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"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Magda Hassan - 06-03-2012

Adele Edisen Wrote:....At a 1955 International Cancer Conference held in Chile, Russian researches presented their work on viral causes of cancer and were booed by American scientists and medical specialists in attendance.

One of the sad "benefits" of the Cold War was ignorance.....
Yes, a very sad state of affairs. If there had been more collaboration science and medicine would be that much more advanced. I was aware of the Soviet research into viruses and cancer. There were also very advanced in the area of anti-biotics based in an institute in Georgia SSR. I heard that some US doctors have stolen the technique and patented it.

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Jan Klimkowski - 06-03-2012

Adele Edisen Wrote:Ed believed JVB. He may have found a way to get his own book published in hardcover form after someone told him that he needed a "witness" and she provided that(?) I still do not understand why he felt he required a "witness", as his original work stood well on its own feet.

Adele - this has long struck me as intriguing and provocative.

In my judgement, both Haslam's original medical research and the investigation into the assassination of JFK have been severely damaged by the insertion of Judyth Vary Baker's incredible claims into this narrative.

There's an old adage about the dual purpose of intelligence operations....

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Seamus Coogan - 06-03-2012

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Adele Edisen Wrote:Ed believed JVB. He may have found a way to get his own book published in hardcover form after someone told him that he needed a "witness" and she provided that(?) I still do not understand why he felt he required a "witness", as his original work stood well on its own feet.

Adele - this has long struck me as intriguing and provocative.

In my judgement, both Haslam's original medical research and the investigation into the assassination of JFK have been severely damaged by the insertion of Judyth Vary Baker's incredible claims into this narrative.

There's an old adage about the dual purpose of intelligence operations....

Its a shame he did so. I found Ed's stuff bar Baker to be really quite interesting. As for the development of offensive biological weapons and so on Ed really had enough evidence for his discoveries and his book detailing his experiences could have been useful as anecdotal evidence.

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Charles Drago - 06-03-2012

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:There's an old adage about the dual purpose of intelligence operations....

... and it's simply this: every intel op has at least two objectives.

Bud Fensterwald, RIP.

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Adele Edisen - 07-03-2012

Magda Hassan Wrote:
Adele Edisen Wrote:....At a 1955 International Cancer Conference held in Chile, Russian researches presented their work on viral causes of cancer and were booed by American scientists and medical specialists in attendance.

One of the sad "benefits" of the Cold War was ignorance.....
Yes, a very sad state of affairs. If there had been more collaboration science and medicine would be that much more advanced. I was aware of the Soviet research into viruses and cancer. There were also very advanced in the area of anti-biotics based in an institute in Georgia SSR. I heard that some US doctors have stolen the technique and patented it.


The phage therapy for bacterial infections would have many advantages over antibiotics and their side effects, such as development of bacterial resistance to the antibiotics, and deleterious antibiotic effects on cellular metabolism, and so on.

One phage that is specific for a strain of E. coli bacteria looks just like a moon-landing transporter with little leg-like structures under its main body. Nature seems to make interesting designs.

And, yes, the more cooperation and open communication amongst scientists and medical specialists of all countries would produce benefits to everyone on earth. No nation has the only access to knowledge.

Thank you for the reference on bacterial phages.


"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Adele Edisen - 07-03-2012

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Adele Edisen Wrote:Ed believed JVB. He may have found a way to get his own book published in hardcover form after someone told him that he needed a "witness" and she provided that(?) I still do not understand why he felt he required a "witness", as his original work stood well on its own feet.

Adele - this has long struck me as intriguing and provocative.

In my judgement, both Haslam's original medical research and the investigation into the assassination of JFK have been severely damaged by the insertion of Judyth Vary Baker's incredible claims into this narrative.

There's an old adage about the dual purpose of intelligence operations....


Perhaps your memory is better than mine, but I recall that when Ed Haslam was getting his third book version out, he was in communication with Wim Dankbaar in Amsterdam who had taken JVB under his wing. Dankbaar may have made publication of that third edition possible, although I am not absolutely sure about this. He may have had something to do with getting JVB into Ed's book.

There was a video made of an interview of Ed Haslam with a number of other people in the same room who seemed to be cuing him, making comments, and asking questions as he was speaking about his nvestigations and related matters. I don't know who his interviewer was, perhaps someone could remember this video which may still be on the internet somewhere? Do you recall this video interview?


"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Magda Hassan - 07-03-2012

Adele Edisen Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:
Adele Edisen Wrote:....At a 1955 International Cancer Conference held in Chile, Russian researches presented their work on viral causes of cancer and were booed by American scientists and medical specialists in attendance.

One of the sad "benefits" of the Cold War was ignorance.....
Yes, a very sad state of affairs. If there had been more collaboration science and medicine would be that much more advanced. I was aware of the Soviet research into viruses and cancer. There were also very advanced in the area of anti-biotics based in an institute in Georgia SSR. I heard that some US doctors have stolen the technique and patented it.


