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Sympathy for the Devil? No, Mick Sympathy for WeThePeople. - Jim Hackett II - 31-05-2013

I stumbled upon an odd trinket in researching the world island concept.
A pointer from a friend sent me to watch Frank Capra's Why We Fight propaganda from the 1940s.
Sure enough the geopol view of eurasia as expressed by Mr. Preparada is present.

In the wartorn '40s in video the whole concept is laid out.

One must ask why isn't this part of history taught today?
Like the Strategy of Tension?
Forbidden knowledge?
To be Memory Holed?

I was kind of surprised at this discovery.
I am very much enjoying Mr. Preparata's fine book Conjuring Hitler.

Sympathy for the Devil? No, Mick Sympathy for WeThePeople. - Jim Hackett II - 31-05-2013

Pretty damn good, Sir.

Thanks for the input.

I am still working the original line of the thread. However the research is becoming more dense requiring more distilling to double source as well as use it then to make working conclusions.
I have to run at the moment for the Black Op Radio show.
Thanks again.

Sympathy for the Devil? No, Mick Sympathy for WeThePeople. - Phil Dragoo - 31-05-2013


Indeed, Mick Jagger lives in an apartment on the 99th floor of his block, presuming moral equivalence between working class heroes and the sword and shield of the cabal

Oceania was always at war with Eurasia. Dick and Henry visited Mao and Chou in Eastasia, then Helms set about removing the eevil Nixon

Controlling the heartland, controlling the world island, controlling the world

Controlling the rimland, the sea

Controlling history

Mackinder, Spykman, Mahan and the men on the chessboard get up and tell you what to do

In Hoffer the True Believer--now, perhaps that one is the willing handmaiden

In Bullock, Hitler is the pragmatist, agent of others unseen; later, an ideologue, developing themes of Mein Kampf

With Preparata a clear economic strategy to create the dynamic in once-beaten Germany to rise and rage against the Bear, to weaken them both:

Advantage: Sea powers

Was Helms aghast at Nixon/Kissinger opening up the third power--which is now a new element, the historic large molecule of warlords and xenophobes

The prescience of Blair-Orwell: the three powers Islamic Socialism, Putinism, Beetleism

Jagger to the contrary notwithstanding, the threat to the banks, corporations, military, intelligence establishment forming Churchill's cabal, Eisenhower's Military-Industrial Estabishment, the client base of the Dulles brothers, all, as depicted by Donald Gibson in Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency, create the atmosphere "and one day the ax just fell"

The Bay of Pigs as a provocation: 1400 are trained and sent, 100 killed, 1200 captured--and tortured unspeakably by some accounts. Kennedy is blamed, a cancelled air strike cited (see Hunt, Give Us This Day, 1973), though he'd set conditions pre-invasion eschewing overt air cover. The result: a small army of willing assassins as passionate as their CIA and military handlers, waiting on go--the passion of Morales and Veciana as examples.

In the intermediate range, the Banister-Phillips-McCord op on FPCC using the false defector former Marine trained at Nags Head North Carolina.

Professional mechanics in a meticulous security stripped hall of mirrors; Insta-Patsy a Ronco Trademark but wait there's more call now we'll double him.

The coverup liberally seasoned with Mob violence, Technical Services plausible accidents and natural deaths, a thousand thousand winged monkeys slaving over a million typewriters.

Now the NSA installation in Utah, the drones with killer missiles and fly's compound eyes, federal wiretaps, contrived tension events with unsubs extruded from a device in a lab in a basement of Langley.

We didn't kill John; someone shot him in the right temple and blew that hemisphere out his right occipital.

We didn't kill Bobby; someone at his right elbow shot him behind his right ear, in the manner of the Hoffa and Giancana hits.

Why would Brzezinski and Gates want to "engage" Iran

Why would the Machiavellian villain of the Twentieth Century this year say:

President Obama will likely have to make a decision on Iran in the next 12 months, former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger is quoted by Iran's semi-official news agency Fars as saying during the annual corporate conference of the Council on Foreign Relations in New York.

