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Anatomy of the Second Floor Lunchroom Encounter - Printable Version

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Anatomy of the Second Floor Lunchroom Encounter - Ray Mitcham - 17-08-2017

Alan Ford Wrote:Unable to secure even one of seven legitimate, honest opportunities (0-7) to corroborate their hastily contrived next day script, Truly & Baker turned to Mrs. Reid to rescue their blatant lie hanging in limbo about a phantom encounter with the wrongly accused…

For whatever reason, she comes to their rescue. However, while she is suppose to be upstairs encountering the wrongly accusedas she claims within her own testimonythe following photo in that same time sequence places Mrs. Reid nowhere near the 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor, let alone encountering the wrongly accused…here she is clearly downstairs & out in front of the building instead ----->

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9184&stc=1]
Photo Credit: sharp researcher Linda Zambeni (SP)


Now, with that glaringly obvious lie firmly established, let's move on to yet another lie, involving yet again Roy Truly (no great surprise considering the "reliable" source).

In his testimony, Truly says he is the sole individual who is the first initially to recognize the wrongly accused was "missing" ----->

Mr. BELIN. Then what?
Mr. TRULY. Then in a few minutes--it could have been moments or minutes at a time like that--I noticed some of my boys were over in the west corner of the shipping department, and there were several officers over there taking their names and addresses, and so forth.
There were other officers in other parts of the building taking other employees, like office people's names. I noticed that Lee Oswald was not among these boys.
So I picked up the telephone and called Mr. Aiken down at the other warehouse who keeps our application blanks. Back up there.
First I mentioned to Mr. Campbell--I asked Bill Shelley if he had seen him, he looked around and said no.
Mr. BELIN. When you asked Bill Shelley if he had seen whom?
Mr. TRULY. Lee Oswald. I said, "Have you seen him around lately," and he said no.
So Mr. Campbell is standing there, and I said, "I have a boy over here missing. I don't know whether to report it or not."

Yet, contrary to Truly's latest lie amid a hastily contrived script (Are you blushing, Pinocchio?), let's take a look/read @ Bill Shelley's same day affidavit ----->

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9183&stc=1]

OOPS again, Roy Truly, no matter who you enlist to FRAME an innocent party, your one lie creates a legion of lies to follow. IF your testimony was truthful, Shelley's same day affidavit should have read how you brought to his attention the wrongly accused was missing, not the other way around.

The problem with a hastily contrived next day script is it runs counter to the plain simple truth, which is so much easier to recall.

Enlisting another liar, Mrs. Reid, to vouch for a blatant lie already being parroted about by two others about a phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter with the wrongly accused wasn't enough…so, Trulyin predictable fashionin his haste to FRAME an innocent human being, fails once again to be mindful of the small, yet all important details, a detail miserably missed in Mrs. Reid's outright lie, and, now conveyed in a same day affidavit written by the genuine individual who noticed the wrongly accused "missing".

How anyone could determine anyone was "missing" in a seven story building is quite telling of a pre-determined outcome/script.

Now, as this legion of lies continue to unravel, don't be surprised to come to the conclusionif those of you reading along haven't done so alreadythat Truly & Baker weren't immediately tied together at the hip during the immediate aftermath of the assassination.

Who was/is the white helmeted motorcycle officer who took the West elevator up to the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor?, the same West elevator Jack Dougherty came down to the first floor on…

Why was access to the roof Locked?, when Sheriff Wiseman--in the same time sequence as Truly & Baker testified they were up there for, quote, "over 5 minutes" ?

Why did Mrs. Reid outright lie about a phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter with the wrongly accused?

Rather than parroting back the same old inconsistencies, discussions off the record, and outright lies, these are the questions that demand attention in any legitimate inquiry.

The reconstruction continues…anything is MUCH better than Mrs. Reid's version of "truth", or the version of "truth" via Tall-tales Truly and 4triesBaker…

You won't get any answers to the questions you ask,Alan. They are unanswerable. Keep up the good work.

Anatomy of the Second Floor Lunchroom Encounter - Alan Ford - 17-08-2017

Ray Mitcham Wrote:
Alan Ford Wrote:Unable to secure even one of seven legitimate, honest opportunities (0-7) to corroborate their hastily contrived next day script, Truly & Baker turned to Mrs. Reid to rescue their blatant lie hanging in limbo about a phantom encounter with the wrongly accused…

For whatever reason, she comes to their rescue. However, while she is suppose to be upstairs encountering the wrongly accusedas she claims within her own testimonythe following photo in that same time sequence places Mrs. Reid nowhere near the 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor, let alone encountering the wrongly accused…here she is clearly downstairs & out in front of the building instead ----->

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9184&stc=1]
Photo Credit: sharp researcher Linda Zambeni (SP)


Now, with that glaringly obvious lie firmly established, let's move on to yet another lie, involving yet again Roy Truly (no great surprise considering the "reliable" source).

