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John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - Printable Version

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John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - Karl Kinaski - 13-08-2013

OK no whopper...but the fact, that tonsils can grow again, and it is not that rare, makes that particular "prove" of the two Ossis useless. Armstrongs book is full of such slips...


John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - David Josephs - 13-08-2013

The DoD has him both on a boat to Korea and receiving medical treatment in Japan...

and yes Karl... there are "slips" and some inconsistencies... yet you seem to be discounting a mountain of evidence directly supporting Armstrong's hypothesis based on a few inconsistencies

I've had very long and detailed discussions with John... Read John Pic's testimony... he picks Lee from Harvey in every case... and catches Robert in a number of lies....
and read Mrs Oswald's... it simply doesn't pan out.

The suspect: 30yr old, 5'11", 165lb Marine becomes 5'7" 135lbs in custody while his photo for the marines shows him at 5'9"... who were THEY talking about... ??

Finally please see Oswald's photos from September 1959 taken 2 weeks apart... and the side by side of the two different women called Mrs Oswald...

I'm NOT getting into a discussion over John's work and conclusions... read his book, do the research and decide for yourself... I checked up on the documents and there is definitely something there..
the FBI doesn't just go take school records and have originals disappear for no apparent reason... something about Oswald's youth needed to be hidden...

If you have another explanation for the evidence you review, please enlight us...





John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - Tracy Riddle - 13-08-2013

Karl, how do you explain the people who knew an Oswald in New Orleans in late 1957 working at Pfisterer dental lab, when the real Oswald was in Japan in the Marines?

John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - Phil Dragoo - 13-08-2013

Jim Hargrove, it is excellent to bookmark your new/old site and put the author's work on a very special wish list.

I have always found to be killer and apparently Jim Douglass did as well.

David Josephs, your gif of the two is wonderful; the nose knows.

Biggy Small, who can shapeshift from 5'9" to 5'11".

A classic dodge of tradecraft.

Now in Grey Wolf we see Hitler's double shamming a bunker demise; don't cry for me, Argentina.

Oswald was doubled from 1952, then overlaid with ad hoc hoax, e.g., the plight of Yates, the Mexico City chimera.

From the official site, a stunning jewel alluded to by Gil Jesus and if not mistaken George Michael Evica:

An Unexplainable Document

The Postal Money Order allegedly used to purchase the rifle that supposedly killed JFK is perhaps the most unexplainable document published by the Warren Commission. A quick look at this money order shows that it was never deposited nor cashed at a bank. It does not have a single bank stamp on the front or reverse side. Yet the WC wants us to believe that this uncashed, never-deposited money order was used to purchase the rifle that supposedly killed President Kennedy. All monetary instruments deposited to banks or financial institutions (1962-63) were stamped by the bank into which the item was deposited, stamped by a correspondent bank, and stamped by the originating bank or institution when the item was returned. US Postal Money Orders, after passing through banks and the Federal Reserve System, are stamped when returned to Federal Postal Money Order Centers (FPMOC). But the FBI did not locate this money order at a FPMOC. This money order first appeared in the hands of Robert Jackson, an employee of the National Archives who lived in Alexandria, VA. Jackson delivered the money order to SA Harold Marks in Washington, DC. The initials on the back of the money order were made by Jackson, Marks, and other Federal officials who took possession of the money order. The WC accepted this money order as "proof" that Oswald purchased this mail-order rifle from Klein's Sporting Goods in Chicago. Apparently, not a single member of the WC or it's attorneys or staff questioned the authenticity of this money order. To verify authenticity, the WC only needed to ask the US Postal Department to conduct "payment research" on the money order. There is no cost for this service, but the results may have been a bit difficult for the WC to explain.


John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - Peter Lemkin - 13-08-2013

KK, who is the target of your 'LOL' 'exposee's'?! Those who don't buy the WC bullshit version of the events on/before/after 11/22/63? The researchers/others interested in what really happened then who are here on the forum? Or is it just a 'nervous tick' of yours, a kind of discomfort that you are here selling snake oil for BIG Snake Oil interests? I don't think anyone other is 'LOL' at your posts.....and since you aren't IMHO either, that makes no what's the 'story'? What's your 'angle' and your 'plan' here.....
Oh, yes, must be the enlightenment of the misguided and blinded by the Search For The Real Truth....of things like the JFK Assassination. How about you tell us straight what you think happened - or is 'acceptable' 'official' belief of what we 'ere not and can become good acolytes of TPTB, as I sense you strive to be.....(intrinsically or extrinsically).


John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - Ray Mitcham - 13-08-2013

Briiliant gif, David. The ears give the game away. Different heights on each Oswald. Wonder how they made Oswald's ears move up and down?

John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - David Josephs - 13-08-2013

Phil Dragoo Wrote:Jim Hargrove, it is excellent to bookmark your new/old site and put the author's work on a very special wish list.

