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jack white - Ed Jewett - 15-05-2011

I did not know. I had no idea. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Jack.

jack white - Helen Reyes - 16-05-2011

Hang in there, Jack.

jack white - David Healy - 17-05-2011

Jack White Wrote:My plumbing is clogged up. My quadruple bypass is scheduled
for Wednesday morning, 7 to 10:30. Your positive thoughts and
prayers are appreciated. I will be in the hospital for seven days.
At 84, I am just happy to still be around, thanks to the miracles
of modern medicine.

Thanks to all.



I had triple bypass in 2000... tough, the first few days, after that, well, so long as you are reasonably healthy going in, should be no problem...

You and your family are in our prayers....

David Healy

jack white - Charles Drago - 17-05-2011

As JFK used to say, better a quadruple bypass than a triple underpass.

jack white - Magda Hassan - 17-05-2011

Charles Drago Wrote:As JFK used to say, better a quadruple bypass than a triple underpass.

jack white - Peter Lemkin - 18-05-2011

Quote:I am shutting down my computer now, and if my heart surgery goes well
tomorrow morning, I will be back online
in about a week. Thanks to all for all of the kind messages the past
week. See you on the other side of the operation.


I received this email, and while not asked to post it, I have chosen to. Jack, I hope you don't mind. I know you won't read this before the operation, but will be thinking of you and hoping for the very best outcome and fast recovery. We need you. Sue needs you. The endless pursuit of the truth needs you. If the hit-man with the ice pick didn't get you, a little atherosclerosis certainly won't either. Best. Peter

jack white - Charles Drago - 18-05-2011

I'm reminded of the words of Rodney Dangerfield when he was asked how long he expected to be in the hospital after his latest surgery:

"If it goes well, two weeks. If it doesn't, two hours."

Jack, there are two major differences between you and Rodney -- believe it or not:

You get TONS of respect.

And your surgery and recovery will go VERY well indeed.


jack white - Keith Millea - 18-05-2011

Oh,I am hoping that we don't have to wait a week to hear about Jacks' surgery.Hopefully, Peter or someone close to Jack, can give us an update on his condition.Thanks.......

jack white - Peter Lemkin - 18-05-2011

Keith Millea Wrote:Oh,I am hoping that we don't have to wait a week to hear about Jacks' surgery.Hopefully, Peter or someone close to Jack, can give us an update on his condition.Thanks.......

I hope to have news in the next 24 hours.......but can not guarantee this.

N.B. As I write this in Europe, Jack's surgery should be [if it went as scheduled] over. I'm told I'll hear from his wife shortly...and will certainly notify the Forum. I hold my breath.......he is a dear friend and a treasured Dallas researcher of the ultimate top caliber, IMO!

jack white - David Healy - 18-05-2011

Charles Drago Wrote:As JFK used to say, better a quadruple bypass than a triple underpass.

gotta love that New England logic, Charles..... LMAO!