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Libya : A no lie zone - Magda Hassan - 20-10-2011

The Al Jazeera body is much cleaned up.

Libya : A no lie zone - Albert Doyle - 20-10-2011

What other nation has people in the streets protesting a permanently entrenched "dictatorship"?

Libya : A no lie zone - Peter Lemkin - 20-10-2011

Magda Hassan Wrote:The Al Jazeera body is much cleaned up.
This might be the before to your after....but, there are many other possibilities. Somehow, I don't expect it to get much clearer....but there will be other 'explanations'. Just heard that his body is going to undergo an autopsy....we will see. I hope not one like bin Laden got.

Libya : A no lie zone - Peter Lemkin - 20-10-2011

Al Jazeera has yet new footage...showing an ambulance with some soldiers and the body of Gadaffi in it....but there are many things wrong. He is clearly already dead; not being given any care [blood, oxygen, etc.] or even having the usual central position of an ambulance patient - although they say they are taking him to a hospital. It gets stranger. Also in the footage are other yet unidentified, but believed to be people high in the former administration. The story of a 'break-out convoy of cars is also mentioned, but seemingly impossible to reconcile with what happened. Ditto NATO attacking this convoy with what has been shown thus far. The fog of this end of war is very thick, IMHO.

- as I just finished this, it needs ammendment. The Transitional Council just annonced the Gadaffi was killed by their, again, captured alive and executed on the spot. The attempts to make it sound as if he died other ways seems to be wrong. There is another video of him being beaten while alive, I hear, but have not seen that yet.

Libya : A no lie zone - Peter Lemkin - 20-10-2011

Now I have seen two very similar videos from [it seems] mobile smart phones, one on Al Jazerra with a dead, but intact M.G.; the other [almost the same - I saw it shown on Greek TV, as I was watching the Greek general strike] with the same to similar body and others around, but this body of M.G. had holes and blood in the torso and head. You choose which is real - if any of them.....Driving Perhaps even stranger, there was produced a large poster of the dead body of M.G. within minutes of it being could someone produce a poster that quickly in Sirte in the middle of fighting?!?!?

-another addendum - there are now two stories being given as to where he was found. One has it he was discovered in a concrete drain pipe [pictures are available], and the other is the story of being found in the convoy trying to flee Sirte. Version one has a Rebel fighter shooting him in the left shoulder [one shot] from which he died on way to the hospital; version two has him found in the convoy and either shot by Rebels or NATO, or both......I imagine the spin will continue and the truth will not be known. Al Jazeera has just released [as I write this] a video of him alive, standing and being pushed around [bloodied] by fighters. It seems to be in Sirte, not in a convoy. Too many versions - they can't all be true/real. Very strange......indeed.

Libya : A no lie zone - Ed Jewett - 20-10-2011

Moammar Gadhafi Murdered By Obama et al?

Posted on October 20, 2011 by willyloman
by Scott Creighton
UPDATE: Initial reports coming out of Libya reported that he was taken alive, wounded in both legs. An ambulance driver confirmed this. Then came a report that he was also wounded in the head… a fact supposedly overlooked by the first reports. The head wound took his life.
UPDATE 2: It wasn't the "rebels" that got him, it was Obama and NATO that killed him.
"Majid, the NTC official, said Gadhafi was trying to flee in a convoy whenNATO[Image: 2_11pxw.gif] warplanes attacked.
Majid said NATO warplanes struck the convoy and hit four cars as it headed west." MSNBC
UPDATE 3: It looks like this is what happened: Gadhafi was fleeing Sirte in a convoy which was targeted and hit by NATO warplanes. Gadhafi was seriously wounded, but survived the attack and was captured by NTC forces who were nearby. They were taking him to Misrata, alive, when they were given directions to kill him so that there could not be a trial which would possibly expose US and NATO crimes. According to reports, Gadhafi was killed by a bullet wound to the head but the NATO airstrike which wounded him and took out the convoy was conducted with missile strikes against the vehicles, not bullets. All early reports stated he was alive and captured with wounds to his legs and then suddenly the story was that he was shot in the head. It's possible that the NTC contacted our State Department and were given the order to finish him off and claim it happened on the battlefield. They murdered him to prevent a trial.
"Update at 7:31 a.m. ET: Reuters quotes an official with the National Transitional Council as saying a woundedGadhafi was captured near Sirte as tried to flee in convoy which attacked by NATO.
Update at 7:28 a.m. ET: Former Libyan minister of information Ali Errishi tells Al Jazeera that top officials in the National Transitional Council have confirmed Gadhafi's capture.
The Reuters reports says that Gadhafi was wounded in both legs.
Al Jazeera quotes an NTC official as saying only that a "high-profile target" has been captured.
The report come as the transitional government says it has seized Gadhafi's hometown of Sirte." USA Today
UPDATE 4: "Progressive" news sites and fake "progressive" websites are celebrating this vile murder and the "rebels" who are currently looting and murdering people in Sirte and elsewhere in Libya. CHANGE indeed… just check out this odious comment from a commenter at Daily Kos which got 15 "up" votes and no "down" votes so far.. sounds like the same monstrous bullshit we used to criticize the Bush supporters for parroting… it won't be long before democrats are cheering Cainlike statements about blaming the unemployed for the economic situation in this country.
President Obama is on a streak (15+ / 0-)
Osama Bin Laden: Obama 1 Bush 0
Gaddafi: Obama 1 Reagan 0