The phage therapy for bacterial infections would have many advantages over antibiotics and their side effects, such as development of bacterial resistance to the antibiotics, and deleterious antibiotic effects on cellular metabolism, and so on.

One phage that is specific for a strain of E. coli bacteria looks just like a moon-landing transporter with little leg-like structures under its main body. Nature seems to make interesting designs.

And, yes, the more cooperation and open communication amongst scientists and medical specialists of all countries would produce benefits to everyone on earth. No nation has the only access to knowledge.

Thank you for the reference on bacterial phages.

Yes, they would treat any one from the west as well for free but not many people ever knew about it because of the media boycott of all things soviet. Many tragic cases unable to be treated by penicillin based anti biotics were treated very successfully with tailor made phage therapy and with out the side effects.
The soviets were also very advanced in opthamology and eye surgery. It is now being done in the west.

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Ed Jewett - 27-03-2012


A Medical "Manhattan Project": Dr. Alton Oschner, JFK Murder, CIA, Monkey Viruses & the Search for a Weaponized Form of Cancer

25th March 2012
[Image: lg-share-en.gif]

Edited by Alex ConstantineAlso see: Cancer the Secret Weapon?
[B]Re: "Dr Mary's Monkey: How the unsolved murder of a doctor, a secret laboratory inNew Orleans and cancer-causing monkey viruses are linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK assassination and emerging global epidemics," by Ed Haslam (2007 TrineDay)[/B]

Book Review
SV-40, the monkey virus Dr Mary Sherman, David Ferrie and a woman named Judyth Vary Baker (who describes her romantic involvement with Lee Harvey Oswald in her 2010 memoir Lee and Me) were experimenting with (see last blog), was first discovered in 1957. Originally known as "polyoma virus" (referring to its ability to cause several types of tumors in small mice), it was first identified by Drs Bernice Eddy and Sarah Stuart at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In 1960 Eddy discovered that the monkey kidney cells used to prepare the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines were contaminated with SV-40 (see * below). Instead of withdrawing the vaccine, the NIH (as they often do with whistle blowing scientists), chose to destroy her career. A year later two other virologists replicated Eddy's findings, and two polio vaccine manufacturers voluntarily withdrew their vaccine. Although NIH allegedly took steps to ensure that batches that came to market after 1963 were free of SV040, they continued to inoculate millions of children with the contaminated vaccine. To avoid "public hysteria," they chose not to alert parents of the cancer risk.
[B]The New Orleans Medical "Manhattan Project"[/B]

