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"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Printable Version

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"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Magda Hassan - 02-11-2010

Does this mean he is on a 7 figure salary now?

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Phil Dragoo - 02-11-2010

I am doubly pleased to have in my possession (thanks to the generosity of a fellow researcher) a copy of Judyth's Me & Lee at my elbow to pick up as soon as I've finished the highly-recommended and invaluable Murder in Dealey Plaza.

And speaking of Dealey Plaza, it's a slam-dunk it would only be concerned with historical accuracy in the manner of Warren, Posner, Bugliosi and the person apparently working pro bono--hence would not carry the above-named tomes.

[Image: feqark.jpg]

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Ed Jewett - 22-04-2011

While offline recently for an extended period of time, I read "Dr. Mary's Monkey".

I'll just keep reading and dealing with the local situations within my reach and ability while trying to increase my ability and capacity.

Point and case:
"Dr. Mary's Monkey: How the unsolved murder of a doctor, a secret laboratory in New Orleans and cancer-causing monkey viruses are linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK assassination and emerging global epidemics", especially chapter 9 entitled "the treatise" (referencing the texts found to have been in the possession of the wandering bishop David Ferrie, and with specific reference to the as-yet unread "THE VIRUS AND THE VACCINE: THE TRUE STORY OF A CANCER CAUSING MONKEY VIRUS, CONTAMINATED POLIO VACCINE, AND THE MILLIONS OF AMERICANS EXPOSED" by Debbie Bookchin and Jim Schumaker.

Some reference how "their" money is wasted on investigative witch hunts, but I have a skin in this game of a different nature.

And I wonder how this correlates to the findings in Seymour's "The Last Circle".

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Ed Jewett - 18-05-2011

Chapter 15 of Me and Lee [page 280-281] recounts the meeting on Saturday, May 11, 1963 between Dr. Mary Sherman, the author Judith Vary Baker, Lee Harvey Oswald, and David Ferrie. [In reverse order, the four players in this vignette are: the wandering bishop noted in Peter Levenda's "Sinister Forces"; the alleged "lone nut" patsied by the security state he worked for and killed on live television by Jacob Rubenstein, better known as Jack "Sparky" Ruby; the author (a youthful savant in cancer research); and an expert on bone tumors whose own strange un-investigated murder was the focus of a cover-up.

After the meetings and greetings, the finger sandwiches and fruit compote, "Dave said, "Listen to this... Dr. Heath tells new technique. Electrical impulses sent deep into brain… (a patient)… had tiny wires implanted into precise spots in his brain. The wires were attached to a self-stimulator box, which was equipped at a push of a button to deliver a tiny, electrical impulse to the brain…" Dave paused to let what he was reading sink in. "I wonder how many brains Heath went through before he had success with these two? How long did it take to find those "precise spots" in their brains with his hot little wires?"

"Dr. Ochsner would never do such a thing," Dr. Mary said, pouring me some tea.

"It sounds like science fiction," Dave said. "Who knows what kind of mind control could be exerted over brain, 20 or 30 years from now?" [But see "Controlling the Human Mind - The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance" by Nick Begich, Jr., the son of the Congressman killed with Hale Boggs, the most vocal critic among the Warren Commission members, in an Alaskan plane crash.]

"I doubt John Q. Public will ever have a clue," Dr. Mary replied. "They certainly have no idea they were getting cancer-causing monkey viruses in their polio vaccines," she added bitterly. Seeing my expression of shock, Dr. Mary went on to explain that she and a few others had privately protested the marketing of the SV 40-contaminated polio vaccine, but to no avail. The government continued to allow the distribution of millions of doses of the contaminated vaccine in America and abroad.

She said she was told that the new batches of the vaccine would be free of the cancerous virus, but privately she doubted it, noting that the huge stockpile of vaccines she knew were contaminated had not been recalled. To recall them would damage the public's public's confidence, she explained....."

* * * * * * * * *

"In 1957 Sarah Stewart M.D. PhD of the National Cancer Institute and Bernice Eddy, M.D. PhD of the National Institute of Health discovered SE poyoma, a cancer-causing virus present in their laboratory animals. It was soon cataloged as simian virus 40 (SV40), and its origin traced to monkeys. Studies around the world soon confirmed SV 40 as a cancer-causing agent.