In his testimony, Truly says he is the sole individual who is the first initially to recognize the wrongly accused was "missing" ----->

Mr. BELIN. Then what?
Mr. TRULY. Then in a few minutes--it could have been moments or minutes at a time like that--I noticed some of my boys were over in the west corner of the shipping department, and there were several officers over there taking their names and addresses, and so forth.
There were other officers in other parts of the building taking other employees, like office people's names. I noticed that Lee Oswald was not among these boys.
So I picked up the telephone and called Mr. Aiken down at the other warehouse who keeps our application blanks. Back up there.
First I mentioned to Mr. Campbell--I asked Bill Shelley if he had seen him, he looked around and said no.
Mr. BELIN. When you asked Bill Shelley if he had seen whom?
Mr. TRULY. Lee Oswald. I said, "Have you seen him around lately," and he said no.
So Mr. Campbell is standing there, and I said, "I have a boy over here missing. I don't know whether to report it or not."

Yet, contrary to Truly's latest lie amid a hastily contrived script (Are you blushing, Pinocchio?), let's take a look/read @ Bill Shelley's same day affidavit ----->

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9183&stc=1]

OOPS again, Roy Truly, no matter who you enlist to FRAME an innocent party, your one lie creates a legion of lies to follow. IF your testimony was truthful, Shelley's same day affidavit should have read how you brought to his attention the wrongly accused was missing, not the other way around.

The problem with a hastily contrived next day script is it runs counter to the plain simple truth, which is so much easier to recall.

Enlisting another liar, Mrs. Reid, to vouch for a blatant lie already being parroted about by two others about a phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter with the wrongly accused wasn't enough…so, Trulyin predictable fashionin his haste to FRAME an innocent human being, fails once again to be mindful of the small, yet all important details, a detail miserably missed in Mrs. Reid's outright lie, and, now conveyed in a same day affidavit written by the genuine individual who noticed the wrongly accused "missing".

How anyone could determine anyone was "missing" in a seven story building is quite telling of a pre-determined outcome/script.

Now, as this legion of lies continue to unravel, don't be surprised to come to the conclusionif those of you reading along haven't done so alreadythat Truly & Baker weren't immediately tied together at the hip during the immediate aftermath of the assassination.

Who was/is the white helmeted motorcycle officer who took the West elevator up to the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor?, the same West elevator Jack Dougherty came down to the first floor on…

Why was access to the roof Locked?, when Sheriff Wiseman--in the same time sequence as Truly & Baker testified they were up there for, quote, "over 5 minutes" ?

Why did Mrs. Reid outright lie about a phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter with the wrongly accused?

Rather than parroting back the same old inconsistencies, discussions off the record, and outright lies, these are the questions that demand attention in any legitimate inquiry.

The reconstruction continues…anything is MUCH better than Mrs. Reid's version of "truth", or the version of "truth" via Tall-tales Truly and 4triesBaker…

You won't get any answers to the questions you ask,Alan. They are unanswerable. Keep up the good work.

Top of the afternoon to you, Mr. Mitcham

In reconstructing the movements of the folks legitimately on the backstairs that afternoon (Victoria Adams, Sandra Styles, Harold Norman, Bonnie Ray Williams, James "Junior" Jarman, and Deputy-Sheriff Wiseman), there's no honest-to-goodness chance they all missed Truly & Baker.

What are the odds?

I dare say somewhere in America, someone has a better chance of winning a large jackpot lottery before all these folks--in close proximity sequentially--would miss the curiously invisible-tandem tearing up five flights of stairs together.

One thing we all can agree upon is the plain simple truth is void of uncertainty, ambiguity, repeated discussions off the record, and a hastily contrived script to FRAME an innocent human being.

No wonder there's no audio and video recordings existing of the most high profile interrogation of the 20th Century…pretty hard to FRAME someone vehemently expressing (audibly & visibly) his innocence publicly for all to witness.

Sad day for truth and justice when an innocent party can actually be FRAMED by an outright liar lying about a phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter with the wrongly accused.

Enjoy the rest of your day, Mr. Mitcham, thanks for weighing in on the side of truth and justice...very telling of your stellar character sir. Cheers!​

Anatomy of the Second Floor Lunchroom Encounter - LR Trotter - 17-08-2017

Alan Ford Wrote:Unable to secure even one of seven legitimate, honest opportunities (0-7) to corroborate their hastily contrived next day script, Truly & Baker turned to Mrs. Reid to rescue their blatant lie hanging in limbo about a phantom encounter with the wrongly accused…

For whatever reason, she comes to their rescue. However, while she is suppose to be upstairs encountering the wrongly accusedas she claims within her own testimonythe following photo in that same time sequence places Mrs. Reid nowhere near the 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor, let alone encountering the wrongly accused…here she is clearly downstairs & out in front of the building instead ----->

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9184&stc=1]
Photo Credit: sharp researcher Linda Zambeni (SP)


Now, with that glaringly obvious lie firmly established, let's move on to yet another lie, involving yet again Roy Truly (no great surprise considering the "reliable" source).

In his testimony, Truly says he is the sole individual who is the first initially to recognize the wrongly accused was "missing" ----->

Mr. BELIN. Then what?
Mr. TRULY. Then in a few minutes--it could have been moments or minutes at a time like that--I noticed some of my boys were over in the west corner of the shipping department, and there were several officers over there taking their names and addresses, and so forth.
There were other officers in other parts of the building taking other employees, like office people's names. I noticed that Lee Oswald was not among these boys.
So I picked up the telephone and called Mr. Aiken down at the other warehouse who keeps our application blanks. Back up there.
First I mentioned to Mr. Campbell--I asked Bill Shelley if he had seen him, he looked around and said no.
Mr. BELIN. When you asked Bill Shelley if he had seen whom?
Mr. TRULY. Lee Oswald. I said, "Have you seen him around lately," and he said no.
So Mr. Campbell is standing there, and I said, "I have a boy over here missing. I don't know whether to report it or not."

