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Mubarak Apparently to turn over reigns of power in Egypt to Military and V.P. Tonight - Printable Version

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Mubarak Apparently to turn over reigns of power in Egypt to Military and V.P. Tonight - David Guyatt - 11-02-2011

It's a military coup.

VP seems unsettled, tells Egyptians "May God help us" (or very similar words).

All news channels, including Al Jazeera, BBC, CNN, were stunned it seems to me, with nothing ready to go, no experts standing by to soothe nerves for the transition.

Maybe I'm reading something into all this.

Mubarak Apparently to turn over reigns of power in Egypt to Military and V.P. Tonight - Peter Lemkin - 11-02-2011

Switzerland:dancingman: just announced all Mubarak's bank accounts frozen!......

I have been to Egypt and traveled down the entire length of the Nile there - and I share in their great even gives me some hope that some day Democracy may even also come to my country!:peace::plane:

I just hope this [like so many] revolution is not co-opted by the Dark Forces Spy:darthvader:Hitler

Mubarak Apparently to turn over reigns of power in Egypt to Military and V.P. Tonight - David Guyatt - 11-02-2011

David Cameron just gave a very brief and curt press conference outside 10 Downing Street. Looking drawn and unhappy, he said that a move to civilian and and democratic was needed.

Meanwhile Iran and Hezbollah have hailed the Egyptians decision as historic. Fuck!

Obama due to give press call at 16:30 UK time.

Mubarak Apparently to turn over reigns of power in Egypt to Military and V.P. Tonight - Jan Klimkowski - 11-02-2011

Tim Marshall, Sky News' Foreign Affairs Editor, explicitly stated on air that, after Mubarak's rambling and incoherent "I'm staying" last night, the American government ordered the Egyptian military to get Mubarak to stand down. Putting the military in charge of the country.

Also, whilst I welcome Peter Lemkin's post above suggesting Mubarak's Swiss bank accounts are frozen, that alleged $70 billion belongs neither to Mubarak nor the bankers: it belongs to the Egyptian people.

I suspect Andrew Gavin Marshall in the piece on the previous page has called American intentions towards this revolution fairly accurately:

Quote:The aim is not to promote an organic Arab democracy of the people, and for the people,' but rather to promote an evolutionary "democratization" in which the old despots of American strategic support are removed in favour of a neoliberal democratic system, in which the outward visible institutions of democracy are present (multi-party elections, private media, parliaments, constitutions, active civil society, etc); yet, the power-holders within that domestic political system remain subservient to U.S. economic and strategic interests, continuing to follow the dictates of the IMF and World Bank, supporting America's military hegemony in the region, and "opening up" the Arab economies to be "integrated" into the world economy. Thus, "democratization" becomes an incredibly valuable strategy for maintaining hegemony; a modern re-hash of "Let them eat cake!" Give the people the image' of democracy and establish and maintain a co-dependent relationship with the new elite. Thus, democracy for the people becomes an exercise in futility, where people's participation' becomes about voting between rival factions of elites, who all ultimately follow the orders of Washington.

Mubarak Apparently to turn over reigns of power in Egypt to Military and V.P. Tonight - Ed Jewett - 11-02-2011

Thanks, Peter, for the article in post #9 by Andrew Gavin Marshall. It is a very important read. As Zee-big said to his CFR cronies in Montreal, 'we have the psychotronics and we can and should use them'. And the part about it being easier to kill a million people than to control them ought to make it clear what their eventual weapon of last resort will be.

Mubarak Apparently to turn over reigns of power in Egypt to Military and V.P. Tonight - Peter Lemkin - 11-02-2011

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Quote:Also, whilst I welcome Peter Lemkin's post above suggesting Mubarak's Swiss bank accounts are frozen, that alleged $70 billion belongs neither to Mubarak nor the bankers: it belongs to the Egyptian people.

Sadly, given the fact that the Swiss Bankers still have not returned much of the Nazi looted gold and cash......the Egyptians will have a looooooooooooong haul.....

I suspect Andrew Gavin Marshall in the piece on the previous page has called American intentions towards this revolution fairly accurately:

Quote:The aim is not to promote an organic Arab democracy of the people, and for the people,' but rather to promote an evolutionary "democratization" in which the old despots of American strategic support are removed in favour of a neoliberal democratic system, in which the outward visible institutions of democracy are present (multi-party elections, private media, parliaments, constitutions, active civil society, etc); yet, the power-holders within that domestic political system remain subservient to U.S. economic and strategic interests, continuing to follow the dictates of the IMF and World Bank, supporting America's military hegemony in the region, and "opening up" the Arab economies to be "integrated" into the world economy. Thus, "democratization" becomes an incredibly valuable strategy for maintaining hegemony; a modern re-hash of "Let them eat cake!" Give the people the image' of democracy and establish and maintain a co-dependent relationship with the new elite. Thus, democracy for the people becomes an exercise in futility, where people's participation' becomes about voting between rival factions of elites, who all ultimately follow the orders of Washington.

Yeah, seems about right, sadly, to me.......lets hope Egypt and the other Arab dictatorships - which I predict will fall within a few weeks can avoid what the USA and the UK Poodle have in store for them....

Mubarak Apparently to turn over reigns of power in Egypt to Military and V.P. Tonight - Peter Lemkin - 11-02-2011

I just did the calculation....if Mubarak's billions were distributed evenly to all in Egypt, they'd each get just about the yearly average income....and this one fat dictator had it all.....stolen from US Aid and Crony Deals in Egypt and the world of arms and no doubt drugs, loose money, etc. I share Jan's doubt the Egyptians will ever see it again.

Mubarak Apparently to turn over reigns of power in Egypt to Military and V.P. Tonight - Bernice Moore - 12-02-2011

man's name is wael ghonim..alias ''face book''...

i certainly hope they receive their money back, it has been reported the mubarick and family and associates ,moneys off shore, have all been secured..but as you say or whomever, we shall see.....thanks b.Pirate

Mubarak Apparently to turn over reigns of power in Egypt to Military and V.P. Tonight - David Guyatt - 12-02-2011

Sadly, only a fool would have all bis eggs in one clearly labelled basket.

The bulk of Mubarak's fortune will be distributed across many nations, in a variety of names and entities.

The frozen Swiss accounts will only account for a small amount of it.

Mubarak Apparently to turn over reigns of power in Egypt to Military and V.P. Tonight - Peter Lemkin - 12-02-2011

David Guyatt Wrote:Sadly, only a fool would have all bis eggs in one clearly labelled basket.

The bulk of Mubarak's fortune will be distributed across many nations, in a variety of names and entities.

The frozen Swiss accounts will only account for a small amount of it.

And the banks will try desperately to keep it in their vaults for as long as possible while the court cases rage on......their old ploy...they don't loose whoever tries to claim it! On the other point, you are correct. I think a few millions [let alone nearly 80 billion] buys some 'good' money-hiding/asset-hiding advice.....and he was involved with those who do it on an ongoing basis!....