The top secret experiments Sherman, Ferrie and Baker conducted in 1963 involved irradiation of SV-40 virus in the hope a creating a biological warfare agent a mutated virus that could cause "galloping" cancer, which kills its victims within weeks rather than months. Following irradiation, Sherman injected the mutated viruses into thousands of mice. It was Ferrie's and Baker's job to sacrifice the mice, dissect the tumors and identify and extract viruses that seemed the most virulent. …
Dr. Alton Oschner Bio
[Image: tn_Ochsner_detail_11-300x225.jpg]Alton Ochsner, the son of German immigrants, was born Kimball, South Dakota, on 4th May, 1896. His uncle, A. J. Ochsner, was founder and president of the American College of Surgeons.
Ochsner studied at Washington University, St. Louis before moving to the University of Wisconsin Medical School. He then went to work with A. J. Ochsner in Chicago where he helped develop techniques for blood typing.
In 1927 Ochsner, with the help of his uncle, was appointed as Head of Surgery at Tulane Medical School in New Orleans.
In 1939 Alton Ochsner and Michael De Bakey published an article suggesting that there was a link between cigarette smoking and lung cancer. Along with William Donovan Ochsner was on the board of theAmerican Cancer Society. Later he became president of the organization.
As a result of his research he established the Ochsner Clinic in 1942 and pioneered the "war against smoking." In 1952 Ochsner appointed Mary Sherman to take control of the cancer laboratory.In 1955 he published Smoking and Cancer: A Doctor's Report.
Ochsner was a passionate anti-communist and after becoming friends with Cordell Hull, was invited to look after Tomas Gabriel Duque, the former dictator of Panama. He also become friends with Anastasio Somoza, the dictator of Nicaragua. Ochsner also treated Juan Peron, the dictator of Argentina.
The FBI maintained a file on Ochsner. This file was recently released under the Freedom of Information Act. It shows that Ochsner had a long relationship with various U.S. government agencies.
Ochsner also developed a close friendship with Clint Murchison who helped fund various right-wing organizations. Ochsner was also connected to Warren Commission member, Hale Boggs. According to one Louisiana State Representative, Ochsner was "the most aggressive seeker and recipient of so-called federal handouts in the Second District (Hale Boggs' district).
In 1961 Ochsner, with the financial help of Clint Murchison, established the Information Council of the Americas (INCA). Ed Butler was appointed as Executive Director of INCA. The main objective of the organization was to prevent communist revolutions in Latin America. Ochsner told the New Orleans States Item: "We must spread the warning of the creeping sickness of communism faster to Latin Americas, and to our own people, or Central and South America will be exposed to the same sickness as Cuba." (16th April, 1963)
Edgar and Edith Stern, owners of WDSU radio and television, were members of INCA. Eustis Reily of theReily Coffee Company personally donated thousands of dollars to INCA. However, it was Patrick J. Frawley, a Californian industrialist and close friend of Richard Nixon, who was INCA's largest financial contributor. The organization used some of this money to make a film about Fidel Castro entitled, Hitler in Havana. The New York Times reviewed the film calling it a "tasteless affront to minimum journalistic standards."
One of Ochsner's friends described him as being "like a fundamentalist preacher in the sense that the fight against communism was the only subject that he would talk about, or even allow you to talk about, in his presence."
Edward Haslam argues in Dr. Mary's Monkey that "Ochsner's hospital was one of the 159 covert research centers which the CIA had admitted to setting up." Haslam believes that Ochsner recruited Mary Shermanto run the research operation The basic project was set up March 23, 1962, using conventional facilities, which then expanded out of the loop for its final phases. Haslam believes that Sherman was involved in carrying out secret research into developing a vaccine to prevent an epidemic of soft-tissue cancers caused by polio vaccine contaminated with SV-40. This work included using a linear particle accelerator located in the Infectious Disease Laboratory at the Public Health Service Hospital in New Orleans. According to Haslam there was a second-lab working on this project. This was being run by David Ferrie on Louisiana Avenue Parkway.
Ochsner was strongly opposed to the domestic and foreign policy of President John F. Kennedy. He wrote to Senator Allen Ellender: "I sincerely hope that the Civil Rights Bill can also be defeated, because if it was passed, it would certainly mean virtual dictatorship by the President and the Attorney General, a thing I am sure they both want."
Ochsner was also friends with Clay Shaw. Ochsner was president of the International House, whereas Shaw was director of the organization. Both men were also directors of the Foreign Policy Association of New Orleans and arranged for CIA Deputy Director to New Orleans to discuss the communist threat.
Ochsner sat on the National Institute of Health Board of Directors. A fellow director in the early 1960s wasJose Rivera. In 1963 Rivera was in New Orleans handing out research grants from NIH to the Tulane Medical School.
The records of the Mexican consulate office in New Orleans show that when Lee Harvey Oswald obtained his visa for his trip to Mexico, he did so at the same time as William Gaudet. As Edward Haslam points out in Dr. Mary's Monkey : "Gaudet.. is known to have worked for the CIA and edited an anti-Communist newsletter which Ochsner financed."
Adele Edisen has revealed that in April 1963, Jose Rivera, gave her the name of Lee Harvey Oswald and his New Orleans phone number three weeks before he moved to the city.
On 21st July, 1964, Mary Sherman was murdered. The following day, Ochsner wrote a letter to R. H. Crosby, his largest financial contributor saying "our Government, our schools, our press, and our churches have become infiltrated with Communism".
In 1967 Jim Garrison began investigating the activities of Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans. Ochsner told a friend that he feared Garrison would order his arrest and the seizure of INCA's corporate records. Ed Butler took these records to California where Patrick J. Frawley arranged for them to be hidden. Ronald Reagan, the governor of California refused all of Garrison's extradition requests. Frawley had previously helped fund Reagan's political campaigns in California.
Ochsner attacked the Garrison investigation as being unpatriotic because it eroded public confidence and threatened the stability of the American government. In his article, Social Origins of Anticommunism: The Information Council of the Americas (Louisiana History, Spring 1989) Arthur Carpenter claimed that Ochsner launched a propaganda campaign against Garrison. This included sending information to a friend who was the publisher of the Nashville Banner.
According to Carpenter, Ochsner also attempted to discredit Mark Lane, who was assisting the Garrison investigation. He told Felix Edward Hebert that Lane was "a professional propagandist of the lunatic left". Ochsner also instructed Herbert to tell Edwin E. Willis (Chairman of the House Committee) to dig up "whatever information you can" on Lane.
Felix Edward Hebert later sent Ochsner a report on Mark Lane extracted from confidential government files. This included "the files of the New York City Police, the FBI, and other security agencies." These files claimed that Lane was "a sadist and masochist, charged on numerous occasions with sodomy". Hebert also supplied Ochsner with a photograph that was supposed to be Lane engaged in a sadomasochistic act with a prostitute.
Alton Ochsner died on 6th September, 1981.
FTR #644 Interview with Ed Haslam About Dr. Mary's Monkey