President Obama, May 5, 2011: "When we say we will never forget, we mean what we say".
UPDATE 5: So much for justice and democracy. Russian President suggested after news of Gadhafi's CAPTURE.. that the PEOPLE of Libya should decide his fate. Where that to be the case, the VAST MAJORITY of them would elect him back into office.. not kill him. So guess that explains his sudden development of a bullet in the head.
"Speaking at a joint news conference with the Dutch PM, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said the Libyan people should decide Gadhafi's fate. "We expect that peace will come to Libya, and all those ruling the state will be able to reach an agreement on the structure of the governing bodies. As for Gadhafi's personal fate, it is the Libyan people who should decide on it," he said, Russian state-run media reported" CNN News
UPDATE 6: Seems like the story is ever changing to meet the requirements of the imperialist regimes which took his life, but the truth is easily discernable when you take the time to read through the bullshit. Seems like the "we found him hiding in a hole" story may in fact be true.Looks like the "hole" they found him in was a drain pipe under the road where NATO bombed his convoy. He may have crawled, wounded, into the pipe to try to hide and when they found him, they captured him… alive. Then someone gave the order to make sure he was killed.
"A Libyan government fighter gave an apparently different account of Gadhafi's capture to the one provided by Mlegta. The unnamed fighter claimed Gadhafi was hiding in a hole, shouting, "Don't shoot, don't shoot," when he was caught." MSNBC
[Image: picture-4.jpg?w=300&h=186]
UPDATE 7: Gadhafi was certainly alive and talking when captured. He was clearly shot in the head afterward probably on the road to Misrata. This confirms the fighter's report that Gadhafi said "Don't shoot" when they found him in the drainage pipe. He had not been shot in the head at that time or for some time after his capture.
[Update 10:22 a.m. ET] Guma el-Gamaty, a Libyan political activist former London coordinator for Libya's National Transitional Council, told CNN from London that leaders of anti-Gadhafi forces told him that Gadhafi was conscious and was talking shortly after he was injured.
Gadhafi said, "who are you, what's going on?" but died later, according to el-Gamaty, who cited anti-Gadhafi forces. He said Gadhafi was injured as he resisted attempts to capture him. CNN News
"According to The Daily Telegraph reporter who is on the ground, the strongman was "cornered in a drain underneath a road in open countryside to the west of the city of Sirte." It came shortly after Gaddafi's vehicles which were trying to escape the town were hit by a NATO air strike, forcing Gaddafi and several bodyguards to take refuge in the drain." Russia Today
A mere two days after the imperialist bitch and neoliberal servant / fake democrat Hillary Clinton visited Libya in her flying fortress, the so-called "rebels" of Libya, the sellouts who traded position and future wealth for selling out their country, their leader, and their people, are announcing the death of Moammar Gadhafi in the city of Sirte, his hometown. This photo appears to be legit and at this point more bullshit propaganda would certainly work against their efforts like the last time they announced the death of one of Moammar's son's simply to have him come out in the press announcing he was still very much alive.
I certainly hope that this is not true but I fear it may very well be. NATO forces have been bombing Sirte for weeks now after cruelly cutting off water and power to the holdout city for weeks on end. Perhaps as many as thousands of innocent civilians have died during this latest siege, once billed as an attempt to protect human life in Libya, now exposed for the cruel imperialist war of aggression it really was. And the "progressives" of this country will cheer this monstrous act of violence and abject cruelty and the "rebels" still plunder, steal, and murder at will, free of any media scrutiny in this morally bankrupt country of ours.
[Image: gadhafi-dead.jpg?w=300&h=225]
It is a black day for the people of Libya and the supporters of civil society everywhere.

