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THE EVER EXPANDING THROAT WOUND - - Ray Mitcham - 26-06-2013

Phil, in his ARRB testimony he says:

"Q: Did you see a wound on the front of President Kennedy's throat or the anterior of the throat?

Custer: Yes I did

Q: Could you describe the wound that you observed?

Custer: A typical bullet hole.

Q; How large was it?

Custer: I would estimate, a little bit bigger than my little finger in dimension, across circumference- or diameterOkay. So there was not a long incision or cut on the throat that you observed; is that correct.

Custer: Not at that time, I didn't.

Q: And the first time that you saw this wound on the throat was when? A the time you were taking the XRays, or before?

Custer This was at the time I was taking the X rays.

THE EVER EXPANDING THROAT WOUND - - Albert Doyle - 26-06-2013

^ How could Custer see an unmolested bullet wound in the neck if there was a tracheostomy at Parkland?

I wonder if Custer's year 2000 massive heart attack was less than natural?

THE EVER EXPANDING THROAT WOUND - - Anthony DeFiore - 26-06-2013

Mr. Gray, please contact me for more research to ad to this great thread. TD


A Critical examination of the words of Dr. Charles Carrico discovered by Harold Weisberg irrefutably proves a front entrance shot to the throat.[/FONT]
In his outstanding work on the Kennedy Assassination, Harold Weisberg uncovered a definitive attestation from Dr. Malcolm Perry that, in this author's belief, unknowingly confirmed the front throat wound as a wound of entrance. The words written by Harold Weisberg cannot be any more clear for us. His analysis is striking.[/FONT]
"As I lead him (Dr. Perry) over those events (the Parkland Hospital procedures with the President) and his participation, what he did and the sequence, he recalled that he first looked at the wound (in the throat), then asked a nurse for a "trake" (short for tracheotomy) tray, wiped off the wound, saw a ring of bruising around it, and started cutting. In describing the appearance of the wound and the ring of bruising, he used the words, "as they always are." Pretending not to notice the significance of this important fact he had let bubble out, I retraced the whole procedure with him again. When he had repeated the same words, I asked him if he had ever been asked about the ringed bruise around the wound in front of the neck. The question told the experienced hunter and the experienced surgeon exactly what he had admitted, one description of an entrance wound. He blushed and improvised the explanation that there was blood around the wound. I did not further embarrass him by pressing him, for we both knew he had seen the wound clearly. He had twice said he had wiped the blood off and had seen the wound clearly, if briefly, before cutting.[/FONT]
The official representation and that of an unofficial apologist to which we shall come would have us believe that bruising is a characteristic of entrance wounds only. This is not the case. The reader should not be deceived on this or by Perry's admission that there was bruising. Exit wounds also can show bruising. One difference is that exit wounds do not have to show bruising. That in this case there was bruising by itself need not be taken as an expression of Perry's professional opinion that it was a wound of entrance. The definitive answer is in those words he twice used, quoted directly above,[/FONT] " as they always are'. It is an entrance wound only that always are of this description. Thus, Dr. Perry had said again and in a different way that this was a shot from the front. In context, this is also the only possible meaning of what Carrico had said."[/FONT][/FONT]

THE EVER EXPANDING THROAT WOUND - - Ray Mitcham - 26-06-2013

Albert Doyle Wrote:^ How could Custer see an unmolested bullet wound in the neck if there was a tracheostomy at Parkland?

I wonder if Custer's year 2000 massive heart attack was less than natural?

If you read what Dr Perry and his colleagues, said, the tracheostonomy he performed was closed after they removed the tube.


"Dr. Charles Crenshaw, a third year resident at Parkland in 1963, told ABC's "20/20" news magazine in 1992 that after the tracheostomy tube and flange were removed from the President's neck following his death, that the very small incision made by Dr. Perry closed of its own volition, and that the bullet wound had NOT been obliterated and was still clearly visible

Re Custer, stranger things have happened.

THE EVER EXPANDING THROAT WOUND - - Albert Doyle - 26-06-2013

Fragments on a neck X-Ray should indicate vertebra damage. This should justify an exhumation (along with many other things).

THE EVER EXPANDING THROAT WOUND - - Gordon Gray - 26-06-2013

Anthony DeFiore Wrote:Mr. Gray, please contact me for more research to ad to this great thread. TD


A Critical examination of the words of Dr. Charles Carrico discovered by Harold Weisberg irrefutably proves a front entrance shot to the throat.

In his outstanding work on the Kennedy Assassination, Harold Weisberg uncovered a definitive attestation from Dr. Malcolm Perry that, in this author's belief, unknowingly confirmed the front throat wound as a wound of entrance. The words written by Harold Weisberg cannot be any more clear for us. His analysis is striking.