Intro*duc*tion: … A New Orleans Native, Ed Haslam's life*long inves*tiga*tive path*way into events over*lap*ping the milieu of the assas*si*na*tion of Pres*i*dent Kennedy and appar*ently iatro*genic (man-made) epi*demics con*sti*tutes a nar*ra*tive that is both thrilling and ter*ri*fy*ing. Sup*ple*ment*ing and expand*ing an inves*ti*ga*tion first pub*lished in Ed's 1996 title Mary, Fer*rie and the Mon*key Virus, this vol*ume intro*duces the remark*able story of Judyth Vary Baker, a bril*liant can*cer researcher recruited to work on a clan*des*tine project in which viruses were irra*di*ated. Appar*ently inau*gu*rated in order to cre*ate an anti-cancer vac*cine, the project mor*phed into an effort to cre*ate bio*log*i*cal weaponry, ini*tially to assas*si*nate Fidel Cas*tro and, per*haps, to cre*ate geno*ci*dal weapons. Among Ms. Baker's co-workers in the project were (allegedly) Lee Har*vey Oswald. After a rup*ture with Dr. Arnold Ochsner, the med*ical lumi*nary who presided over the project, Lee allegedly trav*eled to Dal*las to attempt to pre*vent the assas*si*na*tion of Pres*i*dent Kennedyby ele*ments of U.S. intel*li*gence. Unsuc*cess*ful, he was framed for the crime and mur*dered before he had a chance to defend him*self. After the 1964 mur*der of Dr. Mary Sher*man, the Ochsner asso*ciate who was a piv*otal mem*ber of the project's staff, the deadly mutated viruses appear to have fallen into the hands of mur*der*ous right-wing extrem*ists con*nected to the intel*li*gence community.Pro*gram High*lights Include: Syn*op*sis of the impor*tance of the city of New Orleans to Amer*i*can polit*i*cal and eco*nomic infra*struc*ture; dis*cus*sion of the sig*nif*i*cance of New Orleans as a cen*ter for research into trop*i*cal dis*eases; overview of the impor*tance of Tulane Uni*ver*sity for research into trop*i*cal dis*eases; the med*ical and polit*i*cal career of Dr. Alton Ochsner; dis*cus*sion of the careers of three remark*able female med*ical researchers (Mary Sher*man, Sarah Stew*art, Ber*nice Eddy); review of the fun*da*men*tals of the New Orleans com*po*nent of the assas*si*na*tion of JFK; dis*cus*sion of a soft-tissue can*cer epi*demic cur*rently man*i*fest*ing itself in the United States as a result of the con*t*a*m*i*na*tion of the polio vac*cine with a can*cer caus*ing mon*key virusSV-40; dis*cus*sion of the pos*si*bil*ity that the AIDS epi*demic may be man made (FTR#16 may prove par*tic*u*larly use*ful in research*ing this sub*ject.) The Virus and the Vac*cine by Deb*bie Bookchin and Jim Schu*macher fleshes out the story of the SV-40 con*t*a*m*i*na*tion of the polio vaccine.1. The pro*gram begins with analy*sis of the Cres*cent City as a vital eco*nomic and polit*i*cal engine. The North*ern*most port of the Caribbean and the gate*way to the Mis*sis*sippi Riverthe largest com*mer*cial water*way in the United StatesNew Orleans has long occu*pied a piv*otally impor*tant posi*tion in Amer*i*can eco*nomic infra*struc*ture. With agri*cul*tural prod*ucts such as cof*fee, sugar and bananas com*ing up from Latin Amer*ica and U.S. farm prod*ucts such as corn and wheat, as well as fin*ished indus*trial tools and goods going down to Latin Amer*ica, New Orleans has been a com*mer*cial epicenter.
The eco*nomic power cen*tered in the Cres*cent City pro*duced deriv*a*tive polit*i*cal and national secu*rity influ*ence. The pro*found strate*gic sig*nif*i*cance of the port of New Orleans ele*vated that city andto an extent, the state of Louisianato dis*pro*por*tion*ate influ*ence in both Con*gress and the national secu*rity estab*lish*ment. Among the leg*isla*tive lumi*nar*ies from Louisiana:
" . . . F. Edward Hebert, Chair*man of Armed Ser*vices Com*mit*tee of the U.S. House of Rep*re*sen*ta*tives. Taxes start in the House, and bud*gets start in Com*mit*tee. As Chair*man of the House Armed Ser*vices Com*mit*tee, the entire U.S. mil*i*tary bud*get and the vast major*ity of the CIA bud*get started on Hebert's desk. One of his jobs was to hide most of the CIA bud*get in the U.S. mil*i*tary bud*get. He was known as the military's best friend.'
Allen Elen*der, had been in the U.S. Sen*ate for over 40 years. He was the senior sen*a*tor when [for*mer Louisiana Gov*er*nor] Huey Long was the junior sen*a*tor in the 1930's. Ellen*der sat on the Armed Ser*vices Com*mit*tee of the U.S. Sen*ate and got Hebert's bud*get through the Sen*ate. Between the two, they made sure that Louisiana received its fair share of mil*i*tary and space contracts.