Libya : A no lie zone - Danny Jarman - 21-10-2011

The Sun keeping things classy as ever:

Libya : A no lie zone - Magda Hassan - 21-10-2011

Muammar Gadaffi Killed in Gun Battle

October 20, 2011 ---- "Al Jazeera" - -Abdul Hakim Belhaj, a NTC military chief, has confirmed that Muammar Gaddafi has died of his wounds after being captured near Sirte.
The body of the former Libyan leader was taken to a location which is being kept secret for security reasons, a NTC official said.
"Gaddafi's body is with our unit in a car and we are taking the body to a secret place for security reasons," Mohamed Abdel Kafi, an NTC official in the city of Misrata, told Reuters.
Warning - Graphic Images And Video
Video - Gadaffi Body - Video
[size=12]Video at this link

NATO Supported Rebels Desecrate Gadaffi's Body - Or Does Video Show Him Still Alive When Captured?

[Image: gadaffi_20.jpg]
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A Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC) fighter looks through a large concrete pipe where ousted Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was allegedly captured and killed, with a dead loyalist gunmen in the foreground, in the coastal Libyan city of Sirte on October 20, 2011. - AFP

[Image: hole%201.JPG]

Former spokesman captured
Another NTC commander said that Moussa Ibrahim, former spokesman for Muammar Gaddafi's fallen government, was captured near Sirte.
Abdul Hakim Al Jalil, commander of the 11th brigade, also said he had seen the body of the chief of Gaddafi's armed forces, Abu Bakr Younus Jabr.
"I've seen him with my own eyes," he said and showed Reuters a picture of Jabr's body.
"Moussa Ibrahim was also captured and both of them were transferred to (our) operations room."
NATO and the US state department said it cannot confirm any reports. Meanwhile in Benghazi, crowds gathered in the streets to start celebrating the reports of Gaddafi's death.
Gaddafi body being taken to secret location-NTC official
Thu Oct 20, 2011 12:56pm GMT

MISRATA, Libya Oct 20 (Reuters) - The body of deposed Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is being taken to a location which is being kept secret for security reasons, a National Transitional Council official said on Thursday.

Gaddafi died of wounds suffered on Thursday as fighters battling to complete an eight-month-old uprising against his rule overran his hometown Sirte, Libya's interim rulers said.

"Gaddafi's body is with our unit in a car and we are taking the body to a secret place for security reasons," Mohamed Abdel Kafi, an NTC official in the city of Misrata told Reuters. (Reporting by Suhaib Salem and Yasmine Saleh; Editing by David Stamp)

Reuters quotes Abdel Majid of the Libyan transitional government as saying that a wounded Moammar Gaddafi has been captured.

Update at 8:39 am. ET: Bel Haj, the military chief for the National Transition Council, tells Al Jazeera that Gadhafi has been killed.

The Guardian reports
A number of NTC officials have said that he has been killed. The interim Libyan president, Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, is expected to confirm his death soon.

Abu Bakr Yunis, former defence minister

Killed during the attack on Gaddafi's convoy, according to NTC official.

Mutassim Gaddafi, Muammar's son

Captured, according to al-Jazeera.

Moussa Ibrahim, Gaddafi's spokesman

Captured, according to NTC official official Abdel Majid Mlegta.

Abd Allah al-Sanusi, senior Libyan intelligence chief

Captured, according to pro-NTC Libya TV.

