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"Parkland" in Comparison to Oliver Stone's "JFK" - Anthony Thorne - 08-10-2013

I'd be hopeful that Stone's movie in re-release actually makes more than "Parkland" does. Very happy to hear the latter is a bomb. Since "Parkland" was made for purposes of mainstream propaganda all that is left is to draft some negative Amazon reviews for it (perhaps with links to Jim's book) so it can't dupe any more people than it already has. Amusingly I was going to suggest people visit a torrent site if they want to watch it but even the links there are sparsely populated as clearly no-one gives a shit about the movie. Good.

"Parkland" in Comparison to Oliver Stone's "JFK" - Jim Hargrove - 08-10-2013

"Parkland" sounds like a publicist's nightmare. Even popular movies only run in the major theater chains for a few weeks. This one seems to have been released a month too early. Oliver Stone won't make that mistake. And then the title: how many members of the general public will connect Parkland Hospital with the JFK assassination? Are some of the stars planning to make appearances to hype it for this coming weekend?

Perhaps the producers are planning a big television splash on or around November 22. That could still have some impact. So far, though, so good. <g>


"Parkland" in Comparison to Oliver Stone's "JFK" - Tracy Riddle - 08-10-2013

Stone should add to the re-release that deleted scene from the DVD showing the Denver oilman trying to bribe Garrison with a federal judge position, if he'll only stop his investigation. "They just offered you the carrot, you know what comes next."

"Parkland" in Comparison to Oliver Stone's "JFK" - James Norwood - 09-10-2013

The New York Times has done it again! In his review of the film "Parkland," the Times critic Stephen Holden accurately describes the film as pedestrian, but offers no critical analysis of the choices made by the screenwriter and director.

At the close of the review, Holden asserts that "the Kennedy industry grinds on, with no end in sight."

By "the Kennedy industry," the implicit point is that any book or film related to the JFK assassination is a commodity, as opposed to a serious scholarly or artistic contribution. Let's hope that the reprise of Oliver Stone's "JFK" in November will introduce a new generation to the topic and raise the level of awareness that the New York Times is incapable of achieving in the print medium.


For the New York Times review of Parkland of October 3, 2013, see:

"Parkland" in Comparison to Oliver Stone's "JFK" - James Norwood - 11-10-2013

The late film critic Roger Ebert wrote one of the finest reviews of Oliver Stone's "JFK" in 1991. Ebert defended the film in the onslaught of a media attack on Stone that was close to the efforts of William Randolph Hearst to prevent the screening of Orson Welles's masterpiece "Citizen Kane" in 1941. In his review of December 20, 1991, Ebert identified precisely why the JFK assassination has been an enduring wound to the body politic in America for decades, and he praised Stone's film for getting to the heart of the matter:

"Its achievement is that it tries to marshal the anger which ever since 1963 has been gnawing away on some dark shelf of the national psyche."

Ebert also demonstrated why a film critic ought to actually study an historical event, prior to reviewing an historical film:

[FONT=&amp]"I've been reading the books and articles for the last twenty-five years, and I've not found a single convincing defense of the Warren Commission report….If Garrison's investigation was so pitifuland indeed it was flawed, underfunded, and sabotagedthen where are the better investigations by Stone's attackers?"


On Ebert's website, film critic Godfrey Cheshire wrote a fair and balanced review of "Parkland" on October 4, 2013. Cheshire perceptively writes that,

"The film does not question that Oswald was the sole killer of JFK or that he also shot Officer J.D. Tippett, although, rather curiously, it does not show him committing either crime."

Inevitably, the film critic approaching "Parkland" must compare the film in some capacity to Oliver Stone's "JFK." Here is what Cheshire writes:

[size=12]"Oliver Stone's seminal "JFK" was a huge critical and commercial hit because it addressed those issues head-on, giving us a challenging and compelling reading of the tragedy's nature and meaning."

It is getting time to chalk up yet another victory for Oliver Stone. His film "JFK" merits a special screening in the Sixth Floor Museum in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 2013.


Roger Ebert's 1991 review of "JFK" may be found at:

Godfrey Cheshire's current review of "Parkland" may be found at:

"Parkland" in Comparison to Oliver Stone's "JFK" - Bernice Moore - 12-10-2013

'Parkland' a tacky restaging of JFK assassination | Film and movie critiques from CTV News;

'Parkland' a tacky restaging of JFK assassination | Film and movie critiques from CTV News

Published Friday, October 4, 2013 9:31AM EDT

A painful retelling of the Nov. 22, 1963, assassination of President Kennedy in which the two least important players seem to be JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald, "Parkland" dramatizes the immediate impact of that tragedy on the lives of civilians, professionals and others tangentially involved. Comparisons with "Bobby" can't be helped, since it took a similar approach to the equally shocking death of Robert F. Kennedy, though that film seems like a masterpiece compared with this inadvertently tacky restaging of events. Timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the tragedy, this film will swiftly be forgotten in the face of more tasteful mementos

"Parkland" in Comparison to Oliver Stone's "JFK" - Bernice Moore - 12-10-2013

'Parkland' amputates evidence in the JFK assassination

"Parkland" in Comparison to Oliver Stone's "JFK" - Jim DiEugenio - 13-10-2013

No comparison

"Parkland" in Comparison to Oliver Stone's "JFK" - Bernice Moore - 14-10-2013

'Parkland' shaky in showing days after JFK's assassination -,0,2339504.story

"Parkland" in Comparison to Oliver Stone's "JFK" - Bernice Moore - 14-10-2013

Box Office (Specialty): J.F.K. Assassination Pic 'Parkland' Struggles