Upon the discovery that SV 40 was present in both of the polio vaccines produced from rhesus monkey kidney cells, a new federal law passed in 1961 mandated future vaccines should not contain this virus. However, this law did not require that SV 40 contaminated vaccine stocks already produced be destroyed, so distribution of the tainted vaccine continued until 1963. Bottom line: the Boston Globe estimated that 198 million Americans were inoculated with SV 40-contaminated vaccines between 1955 and 1963. Some critics have alleged that SV 40 remained in the polio vaccines until the 1990s. Recent biopsies of tumors found SV 40 in a variety of soft-tissue cancers, although the American government continued to dispute its causal role.

Page 281, "Me and Lee"

* * * * * * * * * *

"Dr. Mary explained that several of the children in the polio ward at actually been crippled by the faulty polio vaccine. This was another reason Dr. Sherman was discretely engaged in polio vaccine research, and why she was so interested in the cancer-causing virus that had contaminated the polio vaccines. Dr. Ochsner's horrific experience with the flawed polio vaccine that had killed his grandson and cripple his granddaughter put these two colleagues on the same page. Both were aware of the SV 40 contaminants still present in millions of doses of the vaccine, and both doctors realized its potential to cause an epidemic of cancer in the future.

For professional and political reasons both were publicly silent as the probe-vaccine propaganda machine churned out fresh publicity aimed at the unsuspecting citizen citizenry. They quietly search for a solution. Perhaps a benign strain of SP 40 to be used as a basis for vaccine. But as the political landscape changed, their well-intentioned covert medical project had gotten tangled up with the fanaticism and "patriotism" of the moment, and had been perverted into a biological weapon to kill Fidel Castro. We had to live with the knowledge that our government was withholding the truth about the safety of the new polio vaccine. Because I had been raised to trust my government, the shock to my young, patriotic soul was devastating."

Page 329, "Me and Lee"

**** **** *****

"We've created a galloping cancer," [said Judyth Baker].… We are developing this weapon to eliminate a head of state. But what if we get Castro? Will they really just throw this stuff away?"

"It could be used as a weapon of mass distraction," [said Lee Harvey Oswald] simply.

"Yes… think I'll Hitler would have loved this, to use against the Jews in those camps. They could say a plague went through."

"Or to eliminate Negroes in Africa," Lee said with a cold tone in his voice."

Page 391, "Me and Lee"

**** **** ****

My wife was born in 1950 and received her polio vaccination in 1956. I met her in February of 1975 at a seminar and was spiritually betrothed to her the Friday, the 14th, on which I parted from her. She is my funny valentine. "She is battling recurrent breast cancer (new lesions, one on each side) after beating the first occurrence 17 years ago. Recently she had a bilateral simple mastectomy, is completing a' taxoter-rific' course of chemotherapy, will undergo five weeks of weekday radiation treatments, and another five years of hormonal treatments. She is treated by a leading veteran oncologist affiliated with Harvard, and she and I both agree, after dealing with him and his team for months, that there is something they are not telling us.

Somewhere, too, there is a reference to the fact that the fellow selected to head the Rockefeller-funded Sloan-Kettering cancer treatment programs in New York is a veteran of the US chemical warfare world.

**** **** ******

Additional information comes from the book Dr. Mary's Monkey, written by Edward T. Haslam, published by TrineDay in 2007. The author is the son of his father of the same name, a professor of orthopedic surgery at Tulane University in New Orleans, a commander in the United States Navy. In the foreword, Jim Marrs notes an earlier book in which Haslam "was one of the first to bring to the public the now well-documented story of how the polio vaccines of the 50s were adulterated with the cancer-causing virus derived from monkey glands. Federal certification officers were aware of the possibility of the polio vaccine being defective but were pressured into approving the vaccine by powerful medical interests, including Dr. Alton Ochsner of New Orleans.

Once the magnitude of the cancer-causing viruses in the polio vaccines became known, a massive covert effort was undertaken in an attempt to find a cure or a preventative....."

***** ****

In the prologue of the book by Haslam, he recalls a conversation with his father about something that had been "going on that the US PHS Hospital" in New Orleans. a description of his father and his career can be found at the bottom of page 3.