Ahmed Ibrahim, Gaddafi's cousin and adviser

Captured, according to Mlegta.

Mansour Daw, Gaddafi aide

Captured, according to pro-NTC Libya TV.
The BBC is also saying that three unnamed aides were killed alongside Gaddafi. However, a soldier said only Yunis was with Gaddafi.

Libya : A no lie zone - Magda Hassan - 21-10-2011

Good lord! The daily Mail has it covered. Who'd have thought....? Despite the rabid jingoistic imperial prose it shows that Gaddafi was captured alive and was summarily executed.

Don't shoot! Dictator begs for his life after being dragged from a drain. Seconds later he was summarily executed

  • Gaddafi tried to flee in a convoy hit by American drone
  • Vehicles were also shelled by Nato fighter jets...
  • ... before being driven back to his compound in Sirte
  • Gaddafi in final attempt to flee before final push by rebels
  • 'Found in a hole' wearing military-style clothing, shouting 'Don't shoot'
  • Rebel forces executed him in front of a baying mob
  • His body was paraded through the streets of the city
  • Eldest son Saif shot in leg in Sirte day before - some reports say he is dead
  • Other son Mutassim confirmed killed in Sirte
  • Barack Obama hails 'momentous day' in history of Libya

Last updated at 11:29 PM on 20th October 2011

Colonel Gaddafi was executed by a frenzied mob of rebel fighters after pleading: 'Don't shoot, don't shoot!'

The final humiliation for the man who had so brutally ruled Libya for 42 years came when he was hauled from his hiding place in a sewer.

Shocking video clearly showed the broken 69-year-old tyrant was alive as fighters, waving their guns in the air, threw him on to the bonnet of a jeep.

Scroll down for video of Gaddafi's last minutes...

[Image: article-2051361-0E75D43100000578-327_634x447.jpg]Pleading: Muammar Gaddafi pleaded with his captors for his life after he was found cowering in a storm drain

[Image: article-2051361-0E75D82D00000578-451_306x259.jpg]
[Image: article-2051361-0E75D58D00000578-890_306x259.jpg]

Paraded: Gaddafi struggled with his captors in video footage taken by rebel fighters after he was captured

[Image: article-2051361-0E75E6E900000578-20_634x384.jpg]Terrified: Gaddafi pleaded for his life after he was captured by rebel fighters

[Image: article-2051361-0E75D70A00000578-892_306x259.jpg]
[Image: article-2051361-0E75D6B600000578-602_306x259.jpg]

Fear: Becoming increasingly desperate, Gaddafi asked a rebel fighter 'What did I ever do to you'

[Image: article-2051361-0E75E62D00000578-808_634x399.jpg]Chaotic: Gaddafi was pushed around by rebel fighters, one of whom filmed the incident on a mobile telephone

Wounded and apparently dazed, Gaddafi appeared deluded to the end, asking his captors: 'What did I do to you?'

Moments after he begged for his life he was shot 'like a dog in the street'.

Another video captured his bloodied body being dragged through the streets of his home city of Sirte, to be paraded later before celebrating crowds in the nearby port town of Misrata.

Confirmation of the death sparked wild scenes of celebration across Libya with tens of thousands taking to the streets.

Celebratory gunfire rang out across the capital, Tripoli. Cars honked their horns and people embraced each other.
[Image: article-2051361-0E75D35400000578-961_634x479.jpg]Struggle: Video footage shows Gaddafi being hauled off a rebel fighter truck minutes after his capture

[Image: article-2051361-0E75D2CF00000578-163_306x423.jpg]
[Image: article-2051361-0E75D1A400000578-315_306x423.jpg]

Manhandled: Rebel fighters pictured being taken off a truck shortly after he was detained

[Image: article-2051361-0E75D33900000578-484_634x457.jpg]Arguing: Gaddafi pictured in chaotic video footage minutes before he was killed

Watch the footage of Gaddafi's last minutes in this video:

In Sirte, ecstatic rebels celebrated the city's fall after weeks of bloody siege by firing endless rounds into the sky.

Gaddafi's death closes a chapter in the Nato-led military campaign to help rebel forces remove him from power. Ever since the fall of Tripoli, the hunt for Gaddafi had prevented rebels from claiming outright victory.