Yet, contrary to Truly's latest lie amid a hastily contrived script (Are you blushing, Pinocchio?), let's take a look/read @ Bill Shelley's same day affidavit ----->

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9183&stc=1]

OOPS again, Roy Truly, no matter who you enlist to FRAME an innocent party, your one lie creates a legion of lies to follow. IF your testimony was truthful, Shelley's same day affidavit should have read how you brought to his attention the wrongly accused was missing, not the other way around.

The problem with a hastily contrived next day script is it runs counter to the plain simple truth, which is so much easier to recall.

Enlisting another liar, Mrs. Reid, to vouch for a blatant lie already being parroted about by two others about a phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter with the wrongly accused wasn't enough…so, Trulyin predictable fashionin his haste to FRAME an innocent human being, fails once again to be mindful of the small, yet all important details, a detail miserably missed in Mrs. Reid's outright lie, and, now conveyed in a same day affidavit written by the genuine individual who noticed the wrongly accused "missing".

How anyone could determine anyone was "missing" in a seven story building is quite telling of a pre-determined outcome/script.

Now, as this legion of lies continue to unravel, don't be surprised to come to the conclusionif those of you reading along haven't done so alreadythat Truly & Baker weren't immediately tied together at the hip during the immediate aftermath of the assassination.

Who was/is the white helmeted motorcycle officer who took the West elevator up to the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor?, the same West elevator Jack Dougherty came down to the first floor on…

Why was access to the roof Locked?, when Sheriff Wiseman--in the same time sequence as Truly & Baker testified they were up there for, quote, "over 5 minutes" ?

Why did Mrs. Reid outright lie about a phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter with the wrongly accused?

Rather than parroting back the same old inconsistencies, discussions off the record, and outright lies, these are the questions that demand attention in any legitimate inquiry.

The reconstruction continues…anything is MUCH better than Mrs. Reid's version of "truth", or the version of "truth" via Tall-tales Truly and 4triesBaker…

If in fact, the provided photograph is indicated as evidence, assuming it was taken on 11/22/'63, at what CST was it taken? Without the time known, the photograph as evidence has a reliability question.

Anatomy of the Second Floor Lunchroom Encounter - LR Trotter - 17-08-2017

Alan Ford Wrote:Unable to secure even one of seven legitimate, honest opportunities (0-7) to corroborate their hastily contrived next day script, Truly & Baker turned to Mrs. Reid to rescue their blatant lie hanging in limbo about a phantom encounter with the wrongly accused…

For whatever reason, she comes to their rescue. However, while she is suppose to be upstairs encountering the wrongly accusedas she claims within her own testimonythe following photo in that same time sequence places Mrs. Reid nowhere near the 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor, let alone encountering the wrongly accused…here she is clearly downstairs & out in front of the building instead ----->

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9184&stc=1]
Photo Credit: sharp researcher Linda Zambeni (SP)


Now, with that glaringly obvious lie firmly established, let's move on to yet another lie, involving yet again Roy Truly (no great surprise considering the "reliable" source).

In his testimony, Truly says he is the sole individual who is the first initially to recognize the wrongly accused was "missing" ----->

Mr. BELIN. Then what?
Mr. TRULY. Then in a few minutes--it could have been moments or minutes at a time like that--I noticed some of my boys were over in the west corner of the shipping department, and there were several officers over there taking their names and addresses, and so forth.
There were other officers in other parts of the building taking other employees, like office people's names. I noticed that Lee Oswald was not among these boys.
So I picked up the telephone and called Mr. Aiken down at the other warehouse who keeps our application blanks. Back up there.
First I mentioned to Mr. Campbell--I asked Bill Shelley if he had seen him, he looked around and said no.
Mr. BELIN. When you asked Bill Shelley if he had seen whom?
Mr. TRULY. Lee Oswald. I said, "Have you seen him around lately," and he said no.
So Mr. Campbell is standing there, and I said, "I have a boy over here missing. I don't know whether to report it or not."

Yet, contrary to Truly's latest lie amid a hastily contrived script (Are you blushing, Pinocchio?), let's take a look/read @ Bill Shelley's same day affidavit ----->

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9183&stc=1]

OOPS again, Roy Truly, no matter who you enlist to FRAME an innocent party, your one lie creates a legion of lies to follow. IF your testimony was truthful, Shelley's same day affidavit should have read how you brought to his attention the wrongly accused was missing, not the other way around.

The problem with a hastily contrived next day script is it runs counter to the plain simple truth, which is so much easier to recall.

Enlisting another liar, Mrs. Reid, to vouch for a blatant lie already being parroted about by two others about a phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter with the wrongly accused wasn't enough…so, Trulyin predictable fashionin his haste to FRAME an innocent human being, fails once again to be mindful of the small, yet all important details, a detail miserably missed in Mrs. Reid's outright lie, and, now conveyed in a same day affidavit written by the genuine individual who noticed the wrongly accused "missing".

How anyone could determine anyone was "missing" in a seven story building is quite telling of a pre-determined outcome/script.

