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John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - Dawn Meredith - 05-09-2013

Jim Hargrove Wrote:
Marlene Zenker Wrote:Another question is how many other Harvey/Lee like pairs have there been and what operations have they been a part of? I shudder to think.

Wish there were some answers here, but much of this is no doubt hard to find. If memory serves, John Armstrong had a story about top-level Cuban intelligence officers who were identical twins, but I can't find it at the moment. A quick Google search reveals few details about spy twins engaged in terrible mayhem. Harvey and Lee were hardly identical twins, though, and the appropriate search terms are a bit elusive.

Here is a story about identical twins from Tasmania who were WWII spies: (The Aussie link may be a bit slow, but it's worked three times for me.)

Identical twins Don, left, and Peter Field were members of an elite, ultra-secret
team dropped behind enemy lines in New Guinea during WWII

Anyone else?


Not only were Harvey and Lee not twins, they were not even related.
Reading this post brought to mind a video my dear friend Rachel (Rendish) sent to me a few years back of
twins. It was terrifying as they were not "real" in that they possessed super human strength and even a car hitting one of them could not stop her.
I will email her and ask if she still has it ot how to obtain same. It was like being in the twilight zone watching it.
Anyone ever hear of this?


John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - Karl Kinaski - 06-09-2013

Here is John Armstrong at COPA 2009 trying hard to explain his silly scenario, to a small audience which look not convinced, - a scenario which obviously is puzzling himself. HARVEY AND LEE IMO is nothing, but a trap set by the other side...


John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - Dawn Meredith - 06-09-2013

Karl Kinaski Wrote:Here is John Armstrong at COPA 2009 trying hard to explain his silly scenario, to a small audience which look not convinced, - a scenario which obviously is puzzling himself. HARVEY AND LEE IMO is nothing, but a trap set by the other side...


I was there for that presentation and you are quite wrong as to the belief of the listeners.
"A trap set by the other side"??? You have one hell of an imagination.


John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - Jim Hargrove - 06-09-2013

Dawn Meredith Wrote:Not only were Harvey and Lee not twins, they were not even related.

Very true, but they seemed to appear similar enough to fool many casual observers, and the confusion they introduced into this case was exactly, I'll bet, as the planners... uh... planned. Just look at the hoops the government "investigators" jumped through trying to get LHO from the boarding house to the Tippit murder scene to the Texas Theater. It all defied logic... until now. And the planning was breathtaking.

At the Tippit murder scene, CIA-asset Captain Westbrook "found" a wallet containing both Lee Harvey Oswald's Texas drivers license and Hidell identification. A perfect frame-up, except for the fact that they guy they were framing didn't have a drivers license. But this was the "Oswald Project," a deep intelligence operation, and so they just KNEW that anything uncovering that operation had to be supressed. Good-bye wallet, and good-bye everything else. BRILLIANT!

Dawn Meredith Wrote:Reading this post brought to mind a video my dear friend Rachel (Rendish) sent to me a few years back of
twins. It was terrifying as they were not "real" in that they possessed super human strength and even a car hitting one of them could not stop her.
I will email her and ask if she still has it ot how to obtain same. It was like being in the twilight zone watching it.
Anyone ever hear of this?


I asked John about the Cuban spies. He said they were Patricio Delagardia and his twin brother, whose name he couldn't remember. They were pictured in the book, Castro's Final Hour, and the picture is in Google images:



John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - Tracy Riddle - 06-09-2013

[size=12][size=12]Antonio and Patricio DeLaGuardia.

Karl, I'm still waiting to hear your explanation for the Pfisterer Dental Lab Oswald. Any luck with that so far?


John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - Jim Hargrove - 06-09-2013

Tracy Riddle Wrote:[size=12]Antonio and Patricio DeLaGuardia.


Thanks, Tracy. According to a Seattle Times report, these guys had problems. Patricio de la Guardia got 30 years for trying to smuggle drugs from South America through Cuba and on to the United States. But he was lucky compared to his twin brother. "De la Guardia's twin brother," according to the Times, "Interior Minister Col. Antonio de la Guardia, was executed by firing squad along with Ochoa and two other men on charges of treason, drug trafficking and corruption."

See here for the complete article.


John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - Keith Millea - 06-09-2013

Quote:[size=12]Antonio and Patricio DeLaGuardia.

Karl, I'm still waiting to hear your explanation for the [size=12][size=12]Pfisterer Dental Lab[/SIZE]
Oswald. Any luck with that so far? [/SIZE]

Why write in such small almost unreadable text?Please consider not everyone has perfect vision.


John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - Tracy Riddle - 06-09-2013

Keith Millea Wrote:
Quote:[size=12]Antonio and Patricio DeLaGuardia.

Karl, I'm still waiting to hear your explanation for the [size=12][size=12]Pfisterer Dental Lab[/SIZE]
Oswald. Any luck with that so far? [/SIZE]

Why write in such small almost unreadable text?Please consider not everyone has perfect vision.


Sorry, don't know what happened to the formatting.

John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - Jim Hargrove - 17-09-2013

It's great to have DPF back online!!!

There are two new pages on the Harvey and Lee website.

One deals with the early years of Harvey and Lee. My favorite section is one which uses public school records published by the Warren Commission to prove that one LHO attended the full 1953 fall semester at Beauregard Junior High School in New Orleans while a second LHO attended the full 1953 fall semester at Public School 44 in New York City. The direct link to this page is:

The second new page covers the Marine Corps and the phony defection. Using USMC documents, this page proves that while one Oswald was aboard the USS Skagitt bound for Taiwan, and then in Taiwan, the other Oswald was being treated, repeatedly, for a venereal disease at the Naval hospital just outside of Atsugi, Japan. Ping Tung, Taiwan, where Harvey Oswald was stationed, is more than 1400 miles from Atsugi, Japan, where Lee Oswald was being treated for VD acquired "in the line of duty."

The direct link to this page is here:

If anyone has an explanation for this that doesn't involve two Oswalds, I'd love to hear it. And again, it's great to have the Forum back!!!


John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - Karl Kinaski - 17-09-2013

There is prove for several Oswald Doppelgangers. This is old news.

Armstrong book is the nothing, but the, IMO failed, attempt to merge all this doppelgangers into one, called Harvey, while Armstrong admits, but does not explain, that there where in fact other Oswalds, besides his "Harvey" and his "Lee" not even resembling him...why the hell create a long term Ossi-Doppelganger(with all it's uncertainties, what if he Harvey or Lee died in the middle of that long project?), when you can make it much easier with a bunch oft short term - not informed - doppelgangers used for one, or two special staged performances...which is a much more secure thing to do...and much harder to trace!

Armstrong has 180 pages about Oswald in NOLA in 1963, which he claims, was his Harvey...
Judyth Baker has 500 pages about Oswald in NOLA, which she claims was Lee and NOT Armstrongs Harvey..

I recommend to everybody who is interested in this subject, to compare the 180 Armstrong pages with the 500 pages of Judyth Bakers book ME AND LEE...and then is useless to read just one of this books...both are "must reads."

Armstrong and Hargrove decided to ignore Judyth Baker long ago...that's why, I can't take those men serious...this thread is not about the truth, but one sided propaganda for a IMO fishy and suspicious CTer book called: HARVEY AND LEE.