Last night it emerged that RAF Tornados helped launch the final airstrike by flying surveillance missions which cleared the way for French fighter jets to bomb a Gaddafi convoy.


There were also claims that RAF jets carried out another raid which led to the wounding of Gaddafi's favourite son, Saif al-Islam.

The conflict has already cost British taxpayers more than £1billion and today Nato chiefs will decide whether to end the aerial campaign.

David Cameron, who had driven much of Nato's intervention, hailed it as a moment to remember Gaddafi's many victims, including those who died when Pan-Am flight 103 was blown up over Lockerbie in 1988, policewoman Yvonne Fletcher, and those killed by the IRA using Libyan Semtex.
[Image: article-2051361-0E76175A00000578-996_634x837.jpg]Procession: Libyans have been flocking to the morgue, where Gaddafi's body was taken, and have been taking photographs of him

[Image: article-2051361-0E76195600000578-42_634x490.jpg]Dead: Gaddafi's son Mutassim was also killed in a firefight in Sirte today

In a statement notably free of any hint of triumphalism, the Prime Minister said he was proud' of the role Britain played in helping the Libyan people liberate their country.

Outside 10 Downing Street, Mr Cameron said: People in Libya today have an even greater chance of building themselves a strong and democratic future.

[Image: article-2051361-0E7592D800000578-572_306x464.jpg]Headshot: The body of former Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi lies in an ambulance as it is brought to hospital in Misrata, a bullet hole visible in his temple

I'm proud of the role that Britain has played in helping them to bring that about and I pay tribute to the bravery of the Libyans who have helped to liberate their country.'

French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who with Mr Cameron had kept up pressure for Nato's continued role, said Gaddafi's death was a major step on the country's path to democracy.'

U.S. President Barack Obama said: This marks the end of a long and painful chapter for the people of Libya.'

Nato leaders will be watching anxiously over the next few days, however, in case Gaddafi loyalists plunder stockpiled weapons to wreak bloody revenge on the rebels.

The astonishing end for the tyrant came after he and loyalist fighters tried to flee Sirte as it was overrun by forces of the National Transitional Council.

Gaddafi was in a convoy of up to 100 vehicles which tried to break out of Sirte the last centre of resistance after eight months of civil war early yesterday.
The escape was spotted by Nato which launched two devastating strikes. At least 50 loyalist fighters were killed.

Injured in both legs, Gaddafi made his way with bodyguards through trees. The group hid in two concrete sewers but were spotted by rebels.

Five bodyguards were killed but one tried to save Gaddafi, telling rebels: My master is here, my master is here. Muammar Gaddafi is here and he is wounded.'

[Image: article-2051361-0E75CB2C00000578-789_634x445.jpg]Bundled: An ambulance carries Gaddafi's body from Sirte to Misrata

[Image: article-2051361-0E75CB9C00000578-182_634x436.jpg]Transporting: An ambulance, containing happy rebel fighters, carries Gaddafi's body after he was executed
But there was to be no mercy for the man dubbed The King of Kings of Africa'.

He is the first leader to be killed in the Arab Spring' wave of popular uprisings that have swept the Middle East, demanding the end of autocratic rulers and the establishment of greater democracy.

His death decisively ends a regime that had turned Libya into an international pariah.
The oil-rich nation now enters a new era, but its turmoil may not be over.

The former rebels who now rule are disorganised, face rebuilding a country stripped of institutions, and have already shown signs of infighting with divisions between geographical areas and Islamist and more secular ideologies.
[Image: article-2051361-0E750AF700000578-800_634x422.jpg]Brutal: There had been fierce fighting around the drain before Gaddafi was finally killed. The body of a fighter can be seen in the dust at the centre of the screen

[Image: article-2051361-0E75564F00000578-39_634x422.jpg]Already a monument: As celebrations continued, more and more graffiti appeared at the entrance to the drain where the leader was eventually found

[Image: article-2051361-0E75C4D300000578-248_634x427.jpg]Battleground: Bodies of suspected Gaddafi loyalists lie outside the storm drains their leader was captured

The death of Gaddafi and his son, Mutassim, who commanded loyalists in Sirte, as well as the capture of the British-educated Saif al-Islam, who was seen as the heir apparent, effectively removed any rallying point for an insurgency.

