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Sean Murphy- wrong again!!! - Albert Doyle - 31-01-2017

Richard Gilbride Wrote:Situated at the front- and not in the corner- means we get a near one-to-one correspondence between the heights of PrayerMan and Wesley Frazier in the Darnell film. They are nearly equidistant from the camera, and only a 1% or so correction needs to be made for perspective.

Yet if you go to the Education Forum you cannot respond to Gordon-approved Rube Goldberg pro-ROKC 'expert' Sandy Larsen who settles this complex geometry by simply pointing to the portal ceiling and saying "look at the visible perspective shifting on the ceiling". Larsen did not complain about my brute banning from the Education Forum because he, like Stancak, directly benefits from his idle-minded psuedo-analyses not being challenged on that board through my flagrant removal. Meanwhile a more credible look at the perspective properties of the portal would realize perspective exists in a complex parabolic relationship to lens level where the ceiling possesses one scale and the heads of Prayer Man and Frazier a completely different one. This flies right over the head of moderator Gordon who should never be allowed anywhere near moderation of this level of science. Perhaps Gordon would be more at home at a table manners website more suited to his skill level, however he shouldn't be let near academic discourse of this degree of contention. He's a flagrant ROKC shill pretending to be a credible moderator. A playing field the majority don't mind because it spares them the egotistical discomfort of admitting they were wrong.

Drew Phipps' trigonometry puts the perspective shift at no more than 1/12th of an inch, which is more like .1%.

Sean Murphy- wrong again!!! - Scott Kaiser - 31-01-2017

Quote:Gordon who should never be allowed anywhere near moderation of this level of science. Perhaps Gordon would be more at home at a table manners website more suited to his skill level, however he shouldn't be let near academic discourse of this degree of contention.

This may be true, but... Even after I read your post, I'm scratching my head wondering if you're speaking English asking myself... WTF? LOL....

Sean Murphy- wrong again!!! - Scott Kaiser - 31-01-2017

3) The 1964 filmed interview and 1986 filmed testimony contain no tangible indication that a monstrous lie about the lunchroom incident is being put forth, nor is there any indication that Baker was excessively anxious when being questioned by Bugliosi.

You do realize it was just a film don'tcha? Like my interviews, which makes my job hard to separate truth from fiction, and the only way to do that is to find as much material that will corroborate as much information as possible to back any interview. BTW... I did that too, and as I find my corroborations with other individuals, they have no idea the questions I'm asking them is to see if their information is in relation to the material I'm seeking. I want to know if their stories they're giving me is true, everything must fall in line, fall in place before I can reject it. Like the information some researcher said about Frank Sturgis and the S.F. Chronicle, this is a perfect example, the information was at John Simkim's page, some researcher who calls himself "The Realist" injects this information, and it was or is still found at some site owned by Tom Flaco, now if no one knew any better, you'd swear they're telling the truth right? That's why it's important to fact check with FOIA documents too, although, documents can be wrong, the moral of my story is, the more people saying the same thing, and if there's documents backing up their information, then it's pretty hard to discredit it right?

Sean Murphy- wrong again!!! - Tom Scully - 01-02-2017

Please move the PM posts of Doyle to the Bears Den and the self centered, self promoting posts of Kaiser to the thread about his father? Richard could not even post his three intro posts, despite his polite request, before Kaiser
commenced with his predictable self promotion. Either Doyle's "White Whale" will be confined to one place here...and he is constantly testing the boundaries, or all other forum readers will continue to be subjected to his obsession. :

Richard Gilbride Wrote:...........

My next 2 posts, immediately following, are scathing critiques of this fantasist, which are long overdue. With the PrayerMan boondoggle he pulls off a trifecta of self-will run riot.

Please allow me to post them and finish introducing this topic, before responding

Scott Kaiser Wrote:.......
Holy shit! And, others say to me if I don't have the photos it never happened, and extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. LMAO! Boy! Is my publisher and I going to have so much fun selling more than a million copies, and I don't have to do anything other than tell the truth.

Sean Murphy- wrong again!!! - Scott Kaiser - 01-02-2017

Tom Scully Wrote:Please move the PM posts of Doyle to the Bears Den and the self centered, self promoting posts of Kaiser to the thread about his father? Richard could not even post his three intro posts, despite his polite request, before Kaiser
commenced with his predictable self promotion. Either Doyle's "White Whale" will be confined to one place here...and he is constantly testing the boundaries, or all other forum readers will continue to be subjected to his obsession. :

Richard Gilbride Wrote:...........

My next 2 posts, immediately following, are scathing critiques of this fantasist, which are long overdue. With the PrayerMan boondoggle he pulls off a trifecta of self-will run riot.

Please allow me to post them and finish introducing this topic, before responding

Scott Kaiser Wrote:.......
Holy shit! And, others say to me if I don't have the photos it never happened, and extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. LMAO! Boy! Is my publisher and I going to have so much fun selling more than a million copies, and I don't have to do anything other than tell the truth.

And, please move Tom's post to the thread titled "Dumb and Dumber."

Sean Murphy- wrong again!!! - Scott Kaiser - 01-02-2017

Quote:Richard could not even post his three intro posts, despite his polite request, before Kaiser

Aw, did I hurt someones feelings Tom? Ask me if I care? Truthfully, the truth sucks, want to know why? It hurts.