"In the late 60s, I heard about Mary Sherman's connection to an underground medical laboratory run by a suspect in the murder of Pres. Kennedy. I was told there were using monkey viruses to create cancer. The possibility of this being used as a biological weapon was clear. The dark specter of unleashing the desired designer virus on the world haunted me. I even offered a sarcastic comment that the time: "the good news is if there's a bizarre global epidemic involving cancer and a monkey virus 30 years from now, at least we'll know where it came from." [Emphasis by the author]…

As I poured over the official cancer statistics from the National Cancer Institute, I saw the dimensions of the massive epidemic of soft tissue cancers that had swept our country. An epidemic that had been all but ignored by our watchdog press. An epidemic that could reasonably be explained by the cancer-causing monkey viruses that had contaminated the polio vaccine of my youth.… I also noticed that names connected to the polio vaccine were names connected to Mary Sherman and to the investigation of the JFK assassination. I began to suspect that those secrets were somehow intertwined. A web of secrecy surrounding our national health. In the locking secrets that protected each other. Secrets which presented serious accountability problems for the people in power. I remember the warning my father had given me. I could see how unwelcome this news would be in many circles."

Haslam went on to self-publish a book in 1995 entitled "Mary, Ferrie and the monkey virus: the story of an underground medical laboratory." He could afford only print 1000 copies but did so with the hope the story might attract the publisher. Eventually 60 Minutes, the CBS-TV news show, contacted the author. They were investigating a woman who said that she had been in the underground medical laboratory I had written about in my book. That she knew Mary Sherman. That she had been trained to handle cancer-causing viruses. That she had been part of the effort to develop a biological weapon. That she knew Lee Harvey Oswald. 60 Minutes interviewed me in November 2000, having interviewed her and other researchers and journalists, but finally they decided not to air the story.

Three years later, in November 2003, the History Channel aired a story about the same underground medical laboratory. It was part of their series "the men who killed Kennedy". A week later the History Channel reversed course the episode was withdrawn from circuit circulation, and has never been aired again.

"In the field of virus research, radioactive medical experiments greatly increased the danger of an already dangerous scenario. They introduced the capability of mutating viruses or been known to be deadly, and raise the possibility of creating both new vaccines and new super diseases.

Some of the scientists involved in the field of monkey virus experiments got extremely nervous about the dangers of such experiments, and warned their colleagues in the mid-1960s that of one of these monkey viruses mutated into a more lethal form and got into the human blood supply, there could be a global epidemic which would be unstoppable, given the current level of medical knowledge!" [See Zoonoses of Primates by Fiennes, Page 149.]

Haslam notes on pages 23-26 that the Delta Regional Primate Center in Louisiana opened its doors in November 1964 with Tulane University serving as the host institution. Its $4 million per year operating budget came directly from the US government's National Institutes of Health.

Peter Gerone had been the director for 23 years, appointed in 1971, after having left the U.S. Army's biological warfare Center at Fort Dietrich, where he had been one of their experiments on airborne transmission of diseases, as was Frank Olson, the focus of H. P. Albarelli's book "A Terrible Mistake".

"In 1975 he collaborated with representatives of the Defense Nuclear Agency, the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, and the U.S. Army medical research Institute of Infectious Diseases to attend an NCI-sponsored symposium on "biohazards and zoonotic problems of primate procurement, quarantines, and research." There he presented his paper on "bio-hazards of experimentally infected primates." [Haslam noted Guillermo's Monkey Business, page 173, as well as the article on cancer warfare by Richard Hatch in Covert Action, Winter 1991-1992 issue, age 18.]

Dr. Mary Sherman, whom we met above, was noted posthumously to be "internationally known bone specialist"; she was an associate professor at a prominent medical school engaged in monkey virus research, director of her cancer laboratory at an internationally famous medical clinic, and chairman of the pathologic committee of one of the most elite medical societies in America [the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons]. The medical articles she wrote were quoted for half a century. "So we asked the question again: what was a highly trained medical professional with impeccable credentials doing in an underground medical laboratory run by a political extremist with no formal medical training?"

"Kennedy's White House and the CIA had very different ideas about how to stop communism, especially the expansion of Soviet influence in the Western Hemisphere. This policy dispute erupted into open conflict between the two camps. Many of the CIA's activities worn traceable even by the CIA Inspector General. [Its] "undocumented expenditures" essentially meant that the CIA was refusing to be controlled by the White House. The situation oscillated between insubordination entries in. In 1975 when the Senate Intelligence Committee finally looked into these activities, Chairman Frank Church likened the CIA's activities to "a rogue elephant rampaging out of control". Actually the problem was even deeper. The question: who is running the government?" [Page 98-99]

On page 160, Haslam includes a picture of Dr. Alton Ochsner with William "Wild Bill" Donovan, both elected officers of the American Cancer Society.