In his remarks during the conference, Kissinger said, in part, "Iran is trying to develop a nuclear program; they think it will provide them "a safety net" but instead it will likely bring destabilization as others scramble to be similarly armed. For Israel, it would be an existential decision to go to war. It is possible Israel will move and Iran will start harassing the Straits of Hormuz."

"America would like Iran to be "a nation, not a cause"a nation that in time could be our ally," Kissinger added.

Kissinger, who went to China with Nixon, who is reputed to have advised David Rockefeller that Kennedy stood in the way of Southeast Asia resource extraction, speaks of the Islamic Republic as an ally.

Kennedy wanted peace and a better quality of life for all, private loans to post-colonial nations sans the usual national security strings, replacement of the Federal Reserve's omnipotence (at its golden anniversary) with U.S. Treasury Notes, and in other ways, to end the business model.

Following his mob-milint removal, Brezhinski unseats Khrushchev, and the game continues absent any further talk of detente.

Hillary hyped "Reset" but represented the Arab Spring arming of Muslim Brotherhood forces which now threaten the Russian ally Assad--who is also supported by the Iran Kissinger predicted a future ally; in the meantime it works with Iraq to arm the Syrian government.

China seeks regional hegemony and tightens internal cyber censorship and external cyberwarfare (Unrestricted Warfare, 1999).

Russia under Putin continues to make "opposition party" a death wish.

The thrust of the West is toward Islamic Socialism forming temporary alliances with Putin or Beijing.

Wars are conducted in 1984's quadrilateral, more and more with proxy armies and drones.

Himmler got his incineration concept from conversations with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem; Margaret Sanger put a wholesome face on Aryan supremacy.

Goebbels has his equivalent in the C.D. Jackson One Voice phenomenon foisted on AP et al from the Cass Sunstein Institute of Telescreen Arts & Sciences

How is the Google Search and the Wikipedia entry blended into the top and bottom of the hour feeding tube

Jagger at Altamont told the crowd to just calm down people--when after all it was his Hells Angels


Sympathy for the Devil? No, Mick Sympathy for WeThePeople. - Jim Hackett II - 31-05-2013

Quote from Phil's # 13!

"China seeks regional hegemony and tightens internal cyber censorship and external cyberwarfare (Unrestricted Warfare, 1999).
Russia under Putin continues to make "opposition party" a death wish.

The thrust of the West is toward Islamic Socialism forming temporary alliances with Putin or Beijing.

Wars are conducted in 1984's quadrilateral, more and more with proxy armies and drones.

Himmler got his incineration concept from conversations with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem; Margaret Sanger put a wholesome face on Aryan supremacy.

Goebbels has his equivalent in the C.D. Jackson One Voice phenomenon foisted on AP et al from the Cass Sunstein Institute of Telescreen Arts & Sciences
(emphasis added by JRH)

How is the Google Search and the Wikipedia entry blended into the top and bottom of the hour feeding tube

Jagger at Altamont told the crowd to just calm down people--when after all it was his Hells Angels"
End Quote.

Closet Fascism is not as uncommon as I was taught once. The opposite is true.
Tipping the hand dealt, but I am finding quite a few highly empowered Elites that promoted, supported and nurtured Fascism in many European Countries.

In the Republic dedicated to WeThePeople, the Elites fostered the idiot-bastard child of Fascism. Absolutely against the expressed will of WeThePeople.

WeThePeople couldn't protest or halt the fascist games undertaken in their name. Why, because all fascist expressions of governance must hide what they are until empowered by hook or crook. WeThePeople could not protest because they did not know. We would soon learn that 'to live fascism must kill'.

Eugenics of Sanger and Prescott Bu$h and like fables of a "better future" stood in the portrait of leaders. Benevolent and 'enlightened'. That was the picture presented to WeThePeople of the closet fascists that would create conditions for and ignite the second WWar.

