridled ad hominem can and will spawn. But, even Rich allowed for emotional outbursts as long as they were brief and to the point particularly by those who had well established bona fides. Jack White comes to mind. I never, ever heard or read a curse word from Jack White in over 15 years. Not even one--no matter the circumstances. I think it was both the fact that he was a gentleman, but also, I think he found it somewhat "sinful" for lack of a better word. However, even Jack would find a way to express himself and return attack when warranted. I remember him saying to another member of the forum: You are full of bovine excrement! -- Even Jack had limits.

I shall strive to live up to the high standards established by this forum in the future.

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Phil Dragoo - 07-01-2013

The seventy percent cited above is a lowball for American skepticism; the world, living with coups without the dulling of a Dulles touting his Mockingbird monograph, sees with virtual unanimity that which Fidel Castro identified November 23, 1963:


Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Nathaniel Heidenheimer - 12-01-2013

THIS IS A SURFBOARD: a story that has big name recognition, might not be new to us ,but is new to the young and sytematicaly, top-down jaded, and utterly MSM, can be used as a surfboard to plant a recommendation that would otherwise NOT GET A SECOND GLANCE FROM NEW, MSM AUDIENCE. Do YOU just want to dismiss them as dummies, like the internet wants you to? Or do you recognize that politics is not what happens inside one skull but a social act B E T W E E N skulls? If the former you have just answered the question: "Why do so few people seem to not recognize the importance of the political assassinations for right now?" The best silo their convictions instead of BROADcast them, full spectrum.

Please use this surfboard by putting it on an MSM site where new people will be able to learn about the Douglass book. Otherwise all they will ever know about in their lives is the existence of the O'Reilly book. Surfaces have been sanded much better than when you were young. It's up to YOU to provide cognitive dissonance for the smooth surfaced youth that this stage of Capitalism has produced. Please SHARE what is bellow the line or adjust it and share as you see fit. Remember the surfboard is the article, the surfer is the book. Don't spread pistols, use the pistols to spread artillery (METAPHOR FOLKS , A METAPHOR FOR THE COMMUNICATIONS BATTLE...)
RFK children speak about JFK assassination
http://www.usatoday....warren/1828405/ The best book on the assassination, endorsed by former CIA PDB to President H.W. Bush Ray McGovern, Daniel Ellsberg of Pentagon Papers fame, former top aid to JFK's National Security Advisor Marcus Raskin, and Richard Falk, Milbank Professor of International Law Emeritus, Princeton University is JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters by James W. Douglass.

"Arguably the most important book yet written about a U.S. president … Should be required reading for all high school and college students, and anyone who is a registered voter!"JOHN PERKINS, author of Confessions of an Economic Hitman

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Peter Lemkin - 13-01-2013

Kudos to Phil and Nathaniel! As far as being arrested, few ever really want to...but if I'm there [hope somehow to be!], I'd take it as a badge of honor as the many labor, civil rights, and anti-war/peace persons before us have been arrested for doing everything right [nothing wrong]! My only worry would be my dog, who goes with me everywhere. I've seen the inside of the American Gulag before. Dawn, since you are fairly near, when time gets nearer maybe you could organize with some progressive lawyer's groups lawyers who will watch/monitor what goes on and provide both witness, some prior and on-the-spot police interaction; and afterwards legal support to bail everyone out and if need be [most likely] bring charges against the City and the Police for a host of provocations, false-arrests, and denial of civil liberties. When the City and Police know the whole world will be watching on livestream they may just act a little better...but then we are talking about Dallas...

Dallas wants to make this big....well, I think those who are/were appalled by the blatant murder of a President and our Polity in a Coup ought to make it even BIGGER - a NATIONAL or even international gathering against both what happened 50 years ago and what America has become today BECAUSE of it and IT because of where TPTB wanted to long steer America - and have done all needs to be exposed [the truth of the pre-planned murder and continuing cover-up] and the plan to turn American into a fascist police state run by and only for the 0.01%. I still think that [as I've ranted about several times here before] we need to get Occupy from all over the Nation; labor groups; civil rights groups; ecological activists; anti-imperialists; freedom fighters of all stripes; Native Peoples, oppressed minorities, the poor and forgotten, those without homes or loosing theirs; those unjustly treated by the rigged system now; famous people calling for a gathering of the 'tribes of truth' in Dallas on the 50th with NO POLICE lines or City Defined areas respected. Its the Plaza or bust! They have all but taken away all of our rights and freedoms and plan to push it in our faces one last time - making DP on the 50th the '911' of political protests [after everything is forever changed]. I say NO....over my dead body! Basta! Fight back and push back.....legally/peacefully if possible, but through non-violent civil disobedience if necessary. They only use violence and brute force, trick laws, BIG money, MSM, etc; and seem not to speak or hear reason - certainly not justice/truth.

This is going to be one of the last times to really make the point about what has been going down all these years...and certainly the last big chance to enlighten the uninformed on JFK, why he died [how he died] and WHY IT MATTERS!!!!

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Jim Hackett II - 13-01-2013

Ms. Meredith:
Yep, no question about Mr. Myers and music.
I find it more than coincidence that many "researchers" also hold interests in music. I bet y'all had a good time. Sorry I missed it. In 2005 the expense was "over the top for me".

Even I used to do acoustic guitar, mostly John Prine, Niel Young, Woody Guthrie and Pete Seeger. I bet some could have guessed that. Then one day I screwed up my left hand fingertips at work and I quit playing and sold the Ovation a year later - what was I thinkin'? I still enjoy what we have called front porch music since I was quite young. I guess that is Bluegrass and folk music.

To all:

Now that I do have enough lead time, I am going to save for the trip. It is time to make a stand as I have done before, a stand in the streets. For our own views to have a voice.

However Halliburton did build a few hundred thousand cells in new prisons for someone. Reportedly Our President just made law an unlimited unrepresented un-accused (uncharged) detention.
Abu Ghariab come home to roost because no one spoke up in 2001 to say: "Hey this torture thing is not American, it is fascist and I want No part of that"?

It wont matter that we all have no intention of violence, only to be heard and to refuse to go along with the Dallas Agenda promotion of the "LHO did it" katydid call repeat ad nauseam. 50 years of that BS is enough.

The People (WeThePeople in particular) KNOW the lies and deception of DP Fables.
The Fables and the Government's stubborn refusal to admit change in knowledge about the Fables has played a major role in WeThePeoples' loss of faith in our Government.

It will matter just to support TRUTH, and to gather the clan (in the Irish-American sense of the word not the 3K lunatics of hate usage).

This decision took some time and careful consideration. I don't want to be arrested, but some things in life are worth a little hassle if that must be.