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At last: Shickshinny Knights of Malta linked to the Draper/Vonsiatsky Condon ManCand crowds - Printable Version

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At last: Shickshinny Knights of Malta linked to the Draper/Vonsiatsky Condon ManCand crowds - Helen Reyes - 12-12-2009

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:As an aside, one of the key works (script and film) of the French artist, symbolist and initiate, Jean Cocteau, was The Eagle with Two Heads (French title L'aigle à deux têtes).

I believe the symbol really comes from the twin heads of the Roman Empire, Rome and Byzantium. Alexander the Great also separated his empire into an east and a west, which goes back to the older Greek war with Persia I suppose.

Quote:When you are able, in this thread or perhaps a new dedicated one, I would like to learn more of your research into why manufactured assassins, or patsies, bear the description of Candidates from Manchuria.

Doesn't that have to do with a Manchu assuming the Throne of Heaven under Japanese protection and becoming the undertaker for imperial China? Plus it's close to Korea but isn't Korea, so it works for fictionalization while the Korean conflict was underway...

At last: Shickshinny Knights of Malta linked to the Draper/Vonsiatsky Condon ManCand crowds - John Bevilaqua - 12-12-2009

Helen Reyes Wrote:I can't get through that initial wall of text all in one sitting, but my initial thought is that this goes a long way toward explaining george de mohrenschildt's origins and alliances. it might also help to explain how bell helicopter received designs from the third reich scientists, which i understand is the case. is there a pseudo-royal house of abkhazia? I remember coming across an old lady in canada who was a princess of abkhazia and had come by way of the far east, china, maybe harbin. anyway, i assumed she was tied into the white russian community there.

I certainly agree with you about Georgie boy and his Harbin born wife, Jeanne. I also think that Oswald performed several programmed assassination assignments for unknown intelligence agencies, in his lifetime and that the time he spent alone in Berlin, away from Marina, on the way back to Rotterdam in June of 1962, to return to the USA was devoted to an assassination attempt on the life of Yaroslaw Stetsko who was visiting that city. Stetsko was head of the Anti-Bolshevik Nations and a close fiend of Spas T. Raikin's and Charles Willoughby's. After Oswald failed at that murder try, (See Murder to Order about Bogdhan Stashinsky) someone followed him to the SS MASDAAM and told Spas T. Raikin to go meet the boat in Hoboken, NJ when they arrived. Instead of killing him or having him killed, Spas T. Raikin "high-jacked" him as the perfect patsy or as a robot killer and put them in contact with Georgie boy and the rest is now history.

And the roles of Nazi Rocket Scientists at NASA on the Kennedy Space Mission and at Bell Helicopter have been well documented by several others.

As to your question about the house of abkhazia, I know nothing about them.

Here is another really strange irony which first attracted me to the OSJ about 10-15 years ago:

The official extended title of the organization is:

The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of (The Island of) Rhodes and of (The Island of) Malta,

My name is John and I am now from Rhode Island and I was raised by a father who taught at several military academies. He was the personal Spanish tutor to "Wild Bill" Donovan of the "Georgetown Set" and he had to receive a "Secret" or maybe even "Top Secret" clearance in order to do this. My mother was involved in law enforcement and police intelligence work and she is a devout Roman Catholic and I once worked on a project for the Sovereign Bank of New England. Strange huh?

Thank you for your comments.

At last: Shickshinny Knights of Malta linked to the Draper/Vonsiatsky Condon ManCand crowds - Helen Reyes - 12-12-2009

John Bevilaqua Wrote:And the roles of Nazi Rocket Scientists at NASA on the Kennedy Space Mission and at Bell Helicopter have been well documented by several others
Paperclip, of course, but it doesn't go all the way to explain the Payne connection.

Quote:Here is another really strange irony which first attracted me to the OSJ about 10-15 years ago:

The official extended title of the organization is:

The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of (The Island of) Rhodes and of (The Island of) Malta,

My name is John and I am now from Rhode Island and I was raised by a father who taught at several military academies. He was the personal Spanish tutor to "Wild Bill" Donovan of the "Georgetown Set" and he had to receive a "Secret" or maybe even "Top Secret" clearance in order to do this. My mother was involved in law enforcement and police intelligence work and she is a devout Roman Catholic and I once worked on a project for the Sovereign Bank of New England. Strange huh?

Thank you for your comments.