Now, as this legion of lies continue to unravel, don't be surprised to come to the conclusionif those of you reading along haven't done so alreadythat Truly & Baker weren't immediately tied together at the hip during the immediate aftermath of the assassination.

Who was/is the white helmeted motorcycle officer who took the West elevator up to the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor?, the same West elevator Jack Dougherty came down to the first floor on…

Why was access to the roof Locked?, when Sheriff Wiseman--in the same time sequence as Truly & Baker testified they were up there for, quote, "over 5 minutes" ?

Why did Mrs. Reid outright lie about a phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter with the wrongly accused?

Rather than parroting back the same old inconsistencies, discussions off the record, and outright lies, these are the questions that demand attention in any legitimate inquiry.

The reconstruction continues…anything is MUCH better than Mrs. Reid's version of "truth", or the version of "truth" via Tall-tales Truly and 4triesBaker…

For whom asked, or was asked, if they had seen LeeHarveyOswald? If Mr RoyTruly asked Mr BillShelley, then what is meant by "lately"? On the other hand, if Mr BillShelley asked Mr RoyTruly, was the term "lately"forgotten by Mr BillShelley? Or, was it missed in transcription or typing the Affidavit? Either way, what was the CST of the conversation?
In any event, Mr BillShelley's Affidavit strongly indicates that LeeHarveyOswald was not on the TSBD Elm St entrance landing or stairs as, and just before as well as just after, the shooting occurred in DealeyPlaza, that fatally wounded USP JohnFitzgeraldKennedySr, and critically wounded TG JohnBowdenConnallyJr.

Anatomy of the Second Floor Lunchroom Encounter - Alan Ford - 18-08-2017

Another day, yet another bushel basket of lies ---->

Mr. BELIN - All right. Now, you are pointing to Exhibit 362 to the sign on the top of the School Book Depository Building, the Hertz sign, and some kind of a structure on the northeast corner of the building, is that correct?
Mr. BAKER - That is correct.
Mr. BELIN - Officer Baker, when you talk, I wonder if you would look at me, we might be able to hear a little bit better. Would you tell us what else you did?
Mr. BAKER - As I finished going all around this building here and then I came to this sign and I looked up there to see if I could find anybody hiding up there and I started up these steps, it is a ladder there on that sign, and I got on, say, 10 feet up there and I came back down, I seen that nobody would shoot from up there. He wouldn't have no place to hold on.
Mr. BELIN - By that you are referring to climbing the ladder to climb up the sign, is that correct?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir; this large Hertz sign here.
Mr. BELIN - On the top of the School Book Depository Building on Exhibit 362. All right. Then what did you do?
Mr. BAKER - Then I came back down and I went and checked this building right here. It is an old deserted room there of some type.

Did Belin not have his morning cup of coffee yet?, Or, Is he purposely making reference to Exhibit 362 (the first floor plan of the TSBD), rather than CE 507, which is the correct exhibit for the roof?

Was counsel concerned that Baker's testimony wouldn't match up with an actual image of the roof?

Be that as it may, the most telling indication that Baker is struggling with his portion of the hastily contrived script to FRAME an innocent human being is this exchange ---->

Mr. BAKER - That is correct.
Mr. BELIN - Officer Baker, when you talk, I wonder if you would look at me, we might be able to hear a little bit better. Would you tell us what else you did?
Mr. BAKER - As I finished going all around this building here and then I came to this sign and I looked up there to see if I could find anybody hiding up there and I started up these steps, it is a ladder there on that sign, and I got on, say, 10 feet up there and I came back down, I seen that nobody would shoot from up there.

Forward-button to continuation ---->

Mr. BELIN - Do you remember about how long you stayed on the roof?
Mr. BAKER - It was a little over 5 minutes.

AF: LOOK at me, Mr. Baker, eyes on me!...don't mumble…say it like you mean it!…like it really happened! (even though a more truthful Sheriff Wiseman's experience is telling us different, access to the roof was Locked)

Mr. BELIN - When you continued moving on the elevator after you talked to Inspector Sawyer how far did you go on the elevator?
Mr. BAKER - We went to the, I believe it would be the first floor there.
Mr. BELIN - All right. You got off the elevator then?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir.
Mr. BELIN - Did you leave Mr. Truly or did you stay with him?
Mr. BAKER - I left Mr. Truly there.
Mr. BELIN - Then what did you do?
Mr. BAKER - I immediately went on out. I was with this motorcade and I went right on straight through the front door and got on my motorcycle and tried to find out what happened to the motorcade.

On the contrary, 4triesBaker ---->

As clearly demonstrated, the above video exposes Baker's less than honest response in yet another area of his testimony…we are left to wonder just how MUCH time he really spent there with the Pow Wow ensemble gathered together there...if the shortened film wasn't cut.

Was this the initial setting/opportunity for a cunning weasel like Truly to determine whether or not Baker's personal experience that afternoon could be parlayed into a next day hastily contrived joint misadventure, err, adventure?

Don't forget to go fetch/recruit, Mrs. Reid you guys…she's more than capable of enhancing an outright lie about a phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter with the wrongly accused.

Sidebar ---->

*Who was/is that white helmeted motorcycle officer who arrived up on the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor via the West elevator/, the same elevator Jack Dougherty took downstairs to the first floor.

