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Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Printable Version

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Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Mark Prior - 16-01-2013

Charles Drago Wrote:
Mark Prior Wrote:Just trying to stay focused, Chuck.

If you were in charge, Charles, what would you plan for the 50th anniversary?

Your exposure as an arrogant, ignorant pissant, Mock.

And that would be so very helpful in securing the timely release of remaining assassination-related documents.

Moving on, PLEASE.

Does anyone else have ideas for the 50th? Perhaps suggesting some "copy" for a letter writing campaign to our Congressmen & women?

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Greg Burnham - 16-01-2013

Mark Prior Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:
Mark Prior Wrote:Just trying to stay focused, Chuck.

If you were in charge, Charles, what would you plan for the 50th anniversary?

Your exposure as an arrogant, ignorant pissant, Mock.

And that would be so very helpful in securing the timely release of remaining assassination-related documents.

Moving on, PLEASE.

Does anyone else have ideas for the 50th? Perhaps suggesting some "copy" for a letter writing campaign to our Congressmen & women?

Let's see if we can get you FOCUSED, Mark. I already did that:

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Mark Prior - 16-01-2013

I think it is fantastic. No BS. Greg, I wish you had posted this here sooner.

Greg's proposed sample letter:

[Image: icon1.png] Sample Letter to Issa that I sent last year--

Dear Chairman Issa,

I am writing to you today to strongly encourage you to hold JFK ACT Oversight Hearings, which are necessary and long overdue. The last such hearings were held over 15 years ago. I would also encourage you to introduce a billor take any appropriate actionthat would accelerate the current date (2017) of release of all government documents regarding the assassination of the 35[SUP]th[/SUP] president so that the information can be available prior to the 50[SUP]th[/SUP] anniversary (November 22, 2013).

It has been nearly 50 years. There are no longer any reasons "of national security" that are sufficiently valid to justify the withholding of these documents. Nearly 50 years of secrecy is more than long enough. Moreover, the law requires their release.

I request this without passion or prejudice. It is in the best interest of the American People that the great history from which we have evolved be known even when some of it may not be to our liking.

The world is very different today than it was 5 decades ago. The decision to withhold this information might have been appropriate in 1964. However, whatever those reasons were then, they are no longer valid now. The Cold War is over. There is no longer a Soviet Union, so that even if the concern (the Soviet Union and/or Cuba were responsible for the deed) that was originally thought to be valid then had been true, it no longer matters today.

The American People have a right to know the truth. The American People have a right to know the documented account of what happened and/or a right to any and all collateral information. The US Government does not have the right to withhold this information from the American People unless to not do so would create a clear and present danger to the American People. The burden of demonstrating the existence of such a danger falls on the government. In the absence of same, the law currently mandates full disclosure.

I respectfully encourage you to act in accordance with the law.


Gregory Burnham

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Mark Prior - 16-01-2013

Greg Burnham Wrote:Mark,

Do you envision yourself to be the Great Coordinator of our efforts? Lord knows, we've been a rag-tag band of nobody's until you came along. I think a four fingered snap to the brim of our caps is
exactly the military styled salute you may deserve for your efforts thus far. "Ya vol mein fuhrer" doesn't even seem to do you justice!

Me doth detect a note of sarcasm.

No, I do NOT see myself as a the "great white hope." But I haven't seen any active posts within this thread, except for Dawn's legal contributions, that have to do with "Preparations & Ideas for the 50th."

Are you the leader, Greg? Is Charles?

If not, would the person who is currently responsible for organizing a letter writing campaign or an event in Dallas via the Deep Politics Forum please stand up?

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Greg Burnham - 16-01-2013

Mark Prior Wrote:
Greg Burnham Wrote:Mark,

Do you envision yourself to be the Great Coordinator of our efforts? Lord knows, we've been a rag-tag band of nobody's until you came along. I think a four fingered snap to the brim of our caps is
exactly the military styled salute you may deserve for your efforts thus far. "Ya vol mein fuhrer" doesn't even seem to do you justice!

Me doth detect a note of sarcasm.

No, I do NOT see myself as a the "great white hope." But I haven't seen any active posts within this thread, except for Dawn's legal contributions, that have to do with "Preparations & Ideas for the 50th."

Are you the leader, Greg? Is Charles?

If not, would the person who is currently responsible for organizing a letter writing campaign or an event in Dallas via the Deep Politics Forum please stand up?

