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John Kerry doesn't believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone... - Peter Lemkin - 12-11-2013

Secretary of State John Kerry has declined to elaborate on his beliefs regarding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy 50 years ago this month. During an interview with NBC that aired last week, Kerry indicated he supports the idea of a conspiracy surrounding Kennedy's death. He was questioned about those remarks Sunday by NBC's David Gregory.
David Gregory: "Mr. Secretary, a final question before you go. You gave some comments in light of the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy to NBC News that have now been widely broadcast and reported on. And in those comments, you said this: 'To this day, I have serious doubts that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.' That certainly would be surprising to a lot of people that those are your views. Would you care to elaborate?"
John Kerry: "No. (Laughter.) I just have a point of view. And I'm not going to get into that. It's you know, it's not something that I think needs to be commented on, and certainly not at this time."
David Gregory: "Do you think the conspiracy theories his involvement with Russia, motivation from the Soviet Union or Cuba are valid at some level?"
John Kerry: "David, I'm not going to go into it. It's just inappropriate, and I'm not going to do more than say that it's a point of view that I have. But it's not ripe or worthy or appropriate for me to comment further."

John Kerry doesn't believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone... - Tracy Riddle - 12-11-2013

Was he always a fake, or did he just sell out at some point to stay alive?


John Kerry doesn't believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone... - Peter Lemkin - 13-11-2013

Tracy Riddle Wrote:Was he always a fake, or did he just sell out at some point to stay alive?


Well, in the position he's now in, which he chose to be in, I'd agree that saying much more than he did is 'hazardous to one's health'; but what a moral coward if he won't speak truth and can't see how important [essential] this truth is to the USAs polity, morality and future - not just the past set straight! He's NOT saying what he believes, but I have good reason to believe he knows pretty much what most on this forum know...which makes it even worse. I don't think his Skull and Bones past helps. They pulled on those strings that bind, perhaps. He's now already one step 'over the line', but will not be drawn further. The MSM are trying to spin it that he believes the USSR and/or Cuba had 'other agents involved'. Sad. He, alone, could ignite a HUGE public debate and shame TPTB and the MSM - but he'd be eliminated - one way or another - and soon this year! He obviously likes being in the position he now finds himself over telling the truth he has more proofs of than most. Sad. Sad. Sad.::face.palm:: I have no reason to believe his turning against the Vietnam War was a modified hangout. Somewhere between there and here he shut up about the truth to get along and be able to 'rise' in the 'system'. He has made his bed and is sleeping with the villains.

John Kerry doesn't believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone... - Keith Millea - 13-11-2013

Quote: I have no reason to believe his turning against the Vietnam War was a modified hangout. Somewhere between there and here he shut up about the truth to get along and be able to 'rise' in the 'system'.

When Kerry first joined Vietnam Veterans Against the War(VVAW),he was an effective spokesman and planner.When he left the organization,the consenses of the other Veterans was exactly as the bolded type above.His political ambitions outweighed any further dissenting actions.

John Kerry doesn't believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone... - Don Jeffries - 13-11-2013

Kerry has always been a typical hack party politician. He was a member of Skull and Bones at Yale, and proved his mettle to his masters with his disgraceful performance as Chairman of the Senate POW-MIA Committee (along with his "opponent," vice-chairman John McCainiac).

Kerry briefly telling the truth was an atypical act for him.

John Kerry doesn't believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone... - Peter Lemkin - 15-11-2013

"But I think, after a certain period of time, and that period of time may well have passed, it is totally appropriate for a country like the United States to open up the files on whatever history can be shed light on. I think that is appropriate. It has to be done in the right way, by the right entities or people, but certainly by a valid historian or for some valid analysis; I think that everybody would benefit." -Kerry::headbang::

John Kerry doesn't believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone... - Mitchell Severson - 15-11-2013

As long as the files are available, I wouldn't think we'd have to worry about the John Kerry's of the administration choosing which "historians" get to analyze them. I worry a bit that the release of files won't have much effect. Either they've been too well cleansed, or they'll lead us down some false 2-3 Mafioso involved line of bull. I can't imagine anything more obnoxious than the official story confirmed for the most dull and a little mob conspiracy "proven" for those "in the know".

Btw, did Kerry really say he thinks the Cubans or Soviets could've influenced Oswald? Did this guy hang out with Angleton back in the day? Good lord.

John Kerry doesn't believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone... - Peter Lemkin - 16-11-2013

But the files are NOT all released - the most damning, and troublesome for the official lies are being withheld or have been [said to have been] routinely destroyed; or just "can't be found" by the keepers of those secret files - when we have evidence they once did exist or logically would have - such as the rest of Oswald's 201 file! While we have a lot of files, to say we have all the files is a fantasy - a wishful and incorrect one.

Another 'commission' would be a step back unless it was done OUTSIDE the USA [i.e. not under U.S. Government Control] by an international and independent group of experts. However, a Public demand for the remainder of the files, as required by law [in our lawless state] would be helpful!

You also read Kerry incorrectly. He NEVER said it was Cuba or the USSR. Some in the MSM put those words in his mouth, and he did not say what he felt, nor has he attempted to correct their assumptions of what he meant. I can only guess, but think he now feels he has already said too much and gone a step to far...and that any further would be injurious to his position and/or his 'health'.

As I indicated above, from meeting with his head security aide at the time, I know some of what he's been exposed to and some of the lines of questions he sought answers to, from some who he and his aides suspected would know some 'pieces of the puzzle'. From that, I assure you, he doesn't suspect Cuba nor the USSR as prime movers, at all.

He is very likely completely aware of all that one can find in JFK and the Unspeakable - but is too chickenshit (and a 'team player') to verbalize anything more than his 'own personal point of view' that 'it involved a conspiracy'.

[others were having a coke with Oswald in the Domino Room at the time when JFK was murdered in public (?), by a large and high-level Conspiratorial Cabal, that had Oswald primarily as the patsy]......and have spent the next 50 years on a massive cover-up and propaganda campaign?!

John Kerry doesn't believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone... - Mitchell Severson - 16-11-2013

Peter, I meant if the 2017 files were released today, we shouldn't actually have to worry about the administration picking and choosing which historians view them.

I didn't listen to John Kerry closely, because he's John Kerry. It sounded like he was agreeing there is even the possibility that the Soviets or Cubans influenced Oswald - which sounds Angletonian enough to me.

Otherwise, yeah, I get you.

John Kerry doesn't believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone... - Peter Lemkin - 16-11-2013

The 2017 and all other 'planned future releases' have either already been hinted that they will be postponed [read cancelled] or will never happen - unless the People make a very SPECIAL demand that they are!! Of this you can be sure! If they didn't comply with the JFK documents release act, why would they in the future; as all now held are more 'sensitive' and 'damning' than those they let out, created out of whole cloth, redacted to oblivion, etc. already.

America, as the Oligarchy has it constructed, would collapse in its entirety* if the Truth of Dallas or 911 [and much else] ever came they intend for it to NEVER come out. It is US v. THEM! THEY do NOT represent US; they increasingly oppress, rob, and LIE to US, only! *And I for one, couldn't think of a better ourcome - the ONLY positive outcome possible - for America!