*Why didn't this personalong with 7 others on those backstairsnot experience an encounter with the hole-and-one masters as long as no one else is around to witness their exploits but Mrs. Reid.

Anatomy of the Second Floor Lunchroom Encounter - LR Trotter - 18-08-2017

Alan Ford Wrote:Another day, yet another bushel basket of lies ---->

Mr. BELIN - All right. Now, you are pointing to Exhibit 362 to the sign on the top of the School Book Depository Building, the Hertz sign, and some kind of a structure on the northeast corner of the building, is that correct?
Mr. BAKER - That is correct.
Mr. BELIN - Officer Baker, when you talk, I wonder if you would look at me, we might be able to hear a little bit better. Would you tell us what else you did?
Mr. BAKER - As I finished going all around this building here and then I came to this sign and I looked up there to see if I could find anybody hiding up there and I started up these steps, it is a ladder there on that sign, and I got on, say, 10 feet up there and I came back down, I seen that nobody would shoot from up there. He wouldn't have no place to hold on.
Mr. BELIN - By that you are referring to climbing the ladder to climb up the sign, is that correct?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir; this large Hertz sign here.
Mr. BELIN - On the top of the School Book Depository Building on Exhibit 362. All right. Then what did you do?
Mr. BAKER - Then I came back down and I went and checked this building right here. It is an old deserted room there of some type.

Did Belin not have his morning cup of coffee yet?, Or, Is he purposely making reference to Exhibit 362 (the first floor plan of the TSBD), rather than CE 507, which is the correct exhibit for the roof?

Was counsel concerned that Baker's testimony wouldn't match up with an actual image of the roof?

Be that as it may, the most telling indication that Baker is struggling with his portion of the hastily contrived script to FRAME an innocent human being is this exchange ---->

Mr. BAKER - That is correct.
Mr. BELIN - Officer Baker, when you talk, I wonder if you would look at me, we might be able to hear a little bit better. Would you tell us what else you did?
Mr. BAKER - As I finished going all around this building here and then I came to this sign and I looked up there to see if I could find anybody hiding up there and I started up these steps, it is a ladder there on that sign, and I got on, say, 10 feet up there and I came back down, I seen that nobody would shoot from up there.

Forward-button to continuation ---->

Mr. BELIN - Do you remember about how long you stayed on the roof?
Mr. BAKER - It was a little over 5 minutes.

AF: LOOK at me, Mr. Baker, eyes on me!...don't mumble…say it like you mean it!…like it really happened! (even though a more truthful Sheriff Wiseman's experience is telling us different, access to the roof was Locked)

Mr. BELIN - When you continued moving on the elevator after you talked to Inspector Sawyer how far did you go on the elevator?
Mr. BAKER - We went to the, I believe it would be the first floor there.
Mr. BELIN - All right. You got off the elevator then?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir.
Mr. BELIN - Did you leave Mr. Truly or did you stay with him?
Mr. BAKER - I left Mr. Truly there.
Mr. BELIN - Then what did you do?
Mr. BAKER - I immediately went on out. I was with this motorcade and I went right on straight through the front door and got on my motorcycle and tried to find out what happened to the motorcade.

On the contrary, 4triesBaker ---->

As clearly demonstrated, the above video exposes Baker's less than honest response in yet another area of his testimony…we are left to wonder just how MUCH time he really spent there with the Pow Wow ensemble gathered together there...if the shortened film wasn't cut.

Was this the initial setting/opportunity for a cunning weasel like Truly to determine whether or not Baker's personal experience that afternoon could be parlayed into a next day hastily contrived joint misadventure, err, adventure?

Don't forget to go fetch/recruit, Mrs. Reid you guys…she's more than capable of enhancing an outright lie about a phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter with the wrongly accused.

Sidebar ---->

*Who was/is that white helmeted motorcycle officer who arrived up on the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor via the West elevator/, the same elevator Jack Dougherty took downstairs to the first floor.

*Why didn't this personalong with 7 others on those backstairsnot experience an encounter with the hole-and-one masters as long as no one else is around to witness their exploits but Mrs. Reid.

For what purpose is the youtube video? What does it supposedly indicate?

During his question and answer testimony, I would think it quite provable that DPD MotorcycleOfficer ML Baker was attempting to gather his thoughts, and prior to the request did not feel a need to look at his questioner, as well as possibly being unsure as to which CommissionMember had asked the specific question.

In any event, the complete testimony of DPD MotorcycleOfficer ML Baker is available, just in case something was missed or misunderstood.


Anatomy of the Second Floor Lunchroom Encounter - Alan Ford - 18-08-2017

Uh, Oh!

Baker's lips are moving again ---->

Mr. BELIN - You then got on the elevator to go on back down?
Mr. BAKER - That is correct.
Mr. BELIN - And I believe you said it was the east elevator, is that correct?
Mr. BAKER - That is correct.
Mr. BELIN - How far did you take the east elevator down?
Mr. BAKER - As we descended, somewhere around--we were still talking and I was still looking over the building.
Mr. BELIN - As the elevator was moving?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir; downward.
Mr. BELIN - All right.
Mr. BAKER - The next thing that I noticed was Inspector Sawyer, he was on one of those floors there, he is a police inspector.
Mr. DULLES - City of Dallas Police?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir. And he was on, I really didn't notice which floor he was on, but that is the first thing I saw as we descended how this freight elevator, you know, it has got these picket boards in front of it and it has got it open so far, and it seemed to me like we stopped for a moment and I spoke to him and I told him that I had been to the roof, and there wasn't anything on the roof that would indicate anybody being up there, and then we started on down.
Mr. BELIN - Did you stay on the elevator while you spoke to him?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir.
Mr. BELIN - Do you remember what floor it was that you spoke to him on or how many floors down that you went from the top before you saw him?
Mr. BAKER - No, sir; not at that time. It seemed to me like it was on either the third or the fourth floor.
Mr. BELIN - Do you remember about how long you stayed on the roof?
Mr. BAKER - It was a little over 5 minutes.