Donovan, of course, was a celebrity in military intelligence circles. "He founded and directed the Office of Strategic Services, the WWII predecessor of the CIA. Much of the CIA's Cold War leadership was recruited from Donovan's New York law firm. Haslam had been reading Jim DiEugenio's book "Destiny Betrayed: JFK, Cuba and the Garrison case" which noted that Ochsner was president and founder of the information Council of the Americas (INCA) which produced and distributed anti-Communist radio messages to Latin America. Ochsner was also president of the Cordell Hull Foundation, and had as one of his patients the mega-wealthy Clint Murchison of the Texas oil family. Haslam notes that the FBI maintained a file on Dr. Ochsner which shows his long relationship with the US military, the FBI, and other US government agencies.

On page 181, Haslam notes the testimony to Congress of Adm. Stansfield Turner when he was the director of the CIA, indicating to Congress that the CIA had funded 159 medical facilities around the country for the purpose of contacting covert medical research. The funding was done in conjunction with Congress Hill-Burton fund. The CIA supplied seed money through blind third parties, and then the facility received matching funds as a Hill-Burton grant. When the facility was completed, the agency had access to a portion of the hospital's bed space for its purposes. [The author notes as his source: U.S. Congress, "Project MKUltra, the CIA's program of research in behavioral modification", joint hearing before the select committee on intelligence and the subcommittee on health and scientific research of the committee of human resources, U.S. Senate, August 3, 1977, especially the letter from Stansfield Turner to Intelligence Committee Chairman Sen. Daniel Inouye in appendix B.]

Chapter 9, entitled "The Treatise", in "Dr. Mary's Monkey" is where the rubber meets the road on the issue of cancers, polio vaccine etc.

Jim Garrison, in a Playboy interview [f you don't know who Jim Garrison is, you should bypass "Go" and its income and go directly to jail without a Get out of Jail free' card] noted a "medical treatise" written by David Ferrie on the subject of inducing cancer virally. Edward Haslam, after searching for this document, received a phone call from Jim DiEugenio noting that "the treatise" had been found. It is reproduced as Document A on page 347 of the book.

The entire chapter is a superb description of what Haslam on page 22 termed "... a fermenting mash of science, secrecy, patriotism, power, paranoia, and extremism. It is not a pretty picture. It involves death, disease, covert wars, and the quiet hand of power…"

Thanks, boys.


"… Spin Control, Perception Management, Reality engineering, Operation Mockingbird, the Great Wurlitzer, whatever you call it: the strategic psychological operations designed to manipulate our media and cover-up the mega-misdeeds of flagrant corruption keep us all woefully aware of the base reality and engulfing our institutions, our history and… our future. Ignorance is bliss?

Agnotology is the "scientific study of culturally induced ignorance": such as when intelligence agencies or other shadow players use their behind-the-scenes capabilities of media spin to conceal scurrilous activities and agendas. Gaming the system and us.

The cost of this mercenary connivance is our heritage, our liberty, our freedom, our country and… our future. For without an honest dialogue, we become puppets of rhetoric: robotics serfs in a corporate-controlled world, mere pre-programmed economic units instead of vital sovereign human beings. As has been said, "perfect slaves think they are free."

From the publisher's foreword (dated July 14, 2010) found in the book "Me and Lee: how I came to know, love and lose Lee Harvey Oswald", by Judith Vary Baker, TrineDay 2010.

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Jan Klimkowski - 18-05-2011

Quote:Chapter 15 of Me and Lee [page 280-281] recounts the meeting on Saturday, May 11, 1963 between Dr. Mary Sherman, the author Judith Vary Baker, Lee Harvey Oswald, and David Ferrie. [In reverse order, the four players in this vignette are: the wandering bishop noted in Peter Levenda's "Sinister Forces"; the alleged "lone nut" patsied by the security state he worked for and killed on live television by Jacob Rubenstein, better known as Jack "Sparky" Ruby; the author (a youthful savant in cancer research); and an expert on bone tumors whose own strange un-investigated murder was the focus of a cover-up.