Rus*sell Long, the son of Huey Long, was Major*ity Whip of the U.S. Sen*ate, Chair*man of the Senate's pow*er*ful Ways and Means Com*mit*tee, and mem*ber of the Sen*ate Bank*ing Committee.
Hale Boggs, Major*ity Whip of the U.S. House of Rep*re*sen*ta*tives, was the 3rd most pow*er*ful man in that body, and was con*sid*ered by many to be LBJ's man-in-the house.' . . ."
Dr. Mary's Mon*key by Ed Haslam; Trine Day [SC]; Copy*right 2007 by Ed Haslam; ISBN 9780-97779530-6; p. 30.
2. The loca*tion of New Orleans and the resul*tant trop*i*cal dis*ease prob*lem it has encoun*tered has made the city a focal point of med*ical research into afflic*tions such as malaria and yel*low fever. Although not as well known as some US insti*tu*tions of higher learn*ing, Tulane Uni*ver*sity has assumed great sig*nif*i*cance in trop*i*cal dis*ease research. Much of that research has involved using pri*mates as exper*i*men*tal subjects.
" . . . In Louisiana, the Delta Regional Pri*mate Cen*ter opened its doors in Novem*ber 1964 with Tulane Uni*ver*sity serv*ing as the host insti*tu*tion. This took the mon*key virus research out of down*town New Orleans and put it in 500 wooded acres near Cov*ing*ton, Louisiana across Lake Pontchar*train. Today, that lab*o*ra*tory has over 4,000 pri*mates, thirty sci*en*tists, and 130 sup*port work*ers, plus a pub*lic rela*tions direc*tor whose job it is to boast of the center's virus research espe*cially on AIDS, and to point to the improve*ments in lab secu*rity, such as the high-security zone, where researchers and staff shower and change clothes before approach*ing or leav*ing the 500 mon*keys infected with simian AIDS. . . ."
Ibid.; p. 23.
3. Next, Ed syn*op*sizes the career and activ*i*ties of Dr. Alton Ochsner and his lofty stand*ing in the med*ical com*mu*nity. A famous sur*geon who helped to pio*neer blood trans*fu*sion pro*ce*dures, Ochsner became a dom*i*nant influ*ence at Tulane Uni*ver*sity and in New Orleans. Of par*tic*u*lar note was his rela*tion*ship with Latin Amer*i*can elite infrastructure.
" . . . The Latin Amer*i*can angle was a nat*ural for a med*ical clinic in New Orleans. And as we noted ear*lier, New Orleans was America's com*mer*cial pipeline to Latin Amer*ica, and Tulane's rep*u*ta*tion was golden in the region. For a group of Tulane doc*tors to form a med*ical clinic to serve the needs of the Latin elite was great news for those who could step on a plane in their cap*i*tal city and be in New Orleans quicker than most Amer*i*cans. To pro*mote his clinic, Ochsner made over a hun*dred trips to Latin Amer*ica dur*ing his career, and became friends with its rulers. . . . Among his friends, Ochsner counted Anas*ta*sio Somoza, Nicaragua's for*mer Pres*i*dent (and dic*ta*tor), who was run out his coun*try by rev*o*lu*tion*ar*ies in 1979. Thos rela*tion*ship is what one might call a per*sonal one, based on the let*ters in Ochsner's per*sonal papers. . . Ochsner and Somoza shared mutual anti-Communist objec*tives. Somoza's per*sonal physi*cian, Dr. Henri DeBayle, sat on the Board of Direc*tors of Guy Banister's infa*mous Anti-Communist League of the Caribbean. Another patient was Juan Peron the pres*i*dent (and dic*ta*tor) of Argentina. Fol*low*ing the lead of these dic*ta*tors came the oli*garchies of Latin Amer*i*can coun*tries, which had not devel*oped their own health care systems. . . ."
Ibid.; pp. 178179.
4. Ed out*lined Ochsner's reac*tionary polit*i*cal ori*en*ta*tion, includ*ing his oppo*si*tion to the civil rights move*ment and, above all, his mil*i*tant anti-Communism, which led him to found INCAthe Infor*ma*tion Coun*cil of the Amer*i*cas. An appar*ent intel*li*gence front, INCA recorded an inter*view on New Orleans radio sta*tion WDSU fea*tur*ing Lee Har*vey Oswald pro*claim*ing his sup*posed Marx*ist sym*pa*thies. (To hear this inter*view and back*ground infor*ma*tion about INCA, see FTR#621.) Ochsner devel*oped numer*ous links to the intel*li*gence com*mu*nity as the Cold War progressed.
" . . . In Octo*ber 1959, after two years of work*ing in a Sen*si*tive Posi*tion,' pre*sum*ably with the FBI, the FBI con*ducted yet another Sen*si*tive Posi*tion' inves*ti*ga*tion on Ochsner and for*warded their find*ings to an unnamed U.S. gov*ern*ment agency. Sev*eral days later, on Octo*ber 21, 1959, the FBI, free*ing him up to accept an assign*ment from the other undis*closed agency. So what was hap*pen*ing in 1957 and 1959? Why would they have needed the ser*vices of a doc*tor? And what did they need from this doc*tor that they could not get from the legions of other doc*tors already work*ing for the U.S. gov*ern*ment in one capac*ity or another? These are impor*tant questions. . . ."
