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blogger looking into Cruz's father and assassination found dead - Tracy Riddle - 03-05-2016

If all of the reporting about this, I'm reminded again how the corporate media is long past the point where they once referred to Oswald as the "alleged" or "accused" assassin.

blogger looking into Cruz's father and assassination found dead - LR Trotter - 03-05-2016

Tracy Riddle Wrote:
LR Trotter Wrote:Maybe it's just my own misunderstanding, but it appears as though words were said without actually understanding the subject matter.

It's Donald Trump, LR. It's a feature, not a bug.

I am probably thinking a little slower than normal Tracy, but I wonder, as I wander, if in fact he is in a state of awareness as he discusses the report?

blogger looking into Cruz's father and assassination found dead - Paul Rigby - 03-05-2016

Ted Cruz Unloads On "Pathological Liar" "Bully" "Serial Philanderer" Donald Trump


According to my much-prized copy of Jim Hogshire's seminal Grossed-out Surgeon Vomits Inside Patient! (Feral House, 1997), the National Enquirer was founded by a CIA man (Generoso Pope), was a regular outlet for CIA nonsense throughout the Cold War, and presumably retains a strong connection with Langley.

We thus have David Pecker's CIA-serving National Enquirer launching a line about Cruz's father and LHO which Trump seizes upon....

Can we conclude from this little episode that the CIA is backing Trump?

That the CIA is still running its "the-Cubes-done-it' rubbish?

blogger looking into Cruz's father and assassination found dead - Drew Phipps - 03-05-2016

I see no reference to "two shots to the head" in the Welsh matter. I believe that reference was to the Webb case. It is my impression that the original Madsen article was simply referring to the speed of the suicide announcement, and the lack of an autopsy finding when that announcement was made, and comparing that to the Webb case.

Dawn: You can follow the link to his blog. I added the emphasis to my post, but other than that, it's verbatim what's there.

Paul: If you believe that the CIA favors Trump, why do you suppose that there are no systematic attempts to violently protest/disrupt Cruz or Kasich rallies? Isn't that one of the CIA playbook tactics for (ahem) foreign countries?

blogger looking into Cruz's father and assassination found dead - Paul Rigby - 03-05-2016

Drew Phipps Wrote:Paul: If you believe that the CIA favors Trump, why do you suppose that there are no systematic attempts to violently protest/disrupt Cruz or Kasich rallies? Isn't that one of the CIA playbook tactics for (ahem) foreign countries?

Pure theatre, Drew, albeit of the street variety, designed to rally the GOP grass-roots behind Trump. Not dissimilar to the pseudo-riot the CIA laid on for Nixon in Venezuela in 1958:


Trump, like Nixon, is a smorgasboard of vulnerabilities and insecurities, ripe for utilization and discreditation, should the need arise.

And who is doing much of the "attacking"? Soros cadres. Not a million miles away from Langley, are they?

blogger looking into Cruz's father and assassination found dead - Drew Phipps - 04-05-2016

Cruz has suspended his campaign tonight. It looks like The Donald is gonna take the nomination.

I wonder if this particular low blow (the Enquirer story) in fact actually struck a nerve...

Here's my take on this event. The Establishment Republicans have had their butts handed to them in a sling, by a "populist" candidate. Imagine that, a populist republican. Hasn't happened since Eisenhower. The mainstream media Mighty Wurlitzer (who were, by my informal tallying, pretty much all in favor of stopping Trump) have lost to Mom and Pop voters across America. Whatever you think of Trump, or of America in general, you must concede that this landmark event signals that real democracy is still alive and kicking.

Now, if we can just get those Moms and Pops who haven't voted yet to get Sanders nominated over Clinton, we'll have a real election in November.

blogger looking into Cruz's father and assassination found dead - Ken Garretson - 04-05-2016

for some interesting perspective on our tattered democracy -and this election in particular- id recommend Dan Carlin's Common Sense. His last two podcasts. Interesting.

blogger looking into Cruz's father and assassination found dead - Joseph McBride - 04-05-2016

Drew Phipps Wrote:I see no reference to "two shots to the head" in the Welsh matter. I believe that reference was to the Webb case. It is my impression that the original Madsen article was simply referring to the speed of the suicide announcement, and the lack of an autopsy finding when that announcement was made, and comparing that to the Webb case.

Dawn: You can follow the link to his blog. I added the emphasis to my post, but other than that, it's verbatim what's there.

Paul: If you believe that the CIA favors Trump, why do you suppose that there are no systematic attempts to violently protest/disrupt Cruz or Kasich rallies? Isn't that one of the CIA playbook tactics for (ahem) foreign countries?

You're right. i misread the part about the shots. It is a reference to Gary Webb. Thanks for pointing that out.

blogger looking into Cruz's father and assassination found dead - Peter Lemkin - 04-05-2016

While not yet proven to my satisfaction, there does seem to be evidence Cruz's father was in the anti-Castro mix around CIA and thus some were involved with playing with the patsy to be Oswald. It would NOT surprise me that the elder Cruz was involved in the leaflet handout incident. That puts him FAR from involved in the 'assassination', but very close to anti-Castro persons involved with the intelligence community and propaganda going on at that time.

blogger looking into Cruz's father and assassination found dead - Joseph McBride - 04-05-2016

Here's what the old man says: