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How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Lauren Johnson - 30-04-2012

Phil Dragoo Wrote:Carmelo Ruiz on Thy Will Be Done (from Stan's #35 above):

Those who read books on American foreign policy in search of titillating revelations of sensational CIA covert operations while neglecting to study the social, political and historical context in which they are embedded will find this book a difficult, even annoying, read. Conspiracy buffs may have an encyclopedic knowledge of CIA intrigues and scandals, but they're not interested at all in doing the hard intellectual work of learning about the nature of the system of corporate profit and exploitation which intelligence agencies were created to serve.

". . .the system of corporate profit and exploitation which intelligence agencies were created to serve."

Ruiz' and Colby-Dennett's treatment is from outside the financial, religious, intelligence device.

One might consider the wondrous tale of Bernal Diaz in Conquest of Mexico. A military, religious expedition fueled by spies and treachery.

Today we have technology and tradecraft ever-refining, but all still to serve what seems to be a throne yet a throne resting upon the green felt of the house.

And the house in addition to having many rooms, has all of the thrones in those rooms.

My copy of Thy Will Be Done just arrived. Aooogah. Aooogah. Dive. Dive.

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Arni Thoroddsen - 30-04-2012

Charles Drago Wrote:
Arni Thoroddsen Wrote:
Vasilios Vazakas Wrote:Arni, I suspect that you secretly fancy to get the part for the next James Bond movie. Should Daniel Craig worry?
Perhaps 30 years ago with a bit of cosmetic surgery! I certainly would have fit the menacing Iceman profile. But I think I would do better as Smiley. Or perhaps as Karla. I do for the most part prefer the sublety of that author over Flemming although Flemming is good. But perhaps Flemming was more subtle than most of his readers suppose. He apparently had all of you fooled! You will find the arms of Number one at: You will see a coat of arms and (what is that? looks like crosses or is it perhaps (...)). He did appear a bit boarish when he appered in a tv interview because of the North sea oil platform fire. I can understand why Flemming would detest this person. I am sure he had more sympathy for Onassis ruthless though he may have been. Do I really need to provide more clues? Surely you can find the FBI file for yourselves on the internet. The "if there was a conspiracy" comment was just to remind you that my thought processes are similar to that of a mindless automaton. It makes it more difficult for emotional input to confuse the issues. You will remember that this is how Karla got to Smiley. Now is gchq going to be listening through my microphone from now on? Dont these people have more pressing engagements?
From happenstance, to coincidence, to enemy action. "Your" Bond references (Oddjob's "pressing engagement," etc.) would be a tad more authoritative if "you" could spell the author's name correctly. Whoever or whatever "you" are: The name-dropping is giving "your" game away. Really, methinks "you" are overpaid. If "you" want to fuck with Fleming and Le Carre references, don't fuck with an expert. "You" are not clever. "You" are not subtle. "You" are exposed. Take "your" clues elsewhere. And don't expect to be promoted out of Disinformation 101. "You" are not nash. Say goodbye now.
Actually I am unable to locate the FBI file now at the FBI´s site. Possibly I found the file with connection to the freedom of information act. I do not remember as this was probably just before desert storm. I was concerned with the strategy that would be used to restore the Soviet Union to existence and wanted to locate the possible actors of that initiative. This was an FBI file composed of the photographs of text of an original file of typed pages. In any case you might find it interesting to search for faberge and the name. The drug pharmacy production reference was also in the FBI backround file on said person. I only made the connection with Kennedy much later, for I am not really that interested in his assasination. Perhaps we owe the assasins a debt of gratitude for postponing Harmageddon. The following reference might help you to find the file. Have a nice day mr. Drago!

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Lauren Johnson - 30-04-2012

Peter Lemkin Wrote:My.....haven't taken a look at this thread in a while....seems to have been bait for some mockingbirds...who have flown on to new meadows to shit upon. I was looking back at 'Lauren's' earlier posts and hidden in them was some Mossad connection to the Unibomber and MKULTRA....hmmm..... LBJ and Rockefeller, both forgot to be bar mitzvahed.