Ibid.; p. 182.
5. The "impor*tant ques*tions" noted above receive a two-track answer in Ed's book. In New Orleans, we view the con*flu*ence of the covert oper*a*tions being con*ducted against the regime of Fidel Cas*tro in Cuba with attempts at deriv*ing a vac*cine to neu*tral*ize a deadly, cancer-causing viral con*t*a*m*i*nant in the polio vac*cine admin*is*tered to mil*lions of Amer*i*cans. One of the major focal points of Dr. Mary's Mon*key con*cerns the SV-40, a simian ver*sion of the deadly poly*oma virus which causes mul*ti*ple can*cers in mul*ti*ple species. Because the polio vaccine's virus was grown on mon*key kid*neys, SV-40 found its way into the vac*cine when the polio viruses were har*vested for vac*cine pro*duc*tion. Out*lin*ing the story of the con*t*a*m*i*na*tion of the polio vac*cine with SV-40, Ed presents that account in con*junc*tion with the story of three remark*able female physiciansDr.s Sarah Stew*art, Ber*nice Eddy and Mary Sher*man. After dis*cussing the fail*ure of the ini*tial polio vac*cine, Ed writes:
. . . In the after*math of the deba*cle, Ber*nice Eddy was taken off polio research and trans*ferred to the influenza sec*tion by the thank*less NIH man*age*ment. She shared her frus*tra*tions with a small group of women sci*en*tists who ate brown-bag lunches on the steps of one of the lab*o*ra*to*ries. There Eddy met a tena*cious sci*en*tist named Stew*art, M.D., PhD., who was wag*ing her own bat*tle against the offi*cial par*a*digms of bureau*cratic med*i*cine. Ber*nice Eddy and Sarah Stew*art became close friends.
Sarah Stewart's name remains vir*tu*ally unknown today, despite her huge con*tri*bu*tion to mod*ern med*i*cine. Not only did she prove that some can*cers were caused by viruses, but sub*se*quent research on the virus she dis*cov*ered led to the dis*cov*ery of DNA recom*bi*na*tion, which is one of the most pow*er*ful tools in med*ical research today. . . ."
Ibid.; p. 204.
6. More about Dr.s Eddy, Stew*art and their dis*cov*ery of Poly*oma and the SV-40 con*t*a*m*i*na*tion of the polio vaccine:
" . . . In 1957, Stew*art and Eddy dis*cov*ered the poly*oma virus, which pro*duced sev*eral types of can*cer in a vari*ety of small mam*mals. Poly*oma proved that some can*cers were indeed caused by viruses. Her dis*cov*ery offi*cially threw open the doors of can*cer virol*ogy. . . . But it raised some dark ques*tions about ear*lier deeds. Before long, Yale's lab*o*ra*tory dis*cov*ered that the poly*oma virus that had pro*duced the can*cer in Stewart's mice and ham*sters turned out to act like Simian Virus #40 (SV-40), a mon*key virus that caused cancer.
In June 1959, Ber*nice Eddy, who was still offi*cially to the flu vac*cine project, began think*ing about the polio vac*cine again. This time she was wor*ried about some*thing much deeper than polio. The vaccine's man*u*fac*tur*ers had grown their polio viruses on the kid*neys of mon*keys. And when they removed the polio virus from the mon*keys' kid*neys, they also removed an unknown num*ber of other mon*key viruses. . . . Eddy grew sus*pi*cious of the polio vac*cine and asked an excru*ci*at*ing ques*tion: Had they inoc*u*lated an entire gen*er*a*tion of Amer*i*cans with cancer-causing mon*key viruses? She con*ducted her research qui*etly, with*out alert*ing her NIH super*vi*sors. . . .Her impli*ca*tion was clear: There were cancer-causing mon*key viruses in the polio vaccine! . . ."
Ibid.; pp. 2067.
7. Like Dr.s Eddy and Stew*art, Dr. Mary Sher*man should be a focal point of seri*ous fem*i*nist research. These women achieved pro*foundly sig*nif*i*cant gains in the field of med*ical research at a time when pro*fes*sional advance*ment for women was dif*fi*cult. Dr. Sher*man even*tu*ally landed in New Orleans as a pro*tege of Dr. Alton Ochsner. Ed the*o*rizes that her net*work*ing with NIH mem*bers, includ*ing Sarah Stew*art, may have resulted in her par*tic*i*pa*tion in a project to irra*di*ate viruses in hope of devel*op*ing a vac*cine to pre*vent the pro*jected HIV-generated can*cer epidemic:
" . . . [Intel*li*gence agent and Gar*ri*son inves*tiga*tive tar*get David] Fer*rie and the angry Cuban exiles may have been will*ing to develop a bio*log*i*cal weapon to kill Cas*tro, but I per*son*ally had not thought that Dr. Mary Sher*man (or the other doc*tors) would have know*ingly been party to the secret devel*op*ment of a bio*log*i*cal weapon. I did, how*ever, think that she might have been will*ing to be part of a covert effort to pre*vent an epi*demic of can*cer! Espe*cially, if com*pe*tent can*cer researchers whom she per*son*ally knew and trusted thought it was pos*si*ble, and if she believed that bureau*cratic pol*i*tics or pro*ce*dures were ham*per*ing the process at the national level. They Key Words are knew and trusted.' . . . Mary Sher*man and Sarah Stew*art were friends and class*mates in Chicago for three years. . . . ."