After the meetings and greetings, the finger sandwiches and fruit compote, "Dave said, "Listen to this... Dr. Heath tells new technique. Electrical impulses sent deep into brain… (a patient)… had tiny wires implanted into precise spots in his brain. The wires were attached to a self-stimulator box, which was equipped at a push of a button to deliver a tiny, electrical impulse to the brain…" Dave paused to let what he was reading sink in. "I wonder how many brains Heath went through before he had success with these two? How long did it take to find those "precise spots" in their brains with his hot little wires?"

"Dr. Ochsner would never do such a thing," Dr. Mary said, pouring me some tea.

"It sounds like science fiction," Dave said. "Who knows what kind of mind control could be exerted over brain, 20 or 30 years from now?" [But see "Controlling the Human Mind - The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance" by Nick Begich, Jr., the son of the Congressman killed with Hale Boggs, the most vocal critic among the Warren Commission members, in an Alaskan plane crash.]

"I doubt John Q. Public will ever have a clue," Dr. Mary replied. "They certainly have no idea they were getting cancer-causing monkey viruses in their polio vaccines," she added bitterly. Seeing my expression of shock, Dr. Mary went on to explain that she and a few others had privately protested the marketing of the SV 40-contaminated polio vaccine, but to no avail. The government continued to allow the distribution of millions of doses of the contaminated vaccine in America and abroad.

She said she was told that the new batches of the vaccine would be free of the cancerous virus, but privately she doubted it, noting that the huge stockpile of vaccines she knew were contaminated had not been recalled. To recall them would damage the public's public's confidence, she explained....."

The essentials of my concern about this account are as follows:

i) Robert G Heath was a genuine "doctor" performing electronic stimulation of brains in his department at Tulane. Heath was an MK-ULTRA contractor. I have personally interviewed several adults who claimed that Heath experimented on them as children. They have no documentary proof of this claim. However, they provided certain circumstantial details which are intriguing and provocative. Fundamentally, though, Heath's attempts to control the human brain through electronic stimulation administered within a Behaviourist and Pavlovian framework FAILED;

ii) the contamination of polio vaccine with SV-40 has been known since 1960. Here's a mainstream scientific account. Full version in the Journal of Clinical Oncology here:

Quote:The discovery of SV40 was reported in 1960 as a contaminant present in polio vaccine stocks.1 At this time, polio vaccine was being produced in primary kidney cells and tissue harvested from rhesus and cynomolgus macaques. Safety testing of vaccine preparations on cultures of African green monkey kidney cells uncovered the presence of SV40, a "vacuolating agent," that induced a cytopathic effect in some cultures.1 SV40 was detected in preparations of both the inactivated, or Salk, poliovirus vaccine and the live attenuated, or Sabin, poliovirus vaccine. In the United States, the Salk inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) was used to inoculate 98 million children and adults between 1955 and 1963, whereas about 10,000 people received the Sabin oral polio vaccine (OPV) through clinical trials between 1959 and 1961.2,3 Because OPV was not licensed in the United States until 1963, after the establishment of government regulations requiring all poliovirus vaccine to be free of SV40, vaccination with IPV from 1955 to 1963 is thought to be the primary source of human exposure to SV40 in the United States. An adenovirus vaccine developed by the United States military and used to vaccinate Army recruits during this period was also found to be highly contaminated with SV40.4 However, because of its limited distribution, this vaccine is not thought to have posed a significant risk for exposure of SV40 into the general population.

Both the Salk and Sabin vaccines, including poliovirus stocks, cell cultures, and the methodologies necessary to generate the vaccine, were distributed to many countries throughout the world. In at least some instances, vaccines produced in other countries were also contaminated with SV40 virus. A recent report provides evidence that some polio vaccines prepared by an Eastern European vaccine manufacturer were contaminated with SV40 and used in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as late as 1978.5

So, the quotes attributed to David Ferrie and Dr Mary Sherman are potentially possible.

The Fascist Dream of Control Through Electrical Implants (be it Heath or Delgado) is naturally concerning.

It is also entirely likely that any 1960s vaccine insider with knowledge of laboratory mutagenicity tests on SV40 would have been incredibly worried.