Really strange. I noticed something strange too: if you write OSJ in Latin, it would be OSI, wouldn't it? Naval intelligence or something...heheh

At last: Shickshinny Knights of Malta linked to the Draper/Vonsiatsky Condon ManCand crowds - John Bevilaqua - 12-12-2009

Helen Reyes Wrote:
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:As an aside, one of the key works (script and film) of the French artist, symbolist and initiate, Jean Cocteau, was The Eagle with Two Heads (French title L'aigle à deux têtes).

I believe the symbol really comes from the twin heads of the Roman Empire, Rome and Byzantium. Alexander the Great also separated his empire into an east and a west, which goes back to the older Greek war with Persia I suppose.

Quote:When you are able, in this thread or perhaps a new dedicated one, I would like to learn more of your research into why manufactured assassins, or patsies, bear the description of Candidates from Manchuria.

Doesn't that have to do with a Manchu assuming the Throne of Heaven under Japanese protection and becoming the undertaker for imperial China? Plus it's close to Korea but isn't Korea, so it works for fictionalization while the Korean conflict was underway...

Also very plausible. But read my response about Vonsiatsky's and de Mohrenschildts White Russian HQ in Harbin, Manchuria (Manchuoko) where he and his close fiends engaged in mind control, programming of Japanese Kamikaze pilots and programmed assassins which he sent on suicide missions into Russia directly from Harbin according to Prof. John Stephan in "The Russian Fascists." Plus Condon came up with the term and the title since his novel was all about the OSJ, Anastase Vonsiatsky (Lou Amjac), Wickliffe Draper and Eugenics and the use of Mind Control and assassination to accomplish their objectives of Regime Change. Condon also references about 10 previously identified members of SKOM and SMOM in fact present in this article taken from the OSJ site in fact. (Multiple undisclosed authors is my guess for the OSJ website article, David.)

The OSJ and the Military Affairs Committee of SKOM were very real, very dedicated and devoted and very, very dangerous and violent, too. They were ruthless murderers, violent psychotics and they specialized in Regime Change when the current ruler of any country showed any favoritism towards Communism or anti-Catholic or anti-Mother Church behavior. Both Willoughby, Morris, del Valle, Draper, Cline, Thurmond, Angleton, Revilo Oliver, and Corso showed obvious signs of mental derangement as well later in their lives which they managed to conceal for decades.

I will attempt to reconstruct my research on Richard Condon's Dirty Dozen suspects in the JFK hit, from his ManCand novel into one small article. But you will have to suspend disbelief for a while as this thesis is developed because some of it will strain your credulity to the max. Just trust me on this. Spartacus Education Forum has dozens of postings on this topic, but the obfuscators, the debillitators, the deflectors and the disinformation specialists on Spartacus choose to ignore most if not all of the MK/ULTRA or ManCand evidence in the JFK hit. Condon knew who was behind the 1958 attempt on the life of Senator JFK in California and he knew who was going to kill him sometime in the future after that failed.

Helen, what is your major line of research into the JFK hit?

At last: Shickshinny Knights of Malta linked to the Draper/Vonsiatsky Condon ManCand crowds - John Bevilaqua - 12-12-2009

Helen Reyes Wrote:
John Bevilaqua Wrote:And the roles of Nazi Rocket Scientists at NASA on the Kennedy Space Mission and at Bell Helicopter have been well documented by several others
Paperclip, of course, but it doesn't go all the way to explain the Payne connection.

Quote:Here is another really strange irony which first attracted me to the OSJ about 10-15 years ago:

The official extended title of the organization is:

The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of (The Island of) Rhodes and of (The Island of) Malta,

