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Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Nathaniel Heidenheimer - 25-10-2013

There's nothing wrong with asking. But to ask in a vacuum, one at a time, when the pols and media KNOW that it's one at a time is like petitioning the lord with prayer. We have all the evidence.

The Great Change in the Cable and Internet environment is the ability to create an illusion of free speech, but to mummify, silo, and muffler the truly "dangerous" (to the War-State System) speech by preventing areas of connection on the internet, between mediums, and between lifestyles political identity groups that have been created in our new, anything- goes- but- only- a few- things- spread media environment.

We have to get ENOUGH people asking. Once the JFK movie did that, but that movie will never be allowed again, and the media environment would moat it much more effectively if, by chance, another film like it came out.

The simple fact is that people are immensely interested in the assassination, and particularly its media aspects which shed so much light on our now. The simple fact is that it is only very rarely that we create opportunities for more folks to stumble upon the truth and its bountiful sources such as this site, CTKA and Black Op Radio.

Cut, Paste Copy. It works.

Recently on JFKfacts Jefferson Morley posted the most frequently viewed articles . I was not surprised by them.

When you take 10 minutes to post an article "around on say 50 sites. it creates a MULTIPLIER EFFECT.....Minus us creating those, we are like the POWs digging the man made tunnels into natural sea-caves of the Philippines: we are sealing ourselves in, ensuring that the treasure will die when we do, and remain for story tellers at the Washington Post to play with. Cut. Paste, Copy, Ohmmmmmalready. -- Guru Nate.

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Jim DiEugenio - 26-10-2013

I think that is a good letter myself.

And I am all for posting it around on other sites.

In fact, we might do it at CTKA.

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Marlene Zenker - 26-10-2013

Nathaniel Heidenheimer Wrote:There's nothing wrong with asking. But to ask in a vacuum, one at a time, when the pols and media KNOW that it's one at a time is like petitioning the lord with prayer. We have all the evidence.

The Great Change in the Cable and Internet environment is the ability to create an illusion of free speech, but to mummify, silo, and muffler the truly "dangerous" (to the War-State System) speech by preventing areas of connection on the internet, between mediums, and between lifestyles political identity groups that have been created in our new, anything- goes- but- only- a few- things- spread media environment.

We have to get ENOUGH people asking. Once the JFK movie did that, but that movie will never be allowed again, and the media environment would moat it much more effectively if, by chance, another film like it came out.

The simple fact is that people are immensely interested in the assassination, and particularly its media aspects which shed so much light on our now. The simple fact is that it is only very rarely that we create opportunities for more folks to stumble upon the truth and its bountiful sources such as this site, CTKA and Black Op Radio.

Cut, Paste Copy. It works.

Recently on JFKfacts Jefferson Morley posted the most frequently viewed articles . I was not surprised by them.

When you take 10 minutes to post an article "around on say 50 sites. it creates a MULTIPLIER EFFECT.....Minus us creating those, we are like the POWs digging the man made tunnels into natural sea-caves of the Philippines: we are sealing ourselves in, ensuring that the treasure will die when we do, and remain for story tellers at the Washington Post to play with. Cut. Paste, Copy, Ohmmmmmalready. -- Guru Nate.

Everyone, I am as of tonight going to make the iPhone/iPad app free as well as the Android version that Al Rossi is working on. Will you help me promote it, really promote it? I seriously cannot think of anything that has a better chance to go viral and get into the most hands possible then an app. Here is the link to the iTunes Store it should be free within an hour or so as Apple's servers promulgate it across the world.

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Marlene Zenker - 26-10-2013

Marlene Zenker Wrote:
Nathaniel Heidenheimer Wrote:There's nothing wrong with asking. But to ask in a vacuum, one at a time, when the pols and media KNOW that it's one at a time is like petitioning the lord with prayer. We have all the evidence.

The Great Change in the Cable and Internet environment is the ability to create an illusion of free speech, but to mummify, silo, and muffler the truly "dangerous" (to the War-State System) speech by preventing areas of connection on the internet, between mediums, and between lifestyles political identity groups that have been created in our new, anything- goes- but- only- a few- things- spread media environment.

We have to get ENOUGH people asking. Once the JFK movie did that, but that movie will never be allowed again, and the media environment would moat it much more effectively if, by chance, another film like it came out.

The simple fact is that people are immensely interested in the assassination, and particularly its media aspects which shed so much light on our now. The simple fact is that it is only very rarely that we create opportunities for more folks to stumble upon the truth and its bountiful sources such as this site, CTKA and Black Op Radio.

Cut, Paste Copy. It works.

Recently on JFKfacts Jefferson Morley posted the most frequently viewed articles . I was not surprised by them.

When you take 10 minutes to post an article "around on say 50 sites. it creates a MULTIPLIER EFFECT.....Minus us creating those, we are like the POWs digging the man made tunnels into natural sea-caves of the Philippines: we are sealing ourselves in, ensuring that the treasure will die when we do, and remain for story tellers at the Washington Post to play with. Cut. Paste, Copy, Ohmmmmmalready. -- Guru Nate.