I've made films investigating and exposing Big Pharma, and the fundamental motivation of the multinationals is not the Curing or Eradication of Disease. It is the Maximisation of Profit. A certain amount of Disease is Good for Business.

However, my core fear is that, from matters which have some historical basis and should concern us all, a sugary confection has been baked.

The Lovers, Lee and Judyth, get the best lines in this screenplay:

Quote:"We've created a galloping cancer," [said Judyth Baker].… We are developing this weapon to eliminate a head of state. But what if we get Castro? Will they really just throw this stuff away?"

"It could be used as a weapon of mass distraction," [said Lee Harvey Oswald] simply.

"Yes… think I'll Hitler would have loved this, to use against the Jews in those camps. They could say a plague went through."

"Or to eliminate Negroes in Africa," Lee said with a cold tone in his voice."

Page 391, "Me and Lee"

Lines that are overblown, anachronistic, and strike me as hugely unlikely.

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Charles Drago - 18-05-2011

The dialogue?

Pure fiction.

And poorly rendered, D-movie dialogue at that.

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Jan Klimkowski - 18-05-2011

Charles Drago Wrote:The dialogue?

Pure fiction.

And poorly rendered, D-movie dialogue at that.


And the plot?

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Ed Jewett - 18-05-2011

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:... the contamination of polio vaccine with SV-40 has been known since 1960. Here's a mainstream scientific account. Full version in the Journal of Clinical Oncology here:

Well, my wife and I asked our primary school librarians to get us a copy of that journal when that article was published, but they couldn't find one. In the intervening years, of course, secondary school, college, family, employment and raising two kids to adulthood took precedence. My wife could now, as director of medical policy for a major health insuror, find a copy or ask her staff to hunt it down.

But I think I'll refrain from forwarding the link to her. :nurse:

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Jan Klimkowski - 19-05-2011

Ed Jewett Wrote:
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:... the contamination of polio vaccine with SV-40 has been known since 1960. Here's a mainstream scientific account. Full version in the Journal of Clinical Oncology here:

Well, my wife and I asked our primary school librarians to get us a copy of that journal when that article was published, but they couldn't find one. In the intervening years, of course, secondary school, college, family, employment and raising two kids to adulthood took precedence. My wife could now, as director of medical policy for a major health insuror, find a copy or ask her staff to hunt it down.

But I think I'll refrain from forwarding the link to her. :nurse:

Ed - for me the importance of that Journal of Clinical Oncology article does not lie so much in its conclusions about the role of SV40 in cancer, but in the mainstream scientific chronology that it establishes for awareness of the contamination of polio vaccine with SV40.

The article establishes that SV40 contamination was known by 1960. It does this by citing published clinical literature such as:

Sweet BH, Hilleman MR: The vacuolating virus, SV 40. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 105:420-427, 1960

Thus, it is possible that Dr Sherman knew of the SV40 issue at the time of the supposed Ferrie/Sherman/Oswald/Baker exchanges.

However, since I've personally destroyed peer-reviewed articles published in major clinical journals (eg The Lancet), and since I have not been able to study in detail all the relevant scientific literature around mutagenicity, and the credibllity of the design of epidemiological studies, etc etc etc, I merely note the article's conclusion that "there is inadequate evidence at this time to suggest widespread SV40 infection in the population or increased tumor incidence among those individuals who received contaminated vaccine".

The language is most important. In particular the use of the phrase "inadequate evidence" which can be translated as noone really knows.

"Dr. Mary's Monkey" - Steve Franklin - 19-05-2011

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:The Lovers, Lee and Judyth, get the best lines in this screenplay:

Quote:"We've created a galloping cancer," [said Judyth Baker].… We are developing this weapon to eliminate a head of state. But what if we get Castro? Will they really just throw this stuff away?"

"It could be used as a weapon of mass distraction," [said Lee Harvey Oswald] simply.

"Yes… think I'll Hitler would have loved this, to use against the Jews in those camps. They could say a plague went through."

"Or to eliminate Negroes in Africa," Lee said with a cold tone in his voice."

Page 391, "Me and Lee"
Lines that are overblown, anachronistic, and strike me as hugely unlikely.

If you're calling the term "weapon of mass destruction" anachronistic, there's a decent article at Wikipedia under that heading, which traces the first use in English to the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1937. It was used in reference to nuclear weapons as early as 1945.