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Lovelady in front of TSBD - Drew Phipps - 04-12-2014

My real point about Amos Euins and the bald spot is, I've always wondered how you can see a bald spot, on a guy facing you, standing in relative shadow behind a half open window, from 6 floors down? I'm thinking Amos Euins may have acquired at least part of his description of the shooter, from viewing old Lovelady there on the street.

Lovelady in front of TSBD - Malcolm John - 04-12-2014

Why would that have happened whats the connection? He just saw Lovelady and got confused? If someone was bending towards you or down you may be able to see a bald patch, perhaps if he is firing a rifle you would see that.

I skimmed that thread, seems she isn't very credible at all, there did seem something just wrong about her story.

Lovelady in front of TSBD - Drew Phipps - 04-12-2014

So, Bob, who is the relatively short and skinny dark haired guy wearing dark pants, a watch, and a brown jacket who gets past the cop into the building?

Lovelady in front of TSBD - Albert Doyle - 04-12-2014

I've got a suspicion that the man walking away from the 4th floor landing was an Oswald double. The reason there is no further information on him is because both Truly and Baker were advised to shut up. Baker had to be puzzled that he had just seen a very similar person down in the lunchroom. This would explain the dual routes of escape by Oswald from the Depository. One in the station wagon seen by Craig and one in a bus and taxi. It would also explain Baker not entering Oswald in to the record too quickly back at the police station.

Lovelady in front of TSBD - Bob Prudhomme - 04-12-2014

Drew Phipps Wrote:So, Bob, who is the relatively short and skinny dark haired guy wearing dark pants, a watch, and a brown jacket who gets past the cop into the building?

From what I have been told, that is either Jarman or Norman, and the taller black fellow to the left is supposedly their friend Bonnie Ray Williams. In a photo showing the three of them together, one of the first two is seen to be very short.

Lovelady in front of TSBD - Bob Prudhomme - 04-12-2014

The reason I am so interested in pinning down the time Lovelady is captured on the front steps is that his WC testimony has him leaving the front steps of the TSBD before Baker runs into the building, walking down to the rail yard with Bill Shelley, re-entering the TSBD by a rear door, staying on the first floor thirty minutes and then escorting police to the 6th floor. Plus, the TSBD was supposedly locked down by 12:45; no one in and no one out.

Robert Groden placed the footage showing Lovelady on the front steps at 8-15 minutes after the assassination. What is Lovelady doing in that photo?

Lovelady in front of TSBD - Albert Doyle - 04-12-2014

Lovelady is definitely out of his time sequence by being there. The only thing I can think of is he went right from there to the median and then to the railyard. Or he came back from the median, hung out on the steps, and then wandered down to the railyard. (Truth may vary)

Lovelady in front of TSBD - Drew Phipps - 04-12-2014

Isn't there a clip of Lovelady and Shelly walking towards the car park just as Baker runs up to the steps?

Lovelady in front of TSBD - Drew Phipps - 04-12-2014

I got another observation about those clips. The lady in the scarf, at the top of the stairs, with her hands folded in front of her, looks a lot like the quite blurry image of "Prayer Man": same short stature, hands in place, same general color clothing (in the Hughes film).

Lovelady in front of TSBD - Bob Prudhomme - 04-12-2014

Drew Phipps Wrote:Isn't there a clip of Lovelady and Shelly walking towards the car park just as Baker runs up to the steps?

If you can positively identify Lovelady from that clip, I would be impressed.