Everyone, I am as of tonight going to make the iPhone/iPad app free as well as the Android version that Al Rossi is working on. Will you help me promote it, really promote it? I seriously cannot think of anything that has a better chance to go viral and get into the most hands possible then an app. Here is the link to the iTunes Store it should be free within an hour or so as Apple's servers promulgate it across the world.

Magda, et al - is it ok if I make this a separate thread as well as part of this thread?

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Magda Hassan - 26-10-2013

I'm perfectly fine with that Marlene. Thanks for your generosity and dedication to a good cause.

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Mark Prior - 07-11-2013

I just posted my letters per this Facebook page's letter writing campaign (

Remember...if you don't ask, you definitely don't get.

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Peter Lemkin - 19-11-2013

Obama, Clinton to mark 50th anniversary of JFK assassination

Posted by Lesley Clark on November 18, 2013 Updated 15 hours ago
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President Barack Obama will visit John F. Kennedy's gravesite and honor two of the late president's legacies this week as the U.S. marks the 50th anniversary of Kennedy's death in Dallas.
The president and first lady Michelle Obama will accompany former President Bill Clinton and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton at a wreath-laying ceremony at Kennedy's grave site in Arlington National Cemetery on Wednesday, the Associated Press first reported.
At the White House that day, Obama will bestow the Presidential Medal of Honor and celebrate the 50th anniversary of the executive order signed by Kennedy that established the medal -- the highest award the U.S. bestows on civilians.
Kennedy was killed two weeks before he planned to honor the inaugural group of recipients, and it fell to President Lyndon Johnson to preside over the ceremony at the White House on the day Kennedy's family was moving out.
Since then more than 500 "exceptional individuals from all corners of society" have been awarded the medal, the White House said.
Obama also plans a speech on Kennedy's legacy of service with a dinner at the Smithsonian American History Museum with current and past recipients of the medal in attendance, including baseball's Hank Aaron, astronaut Buzz Aldrin, singer Aretha Franklin, economist Alan Greenspan, activist Jesse Jackson and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.
On Friday -- 50 years to the day Kennedy was assassinated -- Obama is to meet privately at the White House with leaders and volunteers from the Peace Corps, which Kennedy established in 1961.
Among those being honored by Obama with the medal: the former Chicago Cubs player Ernie Banks, known as "Mr. Cub," ; former Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee; former president Clinton; the late Sen. Daniel Inouye of Hawaii; Daniel Kahneman, a Princeton University scholar of psychology; former Indiana Sen. Richard Lugar; country music star Loretta Lynn; chemist and environmental scientist Mario Molina; the late astronaut Sally Ride; the late civil rights leader Bayard Rustin: jazz trumpeter, pianist, and compose Arturo Sandoval; former University of North Carolina basketball head coach Dean Smith; writer and activisit Gloria Steinem; civil rights leader Cordy Tindell "C.T." Vivian; Patricia Wald, the first woman appointed to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia; and Oprah Winfrey.
Secretary of State John Kerry told Parade magazine this week that he had "serious doubts" that gunman Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in killing Kennedy, but the White House wouldn't say Monday where Obama falls on the conspiracy theory.
"I haven't had a discussion with the president about Kennedy's assassination -- President Kennedy's assassination," Press Secretary Jay Carney said. He said he's also not talked with Obama about whether classified files that have not yet been released in the case should be released.

Read more here:

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - Peter Lemkin - 19-11-2013

Obama, Clinton to mark 50th anniversary of JFK assassination

Posted by Lesley Clark on November 18, 2013

President Barack Obama will visit John F. Kennedy's gravesite and honor two of the late president's legacies this week as the U.S. marks the 50th anniversary of Kennedy's death in Dallas.
The president and first lady Michelle Obama will accompany former President Bill Clinton and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton at a wreath-laying ceremony at Kennedy's grave site in Arlington National Cemetery on Wednesday, the Associated Press first reported.
At the White House that day, Obama will bestow the Presidential Medal of Honor and celebrate the 50th anniversary of the executive order signed by Kennedy that established the medal -- the highest award the U.S. bestows on civilians.
Kennedy was killed two weeks before he planned to honor the inaugural group of recipients, and it fell to President Lyndon Johnson to preside over the ceremony at the White House on the day Kennedy's family was moving out.
Since then more than 500 "exceptional individuals from all corners of society" have been awarded the medal, the White House said.
Obama also plans a speech on Kennedy's legacy of service with a dinner at the Smithsonian American History Museum with current and past recipients of the medal in attendance, including baseball's Hank Aaron, astronaut Buzz Aldrin, singer Aretha Franklin, economist Alan Greenspan, activist Jesse Jackson and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.
On Friday -- 50 years to the day Kennedy was assassinated -- Obama is to meet privately at the White House with leaders and volunteers from the Peace Corps, which Kennedy established in 1961.
Among those being honored by Obama with the medal: the former Chicago Cubs player Ernie Banks, known as "Mr. Cub," ; former Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee; former president Clinton; the late Sen. Daniel Inouye of Hawaii; Daniel Kahneman, a Princeton University scholar of psychology; former Indiana Sen. Richard Lugar; country music star Loretta Lynn; chemist and environmental scientist Mario Molina; the late astronaut Sally Ride; the late civil rights leader Bayard Rustin: jazz trumpeter, pianist, and compose Arturo Sandoval; former University of North Carolina basketball head coach Dean Smith; writer and activisit Gloria Steinem; civil rights leader Cordy Tindell "C.T." Vivian; Patricia Wald, the first woman appointed to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia; and Oprah Winfrey.
Secretary of State John Kerry told Parade magazine this week that he had "serious doubts" that gunman Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in killing Kennedy, but the White House wouldn't say Monday where Obama falls on the conspiracy theory.
"I haven't had a discussion with the president about Kennedy's assassination -- President Kennedy's assassination," Press Secretary Jay Carney said. He said he's also not talked with Obama about whether classified files that have not yet been released in the case should be released.