Jagger was one choice for a view of the world, he was promoted in the presentation games of the MSM.
Pete Seeger was castigated for promoting love and unity of WeThePeople by the same shitheads.
Sang for unions and people's causes and was bad-jacketed and sent to exile for a while UNendorsed by the MSM.
Later John Lennon was killed by mindbent created assassin to stop the truth he spoke to my generation.
No one assigned an assassin to kill Jagger.
One view promoted and one view attempted to be eliminated.
The hidden RReagan wars in central america would have been stopped by WeThePeople with John Lennon's unifying themes with him active to lead the fight against war.....AGAIN. AGAIN!

And that is part of why I titled this thread as I did. No Mick we didn't kill either Kennedy.
I bet you sleep closer to the killers than we do 'street-fighting-man' Mick - 99 protected floors above 'all that'.

Just calm down Mick.
I rest assured you were part of Op Chaos, your agenda shows,
Just calm down Mick.
Did you know at the time the damage wrought to part of WeThePeople?
The Altamont excuse to bring Nixon's 'law and order' abuse of your own fans?
You just didn't give a shit about us did ya Mick.
Sympathy for the Devil.... my ass.
Just Calm Down, Mick.
Sympathy for WeThePeople and the peopleoftheworld instead.
Just Calm Down, Mick.

Sympathy for the Devil? No, Mick Sympathy for WeThePeople. - James Ruby - 01-06-2013

Jagger was always about money. Couldn't be arsed to attend the 'Godstar's' funeral. With a gofor trailing behind carrying his spliffs. Rip that joint. What exactly were those satanic majesties requesting?

In a balloon debate I would like to think that Charlie would be the last aloft.

Sympathy for the Devil? No, Mick Sympathy for WeThePeople. - Phil Dragoo - 01-06-2013


In your #14 above you state:

Later John Lennon was killed by mindbent created assassin to stop the truth he spoke to my generation.

An interesting compendium of approaches on this is at

Suggesting Chapman subjected to either an amphetamine/methamphetamine or microwave model psychosis to program his performance a la Sirhan and RFK.

Stipulating Chapman's shots from Lennon's left were not the kill shots administered from Lennon's right; those fired by Perdomo.

The article presents Perdomo as a Brigade veteran, Op 40 agent; the act on the eve of the Reagan era and its massive defense expenditures.

Removing the youth hero who could have coalesced massive opposition.

The article warrants a complete read-through as it seems to confirm suspicions that Marks' Search for the Manchurian Candidate was disingenuous in insisting MK-ULTRA experiments were unsuccessful.

We have just seen Holmes and Lanza in bizarre scenarios.

Now, add that Jagger diverts blame from the security state to "you and me"--Lennon was a threat, and he's dead. Jagger blames "you and me" and he still does concerts.

Following Chapman was Hinckley.

The Hinckley family, the Bush family.

The crazed assassin. In this case, he's doing it for Jodie--really?

Judy Woodruff reported a Secret Service agent (or a man dressed to appear as one) was firing from above.

My, my. . . the whack-job opens up while the pro makes the kill--in this case, the bullet was a centimeter off.

So, we are told stories; they are not the truth.

Sympathy for the Devil? No, Mick Sympathy for WeThePeople. - Albert Doyle - 01-06-2013

British barrister Fenton Bresler's book 'Who Killed John Lennon?' makes it clear Chapman was a Manchurian Candidate patsy. Most sheeple are uninterested because it involves a necessary uncomfortable moral commitment to defending Lennon.

Sympathy for the Devil? No, Mick Sympathy for WeThePeople. - Dawn Meredith - 01-06-2013

Albert Doyle Wrote:British barrister Fenton Bresler's book 'Who Killed John Lennon?' makes it clear Chapman was a Manchurian Candidate patsy. Most sheeple are uninterested because it involves a necessary uncomfortable moral commitment to defending Lennon.

I agree that this book makes a compelling case. And this was many years before all the new research on the doorman. It's clear to me that
John Lennon was killed in the same manner as was RFK.

I never took that stupid line in Jaggar's song seriously. It was jut a throwaway lyric. I doubt he knows anything about the true killers of the brothers Kennedy.