A Locked roof.

Now, with Baker's testimony established, please keep in mind that he is positioned in the rear of the building riding on the East elevator, while in the next testimonythat of Inspector Sawyerthe Inspector is conducting a search in the front of the building (please note the elevator he gets on) ---->

Mr. BELIN. What did you do then?
Mr. SAWYER. Immediately went into---well, talked to some of the officers around there who told me the story that they had thought some shots had come from one of the floors in the building, and I think the fifth floor was mentioned, but nobody seemed to know who the shots were directed at or what had actually happened, except there had been a shooting there at the time the President's motorcade had gone by.
And I went with a couple of officers and a man who I believed worked in the building. The elevator was just to the right of the main entrance, and we went to the top floor, which was pointed out to me by this other man as being the floor that we were talking about. We had talked about the fifth floor. And we went back to the storage area and looked around and didn't see anything.
Mr. BELIN. Now you took an elevator up, is that correct?
Mr. SAWYER. That's right.
Mr. BELIN. The route that you took to the elevator, you went to the front door?
Mr. SAWYER. Right.
Mr. BELIN. Then what did you do?
Mr. SAWYER. We got into the elevator. We run into this man.
Mr. BELIN. Well, when you say you got into the elevator, where was the elevator as you walked in the front door?
Mr. SAWYER. It was to the right.

AF: meaning a front elevator--in front of the building, nowhere near the two freight elevators in the rear of the building.

Mr. BELIN. To the right?
Mr. SAWYER. Yes, sir.
Mr. BELIN. Was it a freight elevator or a passenger elevator?
Mr. SAWYER. The best of my recollection, it was a passenger elevator.
Mr. BELIN. Did you push for the top button in that elevator?
Mr. SAWYER. Well, I don't know who pushed it, but we went up to the top floor.
Mr. BELIN. You went up to the top floor that the elevator would go to?
Mr. SAWYER. That's right.
Mr. BELIN. You got off, and were there officers there?
Mr. SAWYER. There was one or two other officers with me.
Mr. BELIN. Now when you got off, you say you went into the back there into a warehouse area?
Mr. SAWYER. Storage area; what appeared to be a storage area.
Mr. BELIN. Did you go into any place other than a warehouse or storage area?
Mr. BELIN. Was there anything other than a warehouse or storage area there?
Mr. SAWYER. Well, to one side I could see an office over there with people in it. Some women that apparently were office workers.
Mr. BELIN. Now Inspector, what did you do then?
Mr. SAWYER. Well, I didn't see anything that was out of the ordinary, so I immediately came back downstairs to check the security on the building. .


How could Baker see and/or speak with the Inspector, while the Inspector was conducting a search on a front entrance passenger elevator?, while Baker & Truly--or so they say--are in the rear of the building?

Moreover, Why didn't Inspector Sawyer include Baker's remarks when directly asked this ---->

Mr. BELIN. You got off, and were there officers there?

No...he didn't encounter Baker, let alone anyone else in uniform, save for his specific response ---->

Mr. SAWYER. There was one or two other officers with me.

Three different lies now to add to the accumulating legion of lies about a phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter with the wrongly accused.

Somewhere Pinocchio has to be blushing. Mrs. Reid. Judas. Truly. Baker. Amazing what some people will do/say for thirty pieces of silver.

Who was that white helmeted motorcycle officer arriving up on the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor via the West elevator?, the same one Jack Dougherty made available by bringing it down to the 1[SUP]st[/SUP] floor.

Anatomy of the Second Floor Lunchroom Encounter - LR Trotter - 18-08-2017

Alan Ford Wrote:Uh, Oh!

Baker's lips are moving again ---->

Mr. BELIN - You then got on the elevator to go on back down?
Mr. BAKER - That is correct.
Mr. BELIN - And I believe you said it was the east elevator, is that correct?
Mr. BAKER - That is correct.
Mr. BELIN - How far did you take the east elevator down?
Mr. BAKER - As we descended, somewhere around--we were still talking and I was still looking over the building.
Mr. BELIN - As the elevator was moving?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir; downward.
Mr. BELIN - All right.
Mr. BAKER - The next thing that I noticed was Inspector Sawyer, he was on one of those floors there, he is a police inspector.
Mr. DULLES - City of Dallas Police?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir. And he was on, I really didn't notice which floor he was on, but that is the first thing I saw as we descended how this freight elevator, you know, it has got these picket boards in front of it and it has got it open so far, and it seemed to me like we stopped for a moment and I spoke to him and I told him that I had been to the roof, and there wasn't anything on the roof that would indicate anybody being up there, and then we started on down.
Mr. BELIN - Did you stay on the elevator while you spoke to him?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir.
Mr. BELIN - Do you remember what floor it was that you spoke to him on or how many floors down that you went from the top before you saw him?
Mr. BAKER - No, sir; not at that time. It seemed to me like it was on either the third or the fourth floor.
Mr. BELIN - Do you remember about how long you stayed on the roof?
Mr. BAKER - It was a little over 5 minutes.

