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World Trade Center Buildings (and Others?) Pre-Rigged for Controlled Demolition: A Hypothesis - Printable Version

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World Trade Center Buildings (and Others?) Pre-Rigged for Controlled Demolition: A Hypothesis - Charles Drago - 22-10-2012

Jeffrey Orling Wrote:Only to you and those who see no value in observing reality.

Have a nice day.

You have a right to your own opinions, but not to your own facts.

I wrote:

"The choice you would have us make between study of the observables OR the unobservables is a false, debilitating choice. Until you are prepared to recognize this reality, your observations here are of EXTREMELY limited value."

Where in that statement do I profess to see "no value in observing reality"?

I'll give you a hint:


Try again. If, at age 65, your reading and other cognitive skills are failing, ask for help.

But don't fuck with me about language, young Jeffrey.

World Trade Center Buildings (and Others?) Pre-Rigged for Controlled Demolition: A Hypothesis - Jeffrey Orling - 22-10-2012


You are just being nasty and I have no interest in conversations with insulting people who makes such comments. Not interested in that at all.

World Trade Center Buildings (and Others?) Pre-Rigged for Controlled Demolition: A Hypothesis - Peter Lemkin - 22-10-2012

300 tons of steel hurled laterally 390 feet......hmmm.....lateral gravity? or voodoo science! And by far NOT the only huge beam or group of beams fired out laterally!!! Some buildings in the area were like arrow targets and peppered with them embedded deep in into their walls - others fell to the ground FAR outside of what would be the natural collapse area.

[Image: gravity.jpg]

World Trade Center Buildings (and Others?) Pre-Rigged for Controlled Demolition: A Hypothesis - Jeffrey Orling - 22-10-2012

No Lemkin... The steel you are referring to as hurled or exploded peeled off from the upper floors of the tower below the plane strike zone as shown in the Princiotta panel layout. It fell over from as much as 1,100 feet high and these panels can be witnessed FALLING and tipping over from their vertical position in the tower facade to horizontal where one of those panels was impaled into the SE corner of the 20th floor of the AmEx building 700 feet below from where it originated in the tower. That entire assembly from floors weights up to 150 tons... (it's hard to count how many panels were in that assembly/of panels)

You can see this particular sheet of falling facade panels in the YouTube at the 17 second mark:!

as it hits the AmEx building.

here's another video of the same:

Note the motion of this extemely heavy and large assembly of panels. Describe it for the readers

How did 50 panels manage to remain connected as a flat sheet if they were exploded off the facade?

Did the explostion destroy the connections of scores of connections at the same instant and leave the resit of the 10,000 square feet assembly undamged (until hit hit something)?

Does the fact that finding them arrayed in order as identified by Princiotta indicate that the came down attached and separated AFTER impact? See his Exhibit J.

Yes there was material ejected but this was not the heavy steel sections you are convinced they are. The ejected material was floor contents, ceiling tiles, loosely attached cladding which sprung off the steel facade.. and that material was blasted out by over pressure ahead of the collapsing floor mass.

YES two processes happening in the same time frame... falling of the facade and the ejection of the contents just ahead of the collapse front.

Look carefully and describe the observed motion.


World Trade Center Buildings (and Others?) Pre-Rigged for Controlled Demolition: A Hypothesis - Lauren Johnson - 22-10-2012

Charles Drago Wrote:Resolved: World Trade Center building 1, 2, and 7 -- and perhaps other skyscrapers in NYC and elsewhere -- were/are secretly rigged for controlled demolition to prevent extensive collateral damage in the event of imminent collapse. These ostensibly benign security precautions are not divulged to the public so as to preclude widespread fear of accidental detonation and for insurance (fraud)-related reasons.

I am voting "no." I have heard it before. I have regarded it as feverish rumor or disinfo. I just don't buy it. Charles, do you have info on this?

World Trade Center Buildings (and Others?) Pre-Rigged for Controlled Demolition: A Hypothesis - Charles Drago - 22-10-2012

I don't.

And I was not aware of any other thoughts along these lines when I first posed the question.