Ibid.; pp. 2189.
8. In New Orleans largely as a result of her pro*fes*sional rela*tion*ship with Dr. Ochsner, Sher*man crossed into the world of covert oper*a*tions because of that same rela*tion*ship. As seen above, Ochsner was very polit*i*cally active and well con*nected with the national secu*rity estab*lish*ment. Part of the anti-Castro covert oper*a*tions milieu in New Orleans, Ochsner appears to have been involved withamong other activitiesan attempt at irra*di*at*ing viruses in order to cre*ate a bio*log*i*cal weapon with which to kill Fidel Cas*tro. This alle*ga*tion comes from yet another bril*liant female can*cer researcher, Judyth Vary Baker. A sci*en*tific prodigy, Judyth's can*cer research drew the atten*tion of top med*ical author*i*ties while she was still in high school. Judyth Vary Baker con*tends that she, Dr. Sher*man, Lee Har*vey Oswald, Dr. Alton Oschner and David Fer*rie were work*ing on a project to use irra*di*ated viruses to develop a bio*log*i*cal war*fare agent to kill Cas*tro. The oper*a*tion was pig*gy*backed on the project to pro*duce the can*cer vaccine.
" . . . Was Judyth the tech*ni*cian in David Ferrie's under*ground med*ical lab*o*ra*tory? She admits that she was, despite the obvi*ous legal, eth*i*cal and secu*rity con*se*quences of doing so. Were they irra*di*at*ing cancer-causing viruses to develop a bio*log*i*cal weapon? Judyth par*tic*i*pated in that oper*a*tion, and has said that their use of radi*a*tion was both delib*er*ate and cen*tral to the design of the project. Was the oper*a*tion in David Ferrie's apart*ment con*nected to an oper*a*tion at the U.S. Pub*lic Health Hos*pi*tal? Judyth says it was. . . ."
Ibid.; p. 305.
9. With polit*i*cal extrem*ists of Ferrie's ilk in charge of the deadly viruses being made under the aus*pices of the project, the organ*isms may have been used in a geno*ci*dal, ethnic-cleansing application.
" . . . The Ferrie-Sherman under*ground med*ical lab*o*ra*tory may have started with the noble and patri*otic mis*sion of pre*vent*ing an epi*demic of can*cer in Amer*ica; but once the work started, once the power to move can*cer from ani*mal to ani*mal was estab*lished, once the abil*ity to change viruses genet*i*cally was demon*strated, once the more vir*u*lent viral strains were iso*lated, once the means of trans*mis*sion was estab*lished, once Mary Sher*man died, and once [intel*li*gence agent and anti-Castro oper*a*tive] Guy Ban*is*ter died, then the lab*o*ra*tory, the ani*mals and the viruses were left in the hands of David Fer*rie. He could eas*ily have per*verted the lab's resources into a bio*log*i*cal weapon if he wished to do so, pick*ing the most vir*u*lent strains and deliv*er*ing them to a tar*get. . . Given his his*tory of vio*lent polit*i*cal acg*tivigties and his record of men*tal insta*bil*ity, the ques*tion is dis*turb*ing: What would David Fer*rie do if he real*ized he held the power to change his*tory in his hands? . . ."
Ibid.; pp. 28081.
10. Through*out the pro*gram, Ed fills in the pic*ture of David Fer*rie, his long*stand*ing work for ele*ments of U.S. intel*li*gence, his work for New Orleans crime boss Car*los Mar*cello, as well as his rela*tion*ship to the milieu of the JFK assassination.
11. Ed the*o*rizes that AIDS may have stemmed from the irra*di*a*tion of viruses under the janus-faced can*cer research/biological war*fare project:
" . . . SIV is the Simian Immun*od*e*fi*ciency Virus, one of sev*eral mon*key Viruses known to have con*t*a*m*i*nated the polio vac*cine. The more car*cino*genic SV-40 has received most of the press. SIV, a single-strand RNA retro*virus, is con*sid*er*ably smaller than SV-40 (a double-strand DNA virus). The tech*nol*ogy of the 1950's was not able to fil*ter SIV from the viral extracts. Fur*ther, researchers of the day did not con*sider retro*viruses to be dan*ger*ous, so they basi*cally ignored them. AIDS has taught us how dan*ger*ous retro*viruses can be. If the project' in New Orleans was inten*tion*ally expos*ing SV-40 to radi*a*tion they have exposed SIV to radi*a*tion at the same time. Sim*ply stated, HIV-1 is a mutated form of SIV. Did the muta*tion which changed SIV into HIV-1 occur when SV-40 was exposed to radi*a*tion? Was this the moment of con*cep*tion of AIDS? Could this artificially-induced muta*tion explain why HIV-1 is mutat*ing so rapidly? Why it is behav*ing so unnaturally'? . . . ."