"As I lead him (Dr. Perry) over those events (the Parkland Hospital procedures with the President) and his participation, what he did and the sequence, he recalled that he first looked at the wound (in the throat), then asked a nurse for a "trake" (short for tracheotomy) tray, wiped off the wound, saw a ring of bruising around it, and started cutting. In describing the appearance of the wound and the ring of bruising, he used the words, "as they always are." Pretending not to notice the significance of this important fact he had let bubble out, I retraced the whole procedure with him again. When he had repeated the same words, I asked him if he had ever been asked about the ringed bruise around the wound in front of the neck. The question told the experienced hunter and the experienced surgeon exactly what he had admitted, one description of an entrance wound. He blushed and improvised the explanation that there was blood around the wound. I did not further embarrass him by pressing him, for we both knew he had seen the wound clearly. He had twice said he had wiped the blood off and had seen the wound clearly, if briefly, before cutting.

The official representation and that of an unofficial apologist to which we shall come would have us believe that bruising is a characteristic of entrance wounds only. This is not the case. The reader should not be deceived on this or by Perry's admission that there was bruising. Exit wounds also can show bruising. One difference is that exit wounds do not have to show bruising. That in this case there was bruising by itself need not be taken as an expression of Perry's professional opinion that it was a wound of entrance. The definitive answer is in those words he twice used, quoted directly above, " as they always are'. It is an entrance wound only that always are of this description. Thus, Dr. Perry had said again and in a different way that this was a shot from the front. In context, this is also the only possible meaning of what Carrico had said."
I don't know why you urge me to consider this. I have always felt that the wound in the throat was and entrance wound, for many reasons, including Dr. Perry's testimony and subsequent waffling under pressure. My questions involve the nature of the weapon used, it's source, and trajectory. As to how the wound was enlarged, I have suggested four different explanations earlier in this thread, two sinister and two benign.

THE EVER EXPANDING THROAT WOUND - - Anthony DeFiore - 26-06-2013

Now that we agree that it was an entrance wound, whether the enlargement of the throat wound was sinister or innocent, the bigger question is were are the fragments? As to what possible rifle was used, it is undertood that any number of rifles could have succeeded in accomplishing the shot ~ thru the "safety glass", possibly with a silencer attached and with any caliber above a 22. (It may have even been that low a caliber) If you would like to expound on bullet calibers capable of making the shot thru "safety glass" I am sure that it would augment this discussion. More to the point, does it really matter what caliber the bullet was if we agree that a front shot to the throat occurred. If you want to debate from where the rifle shot to the throat came from, then please contact me at and I can illustrate with my research that the only place for a shot to the throat could have come from (and gone thru the windshield) was the South Knoll. Other researchers are studying the North Sewer Drain and the wooden fence on the North Grassy Knoll for possible front shots, but my own research has me concluding and believing that the front shot came from the South knoll, thru the windshield and into the President's throat.

THE EVER EXPANDING THROAT WOUND - - David Josephs - 27-06-2013

It seems that there are numerous possbilities with regards to what happenes as a bullet passes thru a car windshield...

Given the size of the wound described at Parkland... the bullet would have to be smaller than this one....

I can't imagine a shooter NOT TAKING THE SHOT simply because the target is behind a windshield...
(this is also a time when ice bullets, tiny flechettes and extreme silencers were being used/tested...

But Tony's question remains... where did the projectile go... (O'Connor tells us that the back wound bullet was removed from the intercostal muscles under the right arm... Knudsen repeatedly says that while there were probes they did not connect Entry and Exit wounds.... I seem to remember mention of a bullet mark on the NORTH side of Elm... just a thought


THE EVER EXPANDING THROAT WOUND - - Gordon Gray - 27-06-2013

Anthony DeFiore Wrote:Now that we agree that it was an entrance wound, whether the enlargement of the throat wound was sinister or innocent, the bigger question is were are the fragments? As to what possible rifle was used, it is undertood that any number of rifles could have succeeded in accomplishing the shot ~ thru the "safety glass", possibly with a silencer attached and with any caliber above a 22. (It may have even been that low a caliber) If you would like to expound on bullet calibers capable of making the shot thru "safety glass" I am sure that it would augment this discussion. More to the point, does it really matter what caliber the bullet was if we agree that a front shot to the throat occurred. If you want to debate from where the rifle shot to the throat came from, then please contact me at and I can illustrate with my research that the only place for a shot to the throat could have come from (and gone thru the windshield) was the South Knoll. Other researchers are studying the North Sewer Drain and the wooden fence on the North Grassy Knoll for possible front shots, but my own research has me concluding and believing that the front shot came from the South knoll, thru the windshield and into the President's throat.
Again I urge you to read this study, or contact a swat team sniper and ask him about taking shots through car windshields.

THE EVER EXPANDING THROAT WOUND - - Anthony DeFiore - 27-06-2013

Please respect the fact that I spoke to a professional marksman and I have researched the accounts of professional snipers. A bullet can go thru a windshield and hit its mark. I would not have put the information in my research compilation.