World Trade Center Buildings (and Others?) Pre-Rigged for Controlled Demolition: A Hypothesis - Charles Drago - 22-10-2012

Jeffrey Orling Wrote:Charles,

You are just being nasty and I have no interest in conversations with insulting people who makes such comments. Not interested in that at all.

Fly away, little starling.

Fly, fly, fly ...

World Trade Center Buildings (and Others?) Pre-Rigged for Controlled Demolition: A Hypothesis - Jeffrey Orling - 22-10-2012


I don't who Gemma is but I see others have suffered the Drago treatment:

As I've previously reported, the Gemma campaign has for months been plagued by desperate stunts. But the most troubling pattern that has surfaced is what a former Gemma staffer describes as pervasive homophobia.
Charles Drago has been a key Gemma adviser and vocal surrogate since 2010 and has received $10,500 from the Gemma campaign. Recently, the Gemma campaign rightfully denounced a disgusting tweet by staffer Anthony Sionni.
Later that evening, I posted a couple of homophobic slurs made by Charles Drago directed at David Cicilline in 2009. Below are a couple more slurs made by Drago around the same time. If this kind of bile is coming from one of the campaign's top advisers, then I can only imagine what kind of conversations are taking place at the water cooler. Kind of makes you cringe.
In the first example, Drago refers to Providence Councilman Terry Hassett as someone who has an "ankle-gripping obseisance" to Cicilline. In the next example, Drago says the term teabagging is in reference to a date between Cicilline and radio host John DePetro. Drago clearly has no shame nor decency.
Will the Gemma campaign denounce these horrible homophobic slurs?

Clearly this a man who is a legend in his own mind...

World Trade Center Buildings (and Others?) Pre-Rigged for Controlled Demolition: A Hypothesis - Charles Drago - 22-10-2012

Jeffrey Orling Wrote:hahahahahahahahaha:dancingman:

I don't who Gemma is but I see others have suffered the Drago treatment:

As I've previously reported, the Gemma campaign has for months been plagued by desperate stunts. But the most troubling pattern that has surfaced is what a former Gemma staffer describes as pervasive homophobia.
Charles Drago has been a key Gemma adviser and vocal surrogate since 2010 and has received $10,500 from the Gemma campaign. Recently, the Gemma campaign rightfully denounced a disgusting tweet by staffer Anthony Sionni.
Later that evening, I posted a couple of homophobic slurs made by Charles Drago directed at David Cicilline in 2009. Below are a couple more slurs made by Drago around the same time. If this kind of bile is coming from one of the campaign's top advisers, then I can only imagine what kind of conversations are taking place at the water cooler. Kind of makes you cringe.
In the first example, Drago refers to Providence Councilman Terry Hassett as someone who has an "ankle-gripping obseisance" to Cicilline. In the next example, Drago says the term teabagging is in reference to a date between Cicilline and radio host John DePetro. Drago clearly has no shame nor decency.
Will the Gemma campaign denounce these horrible homophobic slurs?

Clearly this a man who is a legend in his own mind...

Thank you, Jeffrey. You've responded nicely, your kimono is swaying open in the breeze.

I've rooted out another one, folks.

That Jeffrey Orling would take a rabid, partisan political screed -- twisted propaganda -- and use it to ... well ... "out" me is an indication of his true mission and utter lack of personal ethics. He is not what he claims to be, my friends.

My guess is that we won't have Orling around these parts much longer.

World Trade Center Buildings (and Others?) Pre-Rigged for Controlled Demolition: A Hypothesis - Jeffrey Orling - 22-10-2012


I am not interested in *outing* anyone. I simply tried to find out something about you and this is what popped up on Google. I visit RI a lot and don't know much about the local politics so I have no idea who the people mentioned are. If you are a jazz historian or reviewer fine and dandy... but please don't be going on about technical matters that you are not equipped to discuss... and then insult those who may be.. or certainly more so than you as I have worked in the field of architecture for 40 years with a license since 1982 including working for the architects of the WTC in 1970 fresh out of school.