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Bush and the JFK Hit parts 1 and 2 - Seamus Coogan - 13-10-2013

Magda Hassan Wrote:I don't think Bush was actively involved in the operation to kill Kennedy at all. And I don't think Marlene or Tracy are either. However you can't deny the family were involved in the CIA, the oil and banking industries, and were close to and of the same mind as those who were actually involved.

Yes, Tarlpley is great.

Never, ever in denial of any of the above Magda. However, they were as I said 'bitches'. Yeah Tarpley is off on some things, but that book is great.

Bush and the JFK Hit parts 1 and 2 - Magda Hassan - 13-10-2013

Seamus Coogan Wrote:Never, ever in denial of any of the above Magda. However, they were as I said 'bitches'. Yeah Tarpley is off on some things, but that book is great.
Oh, yeah. Definitely. In the Evica Drago model purely facilitators. Errand boys for others who decide.

Bush and the JFK Hit parts 1 and 2 - Tracy Riddle - 13-10-2013

Seamus, I don't think we can categorically say that Bush was not involved in any way, even on the fringes. He's not on my list of top suspects. As with LBJ and Hoover, they were not the masterminds of the plot, but they were in bed with the people who were, so we don't know to what extent they kept quiet and allowed things to happen.

I have mixed feelings about Tarpley. I've read a few of his books and mostly I think he's brilliant. But he has an overly romanticized view of FDR and the New Deal, and despite his "Deep State" analysis, he still believes in the paternalistic State, he thinks that Technology will solve all problems, and he doesn't believe in Peak Oil/resource depletion. He reminds me of many economists who think that monetary/political policy can actually create more energy, or replace the depleted topsoil of our farmland, fill up depleted aquifers, or restore our dying oceans.

Bush and the JFK Hit parts 1 and 2 - Anthony DeFiore - 13-10-2013

Zapata, Houston and Barbara OH MY! Zapata, Houston and Barbara OH MY!

Tracy Riddle Wrote:The latest from Russ Baker:

Here's part one:

Bush and the JFK Hit parts 1 and 2 - Seamus Coogan - 14-10-2013

Anthony DeFiore Wrote:Zapata, Houston and Barbara OH MY! Zapata, Houston and Barbara OH MY!

Tracy Riddle Wrote:The latest from Russ Baker:

Here's part one:

Obviously neither of you have read mine and Jims work or Tarpleys book. Hence, I have no need to even bother... if you want to go down the Fetzer/Hankey/line in which all manner of bull is acceptable then by all means. Did Bush, Johnson or Hoover know something was in the breeze against JFK, neither obviously knew when or where something would happen - there is no evidence. As for the links between Zapata, Houston, and Barbara... heck who knows. ::evilpenguin::

There are legitimate reasons on either side. Right or wrong it's important not to go overboard.

I tend to think "So what" if the above links are kosher. None of the reports, nor any of the early and best CIA biographers, investigators and historians gave any mention of George Bush and his involvement. Hence, his naming of a boat may have been an irrelevant action. Fletcher Prouty nor Mark Lane who commented the Houston, Zapata, and Barbara links. Made much of a song and dance about Bush and his role.

Indeed Prouty, a dude who was around the CIA a lot didn't mention Bush much at all. Nor did he ever put Bush as a key planner for the Bay of Pigs. Nor did he involve him in the Kennedy assassination.

It's been established that their is an area called Zapata in Cuba where they were going to land (not necessarily Bush's oil company). As for Houston Holy crap, how many Oil companies are in Houston? The Barbara was definitely interesting. But it was the Barbara J. This was plane old Barb! She doesn't have a middle name. You can read all of this in mine, Jim's, and Tarpleys stuff.

Bush and the JFK Hit parts 1 and 2 - Seamus Coogan - 14-10-2013

Magda Hassan Wrote:
Seamus Coogan Wrote:Never, ever in denial of any of the above Magda. However, they were as I said 'bitches'. Yeah Tarpley is off on some things, but that book is great.
Oh, yeah. Definitely. In the Evica Drago model purely facilitators. Errand boys for others who decide.