My name is John and I am now from Rhode Island and I was raised by a father who taught at several military academies. He was the personal Spanish language tutor to "Wild Bill" Donovan, who was a devout Roman Catholic and a Knight of the OSJ and also the head of the O.S.S. and a member of the "Georgetown Set". My father had had to receive a "Secret" or maybe even "Top Secret" security clearance in order to do this. My mother was involved in law enforcement, and the security operations for the planned JFK motorcade in Miami and other police intelligence work and she is a devout Roman Catholic. I was born in Georgetown, delivered by the Kennedy family pediatrician, Dr. John Walsh from Georgetown Visitation Hospital and my brother and niece and nephew all graduated from Georgetown. I once worked for the Sovereign Bank and for G. H. Walker, Laird, Inc. which was started by George Herbert Walker (Bush) in St. Louis. Lyman Kirkpatrick's son George Kirkpatrick was my first manager there. William Nelson Cromwell (founding partner of Sullivan and Cromwell and the 20th Century's first Grand Prior of OSJ) who hired the brothers Dulles at Sullivan and Cromwell, turned the Order of Saint John into the modern world's FIRST technical intelligence gathering organization according to the entry in Wikipedia. I am the only person in the history of the world who was both a "Baby Boomer" AND a first generation American by birth who graduated from Harvard College. Both the Harvard Admissions Committee and the Eugenicists would say that what I did was not even considered remotely possible and they interviewed me for hours to determine how it could have been accomplished as if they could somehow package, emulate or replicate the formula. My IQ has been measured between 140 and 150 (borderline genius) at various times despite my affliction with Attention Deficit Disorder or perhaps in fact BECAUSE OF IT according to more recent theories. Order of St. John, John's Disorder, get it?
OK, so that one is a bit of a stretch. Strange huh?

Thank you for your comments.

Really strange. I noticed something strange too: if you write OSJ in Latin, it would be OSI, wouldn't it? Naval intelligence or something...heheh

How about the OSJ Hospitaller "Intelligence Services" becoming the Office of Strategic Services or O.S.S.? Office of Naval Intelligence was called ONI. Maybe 5-6 of the SKOM Armed Services Committee members were from ONI which included the Marine Corps, too, including the leading member of Condon's ManCand Dirty Dozen, Robert J. Morris who only made it to Lt. Commander thank God before he was scuttled and shuffled out the door.

Ah yes, the Paines. Spartacus Education has my posts on United Fruit, Boston Fruit Company and the attendants at the 1917 Draper-Taft wedding party where their close fiends were. The Paines had interests in United Fruit and their relatives were involved with the British East India Trading Company,
opium trade, Clipper Ship trade routes, Tobacco, Cotton, Tea and Spices, Rum and the illicit slave trade. Plus George Michael Evica linked the Paines into Draper and his Eugenics programs through their Unitarian Church and Albert Schweitzer College (ASC) connections as I recall as well. Oswald applied to the ASC as a ruse to get out of town. Check that out and feel free to snip and paste any paragraphs you wish from that site into postings here if you want some more clarifications or elaborations. I am very good at
that sort of thing apparently. Yadda... yadda... blah... blah.

Helen, do you know what the Latin phrase behind INRI actually is? Where did INRI appear in Biblical History? No fair doing a Bing or a Google on it either.

At last: Shickshinny Knights of Malta linked to the Draper/Vonsiatsky Condon ManCand crowds - John Bevilaqua - 12-12-2009

David Guyatt Wrote:This is a really interesting essay with many aspects worthy of serious consideration. Having read this document I also would like to know who authored it and on what sources the author drew, because I am pretty sure much of the information provided can only have derived from confidential/secret inside archives.

I also found it interesting that the meaning of the word “Corso”- as in Philip J Corso - (the mysterious “Lt. Col. XXXXXX Y ZZZZZ, OSJ” cited by Mr. Bevilaqua) is drawn from the word “Corsair” (as in the Knights Corso” meaning the spoils of their corsairing activities) which was one of the operations of these knightly orders (see:

One therefore wonders if the spoils of piracy was an accurate family name of Col. Philip Corso or simply a name chosen to reflect his interests? Probably the former, as names sometimes do fit the man with remarkable accuracy -- the same as pets often appear to share features very similar to their masters.

This article also reminds me very much of an English gentleman I once met who conducted an intense investigation of the English Order of the KNights of St. John who he believed were responsible for engineering the overthrowing the Australian Prime MInister, Gough Whitlam. On this subject he privately published a slim volume of his investigation which was dense with facts. And fascinating it was too. In that book he also made the claim that it was the KstJ who were responsible for the assassination of JFK and claimed he had that confirmed in a conversation with a representative of the KstJ who threatened his life if the ever revealed what he had learned. Having spoken to the author I didn’t doubt for a second his sincerity and depth of research and this allegation has always stayed with me. As I recall it he said that at the time Kennedy was shot the KstJ had a representative office/commanderie in Dallas (I think it was Dallas anyway - certainly a main Texan city).

Quote:Much of their knowledge had been gained from the
work of Monseigneur Jouin of France, who, with the blessing of the Pope, researched and wrote about secret societies involved with the occult and humanist movements.