Both Gaddafi and Saif had faced international war crimes warrants and there was concern last night that unlike Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, who was similarly pulled from a hole where he was hiding he eventually was hanged in Baghdad the Libyan leader was effectively executed by the troops of a fledgling democracy.
[Image: article-2051361-0E76178400000578-515_634x395.jpg]Devastated: NATO airstrikes and revolutionary ground forces concentrated on a compound in Sirte, where they believed Gaddafi was hiding

[Image: article-2051361-0E75FE9200000578-130_634x387.jpg]Bombed out: Vehicles belonging to Gaddafi's supporters sit destroyed near Sirte after NATO airstrikes

Dr Jim Swire, whose daughter Flora died in the Lockerbie bombing, said the killing of Gaddafi meant an opportunity has been lost' to find out the truth of what happened.
I would have loved to have seen Gaddafi appear in front of the International Criminal Court both to answer charges against his gross treatment of his own people and of citizens murdered abroad by his thugs,' he said.

But I would also have loved to have heard about what Gaddafi knew about the Lockerbie atrocity.'
Amnesty International called for an independent inquiry into the circumstances of the death.
[Image: article-2051361-0E74ACE500000578-996_634x382.jpg]Double celebration: Anti-Gaddafi fighters celebrate the fall of Sirte, but the news soon came that the leader himself had been captured

[Image: article-2051361-0E74B8F200000578-853_634x386.jpg]End of conflict: The fall of Sirte ends the last significant resistance by forces loyal to the deposed leader, and ends a two-month siege
[Image: article-2051361-0E74AE7400000578-372_634x386.jpg]All that's left: A lone revolutionary soldier fires into the air in celebration. Behind him lies the ruins of a town all but destroyed by fighting

Jet strike, then he slinks to a sewer

To the jubilant fighters on Sirte's battered streets last night, the man known as 'Mad Dog' during four decades of brutal rule had met a fitting end trapped like a rat in a sewer pipe begging for his life.

The most momentous day in the entire Arab Spring revolution had begun with them not even aware that the tyrant was hiding in his home city.

It ended in scenes of wild celebration as rebels fired guns into the air while Gaddafi's force of bodyguards lay dead on the ground.

The countdown to the dictator's downfall began at the start of the week when revolutionary fighters gained control of the stronghold of Bani Walid, where Gaddafi had first fled after the fall of Tripoli.

This opened the road to Sirte, his beloved home town.

By Tuesday they had squeezed his forces into a residential area of about 700 square yards in Sirte known as Neighbourhood Two, but were still coming under heavy fire from surrounding buildings.

Foreign snipers said to have been earning up to £500 a day, hiding in the blitzed shells of buildings, had picked off National Transitional Council troops on a daily basis.
[Image: article-2051361-0E757AE700000578-491_634x453.jpg]Celebrations: Thousands came out on the streets of Tripoli as news of the dictator's demise spread

[Image: article-2051361-0E757E8200000578-575_634x440.jpg]Joy: Many carried flags while some showed off pictures of the dead dictator who had been in power for 40 years


The final assault on Neighbourhood Two began yesterday at 8am local time, 6am GMT with two rebel tanks, artillery and a dozen anti-aircraft guns bombarding the small areas of concrete office blocks and residential housing which had been still holding out against overwhelming odds.

Hundreds of National Transitional Council fighters roared in on flatback trucks under cover of the barrage.

The resistance of mainly North African mercenary snipers and Gaddafi loyalist troops was broken as position by position was over run, some surrendering, some choosing to fight to the death.

The presence of Gaddafi, who many believed to have been hiding in the southern desert near the border with Niger, explains the dogged, almost fanatical, resistance of the defenders of Sirte.