It sounds like you have the job, Mark. Any ideas beyond four fingers and the like? Perhaps I am cynical in my advanced years, but I would certainly like an effective approach to be shown. So far, I haven't
seen one either.

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Phil Dragoo - 16-01-2013

Does anyone know of any groups or organizations (COPA, Mary Ferrell, Facebook, what have you) that are planning letter writing campaigns to coincide with the 50th?

If not, would the person who is currently responsible for organizing a letter writing campaign or an event in Dallas via the Deep Politics Forum please stand up?

Stand up, Chuck, let's get a look at you.

Form letters to Congress will prompt a form letter in return.

For several years I kept binders with replies to my correspondence.

I realized what an exercise in fruitless deforestation it all was when I sat down with our congressman to clean up his backlog.

And I repeat, form letters from a letter writing campaign were answered with a form letter.

My own personal outreach is in top gear this year with great results.

People you would never take as politically astute readily agree with the proposition JFK was killed by a conspiracy to remove the obstacle he presented to its agenda.

A veil is lifted and those who've kept to themselves see they are silently contemplating a general skepticism.

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Bill Kelly - 20-01-2013

Mark Prior Wrote:I think it is fantastic. No BS. Greg, I wish you had posted this here sooner.

Greg's proposed sample letter:

[Image: icon1.png] Sample Letter to Issa that I sent last year--

Dear Chairman Issa,

I am writing to you today to strongly encourage you to hold JFK ACT Oversight Hearings, which are necessary and long overdue. The last such hearings were held over 15 years ago. I would also encourage you to introduce a billor take any appropriate actionthat would accelerate the current date (2017) of release of all government documents regarding the assassination of the 35[SUP]th[/SUP] president so that the information can be available prior to the 50[SUP]th[/SUP] anniversary (November 22, 2013).

It has been nearly 50 years. There are no longer any reasons "of national security" that are sufficiently valid to justify the withholding of these documents. Nearly 50 years of secrecy is more than long enough. Moreover, the law requires their release.

I request this without passion or prejudice. It is in the best interest of the American People that the great history from which we have evolved be known even when some of it may not be to our liking.

The world is very different today than it was 5 decades ago. The decision to withhold this information might have been appropriate in 1964. However, whatever those reasons were then, they are no longer valid now. The Cold War is over. There is no longer a Soviet Union, so that even if the concern (the Soviet Union and/or Cuba were responsible for the deed) that was originally thought to be valid then had been true, it no longer matters today.

The American People have a right to know the truth. The American People have a right to know the documented account of what happened and/or a right to any and all collateral information. The US Government does not have the right to withhold this information from the American People unless to not do so would create a clear and present danger to the American People. The burden of demonstrating the existence of such a danger falls on the government. In the absence of same, the law currently mandates full disclosure.

I respectfully encourage you to act in accordance with the law.


Gregory Burnham

That's great Greg, many thanks for doing that and using that as a good example of what kind of letters should be sent.

Jim Lesar wrote a good letter too, and I will try to find it and post it.

I think getting Congress to hold oversight hearings would be a terrific contribution to the 50th anniversary, but they are most reluctant to do their job.

JFKcountercoup: Dear Mr. Chairman Darrell Issa (R. Calf.)

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Peter Lemkin - 20-01-2013

Quote:I think getting Congress to hold oversight hearings would be a terrific contribution to the 50th anniversary, but they are most reluctant to do their job.


They do seem a bit 'reluctant', don't they....SO, we stop ask begging on our knees, and 'politely' force them/embarrass them into doing their jobs with citizen pressure! It has been done before, and it never was as important, IMO.....there are many ways to do so, and ALL should be used! :mexican:

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Peter Lemkin - 04-02-2013

While not the perfect film I would have liked on the subject, it does the 'job' and had a large positive effect once. I think it is time to approach Stone and ask him to try to get a redistribution of the film just about NOW until the 50th. Would be great if someone could make a quick updater to accompany it - new information discovered or denied since - to run as a short after it or be handed out as a DVD along with anyone who saw the film.

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Albert Doyle - 04-03-2013

Greg Burnham Wrote:Go blow your own CIA (mega-phone) horn in the plaza. It will do no good. The CIA did NOT do it. And I don't
even like them. Still, they lack the competence to do it.

They voluntarily are: the willing patsies of the greater Intelligence Community's nefarious activities. The "fall
guys" as it were.

I don't have any problem with that on Deep Political basis. However realize Jim has just written a book pointing a finger at Dulles while planning to get arrested in the Plaza.