Ibid.; p. 305.
12. Using the National Can*cer Institute's own sta*tis*tics for the inci*dence of can*cer from 1973 to 1988, Ed came to some very dis*turb*ing conclusions:
" . . . Was [Dr. Ber*nice] Eddy's pre*dic*tion of a can*cer epi*demic accu*rate? Did the epi*demic ever hap*pen? If it did, wouldn't it show up in the can*cer sta*tis*tics? . . . A real epi*demic should be easy to spot due to its size. So I dug out the can*cer sta*tis*tics pub*lished by the National Can*cer Insti*tute in 1989 and started related lit*er*a*ture. Two things became clear: 1. We were los*ing the War on Can*cer, and 2. We were in the midst of an ongo*ing can*cer epidemic. . ."
Ibid.; pp. 210211.
13. One of the most intrigu*ing aspects of the book is Ed's search for the lin*ear par*ti*cle accel*er*a*tor used to mutate the viruses. It was located at the U.S. Pub*lic Health Ser*vice Hos*pi*tal in New Orleans. It was a defect in this par*ti*cle acceleratordeliberate sab*o*tage in Ed's opinionthat killed Dr. Mary Sher*man. The offi*cial story of Dr. Sherman's mur*der has it that she was mur*dered by a sex*ual preda*tor and her body set afire. As Ed notes, that could not account for the severe burns on the body, that could only have been gen*er*ated by tremen*dous heat. For a more com*plete under*stand*ing of the foren*sic evi*dence in Dr. Sherman's mur*der and the story of Ed's hunt for the loca*tion of the lin*ear par*ti*cle accel*er*a*tor, read the book!
" . . . If Mary Sher*man was killed by a lin*ear par*ti*cle accel*er*a*tor, then the cen*tral ques*tion was clear: Where was the lin*ear par*ti*cle accel*er*a*tor located? and then a series of related ques*tions: Upon whose prop*erty did Mary Sher*man die? Whose rep*u*ta*tion was her masquerade-murder intended to pro*tect? Upon whose author*ity was the inves*ti*ga*tion into her mur*der shut down? I thought about these ques*tions each time I looked at the book, and I won*dered if I would ever find the answers. . . ."
Ibid.; p. 245.
14. It appears that some of the viruses mutated in the project were suc*cess*fully tested on a prison inmate "vol*un*teer." Judyth's objec*tions to the test led to a break between Ochsner on the one hand and Baker and asso*ciate (and lover) Oswald on the other.
" . . . The Sherman-Ferrie-Vary exper*i*ments suc*cess*fully cre*ated aggres*sive can*cers in mice and (at Judyth's sug*ges*tion) these new can*cers were tested on mon*keys. They worked, killing the mon*keys quickly. But there was a miss*ing linkthey needed to know if their can*cer cock*tail would actu*ally kill a human. It was decided to test their con*coc*tion on a pris*oner from Louisiana's Angola State Pen*i*ten*tiary who had vol*un*teered' for the exper*i*ment . They brought him to the Jack*son State Men*tal Hos*pi*tal (near Clin*ton, Lou*siana) where he was injected with their new bio-weapon, and died. . . It was a seri*ous tac*ti*cal error on her part, but Judyth has always been very strong-willed and uncom*pro*mis*ing on cer*tain issues. Dr. Ochsner was equally strong-willed and uncom*pro*mis*ing in his response, before slam*ming the tele*phone down: You and Lee are expendable!' . . ."
Ibid.; p. 325.
15. Hav*ing orig*i*nally assumed his "pro-Castro/communist" cover in order to deliver the bio*log*i*cal weapon to Cuba in order to kill Cas*tro [accord*ing to Baker], Oswald then attempted to inter*dict an attempt to kill Kennedy in Dal*las. Instead he was killed and framed for the crime. The pro-Castro cover, arranged by Ochsner, INCA et al. pro*vided a per*fect ruse for cov*er*ing up the crime by mak*ing it look as though a com*mu*nist had done it.
" . . . Judyth's phone con*ver*sa*tions with Lee Oswald con*tin*ued until Wednes*day, Nov. 20, 1963. Dur*ing the final emo*tional phone call, Lee made it clear to Judyth that there would be a real attempt to kill Pres*i*dent Kennedy on Fri*day at one of three loca*tions in Dal*las. Lee told Judyth that he believed a man named David Atlee Phillips was orga*niz*ing it. He told Judyth to remem*ber the name. How*ever he got there, Lee was now inside the assas*si*na*tion plot try*ing to kill Pres*i*dent Kennedy, and con*sid*ered it his duty to stay in posi*tion and under*cover until it was over, telling Judyth, If I stay, there will be one less bul*let fired at Kennedy.' . . ."
Ibid.; p. 327.