For weeks they had resisted knowing they were entirely cut off, even launching a counter attack late last week which killed and wounded more than a dozen NTC fighters.
[Image: article-2051361-0E7515DB00000578-508_306x423.jpg]
[Image: article-2051361-0E75269800000578-643_306x423.jpg]

Golden trophy: Young Libyans hold a gold-plated handgun belonging to Gaddafi, left, while a still from mobile phone footage purportedly shows his bloodied body being carried in the street in Sirte


In the makeshift command bunker where Gaddafi and his closest aides had been sheltering for the past ten days, the final high-risk escape plan was activated and up to 100 vehicles prepared to leave at their heart five cars containing the ousted dictator and key loyalists.

Local commanders say the plan appeared to be for the snipers and the few remaining heavy weapons held by pro-Gaddafi troops to open up', providing some cover for fellow fighters and the five key cars to flee.

The convoys are said to have taken two routes, with some 75 of the main body of escaping fighters going on the main road out and the other going on side roads before making a break for the desert roads heading south.

They broke out just as we were waking up to pray,' said Dr Abdul Rauf Mohammad, who was among the NTC troops.



[Image: article-2051361-0E75662A00000578-990_296x314.jpg]British Prime Minister David Cameron reacted to the news of Colonel Gaddafi's death by saying it held out the promise of a better future for the people he ruled for four decades.
In a brief statement outside Downing Street, he said: 'People in Libya today have an even greater chance after this news of building themselves a strong and democratic future.'
Mr Cameron said he was 'proud' of the role Britain played in Nato airstrikes to protect Libyan civilians, and added that now was a time to reflect on the British victims of 'this brutal dictator and his regime',including: those who died at Lockerbie; Wpc Yvonne Fletcher, gunned down in a London street; and all those killed by the IRA using Semtex explosives supplied by Libya.

From the clear skies over Sirte, aerial surveillance which included RAF Tornado planes saw the large convoy emerging from Neighbourhood Two.

Officials knew it was a high-value target because it was so big and they could detect command and control was active with it giving them the right to attack it.

First, a U.S. drone strike was called in with hellfire missiles and then French warplanes launched a second strike on the convoy as it sped west along the coastal highway.

Last night 15 pick-up trucks mounted with heavy machine guns lay burnt out, smashed and smouldering next to an electricity sub station 20 yards from the main road, about two miles west of Sirte.

They had clearly been hit by a force far beyond anything the motley army the former rebels have assembled during eight months of revolt to overthrow the once feared leader. Inside the trucks, still in their seats, were the charred skeletal remains of drivers and passengers killed instantly by the strike.

Others lay mutilated and contorted strewn in the grass. There were some 50 bodies in all.

Rebel commander Adel Busamir said those Gaddafi loyalists who remained alive had realised there was no escape and turned back.
my master is here'

A wounded Gaddafi limped through some trees, fighters said, and sought shelter in a storm drain. Several bodyguards were with him.

At first we fired at them with anti-aircraft guns, but it was no use,' said rebel commander Salem Bakeer. Then we went in on foot. One of Gaddafi's men came out waving his rifle in the air and shouting surrender, but as soon as he saw my face he started shooting at me.

Then I think Gaddafi must have told him to stop. "My master is here, my master is here", he said. "Muammar Gaddafi is here and he is wounded".

We went in and brought Gaddafi out. He was saying, "What's wrong? What's wrong? What's going on?".'

Enlarge [Image: article-2051361-0E768EA700000578-88_634x695.jpg]

At the time of capture, Gaddafi was already wounded with gunshots to his leg and to his back, Bakeer said. He was then dragged 50 yards to a black Jeep and thrown on to the bonnet. Several rebel fighters surrounded him, beating him about the face, before he was shot in the stomach and head.

One of those reported to have been killed along with Gaddafi was his son, Mo'tassim, who had been organising the defence of Sirte and his army chief Abu Bakr Younis Jabr. The bodies of three men, apparently Gaddafi bodyguards, lay at the entrance to the sewer, one in shorts probably due to a bandaged wound on his leg.

Four more bodies lay at the other end of the pipes. All black men, one had his brains blown out while another had been decapitated.


The fighters who killed Gaddafi are believed to have come from Misrata, which suffered a brutal weeks-long siege by his forces during the eight-month civil war.

It was to their home city that they took his body in an ambulance as Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril said: We have been waiting for this moment for a long time. Muammar Gaddafi has been killed.'

