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Another plane crash: a favorite method - Peter Lemkin - 29-12-2008

Wow! I just heard an interview with the lawyer who deposed Connell the day before the election! He was unable to answer many direct questions - as he is under court order to not disclose anything given in the deposition, but he laid-out who Connell was and he was involved in MUCH more than just fixing the elections. This one is HUGE and if it is true the MSM is not covering it - Amazing in its evil and silence! Connell was also involved in outing Plame; in the disappearence of the emails from Chaney's Office; in the Swiftboat stuff; used to work for the CIA and many of the 'private' intelligence companies; and much more. He had to die and I will state unequivocally - he was murdered!!!! He was threatened by Rove and friends told him NOT to fly. Does no one [outside of this Forum and other few aware] care that the USA now resembles a banana republic or the naicent Nazi state - where 'problems' are regularly murdered by agents of the men behind the curtain?!

Mike Connell's untimely death will haunt Karl Rove and the Republican Party. As the key witness in investigations into election fraud and the firing of US attorneys, Mike Connell informed investigators that he had received death threats.

Connell's testimony threatened to lead to the indictment of Karl Rove. Key allegations in the cases that were converging on Rove were to the effect that Connell was ordered to manipulate election returns in 2004 to deliver the presidency to George W. Bush instead of John Kerry who was leading the pre-election polls. A gifted IT expert, Connell was under investigation in the case of thousands of missing emails relevant to the probe into the politically motivated firing of US attorneys. In both cases, Karl Rove is the prime suspect.

The timing of Connell's death recalls the untimely death of George De Mohrenschildt who was scheduled to be the star witness in the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) in 1977. De Mohrenschildt was a close friend of Lee Harvey Oswald [and GHW Bush]. In February 1977, De Mohrenschildt granted interviews in Europe to the effect that he had direct personal knowledge of the conspiracy to assassinate JFK. Upon De Mohrenschildt's return to the USA in March, he was subpoenaed by the HSCA and scheduled to meet with Lead Investigator Gaeton Fonzi. When Fonzi arrived at De Mohrenschildt's residency in Palm Beach he discovered that his key witness had died, apparently by 'suicide' only a short time before the two men were to have met. De Mohrenschildt's death rocked the nation and was featured prominently on the front page of the New York Times. Other key witnesses in the HSCA were brutally assassinated or disappeared. Jimmy Hoffa, Sam Giancana and Johnny Rosselli were designated key witnesses for the HSCA, but they became victims of assassination before and during the Congressional hearings that gripped the nation in 1976-7. Other suspicious and untimely plane crashes involving high-ranking politicians include those of: U.N. Secretary General Dag Hamaskjold; Congressman Hale Boggs; Sanjay Gandhi ; General Zia Ul-Haq ; twenty MI5 officials aboard the ill-fated Chinook helicopter; Ron Brown and John F. Kennedy, Jr.

Another plane crash: a favorite method - Magda Hassan - 29-12-2008

Call me a cynic but I think this will just 'disappear' too. Nothing will come of it. Not with the 'Continuity We Can Believe In' team just coming in off the benches. It will be a smooth transition.

Another plane crash: a favorite method - David Guyatt - 29-12-2008

His death will save Bush the need to give Rove a get out of jail card before he leaves office I guess.

Another plane crash: a favorite method - Peter Lemkin - 29-12-2008

My mind might be boggled for a variety of reasons, but it is that most intelligent [sic] humans don't see the dots lined-up in a row.....our 'leaders' are not 'noble', nor even 'flawed' - they are cold-blooded murderers; in pursuit of money and power - money and power - they will do anything and HAVE (and will continue to, if not stopped!).

Another plane crash: a favorite method - Dawn Meredith - 29-12-2008

Magda Hassan Wrote:Call me a cynic but I think this will just 'disappear' too. Nothing will come of it. Not with the 'Continuity We Can Believe In' team just coming in off the benches. It will be a smooth transition.

I agree with Magda but am not totally certain I agree with her reasons. Yet.
(I am hanging onto a straw I realize). So I will post my thought- (wish)- that yes nothing will come of it or else we will have another assassinated president, this time with plenty of "racist" lone nuts to fill in as pre-planned patsy. Then again my wishful thinking that Obama "would if he could" is quickly giving way to the views of my co-founders, and other posters here: (Same old same old).

ps YES this could be a huge story, but Op Mockingbird won't go near it.
Does anyone have any idea how big this is becoming on the net?

Another plane crash: a favorite method - David Guyatt - 29-12-2008

Pete, I would argue that the education system reinforced by the deceitful preferences of the MSM shape peoples mindsets and that, in turn, inhibits creative and analytical thinking outside the box. Forums like this enable that sort of creative thinking and once someone has awakened they can never go back to sleep again.

Another plane crash: a favorite method - Myra Bronstein - 30-12-2008

Peter Lemkin Wrote:My mind might be boggled for a variety of reasons, but it is that most intelligent [sic] humans don't see the dots lined-up in a row.....our 'leaders' are not 'noble', nor even 'flawed' - they are cold-blooded murderers; in pursuit of money and power - money and power - they will do anything and HAVE (and will continue to, if not stopped!).

It's because most people, at least in the US, recoil from the dots that upset them. Americans tend to decide what to believe based on how it makes them feel. If information freaks them out then they shut it out. I don't know if other nationalities do it backassward--deciding what's true based on their emotions instead of deciding how they feel about the obvious truth--but that's how it's done here. The firewall of emotions doesn't let much data through.

Another plane crash: a favorite method - Dawn Meredith - 30-12-2008

Myra Bronstein Wrote:It's because most people, at least in the US, recoil from the dots that upset them. Americans tend to decide what to believe based on how it makes them feel. If information freaks them out then they shut it out. I don't know if other nationalities do it backassward--deciding what's true based on their emotions instead of deciding how they feel about the obvious truth--but that's how it's done here. The firewall of emotions doesn't let much data through.

Myra this is so damn true. I have encountered this for decades in attempting to introduce people to the truth re deep political matters. Americans (and Canadians) simply cannot accept it so they say it is not true. That it's a bunch of paranoid nonsense. No matter how well documented the research. Others refuse to read it saying "no time"...(just actively don't want to know.)

But David is also right: once a person finally wakes up they tend to remain so. Unless they suffer burn out and move on like some former assassination researchers I know. (No names, but the people to whom I refer do not even put this work on their resume, which to me is very sad.)

Another plane crash: a favorite method - Peter Lemkin - 30-12-2008

If the facts don't fit the mythology, they throw-away the facts....
We have a long way to go.....
And little time -
And shrinking.

Another plane crash: a favorite method - Dawn Meredith - 31-12-2008

Do we need a new thread for John Jr? I just found two interesting tidbits:

From an otherwise boring article about "George" mag:

George earned infamy in the conspiracy cyberculture, when an article slated to run in the October 1998 "Conspiracy Issue" on the top conspiracy writers was killed at the last minute by George Editors. Titled "Princes of Paranoia," it would've highlighted writers and websites that were popular in the field of conspiracy theory and given their work exposure to a wider audience.

and from another source:

see next post