Yes Magda the Evica/Drago model is really cool. I had a slightly different take on it to CD; however, I really think it's great and VV had some wonderful discussions with CD about it.:Thrasher:

Bush and the JFK Hit parts 1 and 2 - Tracy Riddle - 14-10-2013

Seamus, I've read your work and Jim's and I read Tarpley's book on Bush when it first came out more than 20 years ago.
We need to keep an open mind and admit that there are a lot of things we just don't know and can't be sure about.

"if you want to go down the Fetzer/Hankey/line in which all manner of bull is acceptable then by all means"

This is the kind of snarky comment that makes you so popular on these forums (sarcasm). I am NOT a fan of Fetzer at all. I appreciate your research and Jim's, but I think for myself.

Bush and the JFK Hit parts 1 and 2 - Jim Hargrove - 14-10-2013

Seamus Coogan Wrote:Did Bush, Johnson or Hoover know something was in the breeze against JFK, neither obviously knew when or where something would happen - there is no evidence.

There is, however, considerable evidence about what Hoover did and didn't do literally hours after the assassination. For starters, did he flood the corridors of power in DC looking for clues that a larger plot was unfolding that would also target other government officials? Was he all over the Mexico City impersonations to see if this was a Cuban or Russian attack? Not much evidence of that. What he clearly did do, however, was send agents to confiscate original grade school records and teenage employment records for "Lee Harvey Oswald," and he did it apparently in the middle of the night just few hours after Oswald was formally charged. What peculiar behavior!

In retrospect, Hoover's actions suggest he sure knew something was in the breeze; either the JFK hit itself or something about the "Oswald Project."


Bush and the JFK Hit parts 1 and 2 - Marlene Zenker - 14-10-2013

Seamus Coogan Wrote:
Anthony DeFiore Wrote:Zapata, Houston and Barbara OH MY! Zapata, Houston and Barbara OH MY!

Tracy Riddle Wrote:The latest from Russ Baker:

Here's part one:

Obviously neither of you have read mine and Jims work or Tarpleys book. Hence, I have no need to even bother... if you want to go down the Fetzer/Hankey/line in which all manner of bull is acceptable then by all means. Did Bush, Johnson or Hoover know something was in the breeze against JFK, neither obviously knew when or where something would happen - there is no evidence. As for the links between Zapata, Houston, and Barbara... heck who knows. ::evilpenguin::

There are legitimate reasons on either side. Right or wrong it's important not to go overboard.

I tend to think "So what" if the above links are kosher. None of the reports, nor any of the early and best CIA biographers, investigators and historians gave any mention of George Bush and his involvement. Hence, his naming of a boat may have been an irrelevant action. Fletcher Prouty nor Mark Lane who commented the Houston, Zapata, and Barbara links. Made much of a song and dance about Bush and his role.

Indeed Prouty, a dude who was around the CIA a lot didn't mention Bush much at all. Nor did he ever put Bush as a key planner for the Bay of Pigs. Nor did he involve him in the Kennedy assassination.

It's been established that their is an area called Zapata in Cuba where they were going to land (not necessarily Bush's oil company). As for Houston Holy crap, how many Oil companies are in Houston? The Barbara was definitely interesting. But it was the Barbara J. This was plane old Barb! She doesn't have a middle name. You can read all of this in mine, Jim's, and Tarpleys stuff.

Seamus, I read your articles and I still think there is a lot of room for Bush to be involved. I started researching this particular aspect after the 2000 election and even more so after 9/11 - I think Russ is more right than wrong about Bush.

Just my opinion, but don't assume that someone hasn't read something just because they don't agree with your findings.

Bush and the JFK Hit parts 1 and 2 - Vasilios Vazakas - 14-10-2013

Seamus is right about Bush, we do not have evidence to involve him in the assassination, at least up to now.
He is exagerating some times to make a point and sarcasm is a typical characteristic of Brits, New Zealanders and Australians.