The body was paraded through the streets of Misrata on top of a vehicle surrounded by a large crowd chanting, The blood of the martyrs will not go in vain,' according to footage aired on Al-Arabiya television.

Abdel-Jalil Abdel-Aziz, a doctor who was part of the medical team which accompanied the body in the ambulance, said: You can't imagine my happiness … I can't describe my happiness.'


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Amid the scenes of celebration in Sirte, the cost of the days of intensive assaults lay everywhere with dozens of the broken bodies of Gaddafi fighters still lying where they had been killed.

After the battle, revolutionaries began searching homes and buildings looking for any hiding Gaddafi fighters. At least 16 were captured, along with cases of ammunition and trucks loaded with weapons. Reporters saw revolutionaries beating captured Gaddafi men in the back of trucks and officers intervening to stop them.

Inside what had been the last redoubt of Gaddafi's men, there was a scene of utter destruction: gaping holes in buildings, trees stripped of their branches, lamp-posts felled by artillery and traffic lights dangling by their cables. Discarded military uniforms of Gaddafi's fighters littered the streets. One rebel waved a silver trophy in the air while another held up a box of firecrackers, then set them off.

Government troops hoisted the red, black and green national flag above a large building in the centre of a newly-captured Sirte neighbourhood. Libya is free from east to west,' cried Malik Al Gantri, a young fighter from Tripoli who had been in the battle for Sirte for two weeks. I hope to go home now. I want to see my mother.'

Hundreds of NTC fighters gathered in the centre of Sirte shouting Allahu Akbar' (God is greatest), firing guns into the air and dancing in the streets. One of them, a man aged 65 and blind in one eye, rode around on a mountain bike carrying an AK47 assault rifle and a Libyan flag. This is the best day of my life,' said Al Sharash Thawban.

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8.30am - French Aircraft attack the convoy in which Gaddafi is travelling at a roundabout two miles west of Sirte. 15 armed pick-up trucks are destroyed in the attack. A wounded Gaddafi, accompanied by a handful of loyal men seeks refuge in a nearby storm drain. NTC forces initially fire anti-airctraft guns before moving in on foot.
11.05am - NTC forces announce that the last remaining areas of Sirte have been captured and that fighters are searching homes and buildings looking for any remaning Gadhafi loyalists.
2.00pm - After a fire fight Gaddafi is discovered cowering in the storm drain.
2.30pm - A local man tells Reuters news agency he saw Gaddafi shot in the abdomen with a 9mm pistol
2.45pm - A pro-Gaddafi TV website denies that the former Libyan leader has been captured
2.56pm - Reuters report Gaddafi has died of wounds sustained during his capture
3.00pm - Celebrations across Libya at the news of Gaddafi's capture
3.44pm : Mobile phone image is released of a man who appears to be Gadadfi wearing blood soaked clothing with blood on his face
4:02pm - Al-Jazeera TV is airing shaky footage of a man resembling Gaddafi lying dead or badly wounded, bleeding from the head and stripped to the waist as fighters roll him over on the pavement.
4.31pm - AFP reports that Gaddafi's son Mutassim has been found dead in Sirte.
4.30pm - Libya's acting Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril appears on television to confirm the news that Gaddafi is dead.

4.56pm - Video appears of fighters brandishing a gold-plated handgun said to have been taken from Gaddafi
4.59pm - Al-Jazeera shows video of Gaddafi's body being dragged along the ground

5.25pm - Reports come in that Gaddafi's body has arrived in Misrata.
6.00pm - Reuters reports that according to an NTC commander Gaddafi's son has been killed

7.50 pm - Al Jazeera announces it has received unconfirmed reports that Gaddafi's son Saif is dead

Read more:

Libya : A no lie zone - Peter Lemkin - 21-10-2011

As bad a guy as Gadaffi was, what happened is nothing to do with justice and I hope it doesn't portend how justice will be carried out in the new Libya. Also, lost now are many secrets of his collaboration with the 'West', where he his billions, Lockerbie and so much more...... Very brutal. Sad - not that I'm a Gadaffi fan, I wanted to hear him speak to his work for/with Western Intelligence, etc.