I wonder if this included the Tolouse based occult Martinist Order which had Papus as its chief? According to one author The Protocols of the Priory of Zion was probably a Martinist document that was hijacked and then used as a false flag template for a Jewish World conspiracy, when it in fact was concealing forces altogether different. To my mind this seems likely.

I can not contribute anything of value or interest to this issue of "Corso" vs. "Corsair", but Jan K. has a posting and a video about someone named David Corso who might be a relative. Check it out.

And your informant's comments about KStJ or OSJ (whichever) are to me very relevant, very cogent and quite accurate. I will leave this Earth convinced that OSJ, SMOM and especially the Military Affairs Committee of the Shickshinny Knights of Malta were the main if not the sole force behind the plot to kill JFK with the help of the Draper, Farish, Bush and Gray Eugenics clans. I have a list of the 25 members of the SKOM MAC from the mid-1960's if anyone wants me to publish it.

Tell me more about the Tolouse based occult Martinist Order.

I thought The Protocols came via Boris Brasol and his friends. Maybe he just translated it into English. Do you know the history of Boris Brasol and Robert J. Morris and Vonsiatsky and Bill Buckley, Jr. with Draper?

At last: Shickshinny Knights of Malta linked to the Draper/Vonsiatsky Condon ManCand crowds - Magda Hassan - 12-12-2009

John Bevilaqua Wrote:I have a list of the 25 members of the SKOM MAC from the mid-1960's if anyone wants me to publish it.

Yes please John. Feel free to post anything relevant here.

At last: Shickshinny Knights of Malta linked to the Draper/Vonsiatsky Condon ManCand crowds - John Bevilaqua - 12-12-2009

More later on these Members of the SKOM Armed Services Committee in the graphical file to be uploaded...

At last: Shickshinny Knights of Malta linked to the Draper/Vonsiatsky Condon ManCand crowds - John Bevilaqua - 12-12-2009

If anyone has any other information on any of these characters please share and post it.

IMHO, these members with quoted citations were the ones behind the assassination of JFK and the resulting regime change to Johnson, Nixon, Ford then Reagan. I will believe this with unalterable conviction until the day I can no longer type or think clearly.

Members of the Armed Services Committee of Shickshinny Knights of Malta

United States Marine Corps . 2

General Lemuel C. Shepard, USMC, (Retired)

Lt. Gen. Pedro A. del Valle, USMC, (Retired) (On the Board of The Liberty Lobby and a Wickliffe Draper frequent correspondent and close associate according to Prof. Wm. F. Tucker who wrote Scientific Racism. Pedro A. del Valle, was born in Puerto Rico and was later fired by ITT for anti-Semitic remarks and later he invited an ex-Nazi to Naval Academy to make a speech.)

Department of the Army - 12

Lt. Gen. Clovis E. Byers, USA, (Retired)

Major Gen. Charles A. Willoughby, USA, (Retired) (Liberty lobby) What can you say about Willoughby which has not already been documented? MacArthur's "Little Fascist" and the person accused of allowing Pearl Harbor to occur on his watch both unobstructed and without a response. Cornered the Soy Beans Futures market with H.L. Hunt then fabricated the incident leading to the onset of The Korean War according to Prof. Bruce Cumings in Origins of the Korean War Volume II.

Major Gen. Allen Delamater,USA (Retired)
Major Gen. Douglas T. Greene, USA (Retired)
Brigadier General H. Terry Morrison, USA (Retired)

Brigadier General Bonner Fellers, USA (Retired) (Manchurian Candidate) Fellers was stationed in Cairo, Egypt and was in charge of relaying Monty's tank movements to James Angleton in Rome, Italy who was with the O.S.S.
Angleton sent these communications to Rommel and made him out to be a Desert Fox when in fact he had advanced notification of all of Monty's plans and their execution.

Brigadier General Edwin Cox, USA (Retired)
Brigadier General j. Harry LaBrum, USA (Retired)

Lt. Colonel Philip J. Corso, USA (Retired) (Emissary to Giovanni Batista Montini in Italy) Admitted to running the Nazi Rat Lines for the next Pope Paul VI who took his advice on every Nazi seeking asylum. For the difficult cases of real Nazis, Corso had them sent out the back door of the Vatican to a waiting Jeep disguised to look like a real MP Jeep and then sent them on their way to Argentina or Canada.