"Pleased to meet you , hope you guess my name
What's troubling you is the nature of my game"

sheds a bit more light on Mick's true leanings.

I like the Stones but I detest this song.

ps Can we give Piper a rest. You have made your views well known and posting it over and over will not mke it more true. And this is NOT an invitation to discuss this further.

Sympathy for the Devil? No, Mick Sympathy for WeThePeople. - Albert Doyle - 01-06-2013

Dawn Meredith Wrote:Dawn
ps Can we give Piper a rest. You have made your views well known and posting it over and over will not mke it more true. And this is NOT an invitation to discuss this further.

I feel Piper contains information that credibly conforms to the stated purpose of this site. Actually, I haven't made my views known because that would require going back and citing the numerous cases of evidence Piper offers that have been unfairly denied by those criticizing him. My main pique with DiEugenio is that Piper offers a level of excellent analysis similar to DiEugenio himself. I feel the reason Jim calls it "disinformation" and scoots is because he knows he can get away with that because Piper made the mistake of claiming Israeli Sponsorship. However if we slow it down and approach it the very same way DiEugenio does other matters we would see Piper makes claims that are very credible and very backed by the deeply researched facts and information he cites. So far there have been desperate attempts to prevent that from happening. Frankly I feel Piper is disliked because his enemies have succeeded in coloring his efforts with the brush of anti-semitism. However it is clear to me those who try to remove mention of Piper haven't studied his best evidence and therefore don't realize how valid it is. There's no sacred cows in the assassination and Israel is the single most important "deep political" partner of those who killed Kennedy, as their current relationship to the American Government proves. Mark Stapleton may have been a bit too disrespectful and anxious to commit suicide by moderator, however he objectively proved his worth by correcting David Josephs' claim that Johnson reduced funding to Israel (even though David refused to admit it). I think the real point is people repeatedly trying to censor Piper does not make his evidence any less true. And truth is the purpose of this site, isn't it?

One of the most incredibly important things in Piper is his analysis of covert funding through the French Connection and dirty Mossad Swiss banks. His book is the best description of the mob/CIA cabal that financed the assassination I've ever seen.

Sympathy for the Devil? No, Mick Sympathy for WeThePeople. - Keith Millea - 01-06-2013

Albert Doyle Wrote:
Dawn Meredith Wrote:Dawn
ps Can we give Piper a rest. You have made your views well known and posting it over and over will not mke it more true. And this is NOT an invitation to discuss this further.

I feel Piper contains information that credibly conforms to the stated purpose of this site. Actually, I haven't made my views known because that would require going back and citing the numerous cases of evidence Piper offers that have been unfairly denied by those criticizing him. My main pique with DiEugenio is that Piper offers a level of excellent analysis similar to DiEugenio himself. I feel the reason Jim calls it "disinformation" and scoots is because he knows he can get away with that because Piper made the mistake of claiming Israeli Sponsorship. However if we slow it down and approach it the very same way DiEugenio does other matters we would see Piper makes claims that are very credible and very backed by the deeply researched facts and information he cites. So far there have been desperate attempts to prevent that from happening. Frankly I feel Piper is disliked because his enemies have succeeded in coloring his efforts with the brush of anti-semitism. However it is clear to me those who try to remove mention of Piper haven't studied his best evidence and therefore don't realize how valid it is. There's no sacred cows in the assassination and Israel is the single most important "deep political" partner of those who killed Kennedy, as their current relationship to the American Government proves. Mark Stapleton may have been a bit too disrespectful and anxious to commit suicide by moderator, however he objectively proved his worth by correcting David Josephs' claim that Johnson reduced funding to Israel (even though David refused to admit it). I think the real point is people repeatedly trying to censor Piper does not make his evidence any less true. And truth is the purpose of this site, isn't it?

One of the most incredibly important things in Piper is his analysis of covert funding through the French Connection and dirty Mossad Swiss banks. His book is the best description of the mob/CIA cabal that financed the assassination I've ever seen.

Quote:And this is NOT an invitation to discuss this further.