Peter, It goes way beyond this stuff. I am a researcher now. There's this thing called the Google. You type in some words and it's like being Neo downloading the marshall arts programs. "I know Jujitsu." Oh, yah. It's all so simple and clear now. Just let Fritz explain it all. It's all connected. [Edit: :hobbyhorse:]

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Charles Drago - 30-04-2012

Arni Thoroddsen Wrote:Perhaps we owe the assasins a debt of gratitude for postponing Harmageddon.

Why is this idiot still among us?

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Jan Klimkowski - 30-04-2012

Charles Drago Wrote:
Arni Thoroddsen Wrote:Perhaps we owe the assasins a debt of gratitude for postponing Harmageddon.

Why is this idiot still among us?

The first "Proverb for Paranoids" sketched by the bard Pynchon in Gravity's Rainbow is:

Quote:You may never get to touch the Master, but you can tickle his creatures.

A perfect use of a feather duster.....

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Dawn Meredith - 30-04-2012

Charles Drago Wrote:
Arni Thoroddsen Wrote:Perhaps we owe the assasins a debt of gratitude for postponing Harmageddon.

Why is this idiot still among us?

I was about to ask the same question. If he's "not interested in" JFK's assassination, why does he keep posting here? I'm with you CD, pull his moronic self-iportant little plug.


How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Albert Doyle - 30-04-2012

Arni Thoroddsen Wrote:Perhaps we owe the assasins a debt of gratitude for postponing Harmageddon.

So I understand JFK was fooling Khrushchev with difficult peace negotiations and risking serious internal discord with his military heads so he could pop some amphetamine and push the button after suckering Nikita?

Er du gal? Du må være en sann norsk troll!


How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Lauren Johnson - 30-04-2012

Peter Lemkin Wrote:My.....haven't taken a look at this thread in a while....seems to have been bait for some mockingbirds...who have flown on to new meadows to shit upon. I was looking back at 'Lauren's' earlier posts and hidden in them was some Mossad connection to the Unibomber and MKULTRA....hmmm..... LBJ and Rockefeller, both forgot to be bar mitzvahed.

Peter, Are you calling me a mockingbird? Usually, when you put quotes around somebody's name, it is meant in a pretty negative way. Mind splainin? (I tried to send this as an IM, but your Inbox is full.)

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Seamus Coogan - 01-05-2012

Lauren Johnson Wrote:
Peter Lemkin Wrote:My.....haven't taken a look at this thread in a while....seems to have been bait for some mockingbirds...who have flown on to new meadows to shit upon. I was looking back at 'Lauren's' earlier posts and hidden in them was some Mossad connection to the Unibomber and MKULTRA....hmmm..... LBJ and Rockefeller, both forgot to be bar mitzvahed.

Peter, Are you calling me a mockingbird? Usually, when you put quotes around somebody's name, it is meant in a pretty negative way. Mind splainin? (I tried to send this as an IM, but your Inbox is full.)

Pete trust me mate she's all good Norwegian Wood! Or is it Swedish or Danish? Sausage anyone? No the only mockingbirds here of late would be little miss Nazi and her pal bat shit crazy Arni!

How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - Lauren Johnson - 01-05-2012

Seamus Coogan Wrote:
Lauren Johnson Wrote:
Peter Lemkin Wrote:My.....haven't taken a look at this thread in a while....seems to have been bait for some mockingbirds...who have flown on to new meadows to shit upon. I was looking back at 'Lauren's' earlier posts and hidden in them was some Mossad connection to the Unibomber and MKULTRA....hmmm..... LBJ and Rockefeller, both forgot to be bar mitzvahed.

Peter, Are you calling me a mockingbird? Usually, when you put quotes around isomebody's name, it is meant in a pretty negative way. Mind splainin? (I tried to send this as an IM, but your Inbox is full.)

Pete trust me mate she's all good Norwegian Wood! Or is it Swedish or Danish? Sausage anyone? No the only mockingbirds here of late would be little miss Nazi and her pal bat shit crazy Arni!

I'm not a Mockingbird nor am I a she. My name has a Scandinavian root "laur" from laurel, for "victor." Or that's what my parents told me. Another name is "Lauritz." [Edit: I'm half Swedish and half Norwegian.]

I'm not all hacked at PL. I assume there is some misreading of my recent posts.