Read more here:

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - T Harry Evans - 11-02-2014

Vasilios Vazakas Wrote:Nathaniel

It seems that the Zapruder film is more important right now.
I don't understand why they keep bringing up this subject. Has been discussed extensively in the past.
Let's assume that Zapruder had never filmed the assassination. Would this have stopped us to prove that there was a conspiracy? A big NO. Books like "JFK and the Unspeakable" and "Destiny Betrayed" don't deal with the film, and yet they prove there was a conspiracy.
They only thing they achieve by discussing the film, is to fight among each other, waste their brain cells and seek the tree instead of the forrest....and prove Gaeton Fonzi right.
The Zapruder film is the most tragic piece of distraction and disinformation.
It is indisputably an utter fabrication. And the fact that is was substantially altered means talking about it is a waster of time.
So you're correct.

Preparations & Ideas for the 50th - David Josephs - 12-02-2014

T Harry Evans Wrote:
Vasilios Vazakas Wrote:Nathaniel

It seems that the Zapruder film is more important right now.
I don't understand why they keep bringing up this subject. Has been discussed extensively in the past.
Let's assume that Zapruder had never filmed the assassination. Would this have stopped us to prove that there was a conspiracy? A big NO. Books like "JFK and the Unspeakable" and "Destiny Betrayed" don't deal with the film, and yet they prove there was a conspiracy.
They only thing they achieve by discussing the film, is to fight among each other, waste their brain cells and seek the tree instead of the forrest....and prove Gaeton Fonzi right.

The Zapruder film is the most tragic piece of distraction and disinformation.
It is indisputably an utter fabrication. And the fact that is was substantially altered means talking about it is a waster of time.
So you're correct.

A question Mr Evans...

If you could find out who was involved in the alteration, and by whose orders... would that not shed light on the conspiracy's organization and lead times?

Abe was one of the only "valued witnesses" who was treated with kid gloves regarding anything having to do with that film... While others in DP were threatened, cameras taken and film removed, threatened about what was seen or captured on film... while Abe is ferried around town...

You think the SS or FBI could have just taken the film and camera if they wanted to... (think JFK's body)
yet they did not.... nor did they even take the IN CAMERA ORIGINAL - if we are to believe the timeline...

Vasilios -
the film and it's "fixed in stone" frames and timings are used to both support and disprove the conclusions in DP....
the film in it's current form provides ongoing conflicts with scores of testimony and understood facts...

It, like most every other piece of WCR evidence - is the essence of the conspiracy...
The Nix and Muchmore films also show he was hit from the front... but it could not be used as a movement by movement record which in turn is transformed into disinformation making it impossible to resolve the technical details of the killing...

So while the rifle was never his, he was not on the 6th floor at the time, and none of the existing evidence can even pretend to explain what occurred...

The Zfilm remains the most IN YOUR FACE - WE DID IT piece of evidence we have....

Without the great work of a variety of researchers, the events surrounding the Zfilm would never have been unearthed... to minimize the importance of the zfilm as evidence of conspriacy is to do the entire assassination a disservice - IMO.

And to not associate the creation of the film wit the need to create a permenant ACCEPTABLE RECORD of the assassination is to me, turning your back on the entire planning and implementation of the plan...

Deep Politics is very much about marketing the desired knowledge to the desired audience leaving them believing exactly what was needed
CI/SIG I believe the CIA called it and Atlee Phillips was a master at it....

The Zfilm is still a good number of the pieces in the conspiratorial jigsaw puzzle... dismissing it or any other of the thousands of conspiracy proving bits of evidence is short sighted in my opinion

If you know for a FACT it was altered - please help us understand exactly how it was done, where, when and under whose orders....
I for one am very interested...