A Locked roof.

Now, with Baker's testimony established, please keep in mind that he is positioned in the rear of the building riding on the East elevator, while in the next testimonythat of Inspector Sawyerthe Inspector is conducting a search in the front of the building (please note the elevator he gets on) ---->

Mr. BELIN. What did you do then?
Mr. SAWYER. Immediately went into---well, talked to some of the officers around there who told me the story that they had thought some shots had come from one of the floors in the building, and I think the fifth floor was mentioned, but nobody seemed to know who the shots were directed at or what had actually happened, except there had been a shooting there at the time the President's motorcade had gone by.
And I went with a couple of officers and a man who I believed worked in the building. The elevator was just to the right of the main entrance, and we went to the top floor, which was pointed out to me by this other man as being the floor that we were talking about. We had talked about the fifth floor. And we went back to the storage area and looked around and didn't see anything.
Mr. BELIN. Now you took an elevator up, is that correct?
Mr. SAWYER. That's right.
Mr. BELIN. The route that you took to the elevator, you went to the front door?
Mr. SAWYER. Right.
Mr. BELIN. Then what did you do?
Mr. SAWYER. We got into the elevator. We run into this man.
Mr. BELIN. Well, when you say you got into the elevator, where was the elevator as you walked in the front door?
Mr. SAWYER. It was to the right.

AF: meaning a front elevator--in front of the building, nowhere near the two freight elevators in the rear of the building.

Mr. BELIN. To the right?
Mr. SAWYER. Yes, sir.
Mr. BELIN. Was it a freight elevator or a passenger elevator?
Mr. SAWYER. The best of my recollection, it was a passenger elevator.
Mr. BELIN. Did you push for the top button in that elevator?
Mr. SAWYER. Well, I don't know who pushed it, but we went up to the top floor.
Mr. BELIN. You went up to the top floor that the elevator would go to?
Mr. SAWYER. That's right.
Mr. BELIN. You got off, and were there officers there?
Mr. SAWYER. There was one or two other officers with me.
Mr. BELIN. Now when you got off, you say you went into the back there into a warehouse area?
Mr. SAWYER. Storage area; what appeared to be a storage area.
Mr. BELIN. Did you go into any place other than a warehouse or storage area?
Mr. BELIN. Was there anything other than a warehouse or storage area there?
Mr. SAWYER. Well, to one side I could see an office over there with people in it. Some women that apparently were office workers.
Mr. BELIN. Now Inspector, what did you do then?
Mr. SAWYER. Well, I didn't see anything that was out of the ordinary, so I immediately came back downstairs to check the security on the building. .


How could Baker see and/or speak with the Inspector, while the Inspector was conducting a search on a front entrance passenger elevator?, while Baker & Truly--or so they say--are in the rear of the building?

Moreover, Why didn't Inspector Sawyer include Baker's remarks when directly asked this ---->

Mr. BELIN. You got off, and were there officers there?

No...he didn't encounter Baker, let alone anyone else in uniform, save for his specific response ---->

Mr. SAWYER. There was one or two other officers with me.

Three different lies now to add to the accumulating legion of lies about a phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter with the wrongly accused.

Somewhere Pinocchio has to be blushing. Mrs. Reid. Judas. Truly. Baker. Amazing what some people will do/say for thirty pieces of silver.

Who was that white helmeted motorcycle officer arriving up on the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor via the West elevator?, the same one Jack Dougherty made available by bringing it down to the 1[SUP]st[/SUP] floor.

Based on my understanding, stating, repeatedly, that DPD Officer for over 20 years, now deceased, MarrionLewisBaker is a liar, as asserted beyond provable fact, can be increasingly problematic. And, his sworn testimony is available for review:

Anatomy of the Second Floor Lunchroom Encounter - LR Trotter - 18-08-2017

Alan Ford Wrote:Uh, Oh!

Baker's lips are moving again ---->

Mr. BELIN - You then got on the elevator to go on back down?
Mr. BAKER - That is correct.
Mr. BELIN - And I believe you said it was the east elevator, is that correct?
Mr. BAKER - That is correct.
Mr. BELIN - How far did you take the east elevator down?
Mr. BAKER - As we descended, somewhere around--we were still talking and I was still looking over the building.
Mr. BELIN - As the elevator was moving?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir; downward.
Mr. BELIN - All right.
Mr. BAKER - The next thing that I noticed was Inspector Sawyer, he was on one of those floors there, he is a police inspector.
Mr. DULLES - City of Dallas Police?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir. And he was on, I really didn't notice which floor he was on, but that is the first thing I saw as we descended how this freight elevator, you know, it has got these picket boards in front of it and it has got it open so far, and it seemed to me like we stopped for a moment and I spoke to him and I told him that I had been to the roof, and there wasn't anything on the roof that would indicate anybody being up there, and then we started on down.
Mr. BELIN - Did you stay on the elevator while you spoke to him?
Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir.
Mr. BELIN - Do you remember what floor it was that you spoke to him on or how many floors down that you went from the top before you saw him?
Mr. BAKER - No, sir; not at that time. It seemed to me like it was on either the third or the fourth floor.
Mr. BELIN - Do you remember about how long you stayed on the roof?
Mr. BAKER - It was a little over 5 minutes.