Colonel Catesby jones, USA (Retired)
Colonel George Stewart, USAF (Retired)
Colonel John M. Johnson, USA (Retired)

European Representatives - 1
Lord Malcolm Douglas-Hamilton, OBE, DFC, RAF (British isolationist and racialist) His brother, Donald, was the host for Rudolph Hess after he secretly parachuted into Great Britain under cover of darkness. Arranged to meet with The Cliveden Set to discuss concept of collaboration with the Nazis.
Alger Hiss in his autobiography later blamed The Cliveden Set for his demise.

Sir Barry Edward Domville, KBE, CB, CMG (British Admiral and Fascist)
Was removed from service and jailed as a Nazi spy by the British but later joined with SKOM with his other like minded fiends.

Marquis de Amodio, CB, CBE, MC, possibly from Franco's Spain or Portugal

Department of the Navy - 8

Vice Admiral Harold Davies Baker, USN (Retired)
Rear Admiral Arthur A. de la Houssaye, USN (Retired)
Rear Admiral Robert lee Porter, USN (Retired)
Rear Admiral Herbert S. Howard, USN (Retired)
Rear Admiral Richard Blackburn Black, USN (Retired)
Rear Admiral Francis T. Spellman, USN (Retired)
Rear Admiral Francis W. Benson, USN (Retired)
Commodore Howard H. I. Benson, USN (Retired)

Abbreviations used in the honorary or actual awards:

OBE= Order of the British Empire
KBE= Knight of the British Empire
DFC= Distinguished Flying Cross
RAF = Royal Air Force

At last: Shickshinny Knights of Malta linked to the Draper/Vonsiatsky Condon ManCand crowds - David Guyatt - 12-12-2009

Quote:My take on the origin of this term is a lot different than the common, generally accepted one. Based on the contents of the book called "The Russian Fascists" by Prof. John J. Stephan (Little, Brown 1979) Still available at I determined that Anastase Vonsiatsky had his headquarters in Harbin, Manchuoko, (Manchuria) where many of his like-minded White Russians were living out their diaspora waiting for their "annointed savior" and fearless leader "Annie" to lead them out of their dilemma and retake Mother Russia for them and for the other pro-Czarist White Russians located in Paris, France and other major cities. See Chapter titled: "The Manchurian Mafia".

This is fascinating and I feel sure that there was another reason why these Russian fascists headquartered themselves in Harbin, Manchuko (assuming the date of this “exodus” was post Russian Revolution?).

It is a little known fact these days that circa 1918 the entire Tsar’s treasury was plundered and shipped by train (as I remember it now there were 80 odd cars). This train was under the supervision of a British Army officer (I am told) who was in control of the entire Russian railway network behalf of the Allied Expeditionary Force who had entered Russia at this time to (presumably) safeguard their interests.

Anyway, cutting to the chase ----- the train bearing the Tsar’s gold disappeared from the face of the world.

Back when I was investigating these things there were good and sound reason to conclude that most of this plunder ended up in Manchuoko and, in particular Harbin. And by a strange twist of fate, it was Harbin where the WWII Japanese plunder teams were headquartered. And by an even stranger twist of fate, in the late 1990’s the Russian government was still trying to trace the whereabouts of the Tsar’s gold and had made (or were in the process of making) legal claims against the Japanese government for purloining these treasures. This little and intriguing snippet of stately dispute promptly disappeared from the news pages never to reappear again. Ever.

Of course, the Japanese royal household of those times were closely allied with the British royal household and it just so happens (I am further told) that the unnamed (actually I do know his name) British Army officer who shunted trains for a living grew up on a royal estate in Scotland.

That naughty officer also diverted all the White Russian reinforcement and munitions trains from Moscow thus ensuring that an almost certain victory of the White Russian army over the Reds failed most miserably. History thence saw Russia become communist. And the British Army officer in question thereafter penned a letter to an unnamed superior (not necessarily his senior militarily speaking) saying words to these effect “you will understand why I did this” (i.e., divert the military reinforcement and munitions trains from Moscow).

Thank you John for the kindness of your apology. On Martinism there have been various posts on this forum, principally, I believe, as it relates to the oh so very fake Priory of Sion aspect of the best selling book Holy Blood Holy Grail. But more also including the miserable Protocols, the UFO angle (which you’ve briefly mentioned earlier in your introduction) and JFK and Paedophilia and, oh well, it seems to lead almost everywhere in fact. Just enter the term in the search function and you’ll see the various threads I think.

And I’m all sure we are very happy for you to provide here any research on these fascinating (and for me very important) subjects, so please fire away.