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Shot In The Throat - Bob Prudhomme - 27-08-2014

Herbert Blenner Wrote:
Bob Prudhomme Wrote:
Herbert Blenner Wrote:Hiding an extra bullet hole in the clothing was as easy as removing material from the garment for testing.
Drew Phipps Wrote:I agree with you about the medical evidence, but that begs the question, "Where did that bullet go?" There really isn't anything in the neck solid enough to stop a bullet, except possibly the spine, but that would have fractured the spine and killed him PDQ. It is hard to fathom how an extra bullet hole in the back of the neck could have passed unnoticed by doctors, or fail to appear on the shirt collar, or how a bullet might have travelled upwards into the skull to exit there.

The bullet which entered the throat exited the back and made the 7 mm by 4 mm wound whose longer axis was nearly parallel to the spinal column as described by Commander Humes. This longitudinal wound was ignored by the medical panels who described their 7 mm by 10 mm transverse back wound with its longer axis approximately perpendicular to the same spinal column.

Boswell and Humes were aware of both wounds and took steps to misplace their reported 7 mm by 4 mm wound at the location of their unreported 7 mm by 10 mm wound. This trick enabled Bethesda and the medical panels to speak of only one wound of the back.

Hiding an extra bullet hole in the clothing was as easy as removing material from the garment for testing.


One of the main arguments against the SBT is that it could not have traversed from the entrance wound on the back, to an exit wound on the throat, without smashing through vertebrae on the way through.

Why would it not hit vertebrae going the opposite direction?

The shapes of the vertebrae of the upper spine roughly resemble wing nuts. So it is possible for a bullet to pass between the wings of adjacent vertebrae and merely scrape the recessed surface of a vertebra. This possibility is consistent with a finding of the FPP.

Source: Report of the Forensic Pathology Panel - 7HSCA, 96

(275) The panel noted a number of small, radiopaque densities apparent in the No. 8 film and not apparent in No. 9. With one exception, these densities measured less than 0.1 centimeter in diameter and appeared to be more densely aggregated in the area immediately lateral to the right transverse processes of the seventh cervical (C-1) [sic] and first thoracic vertebrae (T-1). The panel took special note of a slightly larger shadow immediately lateral to the right transverse process of the seventh cervical vertebra. (See figs. 10 and 11, photographs of X-rays 8 and 9.)


The "wings" of the wing nuts (vertebrae) you refer to are the transverse processes of the cervical (neck) vertebrae. Look at this drawing of the cervical vertebrae below:

[Image: images?]

As can plainly be seen, there is simply no room between the transverse processes for a bullet to pass through. Although the thoracic vertebra T1, which C7 sits atop of, is not shown, there also is no room between the transverse processes of C7 and T1 for a bullet to pass through, either.

As to the Report of the Forensic Pathology Panel reporting a small number of fragments present in an x-ray and reporting they were present to the right of the C7 transverse process PLUS to the right of the T1 transverse process, this clearly indicates a bullet that went AROUND the vertebrae, not through them. Now, if a bullet went around the vertebrae, and not through them, what caused that bullet to shed fragments?

For a bullet to enter the throat, pass through the right side of the trachea, clear the right side of the C7 right transverse process and exit the back would rule out an exit wound 1.5-2 inches to the right of the spinal midline. To be an exit wound, the back wound would have to be much further to the right of the spine.

Good clues as to what happened to the bullets that caused the back wound and the throat wound, both of which I believe to be entrance wounds, can be found in an interview with Jerrol Custer, the x-ray technician present at the Bethesda autopsy.

The first thing he tells us is that JFK's lungs were removed with none of the other autopsy personnel present, and the chest was x-rayed AFTER the lungs were removed.

He also claims he took an x-ray of JFK's neck that showed a large number of small fragments present in the C3/C4 vertebrae, and that this x-ray was never seen by him again since the night of the autopsy.

As I said earlier in this thread, there is a type of bullet that could have broken up into hundreds of tiny particles just before it got to the vertebrae, and left those particles in the vertebrae.

Shot In The Throat - Bob Prudhomme - 27-08-2014

Drew Phipps Wrote:If it stopped, it would still be in there. If the back wound and the throat wound were separate shots, there should be 2 bullets left in the body.

Absolutely. They just weren't recognizable as bullets any more.

Remember, according to the x-ray technician, Jerrol Custer, JFK's lungs were removed with none of the other autopsy staff present, and the chest x-rayed AFTER the lungs were removed.

Shot In The Throat - Anthony DeFiore - 01-09-2014

Brethren, Excellent insights!

I have a 350 plus page research document that I hope may augment your research in a small way concerning the throat ENTRANCE wound. Please email me at for a copy.

Shot In The Throat - Drew Phipps - 01-09-2014

Bob: Your fragmenting bullet idea is consistent with the throat wound being an exit wound, of a small fragment of a back-entering bullet, as the fragments that leave the main mass of the bullet have some other trajectory than the back entry trajectory.

Shot In The Throat - Drew Phipps - 01-09-2014

Anthony: Can you give us a short summary of your work to pique our interest in a 350 page document?

Shot In The Throat - Bob Prudhomme - 01-09-2014

Drew Phipps Wrote:Bob: Your fragmenting bullet idea is consistent with the throat wound being an exit wound, of a small fragment of a back-entering bullet, as the fragments that leave the main mass of the bullet have some other trajectory than the back entry trajectory.

This is possible, although, if the bullet did enter the top of the right lung and disintegrate there, as a frangible bullet will, any remaining fragment (or piece of jacket casing) large enough to make the throat wound would have a rather circuitous route to navigate, in order to find its way out of the upper right thoracic cavity and into JFK's throat. Also, fragments tend to be irregular in shape, and make irregularly shaped entry and exit wounds unlike the wound described in JFK's throat.

Shot In The Throat - Anthony DeFiore - 04-09-2014

First 32 pages (after brief introductions, etc.) deal exclusively with the vertebrae issue and the trajectory at the throat.

Drew Phipps Wrote:Anthony: Can you give us a short summary of your work to pique our interest in a 350 page document?