I have always found to be killer and apparently Jim Douglass did as well.

David Josephs, your gif of the two is wonderful; the nose knows.

Biggy Small, who can shapeshift from 5'9" to 5'11".

A classic dodge of tradecraft.

Now in Grey Wolf we see Hitler's double shamming a bunker demise; don't cry for me, Argentina.

Oswald was doubled from 1952, then overlaid with ad hoc hoax, e.g., the plight of Yates, the Mexico City chimera.

From the official site, a stunning jewel alluded to by Gil Jesus and if not mistaken George Michael Evica:

An Unexplainable Document

The Postal Money Order allegedly used to purchase the rifle that supposedly killed JFK is perhaps the most unexplainable document published by the Warren Commission. A quick look at this money order shows that it was never deposited nor cashed at a bank. It does not have a single bank stamp on the front or reverse side. Yet the WC wants us to believe that this uncashed, never-deposited money order was used to purchase the rifle that supposedly killed President Kennedy. All monetary instruments deposited to banks or financial institutions (1962-63) were stamped by the bank into which the item was deposited, stamped by a correspondent bank, and stamped by the originating bank or institution when the item was returned. US Postal Money Orders, after passing through banks and the Federal Reserve System, are stamped when returned to Federal Postal Money Order Centers (FPMOC). But the FBI did not locate this money order at a FPMOC. This money order first appeared in the hands of Robert Jackson, an employee of the National Archives who lived in Alexandria, VA. Jackson delivered the money order to SA Harold Marks in Washington, DC. The initials on the back of the money order were made by Jackson, Marks, and other Federal officials who took possession of the money order. The WC accepted this money order as "proof" that Oswald purchased this mail-order rifle from Klein's Sporting Goods in Chicago. Apparently, not a single member of the WC or it's attorneys or staff questioned the authenticity of this money order. To verify authenticity, the WC only needed to ask the US Postal Department to conduct "payment research" on the money order. There is no cost for this service, but the results may have been a bit difficult for the WC to explain.


Thanks - the pictures do not lie...

RE the Money Order.... the one sent to a storage location in VA as opposed to the national location (in Missouri I think)...

For those wanting an even closer look... btw - that would be OSWALD'S "create a stamp" kit at the bottom (June 8th ??).... above that is a Waldman exhibit of the stamp used on the back....

Mr. WALDMAN. This is a stamped endorsement reading "Pay to the order of the
First National Bank of Chicago," followed by our account No. 50 space 91144, and
that, in turn, followed by "Klein's Sporting Goods, Inc."
Mr. BELIN. Do you
know whether or not that is your company's endorsement on that money order?

Mr. WALDMAN. It's identical to our endorsement.
Mr. BELIN. And I hand you what has been marked as Waldman Deposition Exhibit No. 9 and ask you if you can state what this is.
Mr. WALDMAN. This is our endorsement stamp which reads the same as that shown on the money order in question.
Mr. BELIN. You have just now stamped Waldman Deposition Exhibit No. 9 with your endorsement stamp?
Mr. WALDMAN. Correct


Now what Waldman tries to tell us about the only mark on the back - :



John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - Jim Hargrove - 14-08-2013

Holy Crap!! This no doubt comes more as news to me than anyone else, but this discussion group is awesome!! I posted something similar to the original post in this thread to every active JFK discussion group on the net I could find, six or seven in total. You guys are operating WAY above everyone else, and that's being kind to everyone else.

Belin's Waldman 9 comment David Josephs was kind enough to post was a mind-blower. I've read that testimony before, but never quite realized what Belin seemed to be saying. WAS HE REALLY SAYING THAT?? Simply awesome, as are many of the graphics posted in this thread.

As an 8-hour veteran of the Deep Politics forum, I'm already pleased to know you all. Thanks....


John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - Karl Kinaski - 14-08-2013

Quote: Quote Jack White (2010) Ed Forum: Judyth Vary Baker in Exile Threat: According to Armstrong's research, Harvey and Lee worked TOGETHER. Evidence shows
that Lee stayed with Ruth Paine and Marina on WEEKDAYS and Harvey stayed there on WEEKENDS.
Nothing is known about where Lee stayed on weekends.

I can't swallow that - sorry

John Armstrong's Harvey and Lee - Magda Hassan - 14-08-2013

Karl Kinaski Wrote:
Quote: Quote Jack White (2010) Ed Forum: Judyth Vary Baker in Exile Threat: According to Armstrong's research, Harvey and Lee worked TOGETHER. Evidence shows
that Lee stayed with Ruth Paine and Marina on WEEKDAYS and Harvey stayed there on WEEKENDS.
Nothing is known about where Lee stayed on weekends.

I can't swallow that - sorry