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How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Seamus Coogan - 29-04-2012

Vasilios Vazakas Wrote:Seamus, who is Urik and Mike? Do you know who Allison Hunt is and is that her real name?

I'll email you mate!

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Charles Drago - 29-04-2012

Allison Hunt Wrote:False Sponsor and an agent provocateur

I'm familiar with the defiitions of these two phrases and I do understand how "false sponsor" might make an appropriate answer to what I asked. But, what does "agent provocateur" have to do with anything?

You're done here, Fraud Line Hunt.

Best to Dr. Poch.

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Albert Doyle - 29-04-2012

Seamus Coogan Wrote:Your lucky that big hitters here like CD, Greg, Jan, Keith, Al, Phil, Vas, PL are busy dealing with this Arni fool or doing other things.

Ah, I'll use the Trotter disclaimer, I'm more a student ("bench warmer" ha ha!) than member of that more researched group. The others have been kind enough not to point it out.

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Greg Burnham - 29-04-2012

(Sung to the melody of Goodbye Yellow Brick Road)

When are you gonna shut up?
When are you going to die?
You should have stayed in hell
You should have listened to your bloody guide

You know you can't trick us forever
We don't lightly suffer fools
You're not "all that" when it comes down to it
Your face' too old to be learning in schools


So goodbye Allison Hunt
Fuck the horse you rode in on
You can shit in your own penthouse
Stay the fuck out of ours

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Dawn Meredith - 29-04-2012

Greg Burnham Wrote:Hey Arni,

Go fuck yourself.

Thank you Greg. You just read my mind. Whatever draws the likes of his kind to this site?


How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Dawn Meredith - 29-04-2012

Allison Hunt Wrote:It's laughable that anyone would reference the Jew-or-Not-a-Jew website (which simply polls visitors of its pages) and totally ignore LBJ's documented Jewish geneology. DPF sure has some high fluting researchers here! Is this what has all the Jews crawling out of the woodwork... because I accurately stated LBJ was half Jew? Really? Well, if you judge LBJ by his actions, he's 100% Jew! So says Rabbi Steiberg here: Opps! Does all this make me a Jew hater on DPF? Anyone who mentions anything a Jew doesn't like is racist and anti-whatever. I already know this. I just didn't expect to find it on this forum. Sad.

I find it most difficult to believe that you would truly be sent here by Peter Dale Scott. You are so lacking in critical thinking or matters of deep politics that I simpl;y cannot comprehend that PDS would engage with you in any manner. Farewell.


How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Charles Drago - 29-04-2012

Dawn Meredith Wrote:
Greg Burnham Wrote:Hey Arni,

Go fuck yourself.

Thank you Greg. You just read my mind. Whatever draws the likes of his kind to this site?


The answer to your question, Dawn: They are sent to attack because of the importance of this site to truth and to justice.

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - LR Trotter - 29-04-2012

For my better understanding, additional posting/discussion seems to indicate the JBJ and LJB references are actually meant to be LBJ, if I am correct, as posted by Allison Hunt. Also, I wonder if the H Lamar Hunt is a reference to H L (Haroldson Lafayette) Hunt, or his son, Lamar Hunt? I'm thinking H L Hunt.

And yes Mr Doyle, I still consider my knowledge and understanding of the JFK Assassination as that of a long time student, and not an independent researcher when posting on DPF among some very knowledgeable researchers. And, I remain here to learn and confirm any acquired knowledge, not to teach. Just trying to stay within my qualifications, but if I can recall something not otherwise indicated I will attempt to post a reminder.

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Phil Dragoo - 29-04-2012

It is too perfect.

E. Howard Hunt, author of 42 novels, career intelligence officer whose specialty is lying.

Who in his deathbed deflection blamed the assassination on Cord Meyers' jealousy exploited by the Machiavellian LBJ.

In this day we find the mockingbirds singing Lucy in the Sky as Mary jogs to her destiny.

And we are visited by the tireless ethnic purifier Allison Klaus explaining it all as Johnson-Did-It-For-The-Jews.

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Peter Lemkin - 30-04-2012

My.....haven't taken a look at this thread in a while....seems to have been bait for some mockingbirds...who have flown on to new meadows to shit upon. I was looking back at 'Lauren's' earlier posts and hidden in them was some Mossad connection to the Unibomber and MKULTRA....hmmm..... LBJ and Rockefeller, both forgot to be bar mitzvahed.