A Locked roof.

Now, with Baker's testimony established, please keep in mind that he is positioned in the rear of the building riding on the East elevator, while in the next testimonythat of Inspector Sawyerthe Inspector is conducting a search in the front of the building (please note the elevator he gets on) ---->

Mr. BELIN. What did you do then?
Mr. SAWYER. Immediately went into---well, talked to some of the officers around there who told me the story that they had thought some shots had come from one of the floors in the building, and I think the fifth floor was mentioned, but nobody seemed to know who the shots were directed at or what had actually happened, except there had been a shooting there at the time the President's motorcade had gone by.
And I went with a couple of officers and a man who I believed worked in the building. The elevator was just to the right of the main entrance, and we went to the top floor, which was pointed out to me by this other man as being the floor that we were talking about. We had talked about the fifth floor. And we went back to the storage area and looked around and didn't see anything.
Mr. BELIN. Now you took an elevator up, is that correct?
Mr. SAWYER. That's right.
Mr. BELIN. The route that you took to the elevator, you went to the front door?
Mr. SAWYER. Right.
Mr. BELIN. Then what did you do?
Mr. SAWYER. We got into the elevator. We run into this man.
Mr. BELIN. Well, when you say you got into the elevator, where was the elevator as you walked in the front door?
Mr. SAWYER. It was to the right.

AF: meaning a front elevator--in front of the building, nowhere near the two freight elevators in the rear of the building.

Mr. BELIN. To the right?
Mr. SAWYER. Yes, sir.
Mr. BELIN. Was it a freight elevator or a passenger elevator?
Mr. SAWYER. The best of my recollection, it was a passenger elevator.
Mr. BELIN. Did you push for the top button in that elevator?
Mr. SAWYER. Well, I don't know who pushed it, but we went up to the top floor.
Mr. BELIN. You went up to the top floor that the elevator would go to?
Mr. SAWYER. That's right.
Mr. BELIN. You got off, and were there officers there?
Mr. SAWYER. There was one or two other officers with me.
Mr. BELIN. Now when you got off, you say you went into the back there into a warehouse area?
Mr. SAWYER. Storage area; what appeared to be a storage area.
Mr. BELIN. Did you go into any place other than a warehouse or storage area?
Mr. BELIN. Was there anything other than a warehouse or storage area there?
Mr. SAWYER. Well, to one side I could see an office over there with people in it. Some women that apparently were office workers.
Mr. BELIN. Now Inspector, what did you do then?
Mr. SAWYER. Well, I didn't see anything that was out of the ordinary, so I immediately came back downstairs to check the security on the building. .


How could Baker see and/or speak with the Inspector, while the Inspector was conducting a search on a front entrance passenger elevator?, while Baker & Truly--or so they say--are in the rear of the building?

Moreover, Why didn't Inspector Sawyer include Baker's remarks when directly asked this ---->

Mr. BELIN. You got off, and were there officers there?

No...he didn't encounter Baker, let alone anyone else in uniform, save for his specific response ---->

Mr. SAWYER. There was one or two other officers with me.

Three different lies now to add to the accumulating legion of lies about a phantom 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] floor encounter with the wrongly accused.

Somewhere Pinocchio has to be blushing. Mrs. Reid. Judas. Truly. Baker. Amazing what some people will do/say for thirty pieces of silver.

Who was that white helmeted motorcycle officer arriving up on the 5[SUP]th[/SUP] floor via the West elevator?, the same one Jack Dougherty made available by bringing it down to the 1[SUP]st[/SUP] floor.

​For clarification, Inspector JH Sawyer's statement:[/URL]

Anatomy of the Second Floor Lunchroom Encounter - Alan Ford - 18-08-2017

In his contrived, make beLIEve conference with Inspector Sawyer, who was nowhere near his rear location, Why did Baker lie about gaining access to a Locked roof?, rather than sharing something of even greater significance with his superior (remember that encounter he said he had on the 3rd or 4th floor with the individual MUCH heavier and older than the wrongly accused?).

Coming up empty on a search of the roof pales compared to an actual encounter with a possible gunman, who is then vouched for by Truly. Why didn't Baker share this item of greater significance with Inspector Sawyer?

Two reasons: (1) He didn't really cross paths with Inspector Sawyer; and, (2) when following a hastily contrived script for too loooong one loses sight of the small, yet all important details, and begins to parrot back the same drivel akin to a robot.

Did the encounter on the 3rd or 4th floor come as a result of this mini Pow Wow ------>

And, then after coming under siege due to next day sleight-of-hand tactics was subsequently moved down to the lunch room on the 2nd floor?

You're up, Mrs. Reid...


Say, Baker, Was he walking away from you on the stairway as you initially reported? ----->

Or you simply caught a glimpse of someone through a door/window in your next day and subsequent sightings? Is that with a Coke, or without a Coke? Is he standing there, or he is sitting down at a lunch table? Cut!, Take 99, action!...

Who was/is that white helmeted motorcycle officer arriving up on the 5th floor via the West elevator, the same elevator Jack Dougherty made available by bringing it down to the first floor...